100+ lbs to lose support group



  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    Depo is bad stuff. I was on it for 2.5 years and it is what triggered my PCOS to come out of dormancy and kick in full throttle. It has been linked to causing PCOS as well. It also causes all kinds of problems with fertility..

    I was put on depo when I was 15, had asked my doctors a couple of times about taking a break or switching to something different but they told me not to worry, I was fine. When I was 20 I got pregnant, and had a miscarriage. I got pregnant again, same thing, got pregnant a 3rd time, and I was sooo lucky to carry to term with my son. Again, 2 more miscarriages, but this time, I was lucky enough to meet a really great doctor that specializes in women's diseases and so on. We discussed my past, and as soon as I told him I was on depo and for how long he just shook his head. Apparently, not only was it the cause for my problems with getting and staying pregnant but it can also increase your risk of breast cancer by 85%. I really try to pass my story along just for the general knowledge, and to hopefully stop some heartache. I know I was terrified every time I got pregnant but I'm stubborn :smile: and I knew that if it was meant to be, it was meant to be.
  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    Oh man I did 16 mins of Wii Boxing the other day and my back muscles, arms, shoulders and my neck muscles are so sore still. I felt much better after some yoga this morning to stretch out those tight muscles but man what a workout. I burned 235 calories according to my HRM in 16 mins. Not bad I'm thinking!

    OMG I love Wii - boxing is insane. Im liking baseball at the moment hehe. Nice workout!

    Hi to all he new people!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Hi, Toni!

    All great reasons to want to be healthier! Sadly, I actually waited until my family history caught up with me and I wound up diabetic. I'm glad you're not waiting!


  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Welcome! We're glad to have you!

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Welcome, and happy (and safe) 4th to you!

  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I've still got 100 to lose :)

    It seems like such a daunting task, but trust me... it's really not as hard as it seems.

    The heavier you are, the faster the weight comes off at first (USUALLY) and it's such a good kick start.

    We can do it!
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Oh man I did 16 mins of Wii Boxing the other day and my back muscles, arms, shoulders and my neck muscles are so sore still. I felt much better after some yoga this morning to stretch out those tight muscles but man what a workout. I burned 235 calories according to my HRM in 16 mins. Not bad I'm thinking!

    I am DEFINITELY gonna give that a try. I've only got one controller and that kind of cal burn is enough to motivate me to get another so I can have boxing matched with my son. He'll LOVE it!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi, Toni!

    All great reasons to want to be healthier! Sadly, I actually waited until my family history caught up with me and I wound up diabetic. I'm glad you're not waiting!

    Same here! Good on ya, Toni!

    I hope everyone's having a nice weekend. I'm super tired tonight. Been a go go go kind of day. But tomorrow, I'm doing NOTHING! Just planting myself in front of the tv! :-) Looking forard to a day where I can just relax!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    ladies I agree that losing 100+ lbs can be overwhelming. I have just tried to concentrate on the next 10 lbs at a time and bought myself a pair of earrings for every 10 lbs I have lost. It is much easier to look at 10lbs then to look at the big picture.

    I am a mom of 7 and know all too well about taking care of everyone else and letting yourself go. Now it is time to take care of ourselves. My oldest 4 are now grown so I only have the 3 younger ones at home. We did fostercare for 7 yrs and adopted the younger 3. The each have different issues attachment problems, bipolar, anxiety , ODD RAD, so they are a handful and take up alot of my time, but I am still going to make time for myself. I have lost 73lbs so far . My children really like the fact that I am putting myself first because i can do more with them. the first time i went bike riding with my 11 yr old daughter she said mom you losing weight is the best thing that has ever happened to our family.....LOL. How is that for encouragement....heehee
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Hi all! My name is Erica, and I'd love to join this group. Feel free to friend me and we can definately self-motivate eachother!

