WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Janet, being single, I have had to move toilets around by myself when I renovated both bathrooms in my house, as well as when the wax ring needs replaced. Not much fun.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Surprisingly enough, I did not sleep well last night so. Was up in Charlies room around 7:30. I got t meet his surgeon. About as much personality as a wet dishrag. He couldn't understands why I had concern what in the world they did with an ostomy bag during surgery. He says they just work with it. Charlie did not watch the RNC last night to see Trumps wife. A thing was on face book this morning that shows a speech by Michelle Obama and Trumps wife. Exact to the word speech. Of course I have not checked Snopes.com to see if it is true. I can't imagine a republican candidate wife would plagiarize a presidents wife's speech especially if she is a lawyer. Oh, surgery is at 1 unless they can get it sooner.

    Joyce, indiana
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Cheri – I don’t know where in Texas you’ll be living; but, you can check the zone you’ll be living it. This you can get from most any reputable nursery. In GA, we have several zones because we go from mountains to sea shore. Day lilies are very resilient; you can ‘dig them up’, wait several days until replanting them and they’ll recover. You might not have blooms, if they are flowering now, until next blooming season. It ‘might’ be less taxing on them ‘if you remove any flower stalks; but, I have planted some that were flowering when I transplanted them. I’ve planted one fan or several fans together of the same variety. One reason they are called ‘daylilies’ because that is the ‘one day, occasionally two’ they are the prettiest. They like the full sun; NOT heavily mulched (which slugs like and will chew them up) and, they might need a little more water at first. I’m in Zone 8 in SW GA and they grow like crazy in full sun or under trees; where they get ‘mottled sun’; like pine trees. I only saw the first house y’all had a contract on; it did not look like it had any trees. Not sure about the 2nd one. All of mine get ‘full sun’ (planted on the South side of my house) or out in a flower bed that really does not get ‘any’ shade. When I have bought fans, sometimes it is several days before I plant them, they recover quickly. I tried to find my Southern Living Garden book; and, I could have told you what zones they do best in; but, if you are bringing them from Ohio and they lived through the cold winters and snow, they ‘should’ do fine in Texas. They are very drought resistant. My BF has dug up her daylilies and moved them around in her yard; and, several times she left them out nearly 2 weeks. They were pitiful looking; but, by the next year they had recovered from the shock. She had thrown them in a wheelbarrow with a little water in the bottom. They looked like they were dying. Even in Ohio, there should be a nursery that can tell you the zones they do best in.

    Janet and Re – I was told by the nurse/MD that the abdomen is the last place you’ll lose; and, whether or not you’ll be able to have a ‘flat’ stomach will depend on how much weight you have lost. When I hold my muscles ‘tight’ I am thinking … I’ll get there. I did so after giving birth to my children. Since them I had a complete hysterectomy and it seems like I have a little pooch, that might not go away; but, before children I had had my appendix taken out and the muscles were cut for an incision from about ½ inch from my belly button to my pubic hair; and, I got a flat stomach. I, thankfully, have my Mother’s skin; she did not have any wrinkles until after she turned 80. Nurse/MD said there were really no exercise that will totally flatten your stomach, especially with a scar that had gone all the way down to the internal organs. I’ve known a woman (who had lap band surgery) and she had a tummy tuck and an operation to get rid of her ‘bat wings’.

    Re – I need to get back to my desk to ‘purge’ it; it looks like the police have ‘tossed it’.

    Debbie – I was told that when I exercise I needed to ‘up’ my protein intake (small piece of meat, peanut butter, and boiled eggs). I’ve done all 3 and it helps a lot.

    Margaret – I always enjoy pictures from your garden. I want to dig up some of my bulbs this winter and put them back down a little deeper and maybe divide them. Not sure when doing this is the best. They’ve been ‘in the ground’ for going on 15 years.

    Joyce – There are a lot of “Free” apps that teach ‘typing’. If she gets to take it in HS (maybe younger, if the school has a lot of computers) … she should take it. I took it one year when I dropped out of Trig; because that teacher was horrible. He was an ‘unemployable engineer’; as at the time they were a ‘dime a dozen’. His teaching was only something to do to bring in money to pay bills. My entire class remember when I walked out of the class and told him I was going to go ‘change’ class to ‘typing’. He had told us to open to page 45 in the book and do the first 15 problems and all of the 30 on that chapter was going to be ‘homework’. We had NO clue. When the ‘highest’ grade in the class was a “C-“; several students when to the principal to see if he’d make him ‘curve on a scale’. One girl, what had always made “A’s” was particularly upset. There were only 2 students in the class that ‘knew’ or could ‘figure out’ how to do it. They would ‘tutor’ the rest of the class; one became a MD; the other was the Director of Math in the school system for the entire county; she had several schools that he helped in their math departments with the teachers.

