WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    peach your GS is too cute! NYKAREN
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    stat for the day:
    spin- 2hrs, 141mhr, 96ar, 42aw, 5-7sp, 22.1mi = 678cal
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    oops, 8 should have been 7-16-61, today would have been his 55th bday!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Karen, I don't take Valerian root and Wild Lettuce leaf now. Have taken them in the past. Wild lettuce leaf is in the hallucinogenic family but it never gave me any problems. Charlie is really hurting today. We may end up back in the ER. My kids are together watching MIchelle's boyfriend do a tandem sky dive. At least they are together having fun since it would not be fun here.

    JOyce, indianai
  • suznhenz
    suznhenz Posts: 33 Member
    work for the day: cycled on my recumbent terratrike 9.04 miles in 71 minutes and climbed a total of 95' for a total expenditure of 935 calories, according to my TomTom Multisport GPS watch. It felt so great!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Today would have been my late husbands bday, 8-16-61. Gone so young, I miss him so

    I am sorry for your loss. :heart: :heartbreak::heart:
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Mia - Sorry about your losing out to a cheaper consultancy firm. That sucks! I'm in a similar situation myself, as I've just learned that my proposal came in third place in a procurement process. I've had regular commissions from the organization in question for ten years but now they'll be sending the work to someone else. There went a tenth of my income! I can see and sympathize with your dilemma. It would feel SO GOOD just to chuck it and let the b**s sink or swim. At the same time, you don't want to burn bridges or give them any excuse to speak negatively of you if they're called as references. I'm sure you'll find a balance that works for you. Best of luck!

    Charleen - The monster is almost certainly out of your fridge now, with or without the tips you've received. Still, I wanted to share one that works really well for a friend of mine. She puts the offending food in her garbage bin, then squirts dishwashing liquid over it. Bleeechhh!

    Joyce in Indiana - Congratulations on not having to pack Charlie's wound any longer, but bummer that he is still having problems. I hope you find a suitable bag soon! I also hope Charlie manages to step up to the plate and become more self-reliant. Better for both of you. :heart:

    In the middle of her delightful post about surprise parties and being lent "one of" her MS's Porsches, Chris in MA wrote:
    All you newbies, one step at a time, don't try to do it all at once, it takes years to put on the weight and it doesn't come off immediately, but hang in there for the long haul.
    This resonates especially much with me at the moment. When my father celebrated his 88th birthday a week ago, my brother-in-law asked if he had any words of wisdom for us young'uns, to help us live long and well. After a moment's consideration, Dad said "Hang in there!" :flowerforyou:

    Beth and Heather were discussing travel. Like Heather, I travel a lot. Most of the time I'm just going from one familiar place to another, passing through the same old airports. Those trips feel about as dramatic to me as taking a city bus.

    I suppose a bit of anxiety would be beneficial - keep me on my toes - but I scarcely worry at all. I'm nonchalant to the degree that I sometimes don't even start packing until an hour or two before I leave home. And when my luggage gets lost in transit (as it did two days ago) I can be completely relaxed about it. I know from long experience that it usually turns up.

    But send me to a place I've never been before and I get palpitations! I especially remember a harrying work-related trip home from India. The journey started with a long taxi ride from Kottayam to the airport in Kerala - only about 40 miles distance, but what with Indian roads and traffic it took over two hours. (I felt especially sorry for the elderly man in an ambulance that crawled along beside the taxi for about half an hour. He was clutching his heart - which didn't make my heart feel any better - and was accompanied by three female relatives who beat their brows and tore their hair the whole time.)

    My flight to Europe was out of Chennai (a.k.a. Madras) so I had to get there in time, especially since I had a separate ticket (paid for by myself) for the last leg of my journey, from Stockholm to Tromsø. The company I was working for only covered travel as far as Stockholm. If I missed my last flight, it would have cost me a small fortune.

    The taxi got me to Kerala in fairly good time before scheduled departure, though I was a bit worn because my heart had been pounding for two hours. Then the flight from Kerala to Chennai was delayed! Still, I had a fourish-hour layover in Chennai, so I figured there wouldn't be any problem. But time passed and no flight. One hour, two hours, two and a half... Finally, the plane arrived, the gate opened, and we boarded for the 65-minute flight to Chennai. I arrived there with about 35 minutes to transfer.

    Fortunately, I was traveling with hand luggage only.

    Unfortunately, the passport queue was quintessentially Indian in scope and majesty. V e r y, v e r y s--l--o--w.

    I made it through, and dashed to the gate. By the time I got there, it was more depopulated than any place I had seen for a week, but not officially closed yet. I sprinted onto the plane and collapsed in my seat, avoiding the glares of the other passengers. It sure felt good when I got to Stockholm, where the airport feels like an ordinary bus stop to me. Easy-peasy.

    Hmm... that wasn't a story from my childhood but maybe it will do for now.

    Heather again, about your DH's family who are world champion ditherers... Mine are like that, too, especially my dear mother. Grocery shopping with her used to be horrific because she wanted to compare prices on everything. She could stand for five minutes trying to choose the optimal brand, size, and cut of dill pickles. On the plus side, she's also a bit obsessive-compulsive, so she would always write out the shopping list twice: first a list of everything we needed, then an organized list, where everything was arranged in the order in which they appeared as one walks the aisles in the grocery. That saved some much-needed time.

