Starvation Mode is Real, and ugly



  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Another pound back off-- woo-hooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    198 this morning--

    Only 30 more to go!!!!!!!

  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    Wow! I knew you could put yourself into starvation mode but I never thought it could get THAT serious!!! I also have hypothyroidism and began taking meds for it about 3 years ago... about a month ago I went and had blood work done and it showed the meds were not working so my doc upped my dosage... eventually I think my thyroid will hav eto be partially or completely removed... my mother's was removed about 6 years ago so i kinda know its coming. Before MFP I never knew anyone with this problem and now I am "meeting" more and more people that are working through their medical issues and getting in shape! Thank you for sharing you story
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. Glad things are working out for you again. Good Luck :)
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    Thank you for sharing! I believe in the "starvation mode" as well... I know that you can turn things around for yourself. I am sure that you have already gone... But do you see a nutritionist? They may be able to tweak your diet and help you jump start into loosing again.

    You will get back on track and don't be too hard on yourself. You look absolutely wonderful!

    Online Hugs :)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Another pound back off-- woo-hooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    198 this morning--

    Only 30 more to go!!!!!!!



    Thanks, Russell-- still enjoying my spike days!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Wow! I knew you could put yourself into starvation mode but I never thought it could get THAT serious!!! I also have hypothyroidism and began taking meds for it about 3 years ago... about a month ago I went and had blood work done and it showed the meds were not working so my doc upped my dosage... eventually I think my thyroid will hav eto be partially or completely removed... my mother's was removed about 6 years ago so i kinda know its coming. Before MFP I never knew anyone with this problem and now I am "meeting" more and more people that are working through their medical issues and getting in shape! Thank you for sharing you story

    Do not rely on the doctors only-- they suck-- pardon the vulgarity. Make sure you do your own research, and be your own advocate. They'll pat you on the head, up your dosage, and let you continue to suffer.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla, I am absolutely thrilled that things are working out! So proud that you persevered and never really gave up! What a lesson learned concerning doctors as well.

    Great job!

    It took me 6 years to lose 63 pounds, so be happy with the 1/2 pound per week! It was slow but I think I did it the right way and I on Thursday I celebrate 150 days of maintaining!

    You are the best!!

    Thanks, Donna-- I was close to giving up-- very, very close-- I'd tried what I thought was "everything," and kept gaining. I was defeated, and very, very depressed. Thank God for my husband and his perseverance-- he's the one that stumbled onto the T3 online--

    150 days of maintenance is awesome. I'm really hopeful that as I do this now the wise way-- eating enough calories-- I'll some day get it all back off and be able to maintain.

    It's going slowly-- but, I know I have to be patient. As long as I'm seeing the numbers go down, I'm thrilled.

    Thanks for your encouragement-- hope the graduation ceremonies went well.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Very eye-opening thread. Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear you're doing much better. :)


    Thank you, Melissa.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Wow, what a journey you've been on. Hope it carries on going from strength to strength!

    It's been a road-- holy Hannah-- thank you so much.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thank you for sharing! I believe in the "starvation mode" as well... I know that you can turn things around for yourself. I am sure that you have already gone... But do you see a nutritionist? They may be able to tweak your diet and help you jump start into loosing again.

    You will get back on track and don't be too hard on yourself. You look absolutely wonderful!

    Online Hugs :)

    I have a lead on one-- and that may be something I entertain if things slow down-- I don't want to spend any more money right now. The T3 online is costing me close to $90 per month. I'm hoping to take the results into my doctor in the next month or so, and see if she'll agree to prescribe it for me, if I can show her results, so I can get it through my insurance.

    Thank you for the encouragement-- really appreciate it.
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    Oh my, I have just read your struggles, what a utterly horrible thing to have had to go through yet you've come across as a beautiful strong and courageous through it all. I truly hope your health continues to improve and you can get your sparkle right back on!

    I've been guilty of not eating enough, your story has been eyeopening and, to be frank, downright scary, just how easy it is to try to hurry things along.

    Much love to you and best wishes for the future. x
  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191
    This has been a very inspiring read, thank you for posting it.

    It's day twelve for me in this journey, and I've been logging and weighing myself everyday. I am afraid my body might go into starvation mode; I have been eating 650-1000 calories a day for the most part and of course, constantly hungry.

    People on this board today has inspired me to eat more today but even that: 1027 calories according to my app. But I gained half a pound since yesterday and the fact that I am upset makes me even more upset.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Wow! I knew you could put yourself into starvation mode but I never thought it could get THAT serious!!! I also have hypothyroidism and began taking meds for it about 3 years ago... about a month ago I went and had blood work done and it showed the meds were not working so my doc upped my dosage... eventually I think my thyroid will hav eto be partially or completely removed... my mother's was removed about 6 years ago so i kinda know its coming. Before MFP I never knew anyone with this problem and now I am "meeting" more and more people that are working through their medical issues and getting in shape! Thank you for sharing you story

    Do not rely on the doctors only-- they suck-- pardon the vulgarity. Make sure you do your own research, and be your own advocate. They'll pat you on the head, up your dosage, and let you continue to suffer.

