Disadvantages of Keto diet



  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    dykask wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    I've been Dr. Lustig on youtube. Search on "Sugar: The Bitter Truth". He started with asking what the Japanese diet and Aktin's diet have in common. The answer is they are both low fructose diets.


    Have you read the counterpoint to Dr Lustig's theory about fructose?

    Who do you think would understand the toxic effects of fructose more, an endocrinologist working with specialists in multiple fields or a solo nutritionist?

    Who do you think would understand a part of nutrition more, someone with a masters degree in nutrition or a doctor specializing in something that is not nutrition?

    HA! There isn't any nutrition in fructose. :wink:
  • i6Shot
    i6Shot Posts: 51 Member
    There really aren't too many cons to stop you from trying. I think the pros far outweigh the cons.

    My main con was that my fiber intake was low which made toilet time very hard (excuse the pun). But with psyllium husk added in my diet that was sorted. Funny thing was I never really had good fiber in my bad diet anyway? Not sure why this became an issue with keto.

    So called keto flu is different from person to person but there are ways to help with this.

    It has helped me shed 10kg since the beginning of the year so I stand by it. More info on it here. The worst thing that can happen from trying it is that you find it doesn't help you and you revert back to another diet.
  • caimay199
    caimay199 Posts: 39 Member
    Keto is an amazing diet. There's a lot of research to back it up (do a search for peer reviewed studies on ketogenic diet and alzheimer's, for example). IMO, it's the perfect diet.

    However, it's a massive commitment. It can be expensive to buy enough good quality meat to keep you satiated for all your meals. If you eat over a certain amount of carbs (varies depending on the person), you will be kicked out ketosis. It's a long-term thing without much room for messing up.

    The reality is (again, peer-reviewed studies) you can lose just as much weight without cutting carbs. So it depends on your reasons for doing it. I'm not trying to discourage you, because I'm a big advocate of keto, but I don't follow it myself because personally I find just slightly lowering my carbs, and staying within my calorie allowance, is working just fine.
  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    What a strange thing to say that I'm pushing fructose!
    Why are you pushing Lustig would be a childish response as you keep posting his link....
    Believe what you like but balance is important so it's important that both sides of the argument are presented.

    I would defend fructose, or any other kind of sugar, or just about any other kind of food if it fits within someone's personal well balanced overall diet. I'm anti charlatan and pro science not pro fructose.

    You have been defending fructose consumption, a least indirectly. I've seen your link posted multiple times. For the record I didn't post a link I only mentioned where the source of my information about fructose toxicity came from.

    Fructose is empty calories and the liver's processing of it is problematic at best. At this point, fructose in drinks appears that it could be root cause of much metabolic disease. Fructose isn't something that can be completely avoided, but it is easy to reduce. In time there will likely be more studies on it, but that takes time. Evidence it mounting thought the too much fructose at least without fiber is a problem.

    When I read the blog you linked, Alan came across more like a charlatan. There is room for debate and different views, but his blog is basically nit picking some issues that aren't really related and then saying Dr. Lustig is just wrong because he doesn't assign a dosage for the toxicity. That is a misdirection away from the core issues. He also backs up his points with invalid claims: For example: "High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is nearly identical to sucrose in structure and function." If that were true, it wouldn't be a syrup it would be a solid. Small differences in molecular structure make different materials. Glucose and fructose are not combined in HFCS as they are in sucrose and they don't even exist in the same ratio, although HFCS could be made that way. The fact that fructose isn't combined with glucose in HFCS can make a big difference in how fructose moves in the body.

    To be clear, I'm not recommending avoiding fruit or things like that, personally I enjoy a lot of fruit. I'm recommending avoiding refined sugars in drinks and foods. That isn't a recommendation I came up with. I simply tried it and it is working very well providing relief from the problems that I used to have, such as uncontrollable hunger. Frankly, I think it is also why the ketosis based diets work and high carb diets also work. Any diet that gets people mostly away from modern processed food probably work.

    With all the mounting evidence against refined sugars, I'm shocked that you are defending their continued high use.

