WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2016
    @kabwe777 Hi back atchya.
  • debbierichardson7186
    debbierichardson7186 Posts: 45 Member
    Ate 1800 cal yesterday but had pinto beans as a snack to get in carbs. Not something I want to do again.
    Today is DH birthday and DD is taking us out where they have a salad I love. It fills me up so it's all I eat.
    Guess calories will be down today.
    Did walk at the gym for 35 minutes and was tired but not exhausted. Am thinking about having the trainer help me with a personalized fitness plan.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Re in TX -
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    Another glorious week has passed and I am down another pound. So stoked. I am having a hard time deciding what to say, here, because I want to just babble about how excited I am... lol. I will restrain myself.

    I will tell you that I tried my first Plank the other day... *snorts* yeah... about 15 seconds. I am thinking that is going to take some working up to.

    Hooray for one more pound down!!! One pound in a week is fabulous progress and you should be excited. Babble away.

    Your first plank lasted about 10 seconds longer than my first plank. Be proud that you are trying it and keep on working at it.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2016
    Janetr ugh. that must have been a test of your stamina to pull off Christmas with shingles...and a houseful of guests... :s

    Cheri purty

    It was a bit trying for sure, but luckily the house guests were my girls and grandkids so close family and then Christmas dinner guests were all of my kids and Jack's kids and everyone helped. I had cooked and frozen a lot of stuff before they came. I was sure glad I had. :smile:

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Fantastic Femmes;

    Not much happening in my world. DH had a docs appt. this morning, so I only got in 20 minutes on the elliptical, but, I went, just the same. I am sitting at my desk eating a banana cream Greek yogurt… not bad. Tastes like dessert for only 80 calories – and high protein to boot. Win/Win.

    Betty – so glad the scale is cooperating… Gratz!

    Lisa – Shingles are to be avoided, for sure. Hope your busy day is going well.

    Kim – Slow and steady. No more injuries…

    Margaret – the flowers are gorgeous. Thanks for posting such lovely pictures.

    Mary – Thanks for keeping us all up to speed on Kettlebell Swing. And naughty for teasing Heather… *giggles*

    Janet – Excellent NSV – Stronger is awesome. Gratz! And 90 minutes of Strength Training… I envy you the time. And I doubt that any of us are in the same league with Mary when it comes to Kettlebell…

    Pip – Words I thought I would never hear from you... “I was unprepared for the gym…” lol

    Joyce – I hope that the docs get Charlie all fixed up – surgery or not. My condolences on hours of Fox News. :] They were playing clips of the speech today on CNN – first Trump’s wife, then Mrs. O. It was a pretty close match… Since I am sure that neither woman wrote the speech for herself, I am sure it was just some speech-writer hoping nobody would remember back as far as 2008. Oops.

    Cheri – I am getting this vision… like the Beverly Hillbillies – the truck all packed with you sitting on a giant mound of “stuff.” Lol. I can see why DH wants to bring those daylilies. They are lovely. Hope they make it.

    Anne – Thanks. I expect I will babble some more, as more cool stuff happens. The last time I lost weight – ten years ago – I was SOOOO far from my goal. Even after I lost 100 lbs I was still at 267 – so, while it was cool and stuff, and I felt great, it wasn’t as exciting as it is now. I am within shouting distance of an acceptable goal weight – I would be happy with 180 and that is a mere 63 pounds away. I am practically giddy.

    GLo – A pound and a half this week? Nice work! You have to make a little noise about that sort of thing. Whoot!

    Debbie – Great job on getting in a few more calories… I am thinking about getting with a trainer, too. I am just doing the same thing, right now – elliptical and crunches – but, I know I am going to have to branch out, eventually. Good luck!

    Michele – sounds like you have a busy week. Hope the Vince mystery date is fun!

    Karen/VA – I am glad you had a good Birthday. Your GD sounds like fun! And how have they managed to make exercise sound naughty? Lol

    Marcelyn – Hope you are having a marvelous day… Stay cool.

