Casey Anthony Trial!!!



  • JessPaul93016
    JessPaul93016 Posts: 119 Member
    I can't believe it...Nancy Grace is going to run with this!!

    I thought the same thing!

    I'm watching Nancy now, she is going nuts!! I am just as shocked as anyone. I am furious!!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I live less than an hour away from Orlando, and it's been all Casey, all the time, for three friggin' years. Seriously, there are (or have been) nightly updates on all the local news channels every day. Do I think she was complicit in this child's death? Yes. Do I think the prosecution proved it beyone the shadow of a doubt? Unfortunately, no.

    Most of us who live here just want it to go away. But even with the verdict, it still goes on and on. The sheriff's department has officers stationed all over her parents' neighborhood, and people are practically camped out there and at the swamp where Caylee's remains were found. Truly ghoulish and pathetic. And there is still a civil trial to get through. The real Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales (the nanny) is suing Casey for slander, so we get to go through this all over again. This time, though, since she's been acquitted and double jeopardy applies, if called to the stand, she can't plead the fifth amendment against incrimination. The judge can order her to testify. Of course, she'll just lie like she always does.

    Where does she go from here? I understand that book deals are already in the works, as well as paid interviews. Pundits are predicting she'll net a seven-figure salary from this. I suspect she'll hook up with some media-*kitten* club promoter and get knocked up within two years. She's a narcisstic sociopath who truly believes she did nothing wrong.

    It never ends...........
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    What I learned today is that you can get away with murder in Florida just as long as you don't lie to authorities......

    What a bull**** jury....
  • newfielover
    newfielover Posts: 104 Member
    VERY!!!! Times like this i lose faith in the American justice system! Poor little girl and a cruel mother
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I hope all those jurors are haunted by the image of that little girl every single day of their lives! And I hope karma bites the Anthonys and that heathen! No worries Casey Anthony, what goes around comes around, just like O.J.
    George and Cindy Anthony should sleep with ONE EYE OPEN because PRINCESS IS COMING HOME.....
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    if she's really guilty, Dexter Morgan will find her...
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    VERY!!!! Times like this i lose faith in the American justice system! Poor little girl and a cruel mother

    I totally agree!!
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I hope all those jurors are haunted by the image of that little girl every single day of their lives! And I hope karma bites the Anthonys and that heathen! No worries Casey Anthony, what goes around comes around, just like O.J.
    George and Cindy Anthony should sleep with ONE EYE OPEN because PRINCESS IS COMING HOME.....

    Those people had an incredibly difficult job that you really can't comprehend. I suspect those people WILL be haunted by what they learned during that trial, and that they agonized over the entire thing. What a horrible thing for you to say.
  • iluvmycats
    iluvmycats Posts: 29 Member
    Very very upset and disappointed!
    Its like they are ok with this woman discrediting her family to distract everyone from what really happened. They say they dont have a cause of death and so they couldnt convict but yeah she is a liar..In the Scott Peterson case I dont recall them knowing how Laci died and they convicted him! And I remember his atty saying yes he is a liar and a cheater but does that make him a murderer...and now this crazy woman is going free to party and probably have more kids she wont want!
    Even if this was some accident (HA) and they covered it up, you still have two grieving grandparents who are worried about their granddaughter and her own mother is out partying knowing her kid died and has been dumped off in some wooded area! It makes me sick to my stomach!
  • Bubbles_09
    Bubbles_09 Posts: 65 Member
    Im not surprised at all
  • iluvmycats
    iluvmycats Posts: 29 Member
    I agree with you on them having their minds made up already. One of the alternates who is speaking actually called her a good mother!? Even if she didnt murder her child, she was partying while she was rotting away somewhere and not concerned with anything but herself..sounds like a fabulous person up for mother of the year!
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    Guaranteed that when the media interviews the jurors, they won't be the sharpest tools in the toolbox. I think they picked the worlds most ignorant jury.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I hope all those jurors are haunted by the image of that little girl every single day of their lives! And I hope karma bites the Anthonys and that heathen! No worries Casey Anthony, what goes around comes around, just like O.J.
    George and Cindy Anthony should sleep with ONE EYE OPEN because PRINCESS IS COMING HOME.....

    Those people had an incredibly difficult job that you really can't comprehend. I suspect those people WILL be haunted by what they learned during that trial, and that they agonized over the entire thing. What a horrible thing for you to say.

    Agreed, they did what a lot of us would not do. If you have ever served on a jury, you would know that there are rules to follow. I am sure that they took this very seriously. They gave up 5 weeks of their lives to do this. Would you?
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I hope all those jurors are haunted by the image of that little girl every single day of their lives! And I hope karma bites the Anthonys and that heathen! No worries Casey Anthony, what goes around comes around, just like O.J.
    George and Cindy Anthony should sleep with ONE EYE OPEN because PRINCESS IS COMING HOME.....

    Those people had an incredibly difficult job that you really can't comprehend. I suspect those people WILL be haunted by what they learned during that trial, and that they agonized over the entire thing. What a horrible thing for you to say.

