Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @badnoodle --White water rafting is on my bucket list. I have a friend who lives in WY and she was trying to plan a trip this summer out there for a group of us, but one friend is pregnant, another is on an educational trip to Japan, so it didn't work out. Maybe next year. Watermelon slushies sound yummy!!

    @tracy (goins)-- It's good to see you back. Sorry your DH's COPD is continuing to affect your ability to work and take care of yourself. I hope the home health care worker recovers quickly, so you don't have to pick up all the slack. And you are sick on top of it! So sorry--sending good thoughts your way.

    @niki-- I make a similar dish minus the carrots and beets (don't like either). I've never added the rosemary either--that sounds delicious; I'll be sure to try it.

    @alyssa-- congrats on losing 13 lbs so far!!

    Sorry if I missed anyone--catch you on the next round.

    Thursday Truth:
    I bought some summer dresses b/c my shorts and capris are tight, but I refuse to buy new ones in a bigger size. At least the dresses will still fit when I lose the 10 lbs I gained over the past school year.

    General Goals:
    1. Take donations to GW DONE
    2. Do something about weeds BOUGHT WEED BE GONE and ROUND UP
    3. Get car detailed
    4. Make doctor/dentist appointments
    5. Clean files of 2015 paperwork
    6. File 2016 paperwork
    7. Take winter coat to cleaners
    8. Find someone to repair shed

    Fitness Goals for the month of June:
    Visit gym of run outside minimum of 10 times 7/10
    Run at least 17/25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    189 k done/ 811 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE TWICE + mow lawn and yard work DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE TWICE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @badnoodle - My DH is terminally ill with COPD, he has lots of reason to gripe and complain about being sick. What I don't like is that he's not even trying to move anymore - he's not making an effort to keep mobile and it is a bad sign. He needs to make a herculean effort to move, so he doesn't degenerate even more than he has. I gripe about him whining and being needy and clingy, but it's mostly to vent because I worry about him constantly. This disease is dragging us both down with it. And he's NEVER been a "good" patient, even when he was healthy. You know how men are, they are the worst sick people!
    @skinnyjeanzbound - thank you for your kind words. I too have gained back 10 lbs (my GP made a point of mentioning it when I saw her this week). I'm still fitting into my 16's that were given to me but they are also getting uncomfortable. We should just encourage each other so we can get rid of the extra tire we picked up during the year!
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    I've been trying to stick to my goal of exercising at least 5x a week for at least 60 mins each day. This week I was able to walk a little bit faster than last week, which I was really happy about! When I was thin I could easily walk at 3.5mph or faster so I'm working hard to get back there, bit by bit.

    Also today I weighed in at 260, and my goal for the end of June was to get out of the 260s, so I'm really happy to see that I'm almost there!! I hope in the last few days of June I can see even more losses. My next goal is 255, which will officially put me out of the morbidly obese category and I think that will be very liberating. I have a long, long way to go on my total weight loss but I think if I keep making these small goals, I'll stay motivated! I just keep thinking about all the motivating posts on here, and quotes like "A year from now, you'll be so glad you started losing weight" or "Weight loss is a mountain of pebbles, just move one pebble at a time!" :blush:

    I know we all can do this!!

    I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend enjoying the summer!
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?)

    I've taken the last 2 days off (other than the 30 minute walk during lunch, which I do not really count when I think of my exercising) from working out since I've been having that congested chest/cough crud that seems to be going around, BUT today is LEG DAY! Which I'm pretty excited about!! I'm going to the gym at 2pm to workout with a co-worker and we usually finish around 4pm, then I'm going to a lengthy walk with one of my girlfriends and hopefully getting a run in. I have my first 5k on July 3rd and I don't know if I can run that far, so I'm hoping to get as much running in this week as I possibly can. Also trying to meal plan so we don't go out and eat junk over the weekend, and if we do go out I'm going to choose healthy options (salad).

    Hope everyone has a fit and happy weekend!!!
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    I lost last week, then celebrated by eating and drinking things I should not. I have not gotten in the scale for fear of frustration. I commit to go to the gym 4x this week.

