June (2016) Running Challenge



  • caitlinrn83
    caitlinrn83 Posts: 178 Member
    So today was the first day of the 5k to 10k program. Everything hurts and I'm dying :smiley: I've set my sights on either the Crescent City Classic or the NOLA Rock and Roll Half. Baby steps, baby steps. Seeing as how 11 weeks ago, I thought I was dying on C25K day 1, I'm my own biggest cheerleader.
  • Zom_bunny
    Zom_bunny Posts: 86 Member
    After about three years of running injury free, my luck ran out. I normally run in the early morning either on trails or back country roads, but last Friday I ended up having to run in town in the afternoon. This was a wretched idea on many levels, including the heat, the lack of a breeze, too many people (especially kids) on foot and more pertinently, too many people in vehicles.

    As I attempted to cross an intersection in rare obedience to the crossing signal, a car flew around the corner and had to lay on the brakes to avoid propelling me in a direction and at a speed that would have been most uncomfortable for me. I had just enough time spring back towards the sidewalk (although "spring" has a connotation of grace and agility that was sorely lacking in my performance). As I made this move to relative safety, my foot caught on the curb and I pitched forward in full pancake mode.

    I had a hand-held in my left hand and when it hit the pavement the force popped the top open and blew tepid water into my face. My right hand, however, rolled awkwardly underneath me, treating me to explosive pops of bright yellow pain. At 58, there is no such thing as an easy fall, so I had to stay in my humiliating prone position to take inventory of further damage and wondering if my ego would ever recover.

    I got up as cooly as possible with my dangling limp wrist and cok-eyed sunglasses and tried to walk it off. My wrist was hurting severely enough that I paid very little attention to the slight niggle on the inside of my left knee just below the knee-cap. I went another three miles before it dawned on me that I was more than likely being stupid.

    A trip to the ER confirmed no fracture, but a delightfully thorough sprain of the wrist, requiring only anti-inflammatories, narcotics and a brace. Being left-handed, a wounded right wrist is of little consequence.

    The knee, however, is proving to be more problematic. I went out on Saturday for a trail run and it hurt like a beotch for the first few yards and then became manageable except for downhills and walking. Any resumption of running after walking repeated the pain sequence. I bailed after 10 miles. I went back out yesterday for a road run and put in 6 before calling it quits... the pain wasn't gigantic when I was running, but I could tell it was affecting my stride. Mostly, I was having moments of dread, paranoia and panic since I have never experienced a knee issue before.

    Today is a rest day with an Ace knee strap, ice and Naproxen. I will be a horrifically whiny baby if I end up on the injured reserve list. I have another 50k in four weeks. I will be the complete antithesis to the patient sophistication of @MobyCarp.

    Your ego survived you were back to your normal crap talking self within minutes. Minimal whining
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    I am one of those people that just wipes my nose with my hand or blows my nose into my hand and wipes it on my pants/shorts when I'm running. It's incredibly gross, though long sleeves make it a little less gross, but it gets the job done and offers temporary relief. I had lots of handfuls of snot during my 10K race on Saturday. I would be interested in knowing how others handle the issue, though. I agree - it is super annoying to deal with!

    Yep - blow and go. During the winter, there would be enough...stuff to actually rocket (to the side, and make sure there's not anyone behind me - not usually a problem). Nowadays, not so much, so it's blow those little flecks into the hand (and still get 'em on the shirt/chest) and wipe on the shorts.

    Me too. The right shoulder of my shirt is always gooped up. My favorite shirt to wear for a race is black...so it always has white gunk on it when I am done. Runners don't mind...or if they do, I don't care. I have never mastered the snot rocket.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    edited June 2016
    Two more miles today. Taking it easy because consecutive days yada yada yada I just wanna run.

    I think I'm in good shape to meet my goal this month, already 1/3 of the way there. Of course, I probably just put the Curse of the Cat People on me by saying that...