    Yes fructose is empty calories - agreed. As is glucose. Both have their place in an overall diet, both come with dangers of over consumption. Both have their positive uses as well beyond personal taste - such as carb gels for endurance athletes which are commonly a 2:1 ratio of maltodextrin and fructose to maximise energy absorption. Both have strong and obvious negatives in that they are calorie dense.
    Again as I keep saying the overall diet and lifestyle are important. Obviously slurping carb gels sitting on my bum would be foolish, sitting on my bum cycling 100+ miles then they are very handy and totally appropriate.

    Processing by the liver is not problematic in a healthy individual. It's simply one of the functions of your liver and digestion as a whole.

    Your keep using the word toxic but keep ignoring that dosage needs to be stated. You can say water is toxic remember.

    You are mistaken about HFCS. Refined sugar and so-called natural sugar are chemically identical and your body doesn't know the source and cannot process them differently. That fruit comes packaged with "good stuff" doesn't mean the sugar in them is any different at a chemical level.

    Your bias is making you focus on fairly irrelevant parts of Aragon's blog. Extrapolating small survey data on children to try to prove a hypothesis for an entire population is incredibly bad science. Unbelievably bad in fact for someone educated to Lustig's level - which makes me doubt his motives. Anyone with an open mind would expand the data analysed and see if the correlation continues. Simply put the correlation falls apart.

    I'm glad you have found something that works for. I've found something entirely different that works for me - there's many routes to health.

    But please do stop the drama llama stuff of being "shocked" that someone has different views to you. Also don't build straw man arguments - I'm not advocating "continued high use". I would prefer sugar in general was added less as I prefer the taste of the vast majority of foods unsweetened or very moderately sweetened.

    You can debate without drama or putting words in people's mouths.

    What? Without glucose we die. Glucose is a lot more than empty calories. Even in ketosis people have to have some glucose. In the liver glucose mostly is combined into glycogen which is very different with what happens to something like fructose. Both are carbohydrates and very similar but they are not the same.

    Anyway lets be clear, you came in and basically pushed Aragon's blog. I pointed out just a couple of problems in Aragon's blog and you just say they were irrelevant? That is exactly what Aragon was doing to Lustig's presentation.

    Alan Aragon is attacking a presentation, he isn't even referring to Lustig's research. Now you attack Lustig too based on what? Are you an endocrinolist or expert in organic chemistry? I'm not such an expert but I know enough to see that Aragon's arguments are full of holes too. It remains for other research to either support Lustig's research or to refute it. That is how science works. It doesn't matter what bloggers think.

    Lustig showed that toxicity pathways and talked about additional research that shows medical causation between refined sugar consumption and metabolic diseases. He didn't deal with how with the issue of how much is safe. He didn't even claim they had scientific proof. Claiming that makes his research invalid is absurd.

    It wasn't my intent to put words in your month, but clearly you support Aragon's views by the amount of times you've been posting the link to that blog. By doing that it seems you are just trying to create confusion. Lustig's recommendations at the end of his presentation are basically, don't drink sugary drinks and wait 20 minutes before taken additional food. What is so horrible about that?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,400 MFP Moderator
    caimay199 wrote: »
    Keto is an amazing diet. There's a lot of research to back it up (do a search for peer reviewed studies on ketogenic diet and alzheimer's, for example). IMO, it's the perfect diet.

    However, it's a massive commitment. It can be expensive to buy enough good quality meat to keep you satiated for all your meals. If you eat over a certain amount of carbs (varies depending on the person), you will be kicked out ketosis. It's a long-term thing without much room for messing up.

    The reality is (again, peer-reviewed studies) you can lose just as much weight without cutting carbs. So it depends on your reasons for doing it. I'm not trying to discourage you, because I'm a big advocate of keto, but I don't follow it myself because personally I find just slightly lowering my carbs, and staying within my calorie allowance, is working just fine.

    There are only a few studies on alzheimers and keto, and they were all preliminary research. You will actually find as many studies with plant based and Mediterranean.
  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    edited July 2016
    sijomial wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    What a strange thing to say that I'm pushing fructose!
    Why are you pushing Lustig would be a childish response as you keep posting his link....
    Believe what you like but balance is important so it's important that both sides of the argument are presented.

    I would defend fructose, or any other kind of sugar, or just about any other kind of food if it fits within someone's personal well balanced overall diet. I'm anti charlatan and pro science not pro fructose.