    I also have this issue, we need to work on celebrating our losses with non-food items! I get so close to 199 and then I feel like I can eat whatever and then bam I'm up a pound. We've got this though! When you read this if you haven't gone to the gym yet, GO! And I'll go too! :)
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    Oh also, I buy this Ostrim jerky (Ostrich and beef - peppered) from GNC and it is the BEST! Helps me stay satiated when I'm really hungry and it's not bad in the calorie department, like 80-100 calories I think. I've been having it for lunch a lot lately along with some fruit. I'm always looking for food ideas or workout ideas so if you can share what works for you? :)
  • helenaroze
    helenaroze Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, hoping I can rejoin this awesome group! I was on here over a year and a half ago and due to some super crappy things happening I just gave up and deleted my account. Now I'm back and needing to lose weight for a super special guy in my life, my nearly 6mo son! I decided to start counting calories again to keep me accountable for what I eat because breastfeeding makes me incredibly hungry! So I'm just going to jump right in!

    Friday fitness: I've been doing aerobics in the evening with DH and we have tons of fun doing it! I plan to continue this as a nightly routine and add in a morning walk after DS wakes up. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow as well and I'm going to make a meal plan based on the sales. Also going to continue doing what i did easily this week which is make veggie snack bags that i can just grab and eat, boy has that been a lifesaver this week!

    That's all I got for now!
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    Have not been around for a while.. but things are good.. and I am trying to stay focused and positive - I always feel so much better when I do!

    You know what I mean.. .... when I fall off track and eat junk.. and not do any exercise I TOTALLY feel bum'ed and awful... so you would think someone of MY age would know to STAY ON TRACK!!

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound The watermelon slushies are super easy and really tasty! Load a blender with about 3 cups of watermelon, 1 cup of hulled strawberries, blueberries, or blackberries, about a quarter cup of lime juice (one lime's worth), and ~3 cups of ice cubes. Blend on high for about 90 seconds, until the texture is right. If it's still liquidy, add more ice cubes. I like to add 5-6 fresh mint leaves, and maybe a tbsp of honey if the fruit isn't very sweet. Alternatively, if you leave out the ice cubes and add some coconut milk, it's a summer soup! Last time I made it, I think it was 32 oz of slushie for 120 calories, and all the vitamin A you could ever want.

    @GOINSTD12 I should have realized when you said "home health worker" that it was more serious than a temporary case of flu or pneumonia. I salute you for keeping your husband (and yourself) together at all, especially when you're also working. A couple of years ago, both my parents had orthopedic surgery at the same time. Even though I didn't have a job, and they only needed me for six weeks, I ran myself ragged trying to take care of their needs, my younger sibling, all the driving and the housework. I can't imagine trying to handle that long term, especially in a terminal situation.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    edited June 2016
    @badnoodle, that watermelon slushy sounds great! I'll have to try that next time I get watermelon - I usually can't finish even a half a one because there's only the 2 of us and DH really isn't that into watermelon. @celtikgirl - ha ha, yaass! Rum & men in kilts, what a great combo!
    @wadwrich, @AlyssaAnne03 & @jaded33jade - congrats on the weight loss (and to everyone else that lost).
    @Nikion901 - your roasted veggie recipe sounds delish!
    @kah68 - good luck on your surgery, I hope all goes well and you recover quickly.
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    @badnoodle I missed wherever the slushie reference was earlier, so reading your recipe above I kept looking for how much rum to add. Must be Friday!

    I feel like I just spent a whole weekend cleaning my house, and it needs it again! We have a few family members who are planning to use us as a stopover in their summer travels over the next week or two, so I guess I have no choice but to spend Saturday with the cleaning implements. Sunday is reserved for Celtic Fling at Mt Hope Winery, so lots of walking, a little dancing and singing, and probably several adult beverages in my future! Oh, and lots of men in kilts!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @celtik-- I also assumed badnoodle's slushie recipe would include rum. LOL

    @tracy-- My DH also doesn't like watermelon, but I can eat a whole one on my own-- well, with a little help from gunner. He loves watermelon!! Yeah, my shorts still technically fit, but they aren't so comfy. We will lose the 10 lbs and then some!!

    @badnoodle-- thanks for the recipe!

    @pamela & helena-- welcome back!

    @thatlady-- I just had turkey jerky for lunch b/c I was too lazy to make anything. Have never tried ostrich jerky though. :smile: Good luck on your 5k-- I would advise you don't run for 1 or 2 days before the race so your muscles won't be fatigued. Trust me, your time will be better on fully rested legs. :)

    @wadwrich & pinkstarberry-- great progress on the scale!!

    Friday Fitness:
    Well, I've done much better this week with exercising and I know a big part of it is the Amazing Race challenge I joined (thanks celtik!). Not only is there the accountability to my team, but our spreadsheet also includes a "Power Ranking" sheet which shows your individual ranking. I'm currently in 10th place, and my goal is to stay in the top 10 throughout the summer. There are some real workhorses in the group, so it won't be easy, but while I'm on break I really have no excuse not to exercise.

