Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @stircrzy & @harryhole987 I sent you both friend requests. @stircrzy I noticed that you are in Cleveland, we are almost neighbors. I live in Akron.

    @ChangeIsADecision How are you liking your Jeep? My car is paid off in April of next year and I am thinking of getting one then.

    @jdelaroy Great job on the NSV. It is so nice when other people notice a change in you. :)

    @Rachel0778 I with you on the Mental Health Weekend. This summer has been to busy and it seems like extra hot.

    @FitEqualsSmile Enjoy your graduation party this weekend. They are so much work. But so exciting. I hope you get good news with your MRI results.

    Made it to the gym last night and worked up a good sweat while I was there. Yesterdays NSV for me was actually going to the gym. It was so hot and I was really close to talking myself out of it. I did however suck it up and go and once I got there I was glad I did. My arms and shoulders are a little sore today.
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    @ChangeIsADecision - we all have those weekends but I love the reminders, GREAT IDEA. Did look like you had a great time. Love the jeep rally.

    @ngolden3320 - is your gym as hot as mine. Sometimes I think they don't even have the air on.

    MRI hurt like a mother when they were injecting that die in yesterday but it is mostly gone this morning, just a little stiffness. Hoping I can shake it off before ariel yoga this morning. We had Thai for dinner last night. I was a good girl and stuck to the mixed veggies with brown rice but holy salt bomb. My body (and the scale) felt it this morning.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Goal - 15 pounds by 10/6
    7/11 start :#
    7/18 3.7 down 11.3 to go
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Great NSV!!!!

    @ChangeIsADecision You are so right, it is so hard to resist the crowd when everyone else is ordering a margarita. I have to constantly ask myself, do I really want this? Keep us posted on how it's going!

    @health_guard How did it go for day 2???

    @stircrzy Welcome! I agree that weight follows habits, which ones are you working to implement?

    @Kait_Dee Thanks for sharing your progress photos! Cutting weight sucks no matter what, but I agree it's extra hard in the summer. When's your upcoming event?

    @ngolden3320 Way to go on the gym!

    @FitEqualsSmile healthy thai options over Pad Thai (or my favorite Pad See Ew) is hard! Way to go! My scale is also mad at me for all the salt I've been eating. I finished off the pickle wedges last night so that should hopefully help. And I agree that I need to start booking time for myself. I got out of the habit, but I need a "me" day big time!

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I had a relaxing evening last night reading my book and watching Downton Abbey (love that show!). I feel better this morning but still strung too thin on the social calendar. My appetite has been out of control too, which is not helping me with my end of summer goals *sigh*. I did finally hop on the scale though, so 1 day late:

    SW: 148
    Goal: -6 lbs by Thanksgiving

    I decided to choose 6lbs by Thanksgiving because that means I will be down exactly 20lbs for my 1 year logging anniversary (and darned close to goal!). I just need to get my train back on the tracks.
  • Skiracer
    Skiracer Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all! My name is Yvonne and I was a member for awhile but dropped off the radar. Totally went off the rails….abandoned my workouts and my healthy diet and am now paying dearly for it. I am back in the saddle though, and determined to lose this weight, get strong and back to the true me. This will not be an easy journey for me, but I’m giving all that I’ve got. Today, I take control!!! I need to lose 30 pounds. I will need all the motivation I can find and in turn, promise to motivate and encourage all of you! Here's to us and reaching our goals!!!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @stircrzy welcome. You are always welcome to come hang out.

    @Kait_Dee Wow, you look fabulous! Thanks for the early motivation

    @ngolden3320 What a great NSV! You should be so proud of yourself. It is so easy to say no, and not take care of ourselves the way we deserve.

    @Rachel0778 Great goal, you can do this. Glad you got a "me" evening. I was thinking about you when I did my weigh in this morning. I had a super late night, moving the exes crap out of my house. The babysitter ate my dinner. Ended up eating chili cheese fries at almost midnight. I was thinking, I am just going to skip my weigh in this morning and do it tomorrow like Rachel mentioned. I did it anyways. Down 1 pound :)

    So had a stressful night as mentioned above. Bruised the back of my hand catching an entertainment center as it was falling off the truck, saved the center and the bf. Got it to its destination to be told to take it to Goodwill instead. I was so livid, and angry last night I had tears running down my cheeks. Luckily, the bf was there to keep me calm. I was ready to deck someone, no I am not normally a violent person even when angry.

    So, my NSV for yesterday: I didn't deck anyone, and my pants fell down on my way into the house after moving last night.

    SW 250
    CW 238/Down 12 pounds
    GW 220 (End of September)
  • Kait_Dee
    Kait_Dee Posts: 176 Member
    @stircrazy - welcome! what a great attitude... You're number one ...!

