July (2016) Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ your run sounds both painful and amazingly wonderful!
    @mobycarp glad running is getting back to normal :smile:
    @orphia "The Bloody Long Walk/Run" Ha ha best race name ever!
    @MNlittleFinn welcome back to the land of the running
    @Robotfood like ddmom0811 I'm so sorry to laugh at your expense but I did. What a crazy morning. I'm the medal horder too - I love to get medals. "you showed up, here's your medal" yeah me!
    @greenolivetree feel better soon
    @kristinegift wild on the fox, they are so beautiful

    Had a blast kayaking with Skip, the company we used does 1.5 3 or 4.5 hour trips. She's never done "real" kayaking so we decided on the 1.5 hour trip. We only ran aground one time while she was in control, I was just laughing so hard I couldn't help her. I'm sure my arms will be sore tomorrow since (a) she wasn't much for paddling (b) we haven't had rain since I can't remember when so the water was really low so except for a few small rapids you needed to paddle to move.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2016
    kimlight2 wrote: »
    @Elise4270 - What is an 80/20 mileage calculation?

    @WhatMeRunning - So base building isn't a specific number? You must be able to run X distance before you do Y? So I am looking at running an hour twice a week, a little longer once a week and 2 hours once a week that is kind of what base building is?

    When I do base building, I do 4 to 5, 6+ mile runs a week. Least, that's where I left off. I don't do a long run or do speed work. Then gradually add mileage to every run possible.

    @WhatMeRunning was 80/20 for speed work? And 30% your long run?

    Sorry that im not more help, Kim. I'm really more of a "depends how I feel" kinda runner. It may be 3 miles or 9, I never know what my legs will be up for or how headstrong I'll be.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    edited July 2016
    3mi speed hike on TM 4.3mph (13:57/mi) 10-15% grade.

    Off tomorrow. Then I'm starting a 5k racing plan on Tuesday. Yippee! Race in 4wks hope to get 19:59 (6:26/mi). Or I'll do a TM time trial if it's too hot. Then the final race in the series Halloween. Really going to go be my main 5k race of the yr. I will likely shoot for 10-30sec faster. 19:30? We'll see. I'm also running Vegas HM in November. Not sure about the goal for that. 1:30ish

    7/6 - 2mi easy @ 8:22/mi
    7/7- 5mi easy @ 7:58/mi
    7/8 - 10mi easy @ 8:30/mi
    7/9 - 5k +1.1mi (derp)
    7/10 - 3mi speed hike @ 13:57/mi

    Total: 24.1 / 200mi

    @ddmom0811 @greenolivetree :smile: @_nikkiwolf_ true! @skippygirlsmom horder 4L! @shanaber Lol no. An extra mile put me in 13th. :smile: :neutral:
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    edited July 2016
    JULY 2016 - Running
    01 - 3.10 miles
    04 - 3.66
    06 - 4.42
    10 - 4.51
    Total = 15.69 Running Miles
    JULY CYCLING TOTALS = 44.36 Miles

    All miles on the KATY, MKT, and Hinkson Creek Trails in Central Missouri.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @skippygirlsmom I had a stitch on Thursday night half way through the pub run that didn't go away until I stopped to walk. I think it was heat related. I usually never get them from drinking anything. I even ate stuff before I run.

    So who was the guy you talked to in Research Park? Would I know him?

    And poor thing about the woman that walked the entire course backwards to get to her car. Oh my. We all parked at the finish in Midtown and walked to the starting line on Explorer. There is really no where to park on Explorer and the cops shut everything down.

    Jennifer was happy with her finish. It was definitely a very warm morning.

    The trails out on Wheeler were nice. Something different and fun. All it was, was 2 different gravel roads that looped around the swamp. But it was fun. Very hot and humid tho. I barely got done with my first 9. Then I had to give up on the second loop. I had enough. I turned around after 2 miles and went back to the car and waited for everyone else to come back. Ryan Harbaugh who also did 7 on the first loop did a mile on the second loop before turning around. Only one woman finished both loops. She did 8 on the first then 7.5. I don't know who she is but she is a regular with the Blevins Trail group on Thursday evenings.

    @JessicaMcB. Thank you for the kind words. I will relay to my wife.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    @Elise4270 - I appreciate the help. I am trying to build up to a 15 mile long run to get ready for a half marathon in December. I need to run longer than the race so I know I am ready when race day comes along. I don't like any of the plans I have found because they add miles faster than I am comfortable so I trying to take everything I learn and talk it over with my trainer and go from there. I also tend to run a little by feel but manage to get all my miles in by keeping 3 of the runs strict and one a little more flexible.

    @shanaber - So base building is just the slower easy miles we put in? Nothing more then that? I am just starting to add speed intervals so I just need to make sure it is less than 20% of my weekly miles. I don't have a heart rate monitor but I am saving up for a Garmin Forerunner 235 (son's hockey comes first when it comes to disposable income), so not sure how that will work but will give it a try. Thank you for answering my questions.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @JessicaMcB my wife Jennifer said thank you. That was so sweet.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Finished up the week with a 3.1 mile run today. The weather cooled down considerably but it was spitting rain for the first half. Still pretty good overall.