    I would think that when his temperature goes ‘down’ they will do the surgery; I’ve always heard that ‘if’ you develop a temperature they won’t do surgery. But, I guess that could vary from MD to MD.
    HA! HA! HA! – My Daddy would fall asleep on the sofa while watching the news or some other bring show for a young child; but, if we changed channels; he say, “I was watching that!” Maybe he was a light sleeper and was just listening to it. I thought Melania’s speech last night was very good; even though she used some of the same phrases as Michelle; there isn’t a way for them to make a big stink; since, I doubt if Michelle never had a ‘copy write’ on it. But, the Democrats will run it ‘in the ground’; just like the ‘email’ issue will be ‘run in the ground’. It’s going to get ‘nasty’ unfortunately – on both sides.

    Sue – I lived in an area that had a lot of ‘thunder and lightning storms’. Was a lifeguard at the city pool; and as soon as we counted up to ten-one-thousand; and if during that time we heard thunder again; time to get OUT of the pool. Lightening can ‘strike’ 10 miles away from a storm. Some kids would NOT get out and we’d ban them from the pool for a week when they didn’t. I’d even get off the metal and wood lifeguard stand the first time I heard lightning. Of course, when the kids saw the flash of lightning; they’d hop out of the pool very quickly. Some I wanted to choke!

    I’m not surprised that you were asked to get out of an ‘indoor’ pool; they tell you to not take a bath of get into the shower when it is storming because if the house/pool house takes a direct hit; and there is any metal ‘in the pool’ you ‘could’ be electrocuted. Better safe than sorry. But, the funny thing that I learned was we were safer under water if we were on a ‘dive boat’ and it was lightning; that always seemed strange because I have always heard that sea water is a conductor for lightening.

    Katla – A friend of mine paid for a full body massage and facial for me as I was her Maid of Honor at her wedding. Ooooooo, when I reach my ‘goal’ I’ll be entitled to a facial. Can barely wait! Not far away now.

    Kim and Mary from Minnesota – I’ve bought a 10# kettlebell; but, have only tried it once – it is a great exercise; and, it is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I’m glad I did not buy one that weighed more.

    Lisa in West Texas – Both my sons have had ‘shingles’ and afterwards took the vaccination so ‘if’ they ever had another outbreak it should not be as bad. It is a terribly unpleasant thing to go through. DOS had it on his back and around his side; poor DYS had it on his neck, head, face near his eyes, and even ‘in his mouth’. At first, he thought the pain in his mouth was a bad tooth (mouth is where it started). His regular dentist checked him out; but, did not know why his mouth hurt so badly; nothing wrong with his teeth but, he had checked him before the outbreak. He sent him to a Periodontist in Shreveport (across the state from where they live). When the hygienist came in to ‘clean his teeth’ she went and got the dentist; who told him that he had ‘shingles’ and sent him to a MD to get medication for it; plus he gave him some mouthwash to use. He sent him home and told him to come back after they had gone away. They had to make several trips and he ended up having surgery in his mouth to bring the gum up and cover the roots. Poor DDnL#2; has been through that and a split in his head when he was setting up a pig trap and came up and hit the “T-shaped” post. The man helping him, knew something was wrong with that sound and turned around. DYS was covered in blood from the top of his head down to his shoes. Then he called, on his way to the ER; she was so upset that he was driving himself. She has insurance that covers all of them, in the event of an injury since he works out in the ‘boonies’ for a medic helicopter. He keeps his cellphone with him that has a tracking device on it. Thankfully, he did not bust his skull open. Just a really bad cut requiring a bunch of stiches. Thankfully, on the ‘shingles’ episode; DDnL#2 had just buzzed his head. When he got injured; he had been letting his hair grown out for the wedding; so they had to come his hair to cover the place they shaved to give him stitches.

    grandmallie - My DOS and DDnL#2's wedding was 'before' I had lost any weight; I looked like a 'cow'. Not sure that I want to show the book of pictures they made of the wedding party; because I also had changed into my flats; which only made my calves look even bigger. But, the sweetest picture was one where I was looking up at him and it was only from the waist-high

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm sure surgeons work with this type of thing often and that all will be well. Have they scheduled the surgery then? Big (((hugs))) and prayers for you and Charlie, you've been thru a lot.