    @health_guard - here's to hoping you get some movement in .. it's always tough in the morning. This morning was the first time I've done morning cardio in forever. I can't say I loved it ..... but it wasn't the worst thing in life (I guess .. haha)

    @FitEqualsSmile - I hope the stiffness goes on and doesn't hamper your day and I hope everything comes back ok. Mmmm.. Thai. <3

    @ngolden3320 - great work on making it to the gym! It's hard when it's so hot. I'm in NJ on business right now and the heat and humidity are ridiculous.

    @Rachel0778 - Thanks for the support! It's a tough slog right now, I've been cutting for 16 weeks and have another 10 to go before the contest. I compete on September 24 in Washington State... As far as your goal, totally attainable, Miss! You can do it! :smile: A year of logging too - that's an achievement in itself.

    @Skiracer - welcome back! I'm pretty new, myself ... Glad to have you along for the journey!

    @jdelaroy - Thanks for the support :smile: -- Sounds like a stressful night for you last night, sorry to hear it... Glad you're okay other than a bruised hand. I hate it when things go sideways like that; especially when you're tired and hungry and nothing seems to be going right!! I hope today is a better day for you - congrats on the loss. :smiley:

    Mid-day here in the East ... Just about to hit the road to go to another client site, I hope everyone is having a solid start to their Tuesday!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Hey Ya'll.... Bootcamp was good last night. Although I was late getting there... I swear Murphy Law's gets me every time! I swear I thru my tank top in my bag... I go to change after work and i packs a pair of my husband's BOXERS! :open_mouth: Same color as my tank top... GRRRR :p Anyway, got there a little late but we did a good workout with tires, milk jugs, sand bags and walking.

    @ngolden3320 - We are <3 LOVING <3 the Jeep!! So much fun. I highly recommend getting one! I've had a few Jeeps in my childhood (parents had a couple) and adult years (had one with my first marriage) - The love never die!!

    @Rachel0778 - It is SO HARD! But I have to decide do I want to continue to follow and never lose the weight (which it's starting to weigh on my self confidence *no pun intended*) or do I want to cut back (not completely), still have fun but be sensible and gain some self confidence back!?

    Hope all is well with everyone... I'll check in later with an Insta update from last night. B)
  • MeinProgress
    MeinProgress Posts: 77 Member
    Long day!!! Think I'll go home and get some yard work done
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    @Rachel0778 - glad you got some time for yourself. Keep it up.

    @skiracer - welcome back. Feel free to add me. I am on and off but try to keep at it :)

    @jdelaroy - I love the stories where people lose their pants. I have to say this has never happened to me but I think that is because I love to shop, hehe. Good job sticking to plan and not killing someone.

    Well today is day two of cookie Armageddon. I am going to use the scale as motivation today as it was down a pound this morning and I already have lunch with sister and mother today. God deliver me for chocolate chips.

    So this morning is cookie hell, breakfast, painting chairs, trainer and then errand hell. Hope everyone else has an equally productive day.

    Goal - 15 pounds by 10/6
    7/11 start :#
    7/18 3.7 down 11.3 to go
  • MeinProgress
    MeinProgress Posts: 77 Member
    We are having a big ol' pizza party at work today....I hope to make it through unscathed ;)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Skiracer Welcome back Yvonne!

    @jdelaroy Great job weighing in! I'm glad the scale rewarded your bravery. The scale and I have had an abusive relationship in the past so I only hop on when I'm in the right mindset (Monday definitely wasn't it lol)

    @Health_guard My significant other is the same way. Mornings are not everyone's thing :)

    @Kait_Dee 10 weeks to go, I hope that time flies by for you and that you rock that competition!

    @ChangeIsADecision You're absolutely right, we all have to figure out a balance that's livable and makes us feel good. There's got to be a balance in there somewhere!

    @FitEqualsSmile Let the cookiemageddon commence! When is all the craziness over for you?

    @Meinprogress You've got this! You've got the plan in place to succeed
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    So I'm still completely people'd out and my boxing class didn't sound at all appealing last night so I decided to take another me night and not go.

    Old me would have chilled on the couch with popcorn and Downton Abbey. New me put on her running shoes, downloaded some podcasts, and had a great 6 mile solo run around town. I'm a little stiff today because I haven't ran in a month, but I feel good that I still have the cardio in place to tackle 6 miles. I also have tonight of no social plans to help reset, I can't wait to get my equilibrium back!
  • MeinProgress
    MeinProgress Posts: 77 Member
    @Rachel0778 - 6 MILES!!!! Nice work
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @FitEqualsSmile ooh cookies are one of my weaknesses. Sometimes I chew a really minty sugar free gum. Hard to put more food in your mouth with mint flavor and gum in the mouth. Good luck, you can do it. Way to go on the 1 pound.

