June (2016) Running Challenge



  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    @moyer566: Great photos! Thanks for sharing, and congratulations!

    @PoppetsMaster: I'm glad you survived with minimal damage. I cannot even imagine how scary of a situation that was for you. I'm hoping for a speedy recovery!

    @5BeautifulDays: I love summer. I really do. I will take 90 degrees over 40 degrees any day. I just don't appreciate how it snuck up on my while I spent a week at work and in bed, and didn't allow me to transition into warm weather running!

    @caitlinrn83: Congratulations! Running is definitely addictive. After doing it, myself, for about five years, I was finally able to finish my first half marathon this past winter (I was plagued with injuries during my first two attempts in years past), and I am signed up to do the Philly RNR half in September. Best of luck in your training!

    @Zom_bunny: I always end up next to the most annoying people at the gym, so I certainly feel your pain. I actually just quit the gym I had been going to for about seven years, mostly because I could no longer stand the people (and the value of the place has gone way downhill, in my opinion). I am currently gym-less for the first time in over a decade. I have a new one picked out, but I haven't needed to sign up, yet. I'm hoping this one provides a more pleasant experience.

    @karllundy: I would like to think runners don't mind snot, and I certainly don't care...at all! I, too, suck at the snot rocket. I always end up with snot all over my face and my shirt and it is quite disastrous. It took me a few years to master the art of spitting while running and not ending up with it all over myself. It's just so much easier to blow my nose into my left hand and wipe it on myself. I'm sure the people around me think I'm super gross, but I just don't care. It makes me more comfortable and that's what matters most to me.

    @ceciliaslater: I'm glad to hear all went well. Best of luck with recovery, and I hope you're not in too much pain!

    @kristinegift: First, it's amazing how looking forward to something like popsicles can get you through a run, isn't it?
    Second, The People Vs. OJ Simpson was a great series. I watched it as it aired and I couldn't wait for the next episode to come around.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    6/2-5.79<-First ever Fartlek
    6/3- REST
    6/5- Rest
    6/6- Rest

    Total: 27.24/100

    Notes on today's run: Today's run felt a lot harder than it should have, 5 miles on a relatively flat course. But my allergies flared up, and there was a headwind the whole way back, which probably contributed to the problems.

    Now I'm seriously considering taking Thursday off as well so I'm more rested for my 10K on Sat. I'm walking a minimum of 2-4 miles every day pushing the little guy in his stroller so it's not like I'd be sedentary.....Still feeling guilty about thinking about it though....LOL
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited June 2016
    No running today! :cry: :lol: I was convinced it HAD to be a stress fracture or a serious tendon/ligament issue last night when I had to start using crutches from not being able to put any weight on that foot. After a good night's rest I am moving around this morning on one crutch to take most of my weight off the foot and can put some weight on the heel with no issues. So with such a change like that I'm relieved in believing it to be muscular again.

    So a minimum of no running at all this week and probably next. I am looking for a pain free week before I start running on it again. That 50k is definitely out. I'm not even sure I will be willing to drop down to the 10 mile distance at that event unless this heals quickly.

    At least I can live vicariously through you all for now. :smile:

    6/1 - 8 brutal miles
    6/2 - 4 crappy miles
    6/3 - 3.1 lovely, fast, and hilly miles
    6/4 - 13.1 wonderful, moderate effort, hilly miles
    6/5 - Rest
    6/6 - 1.1 mile trail fail
    6/7 - Healing a foot injury
    6/13 - Hopeful last day of healing? Can it be a miracle?

    29.3/225 miles


    Upcoming races (this list is subject to change at the posters whim):
    9/25 - Broadway Bridge half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    10/15 - Kansas City Marathon 26.2 (Kansas City, MO)
    11/5 - Jenks half marathon (Jenks, OK)
    11/6 - Kansas half marathon (Lawrence, KS)
    11/12 - Longview half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    11/13 - Gobbler Grind half marathon (Overland Park, KS)
    11/19 - White River half marathon (Cotter, AR)
    11/20 - Pilgrim Pacer half marathon (Lenexa, KS)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,127 Member
    01/06 4 miles
    07/06 4 miles


