Finally found something that works



  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    mkm81 wrote: »
    Just curious what your normal diet looks like on NSNG? Can you advise what some of your daily meals are? Is it just essentially no processed foods - so protein, fresh fruit and veggies? Thanks much! Appreciate it!

    No sugar means no fruit.

    Fruits under glycemic index of 50 are what Vinnie says. General rule is eat fruits you eat with the skin on. Berries are good. Avocados are an exception to that general rule

    Glycemic index isn't relevant for those with normal functioning bodies. It was developed specifically for diabetics. If you don't have health problems concerning insulin production or insulin resistance, then the glycemic index is meaningless.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    mkm81 wrote: »
    Just curious what your normal diet looks like on NSNG? Can you advise what some of your daily meals are? Is it just essentially no processed foods - so protein, fresh fruit and veggies? Thanks much! Appreciate it!

    No sugar means no fruit.

    Fruits under glycemic index of 50 are what Vinnie says. General rule is eat fruits you eat with the skin on. Berries are good. Avocados are an exception to that general rule

    Glycemic index isn't relevant for those with normal functioning bodies. It was developed specifically for diabetics. If you don't have health problems concerning insulin production or insulin resistance, then the glycemic index is meaningless.

    It's likely meaningless for diabetics as well unless they are eating carbohydrates in isolation after a long fast.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    Also, vinnie tortorich has a doctorate from Tulane which is more than can be said about you people naysaying NSNG. He is one of the best fitness trainers out there. Go to his site, debate him...

    You have no idea what my or anyone else's qualifications are.


    You beat me to it.
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    After 30 days, it doesn't feel restrictive, it feels liberating. And it is very practical for a person who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    And what is more effective?

    Anyone can stick to any diet for 30 days, that's pretty meaningless honestly. When you've gone a year without eating any grain or any sugar let me know. I won't hold my breath...

    It's been over 4 years for me and have no problems sticking with it. To me, dragging a scale out every time I put something in my mouth is too restrictive for me. I guess it's all about priorities and sugar and grains definitely aren't on the top of my list. This woe makes me feel better and that is at the top of my list. To each his own.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    After 4 years of yo-yo'ing I've found the key...NSNG - NO SUGAR, NO GRAINS

    No you haven't lol. A restrictive diet is never "the key". Do you really plan on eliminating sugar and grains from your diet for the rest or your life? No cookies, no cake, no brownies, no candy, no pasta, no cereal, no bread...for the rest of your life? Does that really seem practical or realistic to you. If that's your plan, by all means good luck, but there are better, more enjoyable, and not to mention more effective ways to go about eating healthy.

    If it works for him, it's the key. Although I wouldn't do it, this doesn't seem at all unrealistic, or even mildly difficult.

    Never eating sugar or grains in any amount for the rest of your life doesn't even seem mildly difficult to you? What? Lol. What are you going to eat on your birthday? A pile of fruit that's made to look like a cake? Never going to eat another sandwich for the rest of your life? Not going to have a burger or hot dog with the bun? Idk, to me entirely cutting out sugar and grains forever would be very difficult, and even if I could do it, it would make for a sad life lol.

    I honestly couldn't do it for even a week. Luckily, there is absolutely no need.


    There better not be sugar in that pudding.

    But, I kinda feel bad for OP. Unless he's trolling (if you are, you're brilliant) he's excited he found something that works for him. He has seen results, and I'm happy for him. His excitement led him to want to spread the word, and I understand that too. But, his delivery triggered those of us who know how hard and unnecessary diets based on restriction are, and then it all spiraled downward.

    OP, should you come back, you keep doing what you want to do. I don't think anyone in here is telling you that you need to change your mind or your approach. Rather, they're telling everybody else that your method is certainly not the only one, and it's probably making things harder than they need to be.

    Good luck to you.

    Yup. The contention isn't the diet. It's the delivery.
  • jammer1963
    jammer1963 Posts: 106 Member
    I followed the Belly Fat diet for a while by Jorge Cruise. It worked well for me. It basically limits carbs and sugars. I don't think the average person realizes just how much sugar is in almost everything we eat. He limits it though, doesn't actually eliminates it. I think as long as you monitor what you eat and eat in moderation, that's the key. It's ok to have a couple of cookies, a scoop of ice cream or a slice of pizza once in a while. Just don't eat the box, a carton, or a whole pizza pie. My two cents... :)
  • Camish911
    Camish911 Posts: 150 Member
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Cheesy567 wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    After 4 years of yo-yo'ing I've found the key...NSNG - NO SUGAR, NO GRAINS

    No you haven't lol. A restrictive diet is never "the key". Do you really plan on eliminating sugar and grains from your diet for the rest or your life? No cookies, no cake, no brownies, no candy, no pasta, no cereal, no bread...for the rest of your life? Does that really seem practical or realistic to you. If that's your plan, by all means good luck, but there are better, more enjoyable, and not to mention more effective ways to go about eating healthy.