    That brings me to 22.4 miles for the week. This week I plan to increase my long run a little bit, working towards a 90 minute run (up from 75) by the end of July.

    July miles - I'm at 38% of my goal

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Basebuilding you don't do much of any speed work. You keep everything aerobic and just concentrate on building your mileage.

    The 80/20 ratio is later on when you do incorporate faster running. Even when you add speed work it should not represent any more than 20% of your total mileage for the week.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    @HonuNui - Congratulations on 40!! Are you going to do anything special? We were planning a European river cruise for next year but our daughter will be getting married next year about the time we would go so we are putting it off until the following year.
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    edited July 2016

    I calculate where I want to be as a base depending on the training plan. All training plans have a starting point and your 4-8 week average base should be close the first week of milage in length and number of runs. If your plan calls for 4 runs a week of 25 miles with a 8 mile long run, that is what you should try to get your base close to. My current marathon plan called for 55 miles with a 15 mile long run on 6 days of running, so for the 12 weeks prior I built to that point so I was properly prepared to start the plan. I was coming off half marathon training of 40-45 miles a week with 5 runs and I knew if I tried to jump in at 55 I'd most likely injure myself.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @Elise4270 - I recently bought a set of resistance bands with carabiner clips on each end. The paperwork started with a warning about them being the worlds most powerful slingshot. They range from 3 pounds to 30 pounds and you can combine them via handles and the carabiner clips to get around 160 pounds of resistance. You could do more than just squirrels, all while getting in a workout.

    @kimlight2 - Base building is about building up your weekly mileage over time with the emphasis on easy running. There is no recipe for number of specific miles, it is based on your current weekly mileage and adding a safe amount on top of that for a few weeks, then increasing a bit more and repeating until you hit your own target weekly mileage. I was trying to get into 50+ mpw both last year and this year, but to do so requires about 10 hours of running/week which I can maintain for about a month before feeling like I am beating myself up a bit more than I am progressing.

    If you can run a sub 2 hour half  marathon I'm not so sure my timing advice earlier is as relevant. I do however believe very strongly that slower runners need to consider more than just the general training plan methods out there which suggest that anyone and everyone who builds to X mileage per week with Y/Z speedwork included. I think time is a constraint to be considered as well.

    @Stoshew71 has a great blog post about his thoughts on cookie cutter training plans and this was what made me look closer at the times I was spending on specific efforts. I feel there are time limits people are capable of, which can be improved upon over time as strength and speed are improved. Endurance too, but less of a factor if you can already do a 2.5 hour long run.

    There is no supporting science that I know of that provides insighr in knowing one's personal weekly time limits they should observe, but over time you should notice what feels good still and when things get pushed too far. And for all I know it may have nothing to do with time and instead something in my body detects when I passed a certain amount of mileage in a week and starts to not work as well. But I am more prone to suspect time and effort before that.

    Maybe I misunderstood your original question. I hope I am not complicating things. Not my intention.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2016
    @WhatMeRunning Noted. I have all those items. And a hammock. I anticipate next week will be less boring. Huzzah!

    DH is currently out to find and purchase a sling shot. My angle was to relocate acorns. If I remember right, they became hard to find when my kids were just old enough to have one. So I'm happy you shared the homemade one.

    Edit: that beats Pokémon Go any day.

    DH even got me sling shot ammo! :smiley:
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited July 2016
    Rambling run thoughts....

    Monday's have always been an off day for me, but part of me really wants to run tomorrow....

    I'm half tempted to try a 6 day a week training cycle this time around. I had a blast running 5 days a week, and to get to my hoped for 14-15 mile long runs, I Think I'll have to go to 6 days a week to fit in the mileage to fit having my LR be no more than 25-35% of weekly mileage without doing a daily double or 2.......

    ......Got a week to figure it out, this week is still easy week with the exception of the 5 mile race on Thursday, which I'll probably just be running for fun, since my brother is running it too, and he hasn't done much running recently, and none on roads.....
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Felt awful today, largely due to the fact that I took nighttime cold med last night and I just can't shake that stuff off. I do not wake up refreshed like they portray on the commercials. LOL In fact I had to sleep 3 hours this afternoon to finally get it out of my system.

    Hoping to run tomorrow because my plan is 4/5/4 miles the next 3 days and hit 24 miles in a week which is a big deal for me :-p My running weeks are Friday-Thursday.

    On base building....after 8 weeks injury recovery I started back January 1 and did 3 months of flat easy running, then started adding in hills, and now after 6 months I'm just starting to think about adding a little speed work. Also have worked up from 3 days a week to 4 to 5.

    I don't have much more time to give but once school starts back I'll have Fridays to increase my long run. Right now my max has been 7 miles but I'm wanting to work up to 10.