July 1st - 30DS

I know there are a billion 30DS threads around but I didn't see any for starting July1st (except closed ones). I am dragging my hubby out of bed on Canada Day to start it! Every morning in July. We are going on vacation July 27th and want to be lookin' good! I am creeping close to my weight goal but still need lots of toning...particularly in the tummy area. Hoping that adding in the 30DS will help with those last couple pounds and shaping. Plus want to see if doing a home workout works for us and if we could look towards doing Insanity or P90x in the future.

So is anyone else starting July 1st?


  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    ME!!!! I just bought. Not sure how to follow thread, but planned on starting tomorrow too! Buddies would be awesome!
  • I just completed day 2 of the 30DS ~ I'll follow you! It's a butt-kicker! lol
  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm hopping back on the workout wagon. I'll be switching up between 30DS and Ripped in 30!
  • blpope
    blpope Posts: 163
    Hopefully I will be starting it if Netflix gets the dvd to me today or tomorrow! I don't know about y'all, but I am so glad July is finally upon us!
  • iteachfirst
    iteachfirst Posts: 8 Member
    I'll do it with you all. I love the Shred!
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    I just started using MFP this week to track my calories and I'd love to join this Shred. I've seen so many other people on here using it so I downloaded it last night and will be starting on the 1st. Not sure if I'll get to it everyday since I try to make a Pilates class once a week and get on the bike once also.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Yay! I'm going to need all the support I can get as my hubby is not a very willing participant. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    I'm going to post my starting stats tonight (as soon as I find my measuring tape) so I can see if anything is actually going on. I'm also finishing up my last week of C25K so will be keeping up with runs. Plus I usually do elliptical or biking or Zumba on my non-run days. Hoping for a really successful July! Good luck everyone!
  • JonieB
    JonieB Posts: 67 Member
    I just finished day 2 of 30 day shred. We go on vacation on the 16th so I am planning on doing it everyday till then. I am currently doing the EA active 9 week challenge so I am adding 30 day shred on top of that. I really love it so far.
  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
    I am on DAY 3 OF THE SHRED!!! Wow, this workout will have you kicking you in your butt...for real! I hate the butt kicks...but all in all....LOVE the workout!
  • Buckeye_Jenn
    Buckeye_Jenn Posts: 48 Member
    I'd like to join! My daughter's birthday party is July 30 and it's a pool party, so I realy want to tone up this month.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Happy Canada Day! I'm a Canadian living in the US so I go overboard with patriotism on Canada Day. :tongue:

    Okay, just day 1 and I liked it! Even though I didn't have weights, I was definitely feeling the strength all over and am covered in sweat. Muscles are pretty quivery (is that a word?). Was aching on the last set of abs too. HRM says I burned 146 calories which is pretty darn good for me for 20 mins!

    And hubby was drenched. He was grumpy about doing this but I think it will make a better start to his day and help him deal with his work stress better. Don't want him having a heart attack before age 40! Now off to make him the breakfast I bribed him with! :happy:

    How do you all do today? Hope it goes well!
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    im starting 30DS today so count me in!
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    oh and some people say they mute the tv and put their own music on when they do this workout... good or bad idea?
  • jlew75
    jlew75 Posts: 10
    I love 30DS, but I never make it past 4 or 5 days. I'm going to start today also, and maybe with all of your help, I'll be able to stick to it and see the results I know are waiting for me at the end. Happy shredding!
  • jlew75
    jlew75 Posts: 10
    for the first couple of days, I like to keep the sound on til I get used to the routine, then I go for my music...I find that it helps give me that little extra push I need when I start slowing down.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I'd like to join in I'm on day 5, and leaving for the beach in 29 days so I would love to join in with it.
  • kgsmiles3
    kgsmiles3 Posts: 29
    I'll be joining you :) I just finished up a June Shred challenge

    It gets bettervwith time....just stay committed
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    1 day down on 30DS. Lots to go. Went for the soup cans today. I need to get 3 lb weights. 5 pounds was too much. I was thanking my years of pilates during the abs. Now back to my day off from work...I have to go clean out the shed.
  • JonieB
    JonieB Posts: 67 Member
    Wow! I just finished day 3 and I am exhausted now! It didn't help that my kids were being brats the whole time. I sure am glad I have another day down in the books.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    July 2= day 2 complete!