    You have been defending fructose consumption, a least indirectly. I've seen your link posted multiple times. For the record I didn't post a link I only mentioned where the source of my information about fructose toxicity came from.

    Fructose is empty calories and the liver's processing of it is problematic at best. At this point, fructose in drinks appears that it could be root cause of much metabolic disease. Fructose isn't something that can be completely avoided, but it is easy to reduce. In time there will likely be more studies on it, but that takes time. Evidence it mounting thought the too much fructose at least without fiber is a problem.

    When I read the blog you linked, Alan came across more like a charlatan. There is room for debate and different views, but his blog is basically nit picking some issues that aren't really related and then saying Dr. Lustig is just wrong because he doesn't assign a dosage for the toxicity. That is a misdirection away from the core issues. He also backs up his points with invalid claims: For example: "High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is nearly identical to sucrose in structure and function." If that were true, it wouldn't be a syrup it would be a solid. Small differences in molecular structure make different materials. Glucose and fructose are not combined in HFCS as they are in sucrose and they don't even exist in the same ratio, although HFCS could be made that way. The fact that fructose isn't combined with glucose in HFCS can make a big difference in how fructose moves in the body.

    To be clear, I'm not recommending avoiding fruit or things like that, personally I enjoy a lot of fruit. I'm recommending avoiding refined sugars in drinks and foods. That isn't a recommendation I came up with. I simply tried it and it is working very well providing relief from the problems that I used to have, such as uncontrollable hunger. Frankly, I think it is also why the ketosis based diets work and high carb diets also work. Any diet that gets people mostly away from modern processed food probably work.

    With all the mounting evidence against refined sugars, I'm shocked that you are defending their continued high use.

    Yes fructose is empty calories - agreed. As is glucose. Both have their place in an overall diet, both come with dangers of over consumption. Both have their positive uses as well beyond personal taste - such as carb gels for endurance athletes which are commonly a 2:1 ratio of maltodextrin and fructose to maximise energy absorption. Both have strong and obvious negatives in that they are calorie dense.
    Again as I keep saying the overall diet and lifestyle are important. Obviously slurping carb gels sitting on my bum would be foolish, sitting on my bum cycling 100+ miles then they are very handy and totally appropriate.

    Processing by the liver is not problematic in a healthy individual. It's simply one of the functions of your liver and digestion as a whole.

    Your keep using the word toxic but keep ignoring that dosage needs to be stated. You can say water is toxic remember.

    You are mistaken about HFCS. Refined sugar and so-called natural sugar are chemically identical and your body doesn't know the source and cannot process them differently. That fruit comes packaged with "good stuff" doesn't mean the sugar in them is any different at a chemical level.

    Your bias is making you focus on fairly irrelevant parts of Aragon's blog. Extrapolating small survey data on children to try to prove a hypothesis for an entire population is incredibly bad science. Unbelievably bad in fact for someone educated to Lustig's level - which makes me doubt his motives. Anyone with an open mind would expand the data analysed and see if the correlation continues. Simply put the correlation falls apart.

    I'm glad you have found something that works for. I've found something entirely different that works for me - there's many routes to health.

    But please do stop the drama llama stuff of being "shocked" that someone has different views to you. Also don't build straw man arguments - I'm not advocating "continued high use". I would prefer sugar in general was added less as I prefer the taste of the vast majority of foods unsweetened or very moderately sweetened.

    You can debate without drama or putting words in people's mouths.

    What? Without glucose we die. Glucose is a lot more than empty calories. Even in ketosis people have to have some glucose. In the liver glucose mostly is combined into glycogen which is very different with what happens to something like fructose. Both are carbohydrates and very similar but they are not the same.

    Anyway lets be clear, you came in and basically pushed Aragon's blog. I pointed out just a couple of problems in Aragon's blog and you just say they were irrelevant? That is exactly what Aragon was doing to Lustig's presentation.

    Alan Aragon is attacking a presentation, he isn't even referring to Lustig's research. Now you attack Lustig too based on what? Are you an endocrinolist or expert in organic chemistry? I'm not such an expert but I know enough to see that Aragon's arguments are full of holes too. It remains for other research to either support Lustig's research or to refute it. That is how science works. It doesn't matter what bloggers think.

