Do you believe in fate ?



  • kate141987
    kate141987 Posts: 513 Member
    Yeah animals are another good one it's like they have a 6th sense
    I do find it all quite interesting lol
  • ChxSurf782
    ChxSurf782 Posts: 169 Member
    I hope you all find purpose & meaning in whatever you do! <3

    “I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.” -G.K. Chesterton
  • Noelani1503
    Noelani1503 Posts: 378 Member
    Not in the slightest. I do think our species naturally tries to find order and meaning where there is none, for our own survival.
  • kate141987
    kate141987 Posts: 513 Member
    Even if you think about all the amazing things in the world take dinosaurs for example, they were pretty amazing creatures and still to this day some creatures exsist from that by gone era
    I mean, how did they suddenly pop up ? Then man just appeared on the planet, from where though? Lol I find this planet amazing sometimes
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    honestly, i think fate is like a Nostrodomus prediction or horoscopes. People take what happened and retrofit it into the vague statement. You can always point to a series of actions and decisions that brought you to where you were. it's easy to then call that "fate."
  • sappermuff
    sappermuff Posts: 175 Member
  • kate141987
    kate141987 Posts: 513 Member
    Maybe that's the problem I don't think I have the mind to really get to grips with evolution
    I'm just not very scientific and maths and all that scare me to death I have no idea where to start
    But I was raised a spiritualist so that's maybe where my thinking comes from
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Lol dinosaurs did not just "pop up" man did not just "appear". Do you think the a guy in a shirt just walked out of the primordial soup?

    Honestly, have a little read about evolution and the history of man. It will do wonders for you.

    I'm going to pray for you. #blessed #tooblessedtobestressed #jehovah
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    kate141987 wrote: »
    Maybe that's the problem I don't think I have the mind to really get to grips with evolution
    I'm just not very scientific and maths and all that scare me to death I have no idea where to start
    But I was raised a spiritualist so that's maybe where my thinking comes from

    That's like saying you don't believe in gravity because you don't understand the theory of relativity.
  • Libby283
    Libby283 Posts: 288 Member
    Nah, I use to believe when things would just happen, like meeting someone in an odd way, or having someone from my past, return. Those situations ended poorly also, so I know it was juts life happening and nothing to do with a mythical "fate"...
  • kate141987
    kate141987 Posts: 513 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    kate141987 wrote: »
    Maybe that's the problem I don't think I have the mind to really get to grips with evolution
    I'm just not very scientific and maths and all that scare me to death I have no idea where to start
    But I was raised a spiritualist so that's maybe where my thinking comes from

    That's like saying you don't believe in gravity because you don't understand the theory of relativity.

    Thank god for gravity that's all I can say lol or else we'd all be kitten
    Yeah I understand what goes up must come down I get the basics lol
  • crazymama2both
    crazymama2both Posts: 195 Member
    edited June 2016
    Two days visiting the boards after a break and I still see the same problem.
    Also my view is I believe in the universe leads me down my paths. And that's all I will say about that. Oh, and to each their own beliefs and every person should respect that.
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