    So very true! I have been a nurse for years yet when my thyroid quit I did not recognize it right away d/t the effects of my total shutdown. Dry skin, weight gain, irregular periods, other hormones being totally out of control, massive cramps and depression. One doctor even had the nerve to tell me that my problems were due to being overweight!! My TSH was 81.3 when I finally got a doc to test it on one of my 3 ER visits due to chest pain (clonic spasms of the chest muscles resembled a heart attack)

    I also diagnosed a healthy 31 y/o friend as diabetic though her physician had failed to do so and was highly irritated when she insisted to have a fasting blood sugar test done due to her reported symptoms. When her results came back as BS in excess of 700 she found herself in the ER with an Insulin drip!.

    Listen to your body, YOU are your best advocate! Prepare questions for your physician and be willing to change doctors if you are not getting answers. The internet is a great resource but be sure your sources are informed, CDC, Mayo Clinic, Medical Schools. These are all very well managed sites for information.

    Thanks for sharing your story. I think so many people are fearful and unsure. It's good to have people who can talk about the good and the bad of any process.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing your story. I hope your experience will help people understand this concept better.

    I can see that you're making progress right now, and I'm very happy for you.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Wow! I knew you could put yourself into starvation mode but I never thought it could get THAT serious!!! I also have hypothyroidism and began taking meds for it about 3 years ago... about a month ago I went and had blood work done and it showed the meds were not working so my doc upped my dosage... eventually I think my thyroid will hav eto be partially or completely removed... my mother's was removed about 6 years ago so i kinda know its coming. Before MFP I never knew anyone with this problem and now I am "meeting" more and more people that are working through their medical issues and getting in shape! Thank you for sharing you story

    Do not rely on the doctors only-- they suck-- pardon the vulgarity. Make sure you do your own research, and be your own advocate. They'll pat you on the head, up your dosage, and let you continue to suffer.

    I also diagnosed a healthy 31 y/o friend as diabetic though her physician had failed to do so and was highly irritated when she insisted to have a fasting blood sugar test done due to her reported symptoms. When her results came back as BS in excess of 700 she found herself in the ER with an Insulin drip!.

    That's outrageous-- I know doctors are human. I get that. I get that they miss things. They make mistakes.

    Hell, I was told in 1994 that I miscarried my now very healthy, strapping 16 year old hunk of a son, and needed an emergency D&C to "begin my emotional healing." Talk about a screw up!! Thank God we didn't listen to them.

    But, it's their arrogance that just pisses me off. Regarding my OB in '94, he was so incredibly condescending and irritated when we dared to challenge his counsel and insist on a second ultrasound a week later to make sure he was right. Guess what-- the little unmistakable blip of my son's beating heart let me know then, forever, that doctors aren't the all-knowing, all-powerful gods they like to think they are.

    Sooooo-- yes, thank you for adding to the discussion-- don't blindly follow them. Check things out for yourself. Yes, use wisdom and reputable sites to guide you-- but second and third and fourth opinions and don't stop until you get an answer that makes sense.

    If I had one more doctor tell me, "You know, Mrs. Brown, you ARE getting older...these things happen with age," I was going to throw myself off a cliff. Oh really? A 46 year old woman gains 40 pounds eating 1400 calories a day while training for a half marathon? Idiot.
  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    Marla --

    I don't have much to add, but I sat here and read all 14 pages of this thread. Your story is fascinating, powerful, heartbreaking, and hopeful. I hope others learn as much from you as I have. Please accept my warm thoughts and best wishes. I sincerely hope that you continue to feel better.

    Thank you.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Like an irresponsible dope, I did not reorder my T3 in enough time to avoid running out. Last Thursday and Friday I began to ration it, and I've been out since Saturday.

    Since then I've gained back 5 pounds.

    Guess tis true that I truly have a non-functioning thyroid. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's, which is just that-- your thyroid is kaput.

    Must be more careful going forward-- I feel very, very tired and am bloated again beyond belief-- look and feel like hell.

    Fingers crossed it comes in soon--

  • mom2ajnsz
    mom2ajnsz Posts: 18 Member
    WOW! so glad i read this. i've set myself at 1200 and have been struggling to reach that! additionally i have been walking A LOT. i am so desperate to lose this weight! thanks for having the courage to write your story (even if it is the reader's digest version). it has struck a cord and is a great wake up call. THANK YOU! :flowerforyou:
  • tassles
    tassles Posts: 172
    wow thanks for sharing this ....I hope things turn back round for you! x x x
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good evening!!

    Been a while since I regaled you all with my tales--

    Only positive to report-- things are moving very slowly, but still in the right direction. I'm now at 196.5. I think that puts me close to 10 pounds down since going on the T3--

    I've also decided to cut out the glutens. I haven't been "officially" told I'm gluten intolerant, but my body tells me-- when I eat bread, my stomach blows up like a balloon-- instant 9 months pregnant appearance-- with pain. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure things out.

    Since going off them over a week ago, my stomach has gone down, and weight has gone down. I'd gone up about 3 over vacation, and that came back off this week, plus another pound or so.

    I'm getting a handle on all this-- still maintaining a good calorie count, eating healthy and exercising. We'll get there!