married chit-chatters?



  • X_Sooner
    X_Sooner Posts: 366 Member
    I'm very fortunate that I get along with my in-laws. My parents have both passed away, so I'm grateful to have them in my life. My MIL is such an encouragement and loving. Life can be tough at times, so I'm glad I have great in-laws.

    I've been on MFP for 12 weeks now and finding it easy, but I've kind of stalled on the losing weight part. Following it to a tee...any ideas on how to "shake" things up to start losing again?

    Drop a bit more sugar and carbs, up the same amount of protein and increase exercise by 5 mins. Adjustments help but you've already done so much you don't want start thinking it's not enough so make adjustments in inches, not feet.

    Few inches of sugar, etc etc.

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited June 2016
    We're happily married. Just celebrated our 29th anniversary. Was widowed 10 years before we married, had two children by my sweet first husband. Our children are all now in their 40s.
    I was one of those people who got great in-laws -- both sets. all are now gone except for my present husband's father. I love him, but recently, I finally asked my husband why he doesn't especially like me. Ken said it's because he didn't like my mother, and he just hasn't been able to get beyond that. Well, I sure do understand! He's sweet anyway, whether he likes it or not.
    As far as my husband goes, he's extremely good to me. I have had to caution him, however, not to spoil me too much, as Father did Mother. It wasn't good.

    I'm curious about your comment about spoiling someone too much. In what way do you feel spoiling has negative consequences? Is spoiling doing too much for someone and how does spoiling differ from showing someone you care for them? I'm just curious......

    No problem. It's just that I grew up with a mother who was totally spoiled, and it was Father who spoiled her, to her own hurt and her children's, especially hurting my oldest sister. I don't believe Mother matured emotionally past being 5 or so years old. For one example, she would have full-blown tantrums. For a second, everything was about her -- the most narcissistic person I've ever known, and I've known a few doozies. Just before she died, her home warned us that if she didn't stop hitting the nurses and other residents, she would have to find another home. 'Nough said. :neutral:

    I don't want to grow old to be so mean or so self-centered. And it's not that she changed in her old age; the problem was that she remained the same.

    I can't diagnose anyone. And it's definitely possible the "spoiling" or what appeared to be spoiling led to that. But, I can't help but wonder if there was something more than that, something more dysfunctional, going on that led to her erratic personality disorder. Something she was never able to deal with properly. Just seems extreme for only being given lots of attention. But, then again, I have read that can happen. So maybe it was just from that. Sorry you had to go through that with her. ♥
  • celestehughesbradley
    X_Sooner wrote: »
    I'm very fortunate that I get along with my in-laws. My parents have both passed away, so I'm grateful to have them in my life. My MIL is such an encouragement and loving. Life can be tough at times, so I'm glad I have great in-laws.

    I've been on MFP for 12 weeks now and finding it easy, but I've kind of stalled on the losing weight part. Following it to a tee...any ideas on how to "shake" things up to start losing again?

    Drop a bit more sugar and carbs, up the same amount of protein and increase exercise by 5 mins. Adjustments help but you've already done so much you don't want start thinking it's not enough so make adjustments in inches, not feet.

    Few inches of sugar, etc etc.

    Thank you...I'll try that.
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    I can't diagnose anyone. And it's definitely possible the "spoiling" or what appeared to be spoiling led to that. But, I can't help but wonder if there was something more than that, something more dysfunctional, going on that led to her erratic personality disorder. Something she was never able to deal with properly. Just seems extreme for only being given lots of attention. But, then again, I have read that can happen. So maybe it was just from that. Sorry you had to go through that with her. ♥

    You have a point. Between Lonestar5715 and you, you've put the thought in my head that makes me wonder what horror she went through to make her like that. This will probably help me build some compassion for her -- something I really need even though she's gone. . . .
  • Lonestar5715
    Lonestar5715 Posts: 466 Member
    So what is everyone doing for the Holiday weekend assuming you live in the states?
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    edited June 2016
    My stepson and his girls are coming up, and my husband and I are all going to my daughter's house to celebrate, as we do yearly. Expecting my daughter, her husband, and her three children, with my grandson's girlfriend; my son and his family (wife and three children); then there will be a cousin from my first marriage with his family; my son-in-law's sister w/boyfriend; at least one daughter-in-law's brother and his family; and maybe more. I always bring the cold drinks and paper/plastic serving stuff, but because my stepson and family are coming, I plan to make and a huge bring potato salad and some vegies to dip in Ranch sauce.

    Oh, and maybe we'll watch some -- especially the one about 4 July! :smiley:
  • Lonestar5715
    Lonestar5715 Posts: 466 Member
    Sounds good Raina, potato salad over the 4th of July holiday is a must right? It's great so many of your family are attending!
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    :smile: !
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I am in Canada (Friday is Canada Day), but we are celebrating my daughter's 12th birthday. Taking her and her two best friends to the movies and dinner and taking her to get a book at the bookstore. Maybe we will see fireworks on Friday (probably from a distance up on a mountain).
  • Lonestar5715
    Lonestar5715 Posts: 466 Member
    That sounds good too BinaryPulsar, is your daughter a bookworm? What genre does she like best? Is Canada Day a holiday that most people have off in Canada?
  • heroldkelly
    heroldkelly Posts: 30 Member
    My wife and I are heading to her parents' house tomorrow, in Racine, WI. We are dropping off our boys there and taking a train to Chicago for 2 nights of just the two of us. Then we go back to Racine where one of the largest 4th of July parades in the US is! Should be pretty nice for a 3 year old and a 6 month old!
  • Lonestar5715
    Lonestar5715 Posts: 466 Member
    Hey Herold, nice deal! That is a weekend for which to look forward! I am particularly envious of the parade, that sounds awesome!!
  • heroldkelly
    heroldkelly Posts: 30 Member
    Lonestar, the parade is about 4 hours long, not including the 45 minute pre-parade in which everything with a siren that is within 50 miles of Racine must go through. Also, for two little boys in Wisconsin, the parade of Case farm equipment is pretty impressive!
  • Lonestar5715
    Lonestar5715 Posts: 466 Member
    My son went through the equipment stage and it was so fun watching him get excited about trucks, planes and anything loud and noisy. You guys are going to have a blast!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    That sounds good too BinaryPulsar, is your daughter a bookworm? What genre does she like best? Is Canada Day a holiday that most people have off in Canada?

