Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • Just one more person urging you not to give up. One thing I noticed in a lot of the sucess stories is that those people began a YEAR ago, sometimes longer. Loss this big and this serious will take time.

    Last summer, I tried (read: half-assed it.) Where am I this year? Same weight.
    This time, nothing will stop me. Where will I be next year? in the sucess stories.

    You can do it, too. You've got to be ready to do it. And when you are, don't give up.

    I agree, I've been with this site for a while now. And I've had my ups and downs. You can do it... Don't run just because you've gained some weight back, use it as motivation to keep going. We all gain and we all lose it happens. Just know you have support!!! It all starts here!!!! Hope it helps. Good luck.
  • People are just using this as an excuse to be generally nasty. It's funny, this is supposed to be a 'support' site but people here and just being completely rude. Maybe if you made him feel accepted, showed him how supportive and nice it can be, how much help he could get then he would reconsider leaving.

    Would YOU stay somewhere people spoke to you the way some here have? Regardless of whether he said he was leaving or not, it may have been a cry for help.

    I AGREE!!!!
  • B3h1ndgr33neyez
    B3h1ndgr33neyez Posts: 21 Member
    Losing ten pounds in a little more than a week seems like a big deal to me, and I am not really sure what you're looking for. Myfitness pal just tracks--the rest is on you. If you're over eating, you're going to gain. Sometimes, it' mostly diet that affects your weight--exercise keeps your healthy and assists in weight loss.
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    wow...dont give up! i mean look at me...i still have a TON of weight to go and you dont see me giving up...

    I have to edit my post! i just went to your profle and looked at your diet for the last few days...and all i have to say is, what did you expect? no fruits, no veggies, no whole grains...just meat, meat and meat and junk...way too much SODIUM too..

    i still dont think you should quit, but you should really re-evaluate your diet plan, just cause it says you can have 2000 calories, it does mean that it can be from fatty and salty foods and if you are under you are still good.. you need to make healthier choices and i know that it will work for you. especially if you do all the exercise you claim to do...
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Losing ten pounds in a little more than a week seems like a big deal to me, and I am not really sure what you're looking for. Myfitness pal just tracks--the rest is on you. If you're over eating, you're going to gain. Sometimes, it' mostly diet that affects your weight--exercise keeps your healthy and assists in weight loss.

  • Its called hitting a plateau!! The first 10-20 pounds are the easiest to lose. Quitting is not the answer, you have to work harder and sacrafice more to get to your end goal!! its not gonna happen over night! It takes time!! You giving up and quitting is the reason you are fat in the first place! We all need to work on ourselves and loose more weight! Blaming others for your obesity is an easy way out for you to just give up!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    This whole thread is so sad. And I don't know what's more sad, someone crying out for help and wanting to give up...or everyone bashing him for it. :sad:

    I was 191 pounds at my heaviest, and I was also 5'2" tall at the time so it made me look even bigger being so short. I remember trying to lose weight and being obsessive about the scale, and I also remember being in tears after seeing either no change or a gain during certain weeks even though I was eating how I should have and exercising 4-5 times a week at the gym. I wanted to give up as well. In fact, I DID give up at one point because I felt like it just wasn't working. But, when I gave up, I gained even MORE weight and was more depressed. So I went back on the whole "giving up" thing and started again...

    I learned to not be so obsessive with the scale. It was hard at first, REALLY HARD, because I was one of those ones that wanted to weigh-in once a week or even more than that. I cut it down to the first of every month. And with about 4 weeks in between weigh-ins, I really saw a huge difference every time I stepped on the scale. In the meantime during the month, I knew that I was doing some good because my clothes were getting looser. So I knew that something good was happening. I also went to the doctor 2 months after I started working out and eating better, and I found out that my cholesterol was down from 201 to 179.

    By stretching out your time frame of when to weigh-in, you start to notice these little successes even more. Remember, that when you are losing weight, even though we really want to see the number on the scale go down, what's really important is how we feel. And by weighing ourselves all the time, we are making ourselves feel miserable! By not letting that get to us, we are able to feel the power of those small successes, like, "I can wear this pair of jeans which is a whole 2 inches smaller in the waist line than my other jeans!"