    I am 25 and have been heavy my whole life. I completed grad school last year, where I managed to get up to my heaviest weight of 280 because of stress and a lot of partying. About a year ago, I moved to a new city, got a new job, and want to get in shape an become a new person in every sense. Since starting in November, I have lost 40 pounds, which is great. Unfortunately, I have a long way to go to reach my goal and it's a little disheartening to have so much more to do. I'm hoping through hard work, and a little motivation, that by this time next year, I can be who I want to be. Good luck to all of you on your journeys!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Hi all! My name is Erica, and I'd love to join this group. Feel free to friend me and we can definately self-motivate eachother!

    I am 25 and have been heavy my whole life. I completed grad school last year, where I managed to get up to my heaviest weight of 280 because of stress and a lot of partying. About a year ago, I moved to a new city, got a new job, and want to get in shape an become a new person in every sense. Since starting in November, I have lost 40 pounds, which is great. Unfortunately, I have a long way to go to reach my goal and it's a little disheartening to have so much more to do. I'm hoping through hard work, and a little motivation, that by this time next year, I can be who I want to be. Good luck to all of you on your journeys!

    Hi, Erica, and welcome!

    I SO understand the discouraging feelings! Just yesterday, I actually fit into a size 24 shirt. That's after years of 34s and even 36s. I was so happy . . . and then I realized, "Kris, it's still a 24. It's still so big." And the feeling of accomplishment melted away.

    Fact is, it IS an accomplishment, and I need to give myself a break. I know I screwed up and I know I got very big. Beating myself up about it isn't going to change it, it's just going to rob me of the joy of my achievements.

    So I promise to be kinder to myself without letting myself off the hook or backsliding on my new lifestyle. Now you promise.


  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    So ready to be OFF of Night Duty! It is incredibly hard to make good food choices while in nights... However, just this week left, then I am switching back to days. :) Happy thought. Back on track for me! One good/ bad thing for me is that I've stayed the same weight. Haven't lost, buit then, neither have I gained, so pretty happy bout that. :)
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Night shifts are hard! I never pack for myself when working day shifts but always make sure to pack my food and a lot of good snacks for overnight. Even if you snack all night, at least it's on healthy foods and not say...a bacon cheeseburger and fries take out lol.
  • ladyerin79
    ladyerin79 Posts: 97 Member
    Wow... I only read the first page of this post and I want to join too!!!

    My name is Erin and I'm a 32 year old SAHM to 3 beautiful kiddos. I have been overweight my ENTIRE life, but was diagnosed as "morbidly obese" in 1998 by a doctor that told me I wouldn't live to see 27 years old. Anyone else hate that term "morbidly obese"??? I sure do.

    Anyway, my father wanted to have a cheerleader growing up in the family, and needless to say I was a bookworm. I would rather write novels and poetry than play softball or play outside all day. My parents and my little brother thought they could motivate me by calling me names like "chunk" and "lard *kitten*". It didn't work--just made me really sad. Then one day when I was 8 years old, my father decided he was going to start me on an exercise regimine. After school, he had me doing a hundred push-ups, sit-ups, squat-thrusts, jumping jacks, leg lifts... and to top it all off, I ran laps in the back yard with him supervising me. My father would actually stand over me with a belt to make sure I was doing it "his way"... and if I didn't, or I was too tired--you guessed it--I would get smacked with the belt and have to start all over again from the beginning. Years later I would struggle with PTSD and these would be some of the flashbacks I would recall... And if I had to exercise, the panic would set in because I would recall my father's nasty ways. So... I try not to think about exercising, while exercising. Makes sense, right? LOL

    As if being put down and abused by my family wasn't enough, I went to school and heard it all over again. By the time I was 17, I moved out of the house and I relocated to a different school--where I was accepted and popular. In 1998 I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and 4 years later high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

    It's been a loooooooooong road of being heavy, and I'm ready to be healthy for me and my babies. I'm trying to lose weight before I have gastric bypass surgery... and crossing my fingers that I can lose enough to where I don't need it.