    Lustig showed that toxicity pathways and talked about additional research that shows medical causation between refined sugar consumption and metabolic diseases. He didn't deal with how with the issue of how much is safe. He didn't even claim they had scientific proof. Claiming that makes his research invalid is absurd.

    It wasn't my intent to put words in your month, but clearly you support Aragon's views by the amount of times you've been posting the link to that blog. By doing that it seems you are just trying to create confusion. Lustig's recommendations at the end of his presentation are basically, don't drink sugary drinks and wait 20 minutes before taken additional food. What is so horrible about that?

    All I did was post the counter argument to your suggested reading/viewing. There's a lot of lurkers that don't contribute to threads and I think balance is important.
    You personally can take it or leave it - I really don't care but neither you or I get to choose what other people post in an open forum. You won't convince me and I won't convince you.

    But again you have gone off at a tangent and suggesting I think glucose and fructose are the same. It should be blindingly obvious I know the differences.
    And you put words in my mouth - again. Stick to what people say and not what you think they say. I didn't say his research is invalid, I actually said his methods are very bad science.
    Frankly your debating style needs some work! (Look up "listening to respond" - it's very educational.)

    You push your beliefs and I don't attack you for it - I just completely disagree.
    I also completely disagree about Lustig's credibility - but you are welcome to your opinion.

    Yes I do think Alan Aragon is a great resource on nutrition in general, his research reviews are really well considered, in my opinion.

    I'm not going to respond further as I'm conscious this debate is not in line with the original OP and don't want to derail further.

    I most certainly did not put words in your month in my last post. Perhaps you should proofread what you post. Additionally I haven't read any of Aragon's other posts, as I wasn't positivity impressed by that post that you linked. That one was enough. I've actually listened to a lot of positions from different viewpoints. Those included some of the interviews with Dr. Atkins who actually presented himself very well except with talking about government conspiracies. Probably was a hot button of his.

    I can't image anyone seriously taking issues Dr. Lustig's presentations unless they have some interest in protecting the status quo. He was pro exercise, pro eating sensibly and didn't bash diets like LCHF, at least in two presentations I watched. For record, Dr. Lustig was presenting things exactly as a scientist should. It isn't bad science to present findings or ideas to peers, it is part of the scientific process.

    If you want to present a counter argument you shouldn't direct it personally and you should stop with the personal attacks. This type of stuff is another disadvantage of ketosis based diets, at least at this site.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    megan_h26 wrote: »
    Thank you. I am almost ready to make a decision. Any new idea?

    @megan_h26 Did you decide what to do? To me the most important question to ask yourself is this: Is this way of eating something I can sustain? If you like the foods on your plan and can eat those foods in portions that help you attain and maintain your goals, then you have found the right plan. If you are constantly wishing for food not on your plan, it will be hard to sustain, and a food plan that includes those foods would be better.

  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    dykask wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    What a strange thing to say that I'm pushing fructose!
    Why are you pushing Lustig would be a childish response as you keep posting his link....
    Believe what you like but balance is important so it's important that both sides of the argument are presented.

    I would defend fructose, or any other kind of sugar, or just about any other kind of food if it fits within someone's personal well balanced overall diet. I'm anti charlatan and pro science not pro fructose.

    You have been defending fructose consumption, a least indirectly. I've seen your link posted multiple times. For the record I didn't post a link I only mentioned where the source of my information about fructose toxicity came from.

    Fructose is empty calories and the liver's processing of it is problematic at best. At this point, fructose in drinks appears that it could be root cause of much metabolic disease. Fructose isn't something that can be completely avoided, but it is easy to reduce. In time there will likely be more studies on it, but that takes time. Evidence it mounting thought the too much fructose at least without fiber is a problem.

    When I read the blog you linked, Alan came across more like a charlatan. There is room for debate and different views, but his blog is basically nit picking some issues that aren't really related and then saying Dr. Lustig is just wrong because he doesn't assign a dosage for the toxicity. That is a misdirection away from the core issues. He also backs up his points with invalid claims: For example: "High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is nearly identical to sucrose in structure and function." If that were true, it wouldn't be a syrup it would be a solid. Small differences in molecular structure make different materials. Glucose and fructose are not combined in HFCS as they are in sucrose and they don't even exist in the same ratio, although HFCS could be made that way. The fact that fructose isn't combined with glucose in HFCS can make a big difference in how fructose moves in the body.