    Janetr okc
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    hi to all. Just a quick pop in. I can't get on the site from home, so nothing from me on the weekends. I'll let you know how this turns out but I think I conned DD#1 into bringing me dinner tonight. I'm not convinced she will show up, but it would be amazing if she did! Hang in there everyone. Take care, Meg
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday !

    I am swooping in to let you all know how much I miss you and all the support and motivation. I am in the Indianapolis Crowne Plaza. Currently doing laundry while Greg and Payne go to Denny's for breakfast. Payne is not happy with his bowling because his place is at 27%. But there are still 3 more rounds of 4 games to go. Then if he doesn't qualify he had Friday off then he bowls the National Open with 3 boys his equivalent.

    I have been getting in my steps.

    Laundry should be done. Hugs for everyone ! ! !
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hi all!
    My friend has just gone home after our lunch together. She had an awful journey, so stopped to buy wine. Oooops! Previously she had told me she was not drinking, so I had soft drinks prepared, but I'm afraid I was weak willed and shared the bottle with her. Mea culpa. I am about 4 pounds up from target, so this has to STOP!
    It is a rare heatwave over here, around 94 ° F. Far too hot for me. No air conditioning. It will be better tomorrow and then thunderstorms. As per usual. My DH is sweating it out at cricket and I hope he has found some shade. Luckily he has a lizard's constitution. I am more of a polar bear.
    Just before my friend arrived we had a power cut for 40 minutes. I was phoning up the electricity company and eventually got a recorded message saying 3,000 homes were affected. Took a while. All is fine now.

    Salmon tonight. D H is doing some shopping on the way back from cricket. We need milk, fruit and vegetables. I have just cooked some of our delicious gooseberries. It's been a great year for our fruit bushes. Tomorrow we will leave as soon as he gets back from cricket, after a snack dinner. Can't wait to see DS's new house! We will look after the kids on Thursday and , depending on how we sleep, may stay another night. I do not sleep well in their spare bed. Too bouncy.

    Love Heather xxxxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    morning peeps -

    I was unprepared at the gym, forgot my monkey feet and my head phones. I was just going thru the motions so I decided to ride to work so I could burn a little. at least I'm at 950 mi. I will definitely go over 1k by the end of the month.
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    I'm listening re: kettlebells...think I'll order 15#s as Mary mentioned as a good starting weight but begin with no weight as Kim is doing. Seems like a plan. I'm pretty sore at the moment from all my pool exercise but did my usual this AM & plan to be in the pool this afternoon...gotta use it often here in the NE while we can!

    Joyce hope all goes well w/gall bladder surgery...worked well for my DH

    Shingles shot not really recommended by any of our doctors which is so interesting. They point out that it's not that effective but 50% seems better than nothing. My DH had shingles while we were in grad school so 21. He's now 72 & still has twinges every so often.

    GLo on a lovely day here on the North Shore of Ma
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    depending on how we sleep, may stay another night. I do not sleep well in their spare bed. Too bouncy.

    Love Heather xxxxxxxxxx

    I couldn't let that one go, is it to bouncy because of the DH or the DGC?
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing

    Goblet squat-3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-13 X 10 X 35

    This is week two, day one of my five-week program. I feel that I am gaining strength in my swing and can tell that the increase of 5 pounds is making a dramatic difference in two ways. First my body is extremely toned. Second I do not have to worry about what I eat or drink anymore. In fact, I have to eat a lot more so that I don't drop too much weight too quickly. I noticed four weeks ago that I was dropping about 4 pounds per week. My daily routine was one hour strong lifts, 19-22 minutes of kettle bell swing, and a 5 mile walk 3 days a week. Then three days of up to 22 kettle bell swings with up to a 5 mile walk which on my phone is around 13,000 steps. I alternated between these two programs. I had one rest day. I don't know if it makes a difference or not but at the same time I did start to do the 19/5 hour fast schedule as often as I can. This is where I eat during a 5 hour window. This works well for me because I am not hungry during the day and I love snacking and eating in the evening. I have never been able to eat completely clean. I love my sweets way too much including pop.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    I have driven Jake to get his hearing aids checked and I'm sitting in the waiting room Later I'll drive to take the dogs to the groomer. Later I'll take Bernie, the cat to get his claws trimmed then back to pick up the dogs. Can you tell that I am looking forward to him being cleared to drive again :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: My weight is up a bit, too. Too many treats. :grumble: My guess is that your power was likely out due to electricity demands caused by the heat wave. I hope you enjoy your visit with DS & family at their new place. :heart:

