55-65 year old women's success?



  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    anyone else on here have a hard time retiring? I work part time and may always have to. Seems like I am more energetic since I lost the weight also. Everyone always says I am busier now? guess I need hobbies, old age is going to be hard on me.
  • 1Nana2many
    1Nana2many Posts: 172 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    anyone else on here have a hard time retiring? I work part time and may always have to. Seems like I am more energetic since I lost the weight also. Everyone always says I am busier now? guess I need hobbies, old age is going to be hard on me.

    I retired two years ago this coming October 1st because the USPS was down-sizing my office and I didn't want to run three offices or go the customer service center to work. I took my very small retirement and ran. The first six months were really hard, because I didn't realize how much I identified who I was with what I did. I think I went through a few months of depression and I managed to gain 25 more pounds that I REALLY didn't need! Finding myself on MFP because my weight was way out of control has been good for me both mentally and physically. While I miss the people I saw every day an my small-town Post Office, I DO NOT miss the paperwork and constantly changing policies of working for a government agency. I am definitely enjoying my retirement more now then I did last summer! It just took a huge adjustment period. My husband is still working so that may be a whole other adjustment when the time comes [I have heard the complaints of other wives ;-)], but I find I like it now and I get more choices about going to the grand kids' events during "working" hours or pretty much any other thing I want to do. I have taken up some of the hobbies that had fallen to the wayside in the busy life of raising children and working full time. I actually enjoy them again instead of feeling like I have to squeeze them in between other commitments!
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    anyone else on here have a hard time retiring? I work part time and may always have to. Seems like I am more energetic since I lost the weight also. Everyone always says I am busier now? guess I need hobbies, old age is going to be hard on me.

    Retiring was a blessing for me (I'm 6 years into it now). I was so stressed out; no energy, exhausted, and 50 lbs overweight. Even after I retired it took me a few more than a couple of years to unwind and get a grip. Slowly but surely I began to relax and realized I needed to do something for me -- get healthy and lose the weight. It was the last piece of the puzzle that was missing from my life. Now that the weight is gone I have so much more energy, sleep so much better, and have so much more zest for life that I find that I look forward to each and every day both the good and the not so good. I'd like to do more and there never seems to be enough time in the day to accomplish everything. The beauty of it all is that there's always tomorrow. Work was killing me! Hopefully I never have to work another day in my life. Retiring was not hard for me!
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    Thanks @1Nana2many and @trina1049. I am looking at retirement at the end of the year and wondering what I will do with myself. My husband is retiring, too. In fact, he told the others that I am, too (!) so...anyway I find I am having short timer's attitude. Maybe they will let us go sooner, lol.
  • Lisa1660
    Lisa1660 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey Ya'll I am 56 years young and lost over 100 pounds several years ago. Even had plastic surgery to return items to their starting positions. I regained 80 due to life issues, meds whatever can get in the way. So far I have lost 18 pounds. I am determined to do this for me, my body deserves it and so do I
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    thanks for all the retirement replies. I have mixed feelings, sometimes I like it, it is just so different. Quite an adjustment. It is easier to watch my weight now and have time for the gym.
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    Hey all. Here is an ab challenge some of us are starting Monday (7/25) if you are interested. Safety and sympathy in numbers!
  • skmonak
    skmonak Posts: 88 Member
    I am 65 and I am still working and I do not intend to retire anytime soon. I love my job and as long as I can do it I am going to continue to do so. I work about 30 hrs/wk. I do not have a significant other to share a retired life with and this is partly why I am in no hurry to retire. I would truly miss the social aspect of my job as I am out and about meeting people while I work. The choice to retire and when is different for everyone. I know people who are well into their 80's and even a couple in their 90's who still work and thoroughly enjoy it. Do what feels right for you. Good luck!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    edited July 2016
    I am 64 with random thoughts of retiring, which I don't think will be an issue. Not enough time in the day now. I will more than likely work a few more years and then move closer to my children, in order to spoil the grandboo. I am doing mk2loser's challenge, btw.
  • snerggly
    snerggly Posts: 112 Member
    Yay thanks MK. I have to print it out! :)
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    I'm in; not sure if I can make the #s required everyday, but will do as many as I can. B)
  • evesmom2
    evesmom2 Posts: 231 Member
    griffinca2 wrote: »
    I'm in; not sure if I can make the #s required everyday, but will do as many as I can. B)

    Ditto from me. :smiley:
  • Nancyh59
    Nancyh59 Posts: 44 Member
    I haven't signed onto a challenge before, but count me in. I walk every day, but I've got to add in some strength exercises!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    This is a challenge for yourself. Do what you can, push a bit, but don't hurt yourself. You will probably be surprised what you can do.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    thanks for all the retirement replies. I have mixed feelings, sometimes I like it, it is just so different. Quite an adjustment. It is easier to watch my weight now and have time for the gym.

    You will get used to it. I love being retired. I am getting healthier, lighter, and spending lots of quality time with my DH. He retired first then me. At first it was odd having to fill my days with activities I wanted to do, not something I had to do. Like Trina mentioned, the stress, etc. was starting to take a toll on my health, etc. Now I am reading books I never had the time for before, catching up on movies I missed due to working crazy hours. I get to the gym regularly. I even dusted off my bike. I got a Fitbit and love walking to our local park to see the birds and other wildlife. Lots more time to hike too. It is all good.

    Make a list of things you want to do. You might volunteer, go to the gym more regularly, spend more time in that kayak, whatever brings you happiness. Just relax and enjoy the ride.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Is this the thread where we will post for the challenge? Or is there another thread?
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    I think this is it, ask mk2loser.
  • Rini_s
    Rini_s Posts: 68 Member
    evesmom2 wrote: »
    griffinca2 wrote: »
    I'm in; not sure if I can make the #s required everyday, but will do as many as I can. B)

    Ditto from me. :smiley:

    Me three! But I'll try!
  • evesmom2
    evesmom2 Posts: 231 Member
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