Lean By Halloween Challenge!



  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
    cw 221.5
    gw 199

    I want to be healthier and set a good example for my family get rid of the junk food and start being more active. I also want to be able to walk into a normal high street store and pick clothes off the rail because i like them, not just because they're big enough

    good luck everyone!
  • clops379
    clops379 Posts: 14
    I'm in, new to MFP but finding it great already. Need some extra motivation for reaching my goal of 140lbs this year after approx 17 years of trying to make it happen! Hoping to reach 140 way before halloween and so my goal for Halloween will be 133lbs if that's possible - never happened yet but with more support who knows?!
    C x
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    LOVE the idea of a before pic (take one this week if you can) & after (on Halloween or in costume)!

    LEAN BY HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE GOAL = 15 POUNDS (that'll be me goal weight too)

    I AM TOTALLY IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually have a picture of me from last year in my halloween costume and it would rock to do a comparison over the year :wink: I am going to create that ticker now ...

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I want to share my life with my son instead of watching him from the sidelines.

    ***Just for this challenge, to wear a SEXY costume this year and feel good in it!***

    My goals are:
    - Get around 160 - 170 lbs
    - Get my body fat percentage below 30%
    - Fit into size 14 comfortably
    - Earn back my self confidence

    Bought a new scale for home to track my weight this month.... starting weight is 176.2! I will challenge myself to loss 15 pounds meaning by Halloween I want to weigh 161.2 (this scale is not used for my MFP weekly checkins but challenges only :wink:)
  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    For the factory ticker ....... you have to use the 1st one listed and it will work.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Being that I just hopped on the scale for the first time in a month and it's following a lot of "the diet starts tomorrow" mentality, I have changed my goal to 35 pounds. I weigh 15 pounds more than I did a month ago! No one freak out when I drop 10 or more in a week or two because I retain a serious amount of water!
  • Weighing in for July 1: 200.8lbs : ( Thats 1.8lbs heavier than what I thought it would be!!!)
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    hmm...my reason for being here??

    i'm not really into showing a lot of skin or trying to look "hot". i've always been a tom boy and pretty conservative to boot. i don't really like heals, dresses, ribbons and bows, and that sort of stuff. i just wanna be able to wear jeans and a t-shirt and not look horrible.

    i'm doing this because i want to be able to do physical stuff. i don't want weight limits to stop me from riding a horse or going sky diving. i want to play laser tag or paintball without being scared that the suit won't fit me and go to an amusement park without getting kicked off a ride cuz i don't fit in the seat. i don't want to say no to the beach anymore cuz i won't wear a bathing suit. i want to snowboard and be on a kickball team. i want to be able to run and climb things and jump and basically do whatever i want without my BODY stopping me.
  • maritimemom
    maritimemom Posts: 192
    Ok! My goal is to lose 30lbs by Halloween! That gives me 4 months so not impossible! My birthday is also in October (23rd) so that gives me even more incentive!

    Why I Want To Get In Shape:

    To feel good about myself for the first time in my life.
    To be a good example for my girls.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Hi All - I'm in! Name's Sherri, I've been on MFP since May of this year and I'm looking forward to being part of this challenge! I added my ticker, but one question - how do you title the thing? I'm computer savvy and can't figure it out for the life of me! :grumble:

    From my profile:

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    At first, I just wanted to look better. Fit into the jeans that I was slowly growing out of. Not feel like a cow in a bikini. I honestly thought it would be fairly easy and I could do it for a few months and be done with it. But what I'm learning is that feeling stronger (along with seeing results) brings a confidence that I wasn't expecting -- and a feeling that's becoming addicting! Logging my food has become second nature. Rather than an ice cream cone, I go for an extra walk. I'm being noticed by the fellas more.

    GOOD LUCK to all of us! :smile:

    And yes, I still want to look better. I plan on rockin' my bikini.
  • sadielane
    sadielane Posts: 83 Member
    I've been thinking about joining a challenge and this is perfect! My name is Sarah. I want to get in shape for so many reasons, my kids, my hubby and myself. I've been having issues with depression and I think having a healthier body will help with a healthier mind!

    I would like to lose 25 lbs by Halloween.
  • Starting weight:164
    Goal weight: 145
  • maureensm
    maureensm Posts: 183 Member
    Weighed in this morning at 166, which was disappointing. I've really struggled lately so I need a kick in the pants.

    My goal is 150 so that means 16 pounds by Halloween.
  • wbruni14
    wbruni14 Posts: 35 Member
    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I want to feel good about myself again, I want to feel good physically, I want to be able to keep up with my children, and to fit into my old clothes that are collecting dust in my storage.

    "It is a shame for a woman to grow old without ever seeing the strength and beauty of which her body is capable" -Socrates
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Ticker Factory isn't letting me have two tickers, so I'll just post my progress in my siggy.

    Why I want to get in shape. After four children, I'm so ready to be skinny and in shape again. :) I also would like to be a slim vampire, rather than a fat one, lol.
  • Tricia108
    Tricia108 Posts: 2 Member
    Just set up to join the challenge!
  • Kerseygeek
    Kerseygeek Posts: 225
    I'm a bit late but I'm joining. I'll come back to give my info. But I'd like to lose 20lbs also. If I lose more great but that's my main goal. I will post my ticker and weight early next week. I'm going out of town for the 4th. I'm really excited though. I think a pic is a great idea. I'll post that too.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Ok, I'd like to join too. Looking at my goals, I don't think I can reach my current overall goal weight by Halloween. So I'm going to keep it simple and aim for one pound per week which will leave me exactly 10 pounds from my goal. So that's a loss of 17 pounds between today and Halloween.

    My reasons: I've recently reached a point of major re-assessment. I hit my original goal from when I started my weight-loss journey back in August of 2009. At that point I just wanted to no longer be obese and to get my blood pressure to a happier number. Now I believe I can do so much more. I want to get to a "healthy" weight for my height and to really push and see what my body is capable of doing.

    Thanks so much for starting this challenge. And best wishes to all who have joined. We can succeed!
  • scleve11
    scleve11 Posts: 5
    I'm going to be a freshman in college this fall and I'm ready to conquer it all. I want to be able to say, "I can do anything, nothing can hold me back", especially my weight. I need to get in shape to live the life I want, and not to be on the sidelines.

    I am excited about this challenge!! : )
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm Krystal :) I want to lose at least 23 pounds by Halloween :) that will bring me to 200 pounds.

    I want to look good in a bikini. I want to be able to shop in junior sizes not plus size.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    july 1 starting weight 191. i weigh in on sundays, so this is last sunday's actual weight. will post weekly check in on sundays
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