    @MeinProgress I hope so too, someone brought in donuts yesterday. I said no the first time and luckily I was too busy to go back.

    @Rachel0778 Great Job! That had to feel awesome. You will get your equilibrium back in no time.

    Ugh I am so sick of packing. I wish I was done, Frustrated that I have a room and a half left, no energy, and haven't been able to really do any work outs. Oh and have no money until pay day. My bank has 12 cents in it.
    Sigh, just a few more days I can do it.
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    edited July 2016
    @MeinProgress - how did you do?

    @rachel0778 - nice job on the run. I wish that was something I could do. My body just never caught up with my mind on that one. Party is Saturday, looking forward to it but at the same time can not wait until it is over.

    @jdelaroy - well an empty bank account at least mean no temptation to eat that a positive or a f*** you :)

    Well even I have to say I am proud of myself at breakfast today. I really wanted the canolli pancakes but got a vegetable egg white omelet, skipped the bread, had 2 forks of the hash browns. I did order the pancakes but had 5 bites and brought the rest home for my sons. Now you ask what is a canolli pancake...imagine a pancake as big as a 15" dinner plate (really like and fluffy) that they layer with this wonderful creamy canolli filling and then fold up this delicious pancake. They then top it with more filling. They are wonderfully wonderfully sinful.

    So off to iron.

    Have a great night everyone.

    Goal - 15 pounds by 10/6
    7/11 start :#
    7/18 3.7 down 11.3 to go :)
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @FitEqualsSmile - well done on the pancake restraint, they sound delicious and very hard to avoid - great NSV!

    @jdelaroy - hang in there, it sounds like you have done so much of the packing already and the last couple of rooms are always the hardest as you start to lose the will to do it. But just think of the workout that you are getting simply by doing the packing and the lifting and the moving - you will be doing more than you think. And the pay day issue - I so know that feeling and it sucks. Stick with it - you are nearly there!

    @Rachel0778 - 6 miles, I'm seriously impressed. Hope the night of no social was good for you :)

    @MeinProgress - hope you both enjoyed and survived the pizza party!!

    I've just come out of a two day training course at work - a Train the Trainer session. Good fun but boy did she work us hard (a colleague so she knows us pretty well and took no nonsense!). Two long days, homework in the evenings and precious little time to think about anything else. Got home too late both days to see Alistair so really looking forward to being able to pick him up from nursery this afternoon, spend some time with him and then put him to bed with his nightly stories. It's been so hot here and had so little time and energy so the house is a complete tip - working from home today so will finish a little early and blitz a couple of rooms!
  • Kait_Dee
    Kait_Dee Posts: 176 Member
    Guys! It's Thursday...! Let's kick its booty..!!

    Sounds like we've all had a similar week.. Bring on the weekend..! (Yahoo - a few meetings and the gym, but otherwise it's poolside for me)

    I weighed in this morning and saw a pretty significant drop, my guess is it's the reduced calories (which I was in a bit of a snit over earlier this week) .. I'm always happy to see the number go down, but sometimes I have a hard time believing it. This brings me down to a total loss of over 112lbs or something ridiculous like that.

    Anyhow.. Busy day ahead, lots of driving, so looking forward to a Barre 3 class tonight to release the mental and get a good calorie burn .. Have a great day, all! x
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Morning Peeps! Hope all is well with everyone. Just wanted to check in with some insta posts - and an accountability weigh-in.

    Starting weight:
    7/18 - 164.2
    7/21 - 163.0

    Monday bootcamp:


    Last's bootcamp: I've been having back pain lately so I got a steroid shot and a pain shot yesterday. Kind of funny - I was talking to the doc and she said "So you're in here for back pain but you're doing a bootcamp program?" It doesn't hurt when I'm exercising but I keep myself at a pace that I know I'm not hurting it more. Weird that it doesn't hurt when I'm exercising.

  • MeinProgress
    MeinProgress Posts: 77 Member
    @FitEqualsSmile and @janetay01 - Well I actually did okay! I had one piece of super yummy wood-fire pizza, and a handfull of strawberries. That's it.....No seconds, and I left before they brought out deserts!
    Then...Last night my dad called and wanted to take me and my family to dinner...Mexican. I had grilled chicken with chipotle sauce, and one tortilla. I ended up under calories, and enjoyed both of my functions! YAY

    @ChangeIsADecision - I love the pics!