twilight fanatics challenge! get your vamp on by november 1



  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member

    I'm feeling that sense of "whats the point" big time.

    don't even go there - all you'll do is sabatoge your efforts! there's no way you gained 5 pounds of fat, so don't even entertain the thought. being as bodies are organic vs. mechanical, try and get used to the idea that the 'it's all numbers' theory is crap. we're not calculators that spit out the expected data after you feed it the correct numbers. i won't pretend that i know everything that's actually going on, but i know it's *way* more complicated than that!


    take measurements if you aren't already.
    trust your clothes over you scale
    train your mind to see you increased energy, health and confidence as more valuable than the scale data.
    up your water intake.
    make sure you're eating enough - 1200 calories *net* is the minimum.

    so chin up and stay the course. you are worth this and you can totally do it. :flowerforyou:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I tried to be VERY healthy in my food choices and it didnt even feel bad to me I actually felt GREAT and full but not the kind of full where you are ready to hurl everywhere :) this new lifestyle is really growing on me!

    dig this - such an accomplishment! great mindset!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Grumpin' out today, ladies. I'm up 5 lbs this week and I have no clue how it happened.

    I mean, this was a lax week for me, food wise. Definately had a few days where I was 300 over my daily caloric goal... but that doesn't even come close to equaling 5lbs worth of calories. And I've been working out.


    I'm feeling that sense of "whats the point" big time. After all... four weeks of work completely undone by 4 days of eating more than 1200 calories (but still under 2000) while busting my butt.... it's disheartening.

    And now I get to go on vacation, where I'm petrified I'm going to gain 5 more pounds. Blargh.

    You can't worry. You are going to go up and down. I keep telling myself that even though I am freaking and have eaten WAY over my calorie allotment this week. Tomorrow is weigh in day so we shall see.
  • clairelane1982
    does anyone else get nervous before they jump on the scales??? i weigh in the morning and im anxious already... lol.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    I love the challenge! I know this sounds strange but i always assumed that a rice cooker made just regular rice. I spent the week experimenting with my rice cooker making different kinds of rice and using the steamer addition on it. I have to work extra hard this week since i gained...

    please pray for me i am going through some things that I never saw headed my way and have been difficult to deal with. I completely neglected myself for at least a week and let my emotions get the best of me. I am still trying to deal with it now but I am going to try and focus my coping skills towards exercise instead of junk.
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Grumpin' out today, ladies. I'm up 5 lbs this week and I have no clue how it happened.

    I mean, this was a lax week for me, food wise. Definately had a few days where I was 300 over my daily caloric goal... but that doesn't even come close to equaling 5lbs worth of calories. And I've been working out.


    I'm feeling that sense of "whats the point" big time. After all... four weeks of work completely undone by 4 days of eating more than 1200 calories (but still under 2000) while busting my butt.... it's disheartening.

    And now I get to go on vacation, where I'm petrified I'm going to gain 5 more pounds. Blargh.

    I went to a festival and managed to gain 5lbs in a weekend BUT it came off fairly quickly :) It was down to water retention (TOM), eating high sodium food (more water retention) and drinking alcohol. It took two weeks to get rid of so it can be done and won't take you another 4 weeks like last time. It was messages from my friends on here that got me back into the swing of things. You can do it! I promise you I wasn't even being very strict with exercise those two weeks as I hurt my foot at the festival. If I'd have been exercising it would have been even quicker:flowerforyou:
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    I usually eat at home, but... with this challenge I tried cauliflower rice for the first time, and this is what I used!

    Teriyaki Chicken on Cauliflower RIce served with Sauteed Veggies!

    It was super low in calorie, and absolutely delicious!
  • angelofmusic1
    Irisheyes - don't be discouraged. These blips usually aren't permanent gain and there's a reason for them. You've been working out - have you gained muscle? There's also a certain week of the month I won't even step on the scales because I know it will be up 2-3 pounds for a few days, gone a few days later.

    I'm off for a very long walk today.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I usually eat at home, but... with this challenge I tried cauliflower rice for the first time, and this is what I used!

    this looks amazing! okay, you got me sold - i'll try it. thanks for sharing!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Grumpin' out today, ladies. I'm up 5 lbs this week and I have no clue how it happened.

    I mean, this was a lax week for me, food wise. Definately had a few days where I was 300 over my daily caloric goal... but that doesn't even come close to equaling 5lbs worth of calories. And I've been working out.


    I'm feeling that sense of "whats the point" big time. After all... four weeks of work completely undone by 4 days of eating more than 1200 calories (but still under 2000) while busting my butt.... it's disheartening.

    And now I get to go on vacation, where I'm petrified I'm going to gain 5 more pounds. Blargh.

    Hey Irisheyes - I am having the same problem this week! Last week - awesome week - dropped weight even though it was my TOM. This week, I have been under calories every day, stepped up water and workouts, and have gained a few ounces every darn day, ending up being up 2.5 lbs. - frustrating!!! I feel your pain girl!! I'm dealing by trying to focus on the NSV's like the fact that all my clothes fit better & I have dropped from a 22 to a 16/18 since Jan. - but it's still so frustrating to be doing what you should and going the wrong way. Maybe we'll both have a better week next week! Have fun on vacation!
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
    I made it back down to 179.2! Hoping I make good choices and get thru the holiday weekend. Hope everyone has a great 4th! Good luck on your journey too
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    Good morning and happy 4th of July everyone. I'm reporting my weigh in NOW before the cookouts Last week I weighed in at 181, this morning I weighed in at 180! ANother 1 lb. loss! Can't wait to get in the 170s!

