Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • aneisiena
    aneisiena Posts: 63
    By quitting, you are taking a huge risk of health complications, a short lifespan, and major depression.


    This journey isn't for the light are going to have gains, indulge too much, but it's how you move forward after that counts!!

    Please don't give up on yourself...

    God bless

    Well said! Think about how many years it takes to gain weight. Expecting it to shed in anything less than half the time is both unrealistic and unreliable (even if you did, you would likely gain it back quickly). By focusing on HEALTH and not weight loss, I have so much faith that you will see results! Remember, losing pounds is just icing on the cake :-)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    At the end of the day, it's not about losing 10 pounds.

    It's about adding 10 years to your life.
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    Okay guys, whats up with all these negitive comments, your P***sing me OFF!! :explode:

    YOU are the real losers, not Rebel. Very immature!! I know its not my place, but can not stand when hes being put down like this!!

    I couldnt agree more!
  • Olona
    Olona Posts: 70
    ok Im sorry but do you NOT see tha double chin in the picture? Im sorry but thoseare my pet peeves you would look so much better in that pic if you din have it. I had a double chin in the making and that was my reason for joining. when you take pics. to give to your fam and friends is that how u want to look do you want your daughter to be embarrased of you when shes lder because ur overweight. Now i dont care who you are thats not how anyone wants to look. And forget how you look. Remeber your health weight gain causes people to die early would you wanna die and your daughter have be raised by someone else or her mom? I know that if I had a child i would do all in my power too stay alive as long as I can.Give it another week please.
  • rickpearce
    rickpearce Posts: 100 Member
    Obviously your post was a cry for help.

    Obviously you are frustrated and pissed off and feel like a failure. (welcome to the club btw, 99% of us here are card carrying members).

    Get it out of your system and come back at it. Put that aggression into something positive. Stick with it and you will see results.

    Do it for your self. Do it for your wife. Do it for your daughter...

    This is coming from a guy who had to put his old man in the ground when I was still in my 20s. I'm determined as hell not to put my kids through that.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Lifting so much/excercising so much, did u be sure to drink over half ur body weight in ounces of water? This is a daily rule but when u excercise u need even more... r u watching sodium? If u have high sodium u can easily gain 8lbs... trust me, I've done it...even more important to get excess water if ur sodium is high.

    U dont have to force feed urself more food, u need to choose higher calorie foods to begin with... beans, rice, nuts, peanut butter, banana, raisins, potatoes, avacado, etc... let's say u want a salad, but salad is to low calorie, u need to add cheese, nuts, and meat to it to up its calories... also if things ur eating r lowest calories u could find, change them for higher calorie foods...45cal a slice bread could go to 100calorie a slice high fiber bread, or low cal yogurt could go to full calorie, etc etc etc... u need to learn, not expect instant results that go the exact way u want...

    U need to ask urself y u went up weight...if ur not in starvation mode (meaning ur always eating 1200 net calories), then look at water, look at sodium...r u looking at inches lost or just pounds?? I've went up 5lbs overnight due to sodium/water issues...
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    it doesn't matter its about eating heather and not cheating

    This is very true.. is it is about eating healthier.. but you can also eat what you love. You don't have to deny you're self all the foods that you love just for the sake of losing weight. It's not like you're going to wake up one day and decide to throw out all the junk and stop eating foods that you love. that's crazy. You can eat things that are considered "cheat" foods, but you eat them in moderation and smaller portions. Part of MFP is learning how to enjoy those foods along with the healthy ones.
  • dreamer4
    dreamer4 Posts: 27
    If you are really eating right and everything and not loosing weight I have two things to say.
    1. See your doctor.
    2. Get your thyroid checked. Get checked for pcos. :) I love ya. You can do it. Good luck!
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    maybe I should step back a little for everyone who is telling me I didn't gain the weight in a year. I didn't gain it all but I did gain 50lbs in a year 3 surgeries will do that and at my highest weight I was 314 and yes after a month I'm ready to quit it is not helpful when I watch what I eat exercise now and lose then now gain steadily back. Im not expecting that MyFitnessPal will do it all for me I never said that but when changing diet and beginning exercise and weight comes off and now gain plateaus are that plateaus not gains.

    I hope this doesnt get buried and you get to read this.. I had 5 surgeries in 3 years including 2 knee replacements and one hip replacement. I still need one more hip done but after gaining 30 lbs after the last surgery I decided enough was enough. I needed to do something to get back into shape. i started out here Feb 15 at 265lbs. I started out walking and treading water in the pool for exercise as I couldnt walk more than a hundred yards without getting short of breath and my back hurting. Now 4.5 months later I am down 71lbs (ticker will update on my weigh in day tomorrow) and I do elliptical training and the treadmill along with some zumba and strength training. I change things up with my exercise and also tweak my diet every week.

    It's not easy but no one said it would be easy.. yes it is easy to sit and eat whatever you want when you want. Its a full time job to track all your food and exercise and keep up with what you are supposed to be doing.
    If you stick with it you will see the results you want but it will take time and energy. You have to be ready to commit fully to it though. I have started and stopped many a time. For some reason this time at the age of 53 I was ready to commit and follow thru. I still have 49 lbs to go BUT I am over half way and determined to finish this journey into a new healthy lifestyle. I am not on a diet I am on a lifestyle journey to a new improved ME!!

    Think about it!!
    We are here to support and motivate whether you need tough love or compassion.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    Okay guys, whats up with all these negitive comments, your P***sing me OFF!! :explode:

    YOU are the real losers, not Rebel. Very immature!! I know its not my place, but can not stand when hes being put down like this!!