    Yeah, she reads a ton. She likes a lot of fiction. One example is this series called Warriors. It's about cats. She also likes to read about cats in general. She reads a lot of series about animals or magic. Yeah, Canada day is like the Fourth of July. I think a lot of people get the day off. There are fireworks. And sometimes events at the mall with free cake (for Canada's birthday). Technically my husband has the day off, but it's difficult for him to take days off because he is a scientist and has so much work, so he will work a half day in the morning and come home at lunch.
  • Lonestar5715
    Lonestar5715 Posts: 466 Member
    That sounds good too BinaryPulsar, is your daughter a bookworm? What genre does she like best? Is Canada Day a holiday that most people have off in Canada?

    Yeah, she reads a ton. She likes a lot of fiction. One example is this series called Warriors. It's about cats. She also likes to read about cats in general. She reads a lot of series about animals or magic. Yeah, Canada day is like the Fourth of July. I think a lot of people get the day off. There are fireworks. And sometimes events at the mall with free cake (for Canada's birthday). Technically my husband has the day off, but it's difficult for him to take days off because he is a scientist and has so much work, so he will work a half day in the morning and come home at lunch.

    Reading is a fantastic escape for kids and such a springboard for learning. Thanks for the Canada Day details, now I know :-) And that is interesting about your husband's work, I imagine even when he is away from his job his mind is still engaged in what he is doing.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    That sounds good too BinaryPulsar, is your daughter a bookworm? What genre does she like best? Is Canada Day a holiday that most people have off in Canada?

    Yeah, she reads a ton. She likes a lot of fiction. One example is this series called Warriors. It's about cats. She also likes to read about cats in general. She reads a lot of series about animals or magic. Yeah, Canada day is like the Fourth of July. I think a lot of people get the day off. There are fireworks. And sometimes events at the mall with free cake (for Canada's birthday). Technically my husband has the day off, but it's difficult for him to take days off because he is a scientist and has so much work, so he will work a half day in the morning and come home at lunch.

    Reading is a fantastic escape for kids and such a springboard for learning. Thanks for the Canada Day details, now I know :-) And that is interesting about your husband's work, I imagine even when he is away from his job his mind is still engaged in what he is doing.

    Yes, definitely. Lol. He even talks in his sleep about science and asks me to do things science related. It's hilarious! Or he will tell me he is having difficult feelings. So, I ask why. And it's something about what he is working on or even a new science idea he wants to work on or write a paper about, but doesn't have time for. He sometimes stays up late working on science or writing about science. He is a plasma physicist. It's like me with dancing. Dance is my work and my recreation. Science is his work and his recreation.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    Standard BBQ stuff then off to Vegas all next week.
  • Lonestar5715
    Lonestar5715 Posts: 466 Member
    That sounds good too BinaryPulsar, is your daughter a bookworm? What genre does she like best? Is Canada Day a holiday that most people have off in Canada?

    Yeah, she reads a ton. She likes a lot of fiction. One example is this series called Warriors. It's about cats. She also likes to read about cats in general. She reads a lot of series about animals or magic. Yeah, Canada day is like the Fourth of July. I think a lot of people get the day off. There are fireworks. And sometimes events at the mall with free cake (for Canada's birthday). Technically my husband has the day off, but it's difficult for him to take days off because he is a scientist and has so much work, so he will work a half day in the morning and come home at lunch.

    Reading is a fantastic escape for kids and such a springboard for learning. Thanks for the Canada Day details, now I know :-) And that is interesting about your husband's work, I imagine even when he is away from his job his mind is still engaged in what he is doing.

    Yes, definitely. Lol. He even talks in his sleep about science and asks me to do things science related. It's hilarious! Or he will tell me he is having difficult feelings. So, I ask why. And it's something about what he is working on or even a new science idea he wants to work on or write a paper about, but doesn't have time for. He sometimes stays up late working on science or writing about science. He is a plasma physicist. It's like me with dancing. Dance is my work and my recreation. Science is his work and his recreation.

    It sounds like you must have some very interesting conversations in your home lol. Do you each know enough about the other's passions that you are able to talk about them and share their interest?
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    @mangamaday I've never failed not to finish it because it's always so easy.. LOL it's meanly in place so I don't forget any basic chores..Maybe I should make this a little clearer so it don't sound like abuse you see I had some head trauma and I forget things a lot so using a list helps me remember to do things so basically he does it to help me out.... so the list may look like this

    No offense... But that sounds like a list I would leave my children... I, on the other hand am an adult and can decide what needs to be done on my own.

    Sounds demeaning to me... But hey, if it works for you...