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    6/1 - 3 miles
    6/2 - zip
    6/3 - 5 miles
    6/4 - 5 miles (I did 2 miles of intervals with my friend then walked 2 miles with her) after that I ran 3 miles with Skip so I'm going to count 5 miles
    6/5 - 5 miles
    6/6 - rest
    6/7 - 7 miles

    25 of 100 miles


    beautiful morning low 60sF (16C) humidity felt non existent, we won't have too many more of these morning here in Alabama
  • zmcgrandles
    zmcgrandles Posts: 78 Member
    Oh my goodness I haven't been on here for nearly a week and there's over 400 posts! Bit of a late start to the month after a couple days off after my first half then moving over the weekend where I collapsed on the couch each evening finally got the place into some semblance of order and going out tonight for my first run (5k) tonight post edinburgh.

    Got a new area to explore for running now there looks to be a few promising routes around here, everything is uphill to start with :# but of course this means its all downhill on the way home :D.

    Just signed up for my next half marathon in October should be able to push a bit more after feeling alright at the end of the Edinburgh half. aiming for around 50 miles this month.


    05/29 Edinburgh half marathon 2:59:05
    10/09 Oxford Vitality half marathon
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    6/1 - 5.11 miles on National / Global Running Day! Woot!
    6/2 - 4.55 miles. Gorgeous morning!
    6/3 - Pre-HM rest day. Too bad, it is a beautiful morning! So, I am drinking extra water and I ate donuts!
    6/4 - 13.3 miles at Dam to Dam Half. It was sunny and hot. Sun was brutal. Running was pretty good, but my splits went up gradually over the final 4 miles. Atmosphere was good pre and post-race. Had fun!
    6/5 - Rest day + lots of kids' sports.
    6/6 - 4.01 mile "recovery" run. I am not good at intentionally keeping my pace slow. I intended 9-9.5 minute miles.
    6/7 - 5.35 miles. Longer than intended, because I didn't plan my route and had to get back home. Oh well, bonus 0.85 mile.

  • DrewMarcy13
    DrewMarcy13 Posts: 5,819 Member

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @juliet3455 I must have missed the post about your injury... Damn that sounds painful! Hope you can get that resolved soon.
    @7lenny7 The first 3 days were He!!. Couldn't climb/descend steps, had to do the single step shuffle - looked like my grandfather. Can now climb stairs in a normal fashion. I feel Dangerously Good - But if I try to do any type of stretching it quickly lets me know that its not ready to do more than walking/swimming. At least another week of watching my shoes get dusty. Missing the local ( 5 minute walk from my front door ) HM this weekend. Can't run so stepped up as a volunteer.
    Lots of great runs and love the humorous run/race reports.
    Unfortunately Injury Reports also.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @amandajs232 like others sad don't let the number of posts scare you, sometimes I reply to individuals, sometimes I'm just hitting the like and awesome. Post your miles and hang out with us cool kids!
    @zom_bunny my first thought is fart back what is with people ugh!
    @ceciliaslater glad the surgery went well !!
    @stoshew71 gotta love them, Skip would die running past them, she would freak out - the woman smoking would put her in orbit
    @whatmerunning I'm so sorry to hear about your injury, damn what a weird thing. It's amazing what the wrong shoes can do to you. Feel better soon
    @ddmom0811 my brother said the storm was something else
    @4leighbee LOL you are not alone I think peanut butter every time I see PB too
    @bradboughner5 how did you enjoy running outside? I met a guy in October that his first number outside was the 5K we were running in.
    @MNlittlefinn if you are thinking you need a rest day, you need a rest day
    @evgenizyntx that was hysterical between the people reading getting hit with the color and magician I was dying.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited June 2016
    thank you all for the well wishes

    2-hope to get something in tonight. yoga/circus girls+pedicure night=hangover
    3-nothing-last minute errands. essentially sped walked for 3 hours
    4-same but all day because, you know, i got married
    5-family reunion
    6-slept off the weekend
    7-4.25mi. felt pretty good


    Jan 16-Frosty 5k-33:43:123 (gun time-don't have chip time)
    Feb 13-Steve Cullen Run 8k chip time: 53:37
    Feb 15 Puppy Love Virtual Run 10k runkeeper time: 1:13:20
    Mar 12-Great Pi Run 5k 32:17
    May 7-Door County Half Marathon 2:51:11
    May 28-29-Global 5k Run Virtual 40:08
    May 28-Top Gun Run 5k Virtual 41:46
    June 11-Rock n Sole 1/4 Marathon?
    June 19th through Sunday, July 10th SHE Power Virtual Half (got my gear-good stuff)
    July 20-Cream Puff 5k?
    July 30-National Watermelon Day 5k?