    It's very realistic. For people who feel substantially better on a grain-free diet, it's a no-brainer and not at all restrictive. Eating grain makes every joint in my body hurt. It makes my muscles sore. It disrupts my sleep. It disrupts my digestion. If I choose to eat grain, I'm quickly reminded of why I typically avoid it.

    Why in the world are you discouraging someone from a WOE and WOL that they find helpful?!

    Because of the statement that people who eat otherwise are mis-informed? Grain doesn't make my joints hurt. It doesn't make my muscles sore. It doesn't disrupt my sleep or my digestion. I'm not misinformed.

    Nobody cares if OP wants to eat grain, but OP seems to care if other people do. That's the issue.

    Hmmm... We must have read different posts? I see where OP states "I was misinformed" but not where it states that "people who eat otherwise are mis-informed" as you stated.

    Why so defensive, when someone is sharing what works for them? A good question for self-reflection, if one wishes to pursue it. Personally, I prefer 'appreciative joy,' a Buddhist concept. Has helped tremendously with anger over the years.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    After 4 years of yo-yo'ing I've found the key...NSNG - NO SUGAR, NO GRAINS

    No you haven't lol. A restrictive diet is never "the key". Do you really plan on eliminating sugar and grains from your diet for the rest or your life? No cookies, no cake, no brownies, no candy, no pasta, no cereal, no bread...for the rest of your life? Does that really seem practical or realistic to you. If that's your plan, by all means good luck, but there are better, more enjoyable, and not to mention more effective ways to go about eating healthy.

    If it works for him, it's the key. Although I wouldn't do it, this doesn't seem at all unrealistic, or even mildly difficult.

    Never eating sugar or grains in any amount for the rest of your life doesn't even seem mildly difficult to you? What? Lol. What are you going to eat on your birthday? A pile of fruit that's made to look like a cake? Never going to eat another sandwich for the rest of your life? Not going to have a burger or hot dog with the bun? Idk, to me entirely cutting out sugar and grains forever would be very difficult, and even if I could do it, it would make for a sad life lol.

    I honestly couldn't do it for even a week. Luckily, there is absolutely no need.


    There better not be sugar in that pudding.

    But, I kinda feel bad for OP. Unless he's trolling (if you are, you're brilliant) he's excited he found something that works for him. He has seen results, and I'm happy for him. His excitement led him to want to spread the word, and I understand that too. But, his delivery triggered those of us who know how hard and unnecessary diets based on restriction are, and then it all spiraled downward.

    OP, should you come back, you keep doing what you want to do. I don't think anyone in here is telling you that you need to change your mind or your approach. Rather, they're telling everybody else that your method is certainly not the only one, and it's probably making things harder than they need to be.

    Good luck to you.

    i dont think anyone is saying he shouldnt continue his diet or even believe in it. Point was he was staying its the key and only way of life and the only way to be healthy. In my opion some of these people like him or david avocado have almost a cultish way about them with like.. no credentials. No you dont need a degree to be knowledgeable but the point is not everything someone says is the truth. I dont care how someome eats.. i do care when someone says a restriction diet is the end all be all of health and/or weighloss.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    fishshark wrote: »
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    Also, vinnie tortorich has a doctorate from Tulane which is more than can be said about you people naysaying NSNG. He is one of the best fitness trainers out there. Go to his site, debate him...

    What is your source for the doctorate claim? I can't find it on his website and his Wikipedia page (which looks like he wrote himself) doesn't have it either. When I search Google, there is nothing either. This thread comes up, but I can't find another online source for his post-graduate education.

    litterally this. I mentioned i have a masters in nutrition he then threw it in my face that he has a doctorate. Yet NOTHING says he has a doctorate except ONE TWEET where he said "you dont need a phd to know sugar is bad for you" or something like that. Please tell me people are not assuming that means he has a phd.

    Stranger things have happened. ;)