JM 30 Day Shred



  • kellylou1367
    kellylou1367 Posts: 91 Member
    I completed D3L1 today, I'm 2 days behind schedule but have it all planned in my exercise journal to catch up with that this week and do 2 extra nights of it. I have also getting the NMTZ and BFBM DVD's too, could anyone recommend which one would be best to do next? Thanks
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Hi everyone! Day 5 level 2 (day 15/30). Officially halfway!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Courtney-4 days until leverl 2 for you!! woot!! def listen to your body...and if the 2 back-to-back workouts were too much, then don't do it again!! I def give you credit for trying it though :)

    Joni-you can def join when you get the DVD, and It's nice to see that you are so enthusiastic! Lemme give you a few fair warnings (just so ya knows) JM actually turns out to be about 27minutes from warm up to cool down, you do a bunch of squats/lunges in level 1 (so you may be VERY sore to do your normal strength days for a while), and you could do it during your lunch break but you will DRIPPING sweat!! LOL Glad to have ya in the group and keep in touch until and when you get the DVD!!

    Mariam-I couldn't believe it when I saw it...and I also coulnd't beleive that it took me so long to notice it?! LOL and official CONGRATS for hitting the halfway point today!

    bumblebee-welcome to the group!! water bottles will work just fine for your first round of the shred I'm sure!!

    nayima-LOL...i hate that too!! I wish it would just get right to it...but I bet it will on level 2?! It is awesome that you got not only your sis to do this with you...but now your hubby to fill in for your sis...that rocks! p.s glad to have you in the group!

    Kellylou-no worries about being a lil behind...everyone is on a diff day...the important thing is that you keep stickin to it! I haven't done NMTZ and don't know what BFBM is?!?! But I just picked up JM "ripped in 30" to start after I get back from vaca in August!! I have heard good things about NMTZ though :)

    AFM-got L1D5 done today..and although my muscles are pretty sore (probably didn't help upping my weights already) I feel like the cardio is getting way easier!!
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    L1D7 done early today. We have been doing it right before shower and bed but we are going to see the fireworks tonight and had to do it early. It was so much easier earlier in the day!

    tj- The 3 mile was too much but we felt VERY warmed up before the start of 30ds so from now on we plan to do just 1 fast mile first.
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Not good! I skydived yesterday and had a bad landing, messed up my knee :( I can't bend it much at all, not even to walk up stairs. So I skipped the shred yesterday and today... very frustrated that I finally committed to something like this and now I can't do it! I'm hoping it's just sore and will get better in the next couple days and I can pick back up..if it ends up being something more serious I'll have to start over when it heals. SO not impressed! For now I'll do some swimming for exercise and see if it helps!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Day 4 done for me. Taking a rest day tomorrow for celebrations. I used 5lb weights instead of 2lb today!! Something is weird about my left thigh, it feels odd on the side lunges. I took it easy on those but really pushed the rest of it. The cardio keeps getting easier but I am sticking to level 1 for the full 10 days. :)
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Day 5, Level 1 is done! I'd read a lot about how day 4 is make it or break it, but day 4 was easy for me, and today I felt like I was struggling a bit. I think it's because I spent so much time doing yardwork in the hot hot hot sun though. Made it though, and that's halfway through Level 1!!! Hope all of you in the US are having a great 4th of July weekend (and that everyone else is having a great weekend as well :) )
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Courtney-great job on day seem like you are moving along so much quicker than I am...then I remember that I am on day 5 myself!! LOL And I think that it is a great idea to try the 1 mile walk beforehand...I had also decided to get in 10,000 steps during my work shift every night I work (Sun-Tues) and of course my yoga on Tues as well!! I didn't want to add in a ton...but figured a lil extra walking and stretching couldn't hurt :)

    Des-sorry to hear that about your knee!! It would def be hard to alter this workout enough to be able to do it still (all the squats and lunges), just take it easy for a few and see if you can jump right back in where you left off...we will all be around for a while yet :)