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for June
    6/1 5 miles - 5 << Another recovery run.
    6/2 6.5 miles - 11.5
    6/3 REST DAY (unplanned but necessary)
    6/4 13.5 miles - 25
    6/5 REST DAY
    6/6 8 miles 33
    6/6 4 miles 37 << Daily Double
    6/7 9 miles 46


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2016
    @WhatMeRunning Bummer! I'm willing your foot better

    Edited for chit chat: I'm off the rest of the week. I need to clean, take a tree down that died, guess mistletoe got it, run, bike, swim, sleep in.... oh chase the cats...I hope I'm motivated and organized enough to make the most of it.. tick tick tick, I m 4h22 minutes in to my time off- 1 brownie, 1 cup of coffee, and drug the broom over the kitchen.

    Think I'll start off easy and get the tree first. Then run Sulphur. 45 minute drive, cold springs and very shaded.

    Oh wait..... the kitten is snuggles..... maybe, I'll. just. Lay. Here. a. Bit. Longer. Coffee nap.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member

    maybe you could stick a couple of tampons up your nose, now that would be a look. Mine runs too but not horribly bad, I'm a snot rocket person so I just let them fly.

    @greenolivetree I've seen the way the kids at Skip's high school drive, running near them would scare the crap out of me. :wink:

    No joke, I used to get a lot of nose bleeds and used tampons to stop them all the time. Wedge it in, cut of the excess with bandage scissors, works like a charm.

    Also, agree on how high school kids drive. Yikes!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Race night tonight! The JP Morgan Corporate Challenge 3.5 mile. I'm ready and just hoping the thunderstorms clear out before then.

    I don't think I'll be trying the tampons in the nose for this one @skippygirlsmom and @karllundy but I will for sure keep that in mind! :)
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    First time running outside yesterday lot tougher than the treadmill but was good to get an idea of where I am at for the 5k. Did 2 miles putting me at 6.5 miles so far.

    I agree that running outside is tougher than the treadmill. I did most of my c25k on the treadmill, so I'm very used to that. When I run outside, I can't go as far because I kinda suck at hills and therefore my legs give out sooner.
  • DrLauraDVM16
    DrLauraDVM16 Posts: 64 Member
    4 mile run in sticky wet clay this morning. Not exactly conditions for setting speed records, but I'm betting the extra calorie burn was significant!
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Remembered to take water and drink at every walk break. It went much better since I slept in and it was already at 70% humidity when I started. Now rest day tomorrow, strength training on Thursday with trainer, rest Friday and race Saturday. I think I am as ready as I can be.

    Date Run Totals
    6/1 - 2 mi - 2 mi
    6/3 - 3 mi - 5 mi
    6/4 - 3 mi - 8 mi
    6/7 - 3 mi - 11 mi
    Goal 40 miles

    Races :
    6/11 Run and Ride 5K Cedar Point
    7/10 Debbie Hudacko 5 mile
    10/8 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #1
    11/5 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #2
    12/3 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #3
    12/11 Santa Hustle Half Marathon Cedar Point

  • DayLi77
    DayLi77 Posts: 655 Member
    edited June 2016
    @WhatMeRunning so sorry about the foot injury! It's such a bummer to be sidelined. Hopefully it will heal fast.
    @karlundy I am prone to nosebleeds also - I never thought about using a tampon! Ha! I'll have to give it a try sometime. Call me self conscious, but I don't think I'd venture outside that way though.
    @katharmonic Good luck tonight!

    I've come down with a bit of a cold so will probably take a rest day instead of the weight routine I'd planned. Bleah! Oh well.