Lean By Halloween Challenge!



  • dk82
    dk82 Posts: 142 Member
    Why I want to get in Shape-
    There are a number of health problems in my family from being over weight. I started to look at myself and realized I was heading down the same road. I started having aches and pains everywhere, I would get out of breath just from walking up a few steps... I was thinking- I'm too young to feel this way. Then, I would tell myself- I will start eating better next week, then the next week, then the next week....It is time to do something, it's now or never, I have to stop putting this off.

    I want to be healthy!!
  • cvstokke
    cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
    I want to do it! My 22nd birthday will be Halloween! I want to have lost at least 20 pounds by then.

    Plus I'm tired of not wanting to take Halloween pictures with my friends!
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    This is actually perfect. My Husband and I have a goal to be 40 pounds lighter by Halloween, (= The ticker thing just isn't coroporatiing with me though.
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Love this challenge and I am super excited to be a part of this group of wonderful people on a mission to be lean by Halloween!

    About Me
    My page title comes from the song Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stafani. When I first heard that song, I though she was saying there ain't no hall of fat girl. And then my oldest son clued me in on what the song was really about. Okay so I admit it, I am no longer the hip 80's chic I used to be but I kinda like my lyrics better. I downloaded that song to my ipod so I can workout to it and that is what I tell myself, there ain't no hall of fat. I have about 45 pounds to lose. I am supported by a wonderful, handsome husband of twenty years and two incredible sons who inspire me to set goals and do my best. I hope to never again be a member of the hallafat.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I suddenly realized that I can no longer use the excuse this is just baby weight cause the baby is now ten years old.

    My Inspirations
    I am getting older and do not want to have to take any medications
    I want to feel more confident and not hate what I see in the mirror
    I want to be a good role model for my children
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    I'm In! Hoping to reach my personal goal weight of 153 and be in maintenance mode by halloween!

    Why I want to get healthy!

    Although I am fairly healthy, my mom has a number of health issues related to her weight, and frankly, I don't want to go down that road. I have had a number of issues recently, some of which are attributable to poor habits and weight and after saying for years that I'm going to get healthy, I have finally committed to it, and my partner and I are journeying down this road. Plain and simply, I want to be the best me that I can be, which includes looking better and feeling healthier.
  • Tinasmythe
    Tinasmythe Posts: 45 Member
    What a great challenge!

    My name is Tina. I am a wife, mom, part time hairdresser, full time student. I have always let life get in the way of my health. Not any more! I have watched strong men be defeated by cancer and my rock, my mom, be debilitated by RA. With a long checklist of family medical problems, and approaching 40, it is time to take responsibility. I have currently lost 15 lbs. But am looking to lose another 30-35. My boys are all very athletic, and my hubby is naturally thin, I hate being the pudgy one. I am tired of my family having to ask if I am up for an activity. My husband deserves a trophy wife too!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I am totally in! I will be back to post my why! :)
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    I want to get in on this challenge because I LOVE HALLOWEEN and you can count me in with a weight loss goal by Oct. 31st. of 20lbs.

    Would love to do a costume show off after the weight loss!!! LOL.

    A little about me... I am a thirty six yo mother of two wonderful little girls that are 7 and 4. I work full time and hope to start back to school this fall. So, I know that keeping up with the workouts will prove to be challenging and I need a great group of people to keep me accountable and motivated while I work on this goal. That's where all of you will hopefully come into play. I also have to add that I am on this journey out of necessity. I had a stent placed in my heart (LAD) Sept. of 09 and I workout and try my best to eat healthy because let's face it 34 is far too young to be on the operating table and I don't want to end up back there again! I look forward to this challege and I welcome all the support and hard truths that are to follow.
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    I’m in!
    So excited that this is a challenge because one of my mini goals was to be down 20 by Halloween!
    About me: I’ve struggled with weight loss for awhile now and am really liking using MFP. I’ve tried a lot of other methods of weight loss and nothing has stuck! This is my commitment to a healthy lifestyle!!
    Let’s get lean by Halloween!!!

  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    :explode: Trying to figure out how to add that darn ticker....let's see if this works?
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I want to get in on this challenge because I LOVE HALLOWEEN and you can count me in with a weight loss goal by Oct. 31st. of 20lbs.

    Would love to do a costume show off after the weight loss!!! LOL.

    A little about me... I am a thirty six yo mother of two wonderful little girls that are 7 and 4. I work full time and hope to start back to school this fall. So, I know that keeping up with the workouts will prove to be challenging and I need a great group of people to keep me accountable and motivated while I work on this goal. That's where all of you will hopefully come into play. I also have to add that I am on this journey out of necessity. I had a stent placed in my heart (LAD) Sept. of 09 and I workout and try my best to eat healthy because let's face it 34 is far too young to be on the operating table and I don't want to end up back there again! I look forward to this challege and I welcome all the support and hard truths that are to follow.

    I totally agree... we should all post a pic of us in our costumes on halloween! a great progress pic! lol

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I want to feel sexy! And I want my family to be healthy and active! And I want to be able to buy clothes from whatever store I want!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    :explode: Trying to figure out how to add that darn ticker....let's see if this works?

    I had the same problem you are having at first - I had used the HTML format and it came up like yours did. I had to use the 1st one (I forget what it said it was for) and then it worked.
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    :explode: Trying to figure out how to add that darn ticker....let's see if this works?

    I had the same problem you are having at first - I had used the HTML format and it came up like yours did. I had to use the 1st one (I forget what it said it was for) and then it worked.

    Maybe the second time is the charm?
  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    Great Challenge!! Great motivation through the summer and fall!!! I'm in!!
  • kmg3366
    kmg3366 Posts: 9
    Count me in! This sounds like a great way to keep me going. I'm one week in to a new workout plan. I want to be able to run a 5K and I want to wear something HOT for Halloween. Please add me!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Gonna DO this thing!!

    Why I Want To Get Into Shape:

    I'm currently just under the heaviest I've ever been and it's driving me crazy to look and feel the way I do. My kids are becoming very active and I don't want to be the mom who sits on the sidelines... I want to be in the action.

    So, here we are.
  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    Let's see if this ticker thing works!! : /
    I'm struggling with it.
  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    anyone got any tips??
  • Jessabelle12
    Jessabelle12 Posts: 145
    What an excellent idea - a new mini goal that I wont be reaching alone.

    Why I want to get in shape:

    There are so many reasons.
    - To be healthier
    - To be happier
    - To feel better in myself
    - To look better in clothes
    - I dont want to look in the mirror and despise what I see
    - To wear my friends/sisters clothes
    - For my placement year at university
    - I want guys to look at me how they look at my friends

    For myself.

    Feel free to add me during this journey for support. :smile:

    Best of luck to EVERYONE. :flowerforyou:
  • Kmchandl
    Kmchandl Posts: 19
    I want to lose another 20 lbs by Halloween.
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