    To be clear, I'm not recommending avoiding fruit or things like that, personally I enjoy a lot of fruit. I'm recommending avoiding refined sugars in drinks and foods. That isn't a recommendation I came up with. I simply tried it and it is working very well providing relief from the problems that I used to have, such as uncontrollable hunger. Frankly, I think it is also why the ketosis based diets work and high carb diets also work. Any diet that gets people mostly away from modern processed food probably work.

    With all the mounting evidence against refined sugars, I'm shocked that you are defending their continued high use.

    Yes fructose is empty calories - agreed. As is glucose. Both have their place in an overall diet, both come with dangers of over consumption. Both have their positive uses as well beyond personal taste - such as carb gels for endurance athletes which are commonly a 2:1 ratio of maltodextrin and fructose to maximise energy absorption. Both have strong and obvious negatives in that they are calorie dense.
    Again as I keep saying the overall diet and lifestyle are important. Obviously slurping carb gels sitting on my bum would be foolish, sitting on my bum cycling 100+ miles then they are very handy and totally appropriate.

    Processing by the liver is not problematic in a healthy individual. It's simply one of the functions of your liver and digestion as a whole.

    Your keep using the word toxic but keep ignoring that dosage needs to be stated. You can say water is toxic remember.

    You are mistaken about HFCS. Refined sugar and so-called natural sugar are chemically identical and your body doesn't know the source and cannot process them differently. That fruit comes packaged with "good stuff" doesn't mean the sugar in them is any different at a chemical level.

    Your bias is making you focus on fairly irrelevant parts of Aragon's blog. Extrapolating small survey data on children to try to prove a hypothesis for an entire population is incredibly bad science. Unbelievably bad in fact for someone educated to Lustig's level - which makes me doubt his motives. Anyone with an open mind would expand the data analysed and see if the correlation continues. Simply put the correlation falls apart.

    I'm glad you have found something that works for. I've found something entirely different that works for me - there's many routes to health.

    But please do stop the drama llama stuff of being "shocked" that someone has different views to you. Also don't build straw man arguments - I'm not advocating "continued high use". I would prefer sugar in general was added less as I prefer the taste of the vast majority of foods unsweetened or very moderately sweetened.

    You can debate without drama or putting words in people's mouths.

    What? Without glucose we die. Glucose is a lot more than empty calories. Even in ketosis people have to have some glucose. In the liver glucose mostly is combined into glycogen which is very different with what happens to something like fructose. Both are carbohydrates and very similar but they are not the same.

    Anyway lets be clear, you came in and basically pushed Aragon's blog. I pointed out just a couple of problems in Aragon's blog and you just say they were irrelevant? That is exactly what Aragon was doing to Lustig's presentation.

    Alan Aragon is attacking a presentation, he isn't even referring to Lustig's research. Now you attack Lustig too based on what? Are you an endocrinolist or expert in organic chemistry? I'm not such an expert but I know enough to see that Aragon's arguments are full of holes too. It remains for other research to either support Lustig's research or to refute it. That is how science works. It doesn't matter what bloggers think.

    Lustig showed that toxicity pathways and talked about additional research that shows medical causation between refined sugar consumption and metabolic diseases. He didn't deal with how with the issue of how much is safe. He didn't even claim they had scientific proof. Claiming that makes his research invalid is absurd.

    It wasn't my intent to put words in your month, but clearly you support Aragon's views by the amount of times you've been posting the link to that blog. By doing that it seems you are just trying to create confusion. Lustig's recommendations at the end of his presentation are basically, don't drink sugary drinks and wait 20 minutes before taken additional food. What is so horrible about that?

    All I did was post the counter argument to your suggested reading/viewing. There's a lot of lurkers that don't contribute to threads and I think balance is important.
    You personally can take it or leave it - I really don't care but neither you or I get to choose what other people post in an open forum. You won't convince me and I won't convince you.

    But again you have gone off at a tangent and suggesting I think glucose and fructose are the same. It should be blindingly obvious I know the differences.
    And you put words in my mouth - again. Stick to what people say and not what you think they say. I didn't say his research is invalid, I actually said his methods are very bad science.
    Frankly your debating style needs some work! (Look up "listening to respond" - it's very educational.)