    Please friend me if you like!!! I love having new friends, and this is the only place I have them besides having my hubby here at home! :)
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi Erin,
    I'm so sorry to hear of the way that your family tried to "motivate" you when you were younger. What a difficult thing to go through. I am very happy to hear that you are working through those issues and have found your way to MFP and this group.

    I'm going through a similar situation, as far as losing weight for WLS and hopefully, not needing it. This journey started for me in April, when my doctor put me on insulin. It was the wakeup that I needed and an impetus to start looking into WLS. I have gone through all of the preliminary appointments. Met with a boatload of doctors. And now I'm on my way. My insurance requires 6 months of a doctor supervised diet before they will approve it. My goal is to work very hard and really reach for the best in that six months. And if in those 6 months, I feel like I've made a significant change and that I can sustain the weight loss, I'm going to opt OUT of it. I'm already well on my way. My six months will officially be up in December. My goal is to be down 90lbs by the end of November (that's 10lbs a month, which is definitely proving to be doable thus far). If I've met or exceeded that goal, I fully intend to pass on the surgery and continue down this road that I've started.

    I wish you all the very best. And I'm glad that you've joined our group. Everyone here is very friendly and helpful and most of all, supportive. Please feel free to friend me. I'm always up for new friends!
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    My typical day... Get up at 6am with the baby.. get ready for work... work and 8 hour day.. come home.. spend a couple of hours with the baby.. have supper.. put him down for the night.. the haul my (_(_) to the gym... in bed @ 9:30... I wish I could get up early enough in the morning to do the work out thing before work. Anyone else have a hard time with the mornings?
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Hannah ~ Getting up at 5am to workout becomes an easy habit after a week or so. I started in Feb and now it's a must. Our evenings are very full with 2 girls in sports and dance so if I don't get in 30-60 minutes before heading off to work I may not get another chance later in the day. I feel full of energy after working out so that's a bonus and it motivates me to eat healthy all day!

    Jen ~ I hope you are able to avoid WLS - I have a friend having it done at the end of this month and I'm very nervous for her. We all know it's hard to lose it on our own, but really the hardest part is having the patience to wait and see your hard work pay off. It's such a slow process and in a world of instant gratification that's tough! I have also seen some amazing results with WLS and it sounds like you have a great doctor who is helping you through the process safely. Keep up the great work!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Erin~ Welcome! So glad you are moving on from your rough past and making choices that work for you. You'll find lots of support at MFP. Keep posting and log everything into your food diary. Plan Plan Plan!

    It was a wonderful long holiday weekend. Lot's of family fun, exercise and BBQ's. I managed to maintain my wt and feel great (although a little tired from a late night of illegal fireworks!!) Summer is officially here in Maine!

    Keep up the great work everyone. Drink your water today!!!
  • soundjunkie
    soundjunkie Posts: 41 Member
    I,m in if you will have me in this club!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    My typical day... Get up at 6am with the baby.. get ready for work... work and 8 hour day.. come home.. spend a couple of hours with the baby.. have supper.. put him down for the night.. the haul my (_(_) to the gym... in bed @ 9:30... I wish I could get up early enough in the morning to do the work out thing before work. Anyone else have a hard time with the mornings?

    Hannah - I can't imagine working out in the am, either. I don't have a baby to take care of (YET!!!! One of these days, I swear!), but I do have a long commute to work and tend to take an exceptionally long time to get ready in the morning. So, as it is, I already get up at 4:30 or 5am. I get home from work around 4:30 or 5pm. Then I make dinner, eat and chill out for about a half hour after eating. And then I workout. Either at the gym or with a workout DVD in my living room. I think it doesn't matter WHEN you do it, just that you do it at all!
  • mearyl33
    mearyl33 Posts: 3 Member
    I am so in...I have wayy over 100 pounds to lose but I've already surprised myself this past month so there's no giving up now..
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