    Sarah-I noticed my left knee seems weird during the side lunges too!! it doesn't really hurt, but more feels like I can't go down on that side like I can on the other one!? weird?!?! I too am finding the cardio part WAY easier, but am also NOT gonna go to level 2 until day 11!! She made this workout like this for a reason...and I am gonna trust that she knows what she's talkin about! LOL

    earthsember-great job on day 5 today! the only reason that I found 4 to be so hard...was cuz I was hung over!! Hopefully day 5 was the last of the down ramp for you...and it should be smooth sailing from here on out!! Thanks for the wishes on the great 4th and hopefully you had a great weekend as well!!
  • mikeyken
    mikeyken Posts: 118 Member
    L1D5. Actually did this yesterday about 1 am. Skipped today. This isn't going so well for me. Shoulder still hurting and supposed to be gentle with it until I get checked out tues. Did D5 without arms pretty much. Still was sweating at the end, but didn't feel nearly as worked out. Gonna try it again today without arms then hopefully get the ok on tues to lift. I am just so busy I seem to be skipping every other day. I want to get down to just one miss a week not 3. Thanks for your support guys.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    L1D5. Actually did this yesterday about 1 am. Skipped today. This isn't going so well for me. Shoulder still hurting and supposed to be gentle with it until I get checked out tues. Did D5 without arms pretty much. Still was sweating at the end, but didn't feel nearly as worked out. Gonna try it again today without arms then hopefully get the ok on tues to lift. I am just so busy I seem to be skipping every other day. I want to get down to just one miss a week not 3. Thanks for your support guys.

    just keep on pushin!! do it again tomorrow without arms (like you said) and then see what the doc says Tues!!! if he gives you the sure to listen to your body still and don't overdo it!!! Just make sure to be consistent and do SOME FORM of it everyday!! You will get to the 30 days just like the rest of us then! :)
  • martazdz
    martazdz Posts: 89 Member
    oh dear, not only I didnt do any exercise since friday but also ate like a piggy all weekend and even dreamt of a cheasecake!!!!!!!! What's wrong with me!!!!! definietly back on track today to finish level 1!!!
    Bought some weights as well so finally will be able to do it properly, maybe will grow some biceps under the roll of fat on my arm hahahah
    Good going girls, I need to motivate myslef more and push myself harder!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    martazdz-don't be so down on yourself!! we all have our days, weeks, months even!! but the important thing is, you realized it and are ready to fix it before it gets too out of hand! so this is the day to fix it!! p.s. I think that you will notice a big diff in the shred while using weights too!! :D
  • martazdz
    martazdz Posts: 89 Member
    I think my muscles will cry a little after using weights hehe
  • LotsOtots5
    LotsOtots5 Posts: 174
    Morning everyone!! I'm on L1D5 today and switching to 5 lb weights. I noticed level 1 is definitely getting easier and I'm getting anxious to start level 2. I STILL haven't measured myself yet since my husband took our tape measures to work and left them there over the holiday weekend...... so maybe tomorrow?? Hope you all have a great 4th of July :)
  • LotsOtots5
    LotsOtots5 Posts: 174
    Don't be so hard on yourself marta!! Just because you dreamed of cheesecake doesn't mean you ate it ;) I frequently have shopping dreams about Gymboree, my real addiction.....
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    Just finished Level 1 Day 7 today with 3 pounds weights. When I woke up this morning, I was actually looking forward to seeing Jillian :) That was NOT the case on day 3 and day 4 for sure.
  • wendywr
    wendywr Posts: 8
    Ok, so I was really slow getting started on this. I have been so crazy busy this week that I haven't had time. I have gone to the gym, just not doing the 30ds at home.

    I finally had time and did level 1, day 1. I did sweat, but I think I'm going to move on to level 2. While I am overweight, I do work out 5-6 days a week, and am in fairly good shape. I will admit I expected level 1 to be easier than it was, so I'm pretty excited to see levels 2 and 3.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 is done! The cardio is easier and easier, but I still found my arms getting tired during the sequences using dumbbells. Pushing through them though with no more than a couple breaks of no more than 5 seconds ;) Not taking any breaks during abs or cardio, just the dumbbell moves (and only the dumbbell moves during the squats and the ones where you lift them straight out in front at eye level). I did the first two days using jars of marinara sauce from Costco because I hadn't bought weights yet. Those were lighter than the weights I have (I bought 5lb weights). I'm wondering if it's better to get through without stopping using those marinara jars, or better to use a heavier weight but need a few seconds to rest the muscles during the workout? I always continue doing the leg exercises while giving my arms a break.
  • MamaLeague
    MamaLeague Posts: 148 Member
    I'm excited...I ordered my 30DS and will be adding it to my schedule once it comes...I already work our with my aunt mon-thurs, a weight lifting class 2x per week, and fit ~4mile walks in there...hopring to see some results!