    You push your beliefs and I don't attack you for it - I just completely disagree.
    I also completely disagree about Lustig's credibility - but you are welcome to your opinion.

    Yes I do think Alan Aragon is a great resource on nutrition in general, his research reviews are really well considered, in my opinion.

    I'm not going to respond further as I'm conscious this debate is not in line with the original OP and don't want to derail further.

    I most certainly did not put words in your month in my last post. Perhaps you should proofread what you post. Additionally I haven't read any of Aragon's other posts, as I wasn't positivity impressed by that post that you linked. That one was enough. I've actually listened to a lot of positions from different viewpoints. Those included some of the interviews with Dr. Atkins who actually presented himself very well except with talking about government conspiracies. Probably was a hot button of his.

    I can't image anyone seriously taking issues Dr. Lustig's presentations unless they have some interest in protecting the status quo. He was pro exercise, pro eating sensibly and didn't bash diets like LCHF, at least in two presentations I watched. For record, Dr. Lustig was presenting things exactly as a scientist should. It isn't bad science to present findings or ideas to peers, it is part of the scientific process.

    If you want to present a counter argument you shouldn't direct it personally and you should stop with the personal attacks. This type of stuff is another disadvantage of ketosis based diets, at least at this site.

    Lustig doesn't know jack.

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    dykask wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    dykask wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    What a strange thing to say that I'm pushing fructose!
    Why are you pushing Lustig would be a childish response as you keep posting his link....
    Believe what you like but balance is important so it's important that both sides of the argument are presented.

    I would defend fructose, or any other kind of sugar, or just about any other kind of food if it fits within someone's personal well balanced overall diet. I'm anti charlatan and pro science not pro fructose.

    You have been defending fructose consumption, a least indirectly. I've seen your link posted multiple times. For the record I didn't post a link I only mentioned where the source of my information about fructose toxicity came from.

    Fructose is empty calories and the liver's processing of it is problematic at best. At this point, fructose in drinks appears that it could be root cause of much metabolic disease. Fructose isn't something that can be completely avoided, but it is easy to reduce. In time there will likely be more studies on it, but that takes time. Evidence it mounting thought the too much fructose at least without fiber is a problem.

    When I read the blog you linked, Alan came across more like a charlatan. There is room for debate and different views, but his blog is basically nit picking some issues that aren't really related and then saying Dr. Lustig is just wrong because he doesn't assign a dosage for the toxicity. That is a misdirection away from the core issues. He also backs up his points with invalid claims: For example: "High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is nearly identical to sucrose in structure and function." If that were true, it wouldn't be a syrup it would be a solid. Small differences in molecular structure make different materials. Glucose and fructose are not combined in HFCS as they are in sucrose and they don't even exist in the same ratio, although HFCS could be made that way. The fact that fructose isn't combined with glucose in HFCS can make a big difference in how fructose moves in the body.

    To be clear, I'm not recommending avoiding fruit or things like that, personally I enjoy a lot of fruit. I'm recommending avoiding refined sugars in drinks and foods. That isn't a recommendation I came up with. I simply tried it and it is working very well providing relief from the problems that I used to have, such as uncontrollable hunger. Frankly, I think it is also why the ketosis based diets work and high carb diets also work. Any diet that gets people mostly away from modern processed food probably work.

    With all the mounting evidence against refined sugars, I'm shocked that you are defending their continued high use.

    Yes fructose is empty calories - agreed. As is glucose. Both have their place in an overall diet, both come with dangers of over consumption. Both have their positive uses as well beyond personal taste - such as carb gels for endurance athletes which are commonly a 2:1 ratio of maltodextrin and fructose to maximise energy absorption. Both have strong and obvious negatives in that they are calorie dense.
    Again as I keep saying the overall diet and lifestyle are important. Obviously slurping carb gels sitting on my bum would be foolish, sitting on my bum cycling 100+ miles then they are very handy and totally appropriate.

    Processing by the liver is not problematic in a healthy individual. It's simply one of the functions of your liver and digestion as a whole.

    Your keep using the word toxic but keep ignoring that dosage needs to be stated. You can say water is toxic remember.

    You are mistaken about HFCS. Refined sugar and so-called natural sugar are chemically identical and your body doesn't know the source and cannot process them differently. That fruit comes packaged with "good stuff" doesn't mean the sugar in them is any different at a chemical level.