    Over the years, my father adopted a stoic approach to grocery shopping. He drove the cart, and simply stood waiting while Mom did her thing.

    My family's indecisiveness drove my husband crazy when we were first married. Getting us all to pull in the same direction was like herding cats. But we've improved over time.

    Awww Karen in VA - Did you read my post three times? :blushing: I'm glad you like them. I'm 100% with you on not wanting "stuff" anymore. For his 88th birthday, my father requested "a complete absence of presents" (not to be confused with a complete absence of presence :lol:)

    Becca - Your sister's visit sounded like a mixed blessing. Good that she's talking with you now, at any rate. :flowerforyou:

    I am now caught up with the posts. Maybe tomorrow I can share some highlights from my weeks in New Hampshire.

    Meanwhile, time for bed...

    /Penny, near the North Pole

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Charlie is in enough pain he is restless. But he is determined to stick it out. Our family doc was on call and we had a long talk with him. He was willing to do what we wanted to do, go to ER, have him admitted and get IVs and antibiotic and a surgeon consult or wait. He said the chance of the gall bladder rupturing is rare so we are waiting it out. The kids decided to go ahead and come on, just probably leave earlier than Monday afternoon. Elie will miss her Grandpa getting up with her and them fixing who knows what for breakfast. I am glad e had some pain medicine left from his hand and ostomy surgery.

    Joyce, indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    My grandson (age 6) lost his two front teeth. So cute....


    This made me smile. He's a handsome little guy. Thanks for sharing.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »

    Progress report: OS is back in her apt with a working toilet and the floor is in, the handicap shower is going in this coming week. She was thrilled to see her newly painted bedroom and hallway and the installation of better lighting is my favorite thing, she hates it cause it shows how filthy the carpeting is (ladies I am not exaggerating with the word filthy) so the next project is to get her to select carpet and laminate flooring and then schedule that.

    She is very appreciative, her mental health issues (anxiety, OCD, phobias) compounded by her physical disabilities (cerebral palsy and macular degeneration) made this challenging but critically important work. I am humbled by what she faces every minute of every day. NYKAREN

    :) You have done an amazing thing with your sister's apartment...you deserve a great reward and a round of applause....I admire you so much.

    <3 Barbie

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    Charleen2 wrote: »

    Well today is the Brats, Burgers and beer fest. I made potato salad last night after I took my neighbor to the airport. Traffic was bad, we had to travel during the height of rush hour, the airport is 67 miles away. 2 hours later I drop her off and turn around to make the trip back home.

    Charleen in Colorado (Going to be a busy day...)

    :) You are amazing taking your neighbor to the airport at rush hour.....you deserve a round of applause....I hope your neighbor knows and appreciates what you've done.

    <3 Barbie

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    :heart: Margaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Katie,when I read about your frustration about your incision and what to wear that didn't hurt and finally finding some too big bras to wear, I wanted to tell you that when Jake came home from the hospital after his surgery, he didn't know what to wear that wouldn't hurt his incision that was about four inches vertical right below his belly button. He finally found the perfect clothes---he had old too big underwear that he meant to throw away and never got to it along with a too big flannel nightgown of mine that I never gave away when I lost weight. I wish you the best in your recovery and know that not being able to exercise is a great frustration for you.

    :) the electrician we called earlier in the week came today. :) We have been putting off some work we've wanted since we moved into this house in 2011 because of inertia and worrying that it would be too expensive. It turns out that the changes won't be as extensive as we expected and will cost around $500.00 and take him no more than two hours to do the work.m1272.gif

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »



    Mary from Minnesota

    Thank you for sharing this. It goes along with my most recent favorite quote.

    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Evening ladies,
    Just talked to my friend at the Cape,her poor husband has dementia and she us just finding out...
    Tomorrow evening is the wedding,my DB best man backed out as his mom is in hospice and not likely to make the next 24 hrs,so bless Sean's heart he asked our dad..so I am chauffeur the mother of the bride and father of the groom to the wedding
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Janetr OKC – Then it probably is a working phone; haven’t seen too many of them around anymore – most people have their own cellphones to use. Usually, when you find one, the telephone book has been ripped out of them, or the phone doesn’t work and takes your money.

    Becca – My DMS usually drinks (to me, to excess) when we are around; don’t know about other times; but, I would not be surprised. She tends to get into the “I love you so much” mood and I am not a person who is a hugger except with my own nuclear family. We all are meeting at the beach in late September. I’ve already told her that I am not going to get into any ‘political’ or ‘religious’ discussions; we will just have to ‘agree that we disagree’. On both subjects; I relate more to my dear oldest sister in both areas. Now that we know one VP; guess it will be interesting to know the other.

    I’ve never seen my husband of 44 years drunk either. He will have a “Crown and coke” most nights; but, only one. He gets ‘higher’ on Margaritas. When we went to a Mexican Restaurant we had never been to before, after a Margarita and the owner giving us all a shot of Tequila, with salt on the rim, and a lime … he gave his to our DDnL#1 – she had already had a ‘medium’ Margarita and downed both shots like it was water. I came home and took my evening meds and slept like a baby rock!

