barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
Hello to all my long time friends on this thread as well as the newer ones and the new ones that we will meet this month.
This is a great place for support and encouragement…….even though the name is Women ages 50+ we welcome all women to share with us.
This month will be my 30th consecutive month of posting on this thread. Many of the names and faces have changed but the love, support, and encouragement remains strong.
How did you do with your goals for June? What goals have you set for July?
It’s a new page on the calendar and a new opportunity to change your life………let’s go.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
  • annvey
    annvey Posts: 30
    Your quote is so true! I've been part of MFP since March 2011. I'm 54 yrs. old and have lost 20 lbs so far. My next goal is to reach 30 lbs. I'm hoping to reach this goal by August.
  • caterpillar2Butterfly
    I have been with this for 10 months now and have been doing really well, Untill this past week, I dont know what is going on but I want to eat and eat and mostly craving sweets. So I need to pull it togeather here in july I can not let 10 months of hard work go down the drain.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    X marks my spot x
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome to a new month of healthy eating everyone. Geri
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    I,m in for July! Will post more later to catch everybody up on my horrible week. Thanks for all the support during this difficult time.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Finally MAKING time to participate in this thread after months of absence. I have been back on track for a week now but was waiting for the new month to rejoin this thread. I'm back to what I KNOW works for me and am reclaiming my life. Not going to make excuses or try to justify how I got derailed.... Just doing it! So far/ 5 of the 10 pounds I regained have come off. Maybe someday I'll learn.....

    So while it is still relatively cool outside I am taking the girls on a walk. My body just wants to go back to bed :yawn:
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Hey, ladies!
    I've been back about a month, but I wasn't sure if this thread still existed. I'm glad I found you again! I just haven't figured out how to stay connected when I'm teaching school, so I'm back to re-losing the same pounds all over again! Since two of my three sons are getting married this summer, I have incentive to get back into shape for their weddings. So, here I am!
  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    Ok June ended a little rough but I'm ready for July. The end of this month will be my 34th anniversary married to my best friend. I really want to loose 10 before then. It's been a really battle so far I loose then i gain (because I don't get the exercise i need) This time is for really. bring it on!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    Amen. Went way overboard last night to end June with a THUD. If I ate (and drank) that way every day, I'd be back in the 150s, almost where I started! :sick: Step counter back to zero for the new month. Need to plan extra activity this weekend as both Zumba and Scottish dance classes are cancelled:sad: for the holiday. Might as well factor in more veggies, water and fruit to flush away last night's indulgence.:drinker:

    Wishful, lots of different ways: you can search topics for 50+ women [month] and find us in the list. If we exceed 500 messages in one month, you can go to the last post and follow the link to the second section. If one of your friends posts you might see notice in Home, and can View. Replying/posting adds current thread to your "My Topics"

    Hugs to all!:heart:
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks, Auntie!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Marking my spot.

    I know this is the month for things to start moving in the right direction again.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all,
    So of course yesterday a job I really wanted and that would pay really well posted. I applied but it could get tricky since I accepted the other job. I just knew deep down that it didn't feel right. I hope it all works out. June was horrible for me . very emotional and stressful. I hope July is better and I can start losing all this stupid weight I gained back.

    welcome back SuzyQ and wishful.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Knee is BAD, hurts like H*LL, can't sleep, cortisone shot has not kicked in. I started taking the Magnesium Oxide 400 mg last night, for cramping, abdominal pain went away.... I have no clue... what is going on.. but my R knee is not good, L knee is where I had a shot of SYNVISC ONE about 3 weeks ago, it's works, might have to resort to it for R knee... ARGH

    It has taken me since March 7 to lose 17 lbs.. but you know, now that I look back, I am a TURTLE, but turtles win in the end... eh? I am losing slowly but surely, it's taking me forever, but I am sticking with it, and will continue on the 17DD for as long as i need to, then it's a way of life and a way of eating for the rest of your life, eat sensibly, and you can have a splurge, treat, what have you, but it's teaching ME to eat a better way..

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy July 1st.My goals for July is to do my leg ex and wt training every other day.Swim everyday,weather permitting.
    Sticking to my food plan.Loosing 9 lbs by then of the month.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Happy July ladies,
    I have been keeping track of food and getting some exercise but just not blogging much. Been busy but not a lot to say. I too have been on this blog for quite a while, and love the support of all of you ladies. I know that I could not and would not have done as well without this support. Susie Q welcome back. Been wondering where you were. 10 pounds I know is 10 pounds but that is nto really bad at all. I know you will get it off soon. I am within 10 pounds of being at my lowest since on MFP. That is my short term goal and then to lose even more after that. My oldest daughter texted me this morning and asked if I would be her weight loss partner in a competition. it is 25 dollars per person and winner wins pot. She said pot is about 2000 dollars right now. Her motivation is money. she will do awesome because money drives her. I told her I do not do well under pressure but I willl just keep on doing what I do and whatever happens will happen. Birdie I am so sorry about the house. You do have great attitude and it will be great but I know it is hard. Even though you wont be in the house the memories will never leave you. Write them down and talk about them and they will stay with you. I need to go back and read something and then I will continue this post.
    vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I am back, Robin good luck on job. You will get the one that is meant for you. Sorry about all the confusion. I really admire you ladies that are working. I am retired and loving it. I am fortunate that my husband has a wonderful job and I do not have to work. The girls pay me a small amount to care for children but they is play money. so I commend those of you getting up to go to work each day and those of you starting new jobs. I mowed front and side lawn early this morn and will do back later. Pool is almost good enough for me to swim and I plan to start getting in water each day. Have a great day ladies. Michelle enjoy the launch. that would be amazing to see. wish I could have done that.
    vicki M
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I did okay on my June goals. The biggest thing is I started tracking my food again.I am using an app that I downloaded onto my phone as none of the MFP apps will work for me.

    This month my hours at work are down a little so I plan on getting back to a regular workout routine. I am starting small at 15 minutes of non-work-related exercise on my working days and 30 minutes on my days off. It's a start!

    I did very well on drinking water but need to be more aware of how much I drink (or rather, DON'T drink!) on my days off!

    Today is a day off but I have to work on Sat. and Mon, My son and brother will be grilling salmon and corn-on-the-cob for the 4th and we will have a couple of salads. I am going to make ice cream sandwiches using a Cooking Light fudge cookie recipe that I have and some lower-calorie ice cream.

    Here's to a productive, happy July!
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Happy Canada Day to all the Canadians here and Happy Independence Day for Monday to all the American friends. I have only been at this site for about 10 days but am loving it. I used sparkpeople years ago but have found it too confusing lately and needed a new start. I am in love with FP and back on track. I quit smoking in March of this year and of course, gained a bit, but I am now on a quest to get in control and lose what I gained plus what I wanted to lose before I quit smoking.

    :drinker: :explode: :laugh: