100+ lbs to lose support group



  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm so in...
    I'm a 32 yr old single mother of two amazing children...I've always struggled with my weight and depression which is a double whamie...I've never been above 214 lbs but then I made the mistake of using the depo shot (Birth control) and escaluted to 258 I hated the way I felt, hated the way I looked and in general hated my life....My regular OBGYN told me that was a big mistake that depo is horrible for women over 30, mess with their emotions and weight hard core. So here I am...Could use all the friends and encouragement that I can get.
    I started back in Jan but have only been serious about in the last two months...
    SW- 258
    CW- 248.5
    Feel free to add me and lets help each other.

    I totally know what you mean. I used the Depo shot as well for about 6 months or 2 shots and my mom called it the Witch Shot but with a B. She said I was super cranky and I gained almost 30 lbs while on it, I also feel crappy and just down right icky. I've sense changed to the ring which is okay. I'm 32 with 4 kids so yea don't really need another one. Anyway, I'm at about 221 right now and have lost almost 10 lbs so far. I'm tired of being tired and to overweight to play with my kids. My oldest will be 12 in October and my youngest turned 4 in January. With me going to school and taking care of them I'm busy but spend a lot of time on my tushy on the computer since my schooling is all online. I want to be able to play with my kids not sit and watch!

    I'm changing how I eat, I'm drinking 12 glasses or water a day and I feel amazing!
  • kaaatielove
    kaaatielove Posts: 248 Member
    I'm so in...
    I'm a 32 yr old single mother of two amazing children...I've always struggled with my weight and depression which is a double whamie...I've never been above 214 lbs but then I made the mistake of using the depo shot (Birth control) and escaluted to 258 I hated the way I felt, hated the way I looked and in general hated my life....My regular OBGYN told me that was a big mistake that depo is horrible for women over 30, mess with their emotions and weight hard core. So here I am...Could use all the friends and encouragement that I can get.
    I started back in Jan but have only been serious about in the last two months...
    SW- 258
    CW- 248.5
    Feel free to add me and lets help each other.

    I totally know what you mean. I used the Depo shot as well for about 6 months or 2 shots and my mom called it the Witch Shot but with a B. She said I was super cranky and I gained almost 30 lbs while on it, I also feel crappy and just down right icky. I've sense changed to the ring which is okay. I'm 32 with 4 kids so yea don't really need another one. Anyway, I'm at about 221 right now and have lost almost 10 lbs so far. I'm tired of being tired and to overweight to play with my kids. My oldest will be 12 in October and my youngest turned 4 in January. With me going to school and taking care of them I'm busy but spend a lot of time on my tushy on the computer since my schooling is all online. I want to be able to play with my kids not sit and watch!

    I'm changing how I eat, I'm drinking 12 glasses or water a day and I feel amazing!

    I've heard a lot of negative things about the "depo" shot. Number one being that it makes you gain weight! I do the regular pill and never had a problem with mood/weight gain or loss (that i know of).
    I'm glad someone started this 100+ support group. I'm 22 years old and started at my highest weight of 282 lbs. After meeting with a dietician and going by a meal plan she wrote up, ive lost 4 lbs in a week. I'm 5'8 and the only thing i have going for me is that im evenly proportioned. Im not just large in one area, i've got it all over so it looks better lol.
    I can definately use the support from you guys/girls- i'm ready to make a change!! Feel free to friend me, i'd love to chat!
  • PurpleCoookie
    I started Hip Hop Abs today and it really showed me how uncoordinated I am, but overall it was fun. Worked up a pretty good sweat and had a fun time doing it. I'm ready to start again tomorrow and will try to be on beat this time.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    That's awesome Coookie! I want to get into some kind of dance workout. The idea of it sounds like so much fun!!!
  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    OMG Cookie that sounds fun!!!!

    So, my work had a morning tea for highflyers today and it was savouries galore, now I could have had one and been fine and within my caloies etc. But I chose not to out of sheer principal, and I feel soooo good for it now!

    Does anyone have a treat day? Mine is Saturday. They say you shouldn't deny yourself of stuff, just have a little bit. So I kind of feel if I have a treat day where I can have something I really want guilt free then so be it. I don't mean go nuts and stuff myself silly. I mean if I want a packet of chips I can have it without worrying. I more want something breaddy on treat day as I don't eat bread any other time. I also still log it.

    Hope you all have a super day/night whatever it is where you are (its night here).

  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    OMG Cookie that sounds fun!!!!