    Does your sister live far from you? Is it possible to get someone there to help her put out her ‘things’ and determine what she needs to get rid of? For some reason, I think my house was neater when I worked full-time and had 2 small children. When they were little we lived in a 2-story house and a split-level. I guess it was easier to keep the main portion clean because they could only bring down a couple or 3 toys at a time; and, they had to keep them in the playroom. When we built this house; I really wanted to take the plans of the first one (2-story) and work a new floorplan from it. It had so much storage space in it. Wasn’t the only 2 houses we’ve lived in. First house we bought in Jacksonville, FL was a 2-story ‘dump’ that we paid $9,000 for; it had huge room, a screened-in porch on the front and back. It still had food in the kitchen, including a bag of rotten potatoes … I don’t think there is a worse smell than rotting potatoes; but, maybe a dead person. We had to empty the house, clean it with Lysol and then paint it. It had dressers built in, in every room, small closets. That’s not the house I am talking about. We moved to a newer house from the one 2-story house to one in a nicer neighborhood, then got transferred, where we lived in a 4-level split-level house. We should have backed out of the contract the first time it rained and water ran through the garage. We had HOW on it and the builder was supposed to ‘fix it at his cost’. Never did. I dug up flowers and bulbs 3x while I was pregnant with my DYS – still wasn’t fixed. We sold it and told them about the water; but, we had not had any problem with it after the last time when he dug below the foundation and put drainage tiles and rocks. Shortly afterwards, the water reappeared, so we took him to court and won. He had to come in and dig up every wall on the foundation down below the foundation line and put in drainage tiles and rocks; and, then up the hill from the house and lay them in 4 places to make it run off when it rained. Other than that, I really liked the house; hated the builder by the time I had gotten down on my hands and knees to keep my flowers and bulbs.

    Awww – Carol – your grandson is so cute without his front teeth; my 9-year-old has lost the two incisors by the 4 teeth in the front. She pulled one; after they took her to have the other pulled because the main one was growing in behind it. We used to laugh about DOGD’s teeth; she had awful teeth … looked like a vampire; and, teeth grew in more than once, behind teeth. The dentist was so surprised; like a shark’s teeth – growing in several sets. They had to pull 4 teeth to put her in braces before she started a new school once my DOS got ‘custody’ of her. Orthodontist told DOS not to put her in braces until he got ‘custody’ of her; because he mother would not have made the arrangements to take her to him like she should. What a loser!

    Penny – My ‘luggage’ got lost once when I flew to Miami to visit sister. It really was NOT lost; everybody on the plane had lost theirs, too. They had it on a cart which was separated from us and I kept telling the baggage clerk, that my bags were on that cart; I had seen my labels on it; but, he would not let me go get it. I stepped over the rope and showed him and still he would not let me have it. Had to file a ‘lost baggage’ claim. They said ‘if’ and ‘when’ it showed up, they would deliver it to my sister’s. We got a call from the security clerk in her building at 11:30pm to tell us that my bags had been delivered. The ‘lost baggage claim’ gave everybody a bag full of toiletries. My sister grabbed one for herself. The man in front of us told them, ‘You CAN’T have LOST my baggage, my car keys and house keys are in it. My sister said, loudly, “What kind of ‘idiot’ packs his car and house keys in his baggage - how stupid is that?” She was already upset because she had had to come in and try to find me while her friend was circling the airport passenger ‘let off and pick up’.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Love Love Love the happier dog picture… it puts things in perspective!

    Joyce – sending good thoughts for Charlie to get better quick

    Travel – so I have had times in my life when I have had opportunity to do a lot of travel, and times (now) when it is rare; but I love it, I love to drive, fly, take the train – I am a light quick packer, and as long as I have clean undies I am just fine…I’ll read or chat with the folks next to me – delays? Oh well… BUT you tell me I have to sit in a restaurant and eat a meal alone…I am beside myself, I have gone hungry, found a grocery and eaten just stuff that I could get there…I have done it in a bind, but is it the worst! We all have our “thing” and that is mine.

    Cheese – ok so someone recommended Whole Foods aka Whole Paycheck; so I have not gone there yet, but did need some cheese today… I made a polenta cherry tomato tart that was amazing, but it had goat cheese in it and I felt the cheese flavor was too strong, so am trying it again, and went to Trader Joe’s to find a soft, maybe spreadable cheese – so Brie or cream cheese (Philadelphia cheese) were my choices, I decided to try the clerks recommendation of Port Salut which is from France so I felt like I was supporting them just a tiny little bit…

    I am as many of you, avoiding the news a bit, it seems almost overwhelming all the friction and strife.

    So I weigh officially on Friday, but often on other days…and on both Thursday and today I was down a pound, but not on Friday – so hoping for next Friday to have it show up.

    July Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lunch with Ben, visiting with mom, Cajun food with a friend, got the job!
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday – like to hit 160 miles for the month.


    Kim from N. California