    Katla – Ahhhhh. Feeling more relaxed, now? Excellent. A Masseuse is a great friend to have. Be careful on your trip… if you are going to be in the sun, don’t forget to put sunscreen on your feet, if you wear sandals. DH got awful burns on his feet when we first moved to TX.

    Heather – enjoy the Yoga… and please, step away from the wine…You don’t want to lose that fantastic figure that you worked so hard to get.

    Allie – Don’t beat up on yourself, too much. You know what you need to do – and when you are ready, you will do it. Small steps in the right direction will get you there, eventually. Good Luck.

    NYKaren – great quote!

    KJ – I always get that early warning– the scale warns me several days in advance. If you know you are doing the right thing, and getting your exercise, then you know the scale will self-correct, eventually. Don’t lose heart! We can do this…

    Barbie – sorry about the leg pain. Hope it’s something easy to fix. Hope Jake is cleared to drive, soon, too.


    Miriam – bathroom renovations are the pits.. until they are done, anyway. :wink:

    Lenora – Don’t I know the abdomen is the last place you lose… lol. Oh well. That’s why God gave us liposuction. :smiley:

    Meg – hope your dinner plan comes through. Any meal I don’t have to cook is a great one… :smile:

    Terri – Great job on getting your steps while travelling.

    Kabwe777 – Hello!

    Mia – Thanks! I was really disappointed in that plank time. I was hoping for 30 seconds, at least – I have been doing crunches for the last several months – but, I know the plank works more than just the abdominals, so, I will keep on plugging away at it.

    Sue – excellent work on on the challenge! You are on your way to that 190 goal!

    Well, getting back to it…

    Hugs all round!

    Re – Giddy in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Surgery is over! He tried to do the laporoscopic but soon saw the gall bladder was just to large and inflamed so did a regular removal. I met the surgeon this morning and he has the personality of a wet noodle. But as long as he did a good job it's fine with me, he will be here about 3 more days. If it is 4 more days, we get that 7th day free! Since we are no longer in emerge much status here, I will no longer feel I have to be here all day. My Mom would roll over in her grave if she knew I said that. And I was her transport for her to stay all day with Dad. That meant me picking her up before I went to work at 6:30 AM and she had to stay in the main lobby as she couldn't even be on his floor until 9. Well I have put the tv on NBC so maybe I can keep it here for awhile. He is still in recovery.

    Joyce, indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
    iremiare - yeah.... my routine is so automatic I'm kinda surprised too.... lololol... oh well, I am human... super human but still human
  • mycoffeetherapy
    mycoffeetherapy Posts: 15 Member
    My goals for July are:
    July Challenge
    Every day drink my 8 cups of water.
    Pick one place in the house and clean each day.
    Dance to the Wii at least three times this week
    Cook one veggie recipe from Pinterest
    Walk for 10 minutes each day
    Do a night of pedicure or something good for me that is relaxing once a week
    Post food each day.
    Keep writing in my blog
    Do something nice for someone each day.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Tuesday from HOT Nebraska. Only going to get worse as the week goes on. Over 100 several days. I am so looking forward to Fall. Weigh in this morning was not good. I gained a little over a pound. I have to get back on track. I have to figure out another way to deal with the stress.

    My mom is back in the hospital with lower lobe pneumonia. She just can't seem to get completely over it. This time the plan is to keep her in the hospital till it is all gone. I just wish she wasn't so far away.

    Kim--Sorry your mom says not nice things to you. Remember you are importion to us and a good person.

    Rosie--Sending you hugs.

    Heather--Such a beautiful smile. Thanks for sharing.

    I sure didn't get far today. They came in at 11 this morning to replace the security monitors at my desk. They have been out for almost 3 weeks. They got done at a couple minutes before 5. So have been working around them all day. So be back tomorrow. Take care ladies and know that each of us are important.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Re wrote "Janet – Excellent NSV – Stronger is awesome. Gratz! And 90 minutes of Strength Training… I envy you the time."

    Ahh, one of the perks of being retired. I know how hard it is when you work full time. Thanks for the encouragement. :)

    Janetr okc

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Allie - so so gorgeous, no wonder your buttons are bursting. Thank you for sharing.

    Janetr okc