    So, my work had a morning tea for highflyers today and it was savouries galore, now I could have had one and been fine and within my caloies etc. But I chose not to out of sheer principal, and I feel soooo good for it now!

    Does anyone have a treat day? Mine is Saturday. They say you shouldn't deny yourself of stuff, just have a little bit. So I kind of feel if I have a treat day where I can have something I really want guilt free then so be it. I don't mean go nuts and stuff myself silly. I mean if I want a packet of chips I can have it without worrying. I more want something breaddy on treat day as I don't eat bread any other time. I also still log it.

    Hope you all have a super day/night whatever it is where you are (its night here).


    I am living proof that "treat day" turns into "treat week" and then "treat month" and then back to square one, plus a few pounds that came along for fun. I am learning that as an addict of all food-carbage, that I cannot have ONE BITE. I am no different then an alcoholic in this instance. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to sabotage. I took last weekend off and it has taken me a week to just get back down to where I was before the "bender". Was it worth it? Hummmm.....let's see...
    1. Headaches came back
    2. Muscle spasms came back
    3. Joint pain came back
    4. Fell out of ketosis for 3 days
    5. Was irritable and weepy.
    Nope, it isn't worth it. I am making a pledge today. I am staying on plan until the end of the summer. Then I will re-evaluate my progress and see if I need to adjust my plan.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Does anyone have a treat day? Mine is Saturday. They say you shouldn't deny yourself of stuff, just have a little bit. So I kind of feel if I have a treat day where I can have something I really want guilt free then so be it. I don't mean go nuts and stuff myself silly. I mean if I want a packet of chips I can have it without worrying. I more want something breaddy on treat day as I don't eat bread any other time. I also still log it.

    I don't do a treat day. I treat every day as an equal. :-) Honestly, I think it's better (and easier for me) to just stick to it. I don't feel like I've really denied myself much. I just make *better* choices. And I eat less of EVERYTHING. My "treat" days are the ones in which I don't work out. That's totally a treat. Despite feeling TOTALLY guilty about it. lol
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Does anyone have a treat day? Mine is Saturday. They say you shouldn't deny yourself of stuff, just have a little bit. So I kind of feel if I have a treat day where I can have something I really want guilt free then so be it. I don't mean go nuts and stuff myself silly. I mean if I want a packet of chips I can have it without worrying. I more want something breaddy on treat day as I don't eat bread any other time. I also still log it.

    I don't do a treat day. I treat every day as an equal. :-) Honestly, I think it's better (and easier for me) to just stick to it. I don't feel like I've really denied myself much. I just make *better* choices. And I eat less of EVERYTHING. My "treat" days are the ones in which I don't work out. That's totally a treat. Despite feeling TOTALLY guilty about it. lol

    I am with you on the day off from work outs! I have just started to go to the gym with my hubby. He does the treadmill for 45mins at 4 MPH and I am now up from 10 mins at 2 MPH to 30 mins at 2.5 MPH. Slowly but surely. I am going to get on that dang elliptical machine!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Jen - our DH's share the same BD! Looks like you reached your goal early! Congrats!!

    I don't do a treat day. Every once in a while I'll cave to a crave and just try to keep it within my calories for the day. I can usually talk myself out of eating it since that one splurge is generally equivalent to an entire meal most of the time. I would rather eat 5 different healthy items for lunch than one slice of cheese pizza. For me it's a mind game. I calculate how hard I will need to workout to release the calories I'm putting into my mouth. I want calories that are going to fill be up not just safisfy a craving for 5 minutes.

    Looking forward to the long weekend. I'm hoping things will slow down a bit now that summer is here. We have some fun camping plans made and really look forward to some downtime with our girls.

    It's Thirsty Thursday so drink up ladies!!
  • PurpleCoookie
    @kimmisatch&jagrib0112 I recommend it!

    I don't have a specific day for treats its usually every...other..day. lol I have to stop that!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Can I join? I had 100+ lbs to lose but have lost 73 lbs. I started last july. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid and was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Since I have lost the lb my medical issues are alot better. But the medical issues was the start of me gaining back weight in the first place. I lost 105 lbs about 12 yrs ago and kept it off for 4 yrs until I got sick and started gaining due to meds, lack of exercise and comfort eating.
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Anybody else kinda dreading the 4th of July festivities? I'll be going to the In-Laws on the 4th and my parents on the 3rd. Two tempting days of cookouts. The key for me is to not even have a little taste of the bad stuff. I think I will ask teh Grammas what's on the menu and plan ahead what I can eat. Then stick to it. Maybe I'll even bring my own Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich so I'll have a healthier dessert aletrnative.