    But don't ever give up on yourself. You have to ignore all the negative people, and it's really sad when they are the very ones on a website like this which is supposed to be your place of refuge where we support each other and hide the hurt caused by people outside this website. If you keep going, stay diligent with your nutrition, and keep on working out, you will get to where you want to be. And heck, if you are not careful, you will go beyond your goals!
  • if u quit you will always have that "what if i stuck with it" feeling. that's how it is with any diet. i just started on this and i think it's healthier to have a community to give feedback mentally when dieting. just try to switch some things up a bit. try something for a couple of weeks. if that doesnt work change things up again until you find something that starts working for you : )
  • It takes time honey; I go through phases of extreme workout & still gain some, but the feeling of working out is still good. Please DO NOT give up
  • I agree with those who are stunned about how this guy is being treated, honestly this is what support is on a weight loss forum? Really I think people can get their points across without being mean.
  • With only one week down your body will Plateau getting used to the change and will continue to do so through your whole weight lose journey.
    Be true to yourself and what you really want, and if that's playing with your daughter and being there when she grows up and living a healthy life.
    We werent created to live unhappy lives, but we need find happiness and the awsomeness in ourselves.
    Don't stop now. All of us on the weight loss journey believe in you - so you should too.
    Best wishes From Down Under
  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191
    The first ten pounds is the easiest. I lost the first ten in the first seven days, and after that when I saw I wasn't losing, I felt depressed.

    There are many explanations - water weight, gaining muscles, et cetera. You really should not give up. Good luck!
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Maybe examine your attitude and have some accountability. MFP isn't a diet. It's tools to help you make a healthy lifestyle change.

    20 Million pounds lost...MFP works if you do! won't be missed!

    NASTY !!!!!!!! Any need for this kind of post and all the others like it ???? Does it make you all feel better and just that little bit more smug than you already sound ??
    If you havent got anything nice to say ,keep your nasty mouths firmly closed :explode: :mad:
    Never understood people who can be so nasty to others .lets hope you get a taste of your own medicine very soon !!!:mad: :explode: :angry:
  • :flowerforyou: you can do it!!!!!!!!!:explode:
  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    Congrats on your loss so far and keep up the good work! :)
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    Just adding my 2 cents

    It has taken me almost 4 yrs to lose 107 lbs.I lost 90 then spent a year and half bouncing up and down 5 lbs. I never quit, I just wasn't focused. This is a journey not a quick fix. I have refocused this year and have been losing again, but it is slow. I decided if I keep doing the same thing I will get the same results. So I added weights to my workouts. And started the c25k running program. I found mfp and am trying to work on improving my choices in what I eat.

    There are times I feel like I should lose more. I am now at the weight some women my height start their journey at. (I"m proud to be here and they felt "fat" at this weight and it was their "rock bottom") It can be frustrating. But everyday I stick with it is one day closer to my goal. You have to make it a personal journey. Everyones story will be different. But one thing is the same...we decided to take control of our lives and change them for the better. You can do this. It is one day at a time.

    I am glad you are sticking with it and have the support of your wife.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    so thats it, 10 days and your done? you shouldnt expect rapid results. Weightloss is a change of lifestyle not a short term crash diet.

    your choice....but is being "fat" what you want to be?


    Losing weight isn't rocket science; eat less, do more. Your water intake is really really important!

    There are more people on here with excellent results than not, so some people must be doing something right!
  • Just to throw fuel onto the fire:
    People are just using this as an excuse to be generally nasty. It's funny, this is supposed to be a 'support' site but people here and just being completely rude. Maybe if you made him feel accepted, showed him how supportive and nice it can be, how much help he could get then he would reconsider leaving.

    Would YOU stay somewhere people spoke to you the way some here have? Regardless of whether he said he was leaving or not, it may have been a cry for help.
    There's a difference between someone who's cry for help is "I'm finding this really hard! What can I do?!" and another who's cry is "I'm finding this really hard! I quit!" One wants to succeed, and wants and deserves help and support; the other was never, ever going to success in the first place.

    My main gripe is that the original poster isn't just a quitter, they're also an attention seeker: they *want* people to know that they lack willpower, that they can't cope without instant gratification and immediate results, and they want public sympathy for it. I have no idea what it is about people and the appeal of supporting the underdog, but if the underdog is one of their own making then there will always be some - myself included - who feel that said "underdog" deserves nothing more than our affirming agreement during their public shows of feebleness.

    People who want help deserve help.
    Quitters who want sympathy deserve to be shown the way out.
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    You are going to quit after a week? Seriously? This site may not cater to that at all!! That's what all of the forums are for to get motivation and bounce things off of each other.
    I ran 18 miles last week and stayed under my calorie goal and STILL managed to not lose a pound for the THIRD week in a row.
    You should at least give it a month or so.....
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