    Lisa: Everyone who ever had chicken pox is vulnerable to shingles. We have the virus inside our bodies. I've had the shingles shot and hope it will do the job for me, but it is not a guarantee. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I hope surgery goes very well. (((HUGS)))

    Meg: It is good to see your post. I hope things ae going well and DD brings you dinner. :flowerforyou:

    Terri_mom: You have been missed! :star:

    There isn't much on my to-do list today. It is too early to pack for our trip and I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. I'm getting excited about the travel. DDIL says to be prepared for heat. This has been a very cool summer here, and they're getting temps in the 90s every day. I am a shade flower and DH is a deep shade flower. I hope we're able to get out and see the sights. Seeing the kids will be great, but this is a rare opportunity to see the capitol.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Here is my two cents' worth on the shingles vaccine: The vaccine is only about 50-60% effective at preventing shingles. However, the people who still get shingles usually have a less severe case. It is a live, not killed virus, increasing the chances of adverse side effects. I have not had one yet, but am going to get one.


    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2016
    Karen, I second your opinion. After getting shingles the week before Christmas just last year and having 9 out of state house guests for 4-5 days and 22 for Christmas dinner, anything would have been a help. I had been talking for three years about getting the vaccination and didn't. I definitely wish I would have.

    Off to do 90 minutes of weight resistance training. TTYL :)

    Janetr okc
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited July 2016
    Cheri – I don’t know where in Texas you’ll be living; but, you can check the zone you’ll be living it. This you can get from most any reputable nursery. In GA, we have several zones because we go from mountains to sea shore. Day lilies are very resilient; you can ‘dig them up’, wait several days until replanting them and they’ll recover. You might not have blooms, if they are flowering now, until next blooming season. It ‘might’ be less taxing on them ‘if you remove any flower stalks; but, I have planted some that were flowering when I transplanted them. I’ve planted one fan or several fans together of the same variety. One reason they are called ‘daylilies’ because that is the ‘one day, occasionally two’ they are the prettiest. They like the full sun; NOT heavily mulched (which slugs like and will chew them up) and, they might need a little more water at first. I’m in Zone 8 in SW GA and they grow like crazy in full sun or under trees; where they get ‘mottled sun’; like pine trees. I only saw the first house y’all had a contract on; it did not look like it had any trees. Not sure about the 2nd one. All of mine get ‘full sun’ (planted on the South side of my house) or out in a flower bed that really does not get ‘any’ shade. When I have bought fans, sometimes it is several days before I plant them, they recover quickly. I tried to find my Southern Living Garden book; and, I could have told you what zones they do best in; but, if you are bringing them from Ohio and they lived through the cold winters and snow, they ‘should’ do fine in Texas. They are very drought resistant. My BF has dug up her daylilies and moved them around in her yard; and, several times she left them out nearly 2 weeks. They were pitiful looking; but, by the next year they had recovered from the shock. She had thrown them in a wheelbarrow with a little water in the bottom. They looked like they were dying. Even in Ohio, there should be a nursery that can tell you the zones they do best in.

    Thanks so much for this information! They have all bloomed or are blooming. So I think he will combine some of them into one large pot to transport. The new home we rented is very similar to the other. I will definitely have to check out the planting zone for the area. One thing we noticed was the lack of summer annuals. We love a good flower garden and when we buy a home in a year from now will have to investigate what we can plant. I remember when we lived in South Florida for 11 years that the impatients would grow into bush size! Each area is different and just brings a new adventure in gardening for us. This is the one he wants to bring. It's in an antique galvinized bucket and the other one behind is in a large plastic outdoor planter.

    in Sunny Fairlawn, oHIo
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Janetr ugh. that must have been a test of your stamina to pull off Christmas with shingles...and a houseful of guests... :s

    Cheri purty
  • kabwe777
    kabwe777 Posts: 13 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi y'all