

  • Raptor2763
    Raptor2763 Posts: 387 Member
    Let's see...there was the bible-thumping hypocrite, the date who had some SERIOUS dental issues. Oh, I can't forget the one who wanted to move in right after the first date...
  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    wow, great stories! most of the guys i've dated were totally normal compared to some of these ex's! i did date a bi guy once (i knew when i started seeing him) who left me for a man...i'll admit, that one stung a little!
  • lalee115
    lalee115 Posts: 185 Member
    When I was in college, I dated a guy who lived several states away. We only saw each other every few months, so phone calls were pretty much all we had. He would call me when his brother and friends were around and then completely ignore me or sometimes not even call or answer at all. Always an excuse. Then, when I got sick of the hassle and dumped him, he was cool at first. Several months later, he contacted me wanting to get back together but I was already dating someone else and told him so, and he proceeded to scream obscenities at me. I hung up. Never heard from him again.

    Then there was the guy I ended up marrying, who cheated on me a year and a half into our relationship and got a woman pregnant. And kept it a secret for almost 9 years. By the time I found out, we had been married for 6 years and had a son. I (stupidly) tried to keep the marriage in tact. A year later, he was sleeping with someone else. I (finally) walked away and never looked back. No telling how many other times he cheated over the years, but he's someone else's problem now!
  • jenovatrix
    jenovatrix Posts: 219 Member
    The worst 3 months of my life were spent with a narcissist with extreme trust issues. Literally made me call him Christmas Day so I could 'prove' I was with my family and not out banging some other dude. Had $80k of student loan debt he had no intent on even trying to pay back, and was unemployed by choice - he claimed 'chronic fatigue' but always had energy for things he wanted to do. He was very proud of his ability to game the welfare system.

    He also wrote terrible books he refused to edit, including one based on his father's experiences in the Vietnam War which is riddled with factual errors. He was a self-proclaimed expert on everything and wrote books on those topics, from how to have a good marriage (when he'd never been married) to how to lose weight (800 calories a day, which he tried to put me on). I really should have run the other way when he told me on our first date that he'd lied about his age - not 29 but 39!

    The sex was amazing though.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've never been on a date!
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Dated a girl asked if she could order some free WiFi as an appatizer at a restaurant because they had a sign in the window that said free wifi. She seriously thought it was food

    Is this actually true?? If so, what did you say?? :D

    That was very true.... She was special....What could I do, I you know me at all?

    I thought you might have said something mean..

    She was special. I asked her who was in the American Civil war, she didn't know. I asked her where Europe was, she said africa.
  • joelo_83
    joelo_83 Posts: 218 Member
    Things I found out about one of my exs:

    Aesthetician, model, stripper, fetish hoe.

    In that order
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    On my first date with my (now) husband I wasn't sure if I was feeling him. Then he kissed me and the chemistry was crazy. It was like the whole world stopped and it's been that way ever since, I never believed in 'love at first kiss' before that!
  • meredithgir199
    meredithgir199 Posts: 243 Member
    The hardest thing was trying to make her believe me when I told her she was beautiful no matter what the scale says. Some women are just simply beautiful inside and out.

    I suspect this happens in 75% of relationships. My husband tells me this all the time but some of us have hated our bodies for so long, we can't comprehend that we are beautiful in the eyes of others.

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    [...some of us have hated our bodies for so long, we can't comprehend that we are beautiful in the eyes of others.

    But you/they are. That is faith and trust that builds in a good relationship.

  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 644 Member
    edited July 2016
    I was with my ex for 2 and a half years. He got married the last year we were together. I had a feeling he was cheating and asked him many times and he always said no but I never in a million years thought he was married. I found out from the wife. He was too much of a *kitten* coward and selfish prick to admit it himself. Probably because he knows how much I'm against cheating and that I would have either kicked his *kitten* or *kitten* slapped him had he told or been around when I found out the truth. He is so lucky he wasn't with me when I found he was married.
  • Thisnameischosen_
    Thisnameischosen_ Posts: 619 Member
    Dated a girl asked if she could order some free WiFi as an appatizer at a restaurant because they had a sign in the window that said free wifi. She seriously thought it was food

    Is this actually true?? If so, what did you say?? :D

    That was very true.... She was special....What could I do, I you know me at all?

    I thought you might have said something mean..

    She was special. I asked her who was in the American Civil war, she didn't know. I asked her where Europe was, she said africa.

    Awwww... :D
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    2 ex's ago we were in a open relationship. trouble is she forgot to tell me
  • Tsartele
    Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
    I dated a boy cheerleader.

    A friend of mine was a cheerleader in college but he became a Air Force pilot and flew F-15's
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    I dated a girl I had fallen for, just to find out that she was using me as revenge to cheat on her real BF for cheating on her.
  • bemyyfriend0918
    bemyyfriend0918 Posts: 241 Member
    I've dated tons of great people *sarcasm*
    Guy 1 - Wasn't allowed to pee standing up because his mother said so.
    Guy 2 - Cheated and got a girl pregnant. Threatened to light my car on fire if I left him.
    Guy 3 - Claims to want women who are professional, smart, and good looking, but left me and currently only dates women who are single moms without jobs, high school dropouts on welfare, or recovering drug addicts.
    Guy 4 - Has a severe case of depression and doesn't leave his house.

    Fun times...can't wait to see what guy five brings :dizzy:
  • oluseyiola
    oluseyiola Posts: 14 Member
    edited July 2016
    Was 24 years old at the time, worked in retail with a 38-year old biker/musician father-of-three-with-semi-crazy-baby-mama. He raved pretty much every night, smoked like crazy, took 'shrooms at work. Every conversation with this guy was incredibly surreal. His idea of a pick-up line: "If I were high right now I'd *bleep* you. I would. Oh, and you have nice hair." I'm not saying it was a good idea, but every time he even put a finger on me I'd go absolutely crazy with lust. Youthful hormones, I guess. I was dumb, lol. SMH! :#