    Negativity breeds negativity. If you have a negative attitude then generally people will be negative's a fact of life. It annoys me and a lot of people who work hard and try hard and try to have a positive attitude.......if the poster wanted motivation and support and inspiration then he could ask and it would come flooding in by the bucket load.......oh and for the record all of us who have worked hard and lost weight and got fit and healthy we are not losers (at least not in the sense you intended ;)) we are just people who made a choice....the right one :)
  • PA21
    PA21 Posts: 95 Member
    I know that you are upset over the weight gain, I see it in your face when you step off the scale (I'm his wife BTW).

    You may not be losing the pounds but you are loosing inches. I notice a difference when you take your shirt off and when you asked me for a belt this weekend! Plus I think you have a sensitive metabolism, we don't eat out normally and we did 2 days this three day weekend.

    Don't listen to the people putting your down, maybe they are the ones seeking the motivation. I can't make you do anything, but I notice changes in you and so do our families. I will still be cooking light so you can still eat healthy and I hope you still go for runs with F and I. I love you!

    That is so sweet! LISTEN TO HER! She sees you and the difference it has made. You're a lucky man. And good for you girl, getting out there and working out!
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    Maybe examine your attitude and have some accountability. MFP isn't a diet. It's tools to help you make a healthy lifestyle change.

    20 Million pounds lost...MFP works if you do! won't be missed!

    WOW!!!! YOU are not a nice person!! Just sayin'
  • MaryRose84
    MaryRose84 Posts: 67 Member
    giving up on life long health? i see a baby in that picture, you want to be around for your family. It is bigger than you ! you have to understand food better and how your body responds to food. You never know what other health issues may be keeping you from loosing weight. Go to your doctor and have them run blood work and check for food allergies as well. Allergies to gluten is common, you may need to take a "south beach /Atkins" approach while counting cals. Everyone is different ... look into it a bit more before you just give up ! Try and focus more on cardio, drink a gallon of water/day (you're a big guy) , cut back on simple sugars/carbs, protien at all meals, increase your fruits n vegg, cut back on prepackaged food...these are health ABCs that can give you an edge to the process. God Bless , best of luck
  • RebelBrew
    RebelBrew Posts: 55
    WOW with so many comments so fast I cant quote all of them and respond so ill do it real quick right here. Yes, I felt down from this mornings weigh in. And thank you all the negative people that want to call me a quitter or they feel apauled because I felt like quitting your posts started becoming very funny and I was picturing you on a soap box preaching to everyone who read it like none of you ever thought about quitting so I am going to say this........GO PISS UP A ROPE.

    For everyone else thank you for the kind supportive words I am not going to quit. I tried to friend as many as I can I love and appreciate the help. Thank you
  • It is easy to be disappointed during this struggle. One thing I don't ever do is gauge my success or failure based solely on my weight. I've been exercising consistently for 2 years and it is all still a constant daily thought process. "What have I eaten, what can I eat, what should I eat, What am I gonna eat, When can I exercise today?" Muscle is heavier than fat, so I go primarily by the way I feel in my clothes. That's what keeps me going. Try not to give up. Just take it a week at a time.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member

    now for the tough love:(

    we all UNDERSTAND how you feel, been there done that its just a part of the weight loss process, YOU have got to learn to take the good along with the bad, everyone here has had that day when you step on the scale and it does not reflect what you want it to say, it goes up...ok take a breath,focus & move on.

    i came back to mfp may 1st this year and have only lost 2lbs, ok. 2lbs...and what did i get in return, a ton of energy, a truckload of supportive friends, advice, help, im loosing fat and inches like a marine my body shape is changing the lbs are not coming off as fast as i want but im still here, i would have loved to have lost 13lbs but it has not happened for me YET., please read and take the advice of those who care enough to support you, friend them, open your diary and lets see where we all can help you because we all want to help, your only other option is to sit around and WATCH your daughter play because you wont have the energy TO PLAY WITH HER., you CAN do this.

    just brush the dust off your butt and get back in the race THAT is the only way to win.pls friend me.
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    Okay guys, whats up with all these negitive comments, your P***sing me OFF!! :explode:

    YOU are the real losers, not Rebel. Very immature!! I know its not my place, but can not stand when hes being put down like this!!
    I agree with you! WOW people are really mean!
  • Emmasnana
    Emmasnana Posts: 7 Member
    Maybe examine your attitude and have some accountability. MFP isn't a diet. It's tools to help you make a healthy lifestyle change.

    20 Million pounds lost...MFP works if you do! won't be missed!

    Wow! I'm pretty new here and mostly use the food log without reading the message boards. This is the first thread I've read in months.

    I have to say, you probaby wouldn't be missed either! Who are you pi$$ed off at? Grow up!

    Rebel, glad you decided to fight! Good luck to you.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    For everyone else thank you for the kind supportive words I am not going to quit. I tried to friend as many as I can I love and appreciate the help. Thank you

    YAY!!!! I'm so glad and I look forward to taking one day at a time with you. Have a Happy 4th!
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    WOW with so many comments so fast I cant quote all of them and respond so ill do it real quick right here. Yes, I felt down from this mornings weigh in. And thank you all the negative people that want to call me a quitter or they feel apauled because I felt like quitting your posts started becoming very funny and I was picturing you on a soap box preaching to everyone who read it like none of you ever thought about quitting so I am going to say this........GO PISS UP A ROPE.

    For everyone else thank you for the kind supportive words I am not going to quit. I tried to friend as many as I can I love and appreciate the help. Thank you

    GOOD for you and you can do this and do not listen to those out there are just bullies and have no feelings! I feel sorry for people
    that feel the need to **** on people when they are down. It must make them feel better about themselves in some way??
    Anyone with half a brain, could read in your post you where just low, and crying out for enouragement. So if they didn't
    want to be encouraging then they should just move on and not respond!!!
    Just my opinion :)
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