    Your bias is making you focus on fairly irrelevant parts of Aragon's blog. Extrapolating small survey data on children to try to prove a hypothesis for an entire population is incredibly bad science. Unbelievably bad in fact for someone educated to Lustig's level - which makes me doubt his motives. Anyone with an open mind would expand the data analysed and see if the correlation continues. Simply put the correlation falls apart.

    I'm glad you have found something that works for. I've found something entirely different that works for me - there's many routes to health.

    But please do stop the drama llama stuff of being "shocked" that someone has different views to you. Also don't build straw man arguments - I'm not advocating "continued high use". I would prefer sugar in general was added less as I prefer the taste of the vast majority of foods unsweetened or very moderately sweetened.

    You can debate without drama or putting words in people's mouths.

    What? Without glucose we die. Glucose is a lot more than empty calories. Even in ketosis people have to have some glucose. In the liver glucose mostly is combined into glycogen which is very different with what happens to something like fructose. Both are carbohydrates and very similar but they are not the same.

    Anyway lets be clear, you came in and basically pushed Aragon's blog. I pointed out just a couple of problems in Aragon's blog and you just say they were irrelevant? That is exactly what Aragon was doing to Lustig's presentation.

    Alan Aragon is attacking a presentation, he isn't even referring to Lustig's research. Now you attack Lustig too based on what? Are you an endocrinolist or expert in organic chemistry? I'm not such an expert but I know enough to see that Aragon's arguments are full of holes too. It remains for other research to either support Lustig's research or to refute it. That is how science works. It doesn't matter what bloggers think.

    Lustig showed that toxicity pathways and talked about additional research that shows medical causation between refined sugar consumption and metabolic diseases. He didn't deal with how with the issue of how much is safe. He didn't even claim they had scientific proof. Claiming that makes his research invalid is absurd.

    It wasn't my intent to put words in your month, but clearly you support Aragon's views by the amount of times you've been posting the link to that blog. By doing that it seems you are just trying to create confusion. Lustig's recommendations at the end of his presentation are basically, don't drink sugary drinks and wait 20 minutes before taken additional food. What is so horrible about that?

    All I did was post the counter argument to your suggested reading/viewing. There's a lot of lurkers that don't contribute to threads and I think balance is important.
    You personally can take it or leave it - I really don't care but neither you or I get to choose what other people post in an open forum. You won't convince me and I won't convince you.

    But again you have gone off at a tangent and suggesting I think glucose and fructose are the same. It should be blindingly obvious I know the differences.
    And you put words in my mouth - again. Stick to what people say and not what you think they say. I didn't say his research is invalid, I actually said his methods are very bad science.
    Frankly your debating style needs some work! (Look up "listening to respond" - it's very educational.)

    You push your beliefs and I don't attack you for it - I just completely disagree.
    I also completely disagree about Lustig's credibility - but you are welcome to your opinion.

    Yes I do think Alan Aragon is a great resource on nutrition in general, his research reviews are really well considered, in my opinion.

    I'm not going to respond further as I'm conscious this debate is not in line with the original OP and don't want to derail further.

    I most certainly did not put words in your month in my last post. Perhaps you should proofread what you post. Additionally I haven't read any of Aragon's other posts, as I wasn't positivity impressed by that post that you linked. That one was enough. I've actually listened to a lot of positions from different viewpoints. Those included some of the interviews with Dr. Atkins who actually presented himself very well except with talking about government conspiracies. Probably was a hot button of his.

    I can't image anyone seriously taking issues Dr. Lustig's presentations unless they have some interest in protecting the status quo. He was pro exercise, pro eating sensibly and didn't bash diets like LCHF, at least in two presentations I watched. For record, Dr. Lustig was presenting things exactly as a scientist should. It isn't bad science to present findings or ideas to peers, it is part of the scientific process.

    If you want to present a counter argument you shouldn't direct it personally and you should stop with the personal attacks. This type of stuff is another disadvantage of ketosis based diets, at least at this site.

  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    edited July 2016
    My point has been clearly made. :*

    In the meantime I'll keep my low refined sugar approach as it is easy and really working well for me. Before I did this, raging hunger was a major issue that prevented me from making progress.