    Today was really productive. I walked gunner and did some school work at starbucks, When I got home, I did our AR zumba challenge, dug up some raspberry bushes, divided up a huge hosta, and mowed the front lawn. I was filthy dirty by the end of it all, but it feels good to have gotten it done.

    I;m going to try to start on goals 5 and 6 tonight.

    General Goals:
    1. Change water filter on fridge
    2. Do something about weeds BOUGHT WEED BE GONE and ROUND UP
    3. Get car detailed
    4. Make doctor/dentist appointments
    5. Clean files of 2015 paperwork
    6. File 2016 paperwork
    7. Take winter coat to cleaners
    8. Find someone to repair shed

    Fitness Goals for the month of June:
    Visit gym of run outside minimum of 10 times 7/10
    Run at least 17/25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    189 k done/ 811 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE TWICE + mow lawn and yard work DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE TWICE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE + mow lawn and yard work DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner

  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    I actually think vodka would be a better pairing, but maybe silver rum would work. I am going to be serving kids at the party. :)
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    Checking in - i finished my two weeks in the field. Waking over 10k steps everyday, Wednesday i got to 16k. I lost a lot last week, must have been water from sweating. this week was cooler and less humid, so i went back up a little. On par with my goals, so no worries.

    I'm so glad to be back in the office next week. No more driving! No more eating out! I can meal prep my breakfast, smoothie and lunch again. I can go back to jazzercise this week!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member

    Checking in - i finished my two weeks in the field. Waking over 10k steps everyday, Wednesday i got to 16k. I lost a lot last week, must have been water from sweating. this week was cooler and less humid, so i went back up a little. On par with my goals, so no worries.

    Wow, hard times but congrats on the loss for it!

  • jaded33jade
    jaded33jade Posts: 30 Member
    Glad to see everyone and their goals going good. Keep it up.

    Here is my check in and Friday fitness.
    I have available e lost a pound this week. Every little bit helps right. Last night I swam with the kids a bit, then after they were in bed I swam some more. Like 2 hours. Today I relaxed and layer in the sun for an 1.5 hours. The later swam for 2 more. I actually feel pretty good. My ankles are not swollen and I'm relaxes a bit. I plan on heading back outside tomorrow and starting all over for a bit longer. Lots of sunblock though.

    Keep up all the good work my friends we got this.
  • strawberrymom61910
    strawberrymom61910 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 100 pounds over weight. I have been fighting post partum depression and anxiety since my oldest was born in 2011. Then my youngest was born in 2012. I've not lost an ounce of pregnancy weight. I'm scared, tired, frustrated and embarrassed that I am this way. I need to change and the change I need is so overwhelming
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    I am 100 pounds over weight. I have been fighting post partum depression and anxiety since my oldest was born in 2011. Then my youngest was born in 2012. I've not lost an ounce of pregnancy weight. I'm scared, tired, frustrated and embarrassed that I am this way. I need to change and the change I need is so overwhelming

    Looking at the big picture can be scary and make a task seem impossible. I know I'm that way. Whether it be with my weight loss or any other project (like cleaning out the garage or tackling the overgrown yard). For me, if I look at how much there is to do or how far I have to go, I get very discouraged and don't even want to try. What I have to do , and this is just me personally, is not even think about how far I have to go. I just decide to start and don't worry about how far away the end is. The small victories and progress are motivation enough for me to keep going. Sometimes I can't help but "look up" just long enough to see where the end is, and most of the time I don't like what I see; but I just put my head back down, keep going, and just focus on the here and now. You can do it. I hope this helps.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    Sometimes I get these thoughts pop through my head that are totally irrelevant but consume my thoughts for a number of minutes and often lead to time spent Googling. Today it was about Sunday. Does it start the week or end it? That's because all of a sudden I am confused about it due to a memory slip. Yes, those memory slips happen more often all the time and sometimes leave me with a really pizzed-off feeling. Afterall, why does it matter which day starts the week. (If you are also curions, check out ...)

    For many it is Monday because that's the start of the work week. For some it is Sunday which comes through ancient Egypt to honor the sun-God Ra as the first day of the week. And, in my childhood home it also started the week because of the Bible and the creation tale of what God did on the first day. Well, Monday is my check-in day so I think in my own practice Monday starts the new week for me when I weigh in to see what the past 7 days wrought in my weight loss saga.

    So to everyone ... have a good day today, whether it starts your week or not. The important thing in weight loss is that you start, somewhere, sometime ... and keep it up.
    Follow through with consisitent focus - my slogan for 2016