    Do any of you have a holiday game plan?
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    I don't have a specific day for treats its usually every...other..day. lol I have to stop that!
    LOL. You know, I try to work a little treat into my daily calories so I don't feel deprived. I am a little sceptical of a treat day or cheat day because I don't want to reward myself with food. Besides, I would obsess all week just waiting for that treat. sad but true.
  • PurpleCoookie
    ^ yes me too. If I have a treat once a week, I'll start having cravings.When that happens it ain't pretty. :laugh: My treats are big and I'm trying to make them smaller. Do you consider cereal treats? Because I eat them all the time...I think I prefer them over chocolate.

    I know for sure I'm going to surrender on July 4!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Anybody else kinda dreading the 4th of July festivities? I'll be going to the In-Laws on the 4th and my parents on the 3rd. Two tempting days of cookouts. The key for me is to not even have a little taste of the bad stuff. I think I will ask teh Grammas what's on the menu and plan ahead what I can eat. Then stick to it. Maybe I'll even bring my own Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich so I'll have a healthier dessert aletrnative.

    Do any of you have a holiday game plan?

    The last few parties that I've been to, I have volunteered to bring a couple dishes myself. I do this for several reasons - 1. I like to show off my supreme chefery skills :laugh: 2. I like to let other people know - you CAN eat yummy food that's not totally laden in calories, fat & carbs and 3. I know there will be options for me to enjoy. I would definitely suggest bringing a Skinny Cow. Maybe even two because undoubtedly, people (the women most likely) are going to be asking if it tastes good and can I have a bite. Again - show them that there are better for you options.

    That being said, my grandmother asked my hubby and I to come down on Sunday sort of last minute. She told me not to bring anything - just ourselves. My dad is making something on the grill and g'ma is making all the sides. I just hope there's *something* that will be okay to eat. I know it's not the best option, but I'm probably going to skip breakfast...Luckily, we'll be home early enough that I'll be able to hit the gym for a while. It's totally going to be necessary!!!
  • Nofluffiness
    Nofluffiness Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I might be late to this forum, but really need some friends that will hold me accountable and help me on this journey! I joined April 1 and have lost 10 pounds. Hello! We all know with 100+ pounds to lose that I am NOT moving very quickly towards my goal. I've been overweight most of my life, although I played sports in high school. I thought I was HUGE then at 160 pounds and then it seems like overnight I woke up 100 pounds more. Really, it was over a period of years and I really need to get back and feel healthy again! So, please friend me and help me get this party moving in the right direction! I know what I need to do, but for some reason am lacking the motivation to get started!
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    I'd def like to join this group i have well over 100lbs to lose and always welcome new friends who share the same goals and struggles as I do so feel free to add me! :) we can do this !!!! :)
  • suzyq584
    suzyq584 Posts: 21 Member
    BOO!!!! (as in did I scare ya? not as a groan) I'm finally back!

    No, I haven't been camping all this time. I got back on Sunday and Sunday night my Mom went into the hospital so I've been up there with her all week. She was released yesterday so I'm actually at work for the first time this week. Ugh! I haven't had time in the evenings to log in either.

    Anyway...I weighed Monday and lost 1 lb last week. I'm not feeling very hopeful for this week since I have used all of the stress with my Mom as a reason to go way over my calories everyday and have not done a lick of exercise. Ugh again! I'm going to try to get back in the game and get off this emotional roller coaster and depression train I'm on...that doesn't help anything.

    It's nice to see so many new people here. Hi everyone! Jen - I'd love to join the challenge with you.
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    Hi to all the new chicks! Yes, all are welcome to join...even those who have lost most of their 100 lbs already. We NEED you guys! Y'all will help keep us on track, just seeing that someone else has done it will be a huge motivator for us! I wouldn't mind seein before and afters on here either!

    That being said... Once we have to roll this over to a new thread, do you ladies wanna keep this an open group, or close it? I don't care either way.... Just let me know your opinions on this.

    Personal victory! Day 3 of the 30ds is over, and I didn't feel like I was goona die the whole time! Half of it yes, but not the whole time! :) AND, I went and worked out at curves as well. Since the last time I weighed in there ( over a month ago) I lost 6.5 lbs, and close to 6 inches! Yay for me! 2 inches were just off my abs, so pretty happy about that. Keeps me motivated!

    And a big welcome back to those of you who have been gone for awhile. Good to see you again.
  • kathy0312
    kathy0312 Posts: 2
    I would like to join. I am new. I need help to be held accountable. I have about 100 to lose. Today was my first day to logand it wasbad.