    I think they will feel worse when they see all the footage and have access to all the audio/jailhouse tapes and letters. They let a murderer go free. Good game. It's not a horrible thing to say. It's worse to know they let her free. And yes, I have served as a juror, not the easiest task on this planet.

    Edit: By the way, I don't expect for anyone to agree with me. If you do, you do, if you don't ya don't. End of story. Everyone has their own view/opinion, etc. and is entitled to their own opinion. If you don't like it, well, too bad you'll get over it. Be HAPPY!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    I think they will feel worse when they see all the footage and have access to all the audio/jailhouse tapes and letters. They let a murderer go free. Good game. It's not a horrible thing to say. It's worse to know they let her free. And yes, I have served as a juror, not the easiest task on this planet.

    I just don't think that you can blame them for the verdict. They were only given so much information and had to stay within the law. They probably all BELIEVE she did it. However, they had to follow the burden of proof which was not there. So, it's sad really. Her poison just spread to 12 innocent people just trying to do their civil duties. Then, they get hatred from narrow minded people full of ignorance.

    I am done this with this thread...
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member

    I think they will feel worse when they see all the footage and have access to all the audio/jailhouse tapes and letters. They let a murderer go free. Good game. It's not a horrible thing to say. It's worse to know they let her free. And yes, I have served as a juror, not the easiest task on this planet.

    I just don't think that you can blame them for the verdict. They were only given so much information and had to stay within the law. They probably all BELIEVE she did it. However, they had to follow the burden of proof which was not there. So, it's sad really. Her poison just spread to 12 innocent people just trying to do their civil duties. Then, they get hatred from narrow minded people full of ignorance.

    I am done this with this thread...

    Like I said in the other thread. "By the way, I don't expect for anyone to agree with me. If you do, you do, if you don't ya don't. End of story. Everyone has their own view/opinion, etc. and is entitled to their own opinion. If you don't like it, well, too bad you'll get over it. Be HAPPY!"
    As for Casey Anthony, hopefully, as was not the case with OJ, she will have her 15 minutes of fame, sell her story to some slutty paper or magazine, and fade into the twilight. She'll have to pay for this from a much higher source some day. Boy, she'll make a good catch for some guy! Rich and famous, and no responsibilities. Might lie a tad, but that can be ignored.
  • damcool
    damcool Posts: 97 Member
    This is the US judicial law at it's best. Don't get me wrong. The woman will go to hell for what she's probably done, but unlike most nations, we are "innocent UNTIL proven guilty." They didn't prove anything other than her being a neglectful parent. She's a horrible mother, yes, but they didn't prove murder. Had they even tried for child endangerment, she may have been convicted! The day that we start convicting people because we "FEEL" like they did it, is a sad day in a country that claims "freedom"....I'm sorry for that wonderfully, beautiful girl, but there was no proof her mom did it by her own hands.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I didn't write this, I saw this & thought u all might want to read it...

    “Dear Mommy: I see you smile down there below...are those tears of joy you show? I'm glad your happy, although you lied...I'd love to be right by your side...but by your choice, I view from above...tell my grandparents I send my's beautiful here is all I can say..your life will go on without me in your Caylee XOXO”
    Gives me chills!!!!!!!
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    Everyone wants to condemn this woman to hell but only God can do that. Honestly, as a woman in pursuit of my law degree I pretty much, after reading all the evidence don't think that she killed Caylee in cold-blood. I think that she made the bad choices as a young mother and was a horrible parent (like tons out there) and one of her times drugging Caylee so she could go out went over the top and she ended up accidentally killing her daughter. After that, she got the help of her parents to try and cover it up. I honestly believe that is was a horrible accident that they won't ever own up to because it would be negligent homicide on the part of her parents too. She defiantly should have been found guilty of the negligence and child abuse but not capital murder.

    Oh, and don't worry about her living her life outside. She will move to California and live with the rich people who DO get away with everything and there she will live out her life, with all the money she is going to make. Oh, and that money....we can all thank the MEDIA for because if they hadn't made this case the gargantuan one that it became, Casey Anthony would have just been another woman being tried for killing her kid. Oh, and just so everyone who may not know, there are hundreds of those same cases that are tried in our courts each and every year, and most of those children never get justice.

    The court of public opinion is something that must be set aside when you really look at the evidence, or lack there of. The state simply didn't prove their case and there were none of her friends or family that were going to turn on her, the state gambled and lost the house!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I could never make the jump that a precious 2 year old accidentally died and ended up in a swamp with 3 pieces of duct tape on her mouth!! No way. That is no accident. People who dont believe the state proved its case, seem to believe its an accident. Theres not any proof of this.Many are ready to jump on the grandparents, for what? There is no eveidence they had anything to do with this at all. At some point in every adults life, you have to quit blaming your parents and take responsibilites for your own actions.

    And the Media can't be blamed, they are just doing a job. Its up to us, the public, to show that we will not support this type of behavior. Dont buy the book or watch interviews that will be coming out. I would never watch or buy anything OJ Simpson was attached to and I won't anything that has Casey Anthony tied to either. It is a very sad day. We too often forget about the victims!