  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    Zom_bunny wrote: »

    Your ego survived you were back to your normal crap talking self within minutes. Minimal whining
    You know me... it would take a harder hit than that to shut my potty-mouth... besides as long as I kept talking shlt you knew I wasn't hurt that bad...
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited June 2016
    On second thought, I might run today if I get a chance to get away late afternoon or early evening. I just learned the trails are open after all of our recent rains (takes days/weeks to dry out here due to our soil/clay). I need as much race specific training for that 50k as I can get. If I do the trails today and then an easy 6 miler tomorrow that will not impact my planned mid-week long run. But if I wait to run the trails tomorrow that will impact my mid-week long run because I expect 6 trail miles to take more of a toll than 6 road miles. :smile:
  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Got back to the car, 9.44 miles. He was right, I prob could've/should've done 10.
    Next time I won't be so nice.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member


    Did 5.5 miles today. I walked for the most part. I was going to jog but my errands had me all over the place and me getting lost I figured I'd make it my exercise time instead. Sped walked when I could. Sprinted when I was in the clear. It was nice. Got to see some parts of the city I'd never walked through before.
  • dipsuk
    dipsuk Posts: 35 Member
  • DayLi77
    DayLi77 Posts: 655 Member
    6/4 -- 1.71miles -- jog/ walk with Pandora the puppy
    6/5-- rest
    6/6-- 1.5 miles -- jog/ walk on the treadmill (asthma flared up - suck)

    Total: 3.21 miles done, 16.79 to go

  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    5 days until my first real race! Getting totally pumped for it!

    woo hoo

    Have you read this yet?

  • wolfe24
    wolfe24 Posts: 7 Member
    Small goal 24 miles this month
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited June 2016
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    Thanks Just read through it. Looks like for a 10k there isn't much to do before the day before the race. I did switch my tempo interval workout on Thursday to 6 easy miles instead of 2x2 mile intervals so I'll be fresher. Timing for the race was serendipitous as this is a cutback week with just 2 shorter runs before the race. 5 easy tomorrow and the afore mentioned 6 on Thursday
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @bradboughner5 - While I don't know the specific weight numbers, you sound like Joe, the toughest runner I've ever met. I met him when training for my first half marathon. I was the fastest trainee in the class, he was the slowest. That was a tough winter, and when we did the 2 mile time trial at 7° F (-14° C) with 20+ mph wind, he was out in the weather longer than anyone else. When we did the long runs, he was out running longer than anyone else. The program had pace groups; he was the only trainee in the 15 minutes per mile group. The coaches always looked for him after a run, to be sure he hadn't collapsed somewhere.

    But he put the work in. His goal that training cycle was to finish the half and beat the cutoff to get an official time. He made it by 50-some seconds. Along the way, he dropped enough weight to be visibly smaller, though he was likely still morbidly obese when he ran that half in April 2014.

    These days, he's stocky but not morbidly obese. He's a strong voice of encouragement for new runners, and he's the pace leader for the 13 minute or 14 minute per mile group, depending on what is needed. He will never be as fast as I am, but I am in awe of his toughness and how much he has made of himself. And I don't know how much more obese he was before I met him; apparently he had been working on his weight and his health for some time before that training program where I met him.

    Joe got there. You can too. Welcome to the group.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @instantmartian - Wow, what a tough month. You make it impossible for me to feel sorry for myself after my tough May, which pales in comparison to yours.

    @9voice9 - That's the most amusing run report I've read in quite a while. So you didn't run 10 miles; you still ran 2 miles further than the farthest I've run since I got into PT. It's all good.

    Does anyone use a nasal spray or anything to help with a constant runny nose while running? It's so annoying!

    @katharmonic - I have some high powered prescription nasal spray that I'm supposed to use for allergies. It might do the trick, but I never thought of using it just to run. Mostly, I use it the evening before and the morning of a day I need to sing a tenor part in church. Since we have some real tenors right now, that hasn't happened in a while. I'm quite content to stick with the bass part, taking the baritone where there's a bass split.

    But the nasal drip while running? Heh. I just sort of lived with it for more than 4 years, before a lovely lady who runs trail ultras posted on Facebook that Coach once said she wouldn't be a real runner till she learned to fire a snot rocket. She supplied a link with instructions, and I learned. It helps enough, and some runs I don't need them at all. So maybe my nasal drip isn't as bad as yours.

    @WhatMeRunning - Thanks for the description. What you wrote fits my ideas about how a marriage between a runner and a non-runner ought to work. Not that I've demonstrated an ability to achieve the balance you have, but it's nice to know there are people who do.

    @PoppetsMaster - Condolences on the injury. I'm not really that patient by nature; I write about it a lot to convince myself to do (and to *leave undone*) what is necessary for recovery.