    Had a stellar week as far as NSV goes...had a few people really notice my weight loss so far and actually had fun clothes shooping for a change, especially for bathing suits. I've discovered I fit into size 14s (haven't been this size since high school) and went from a size 18/20 bathing suit to a 14! My husband remarked "I don't think I've ever seen you this little!". THAT made my entire year, right there!!

    Though I've been discouraged because of severe back pain and haven't been able to work out this week, I've decided I'm not going to let it beat me! My little NSVs this week are getting me through.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a safe and happy celebration!!
  • sheffiej34
    sheffiej34 Posts: 91
    RE: liz11559

    I think the NSVs are more motivating than the scale ... Creates such a high and a sense of empowerment! . Congrats on your achievements so far!
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    I usually eat at home, but... with this challenge I tried cauliflower rice for the first time, and this is what I used!

    Teriyaki Chicken on Cauliflower RIce served with Sauteed Veggies!

    It was super low in calorie, and absolutely delicious!

    That looks and sounds yummy! Will have to try it! thanks:-)
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Down 3.5lbs this week super excited!:happy: I really worked my butt of this week. Kind of worried about tomorrow though because we are having a 4th of July party and there is going to be so much tempting stuff. Hopefully I won't do to bad. I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July weekend and Keep up all the hard work.

    Challenge SW - 153
    6/25/11 - 153
    07/02/11 - 149.5
  • clairelane1982
    just 1lb this week.. was really hoping for 2lbs, so i could chalk up my first stone but theres always nxt week. Have good weekend everyone.x
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Good morning and happy 4th of July everyone. I'm reporting my weigh in NOW before the cookouts Last week I weighed in at 181, this morning I weighed in at 180! ANother 1 lb. loss! Can't wait to get in the 170s!

    Had a stellar week as far as NSV goes...had a few people really notice my weight loss so far and actually had fun clothes shooping for a change, especially for bathing suits. I've discovered I fit into size 14s (haven't been this size since high school) and went from a size 18/20 bathing suit to a 14! My husband remarked "I don't think I've ever seen you this little!". THAT made my entire year, right there!!

    Though I've been discouraged because of severe back pain and haven't been able to work out this week, I've decided I'm not going to let it beat me! My little NSVs this week are getting me through.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a safe and happy celebration!!

    Bonus points to the hubby for noticing and commenting!! Have a fun weekend!
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    I lost one pound this week and it was the hardest darn pound I've ever lost.
    This is the first time I posted over here but I have been doing the challenge for a couple of weeks.
    I was have two questions for my fellow twilighters.
    1. How do you plan to reward yourself when you meet your November goal? I plan to buy myself a new outfit to wear to opening night.
    2. What non- weight loss twilight websites do you frequent? I like several but I most often visit Letters To Twilight for the humor and Twilight Lexicon for their superior knowledge of all things Twilight. I also love Twi Guy, he's so darn cute.

    Loved this weeks challenge. I rarely eat out but I modified it to eat less frozen meals, like smart ones and healthy choice. I have some bonless chicken breats in crock pot right now along with summer squash, onions, carrots and potatoes. Also gonna make some brown rice to go with it.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    here's the chart for week 5! we lost 46 pounds for the week and we're up to 279.6 pounds gone collectively! well done! if you're name is in gray, i did not receive a weigh in for this week. if your name is in yellow, i will be removing you from the challenge if i don't receive a weigh in by next saturday. great work, everyone! keep rocking it!

  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member

    “Don’t be a baby about this. No tantrums.”
    Alice Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.267


    We’re six weeks in, and I figured it’s about time to play the Alice card! Alice is a great motivator – she speaks plainly and tells it how it is. Looking at how I’m still hovering at about a pound *over* my starting weight for the challenge, it seemed like it might be a time to bring in some ‘no nonsense’ mentality. Another factor towards my decision for using Alice’s tough love this week? This week’s weigh-in participation has dropped to nearly fifty percent – our lowest so far.

    It could be vacations, sure. It could be forgetfulness, too. But it could be that the scale is not reporting what we want, and instead of being accountable for it, we’re ignoring it. Not allowed, my vamps! The scale is not our friend, nor is it the end-all-be-all. It’s a simple tool that looks at only one of the many factors of our weight loss journey. The scale does not measure muscle, or endurance, or self-confidence, and it doesn’t take into consideration things like clothes fitting and looking better, or the compliments people are throwing your way. The scale does not notice when you catch your reflection in the mirror and smile.

    Your challenge this week is to really look at what you are doing and make any adjustments necessary to get you on track and keep you there. Are you considering everything you are feeding your body? Are you utilizing your food journal? Are you giving your workouts everything you’ve got? If you are already doing everything right (which I know a good number of you are!), think about how you are going to keep doing it right for the next 19 weeks without burning out. We’re in this for the long haul. We might not be able to predict the future like Alice, but we can still be vamp-ish bad-*kitten* and forge our own!