Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Saturday success eh? I like this idea :) my success today is making plans to go run with OTHER people. This is a huge step for me as ive always been embarrassed of exercising with other people.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited July 2016
    @luckylaw ... well here's the thing ... I do not consider that I failed in any way on my diet by having a Turkey Sub yesterday. That's cause I don't exclude any foods, I just try to make better choices. Sometimes a McDonalds breakfast hits the spot really well and there is nothing wrong with it if it's not every day, or even once a week ... but for only because I need to keep battling the procrastinator in my who too often in the past took the fast and easy way out to put food in my belly .... to the detriment of both my figure and my wallet!

    It's always a choice.

    Today's lunch choice was to make my veggy saute topped with poached eggs, a piece of toast, a bowl of strawberries and a cup of milk ... the calories in that meal were what 1/2 of that sub was that I had for lunch yesterday. The difference is that today's lunch will keep me full for 6 hours and yesterdays had me wanting to eat some more in 2 hours. There's the difference!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    mickey2942 wrote: »
    \Audible books are my rewards, and motivation for exercise. I love the Great Courses series, anything by John Sandford, and yes, I love all romances!

    I'm an emotional eater. So I turned to food.

    I didn't see your original post, but I'm a great lover of romances too! In fact, among other genres I'm a romantic suspense author. Nothing is more relaxing than a good book.

    I'm an emotional eater, too. But only if I'm depressed. If I'm super stressed, I can't eat at all. But if I'm depressed, all bets are off. Bored tends to lead to eating as well.

    @toots-- great job losing weight while on your trip!! That's a wonderful achievement!

    I don't know that I'd call it an achievement so much as a result of the fact I was super stressed, and as mentioned above, I just am not good at eating when I'm over the top stressed. But hey, I won't argue with the result ;)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @toots-- I'm actually the opposite. When I'm stressed, I'm not necessarily hungrier, but I make worse food choices (usually for lack of time to do better) which are usually less filling, so I end up going over calories. When I'm sad, I can't eat anything.

    @guinevere-- That's a great breakthrough. When I started running, I did it on a treadmill in my house and refused to run at the gym until I was confident I could at least last for 20 minutes or so. Also, when I ran outside in my neighborhood, I would alternate walking and running, but would always start the running intervals as I was about to turn a corner. That way, if I had to stop to walk halfway down the block, anyone watching wouldn't know if I had been running for miles before taking that break. LOL! One thing I realized after shedding some of the weight was how afraid I was of people's perceptions of me. About how I looked, what I was eating/drinking, when I was exercising, etc. You would've never known b/c I came off as pretty confident (I didn't even know it), but as I dropped the weight, it was very freeing to be rid of those fears.

    @luckylaw-- I always keep those Jimmy Dean Delight breakfast sandwiches in my freezer during the school year. They are my go-to if I forget (= am too lazy) to put together a breakfast to bring to work. I just saw commercials for their new frittatas and can't wait to try them b/c they will have less carbs than the sandwiches or breakfast bowls.

    @JoenDeb1958 --I'm always pretty hungry after a workout regardless of what I eat beforehand. I know it's just my body saying "low on fuel" so I tend to do a high protein snack after a workout. It's tempting to eat a big meal, but usually I'm satisfied with something like cottage cheese, or a few slices of lunchmeat with crackers. The protein smoothie suggestion is a good one (I'm not much for smoothies), and I've also read that a glass of chocolate milk is ideal.

    @pinkstarberry --I love having the option of an air-conditioned gym on really hot days (and on really cold days--I live in Chicago). I find I can workout for a lot longer in a climate controlled environment.

    @taburbey --Water is the one thing aspect of fitness/nutrition that I don't have to work at. I grew up drinking water with all my meals-- it's my go-to beverage. Like niki, I always drink 2 cups right after I wake up, then I always have a glass of water nearby throughout the day. During the school year, I drink my 2 cups in the morning, then bring a 32 oz water bottle to work. If I haven't finished it by the end of the school day (sometimes I get distracted and forget to bring it to class with me), I make myself finish it on my drive home.

    @tabbycatt-- great job getting to the gym!!

    Friday Fitness:
    Well, I'm pretty happy with my fitness this week. I've gone to the gym or worked out at home almost every day. Even on Wed. which I had planned as a rest day, I suggested walking to dinner from my godson's condo. It was a quarter mile each way--so at least I got in a mile and a half to make up for the glass of wine with dinner. :) I had two very rigorous gym workouts, and the other days were less intense strength videos I did at home, along with some yoga and tai chi that were required for my amazing race challenge this week.

    Saturday Success:
    I kept on track with my nutrition every day this week, and though the scale is only down slightly, I definitely feel less bloated around my middle. My protein has been above 90 each day with the exception of yesterday, and everyday has been below my 1450 net calorie allowance.

    Fitness Goals for the month of July:
    Visit gym or run outside minimum of 12 times 8/12
    Run at least 17/30 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    228 k done/ 772 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + work out DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + work out DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + work out DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE + work out DONE + yard work DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + work out

  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    U doing good @skinnyjeanzbound
    With your exercising schedule. I tried adding more protein last night to my diet n I wasn't s hungry after working out today.
  • nanknits
    nanknits Posts: 16 Member
    Greetings Everyone! Lots of posts since I last checked in here. Welcome to the new folks; I'm new here too.

    I love that someone started asking about how to get in more water. I struggle with this too. I was drinking water "on schedule" (a pint each time I take meds and/or eat) but I've gotten bad about that. I've had to start taking a B-complex vitamin, so it is no longer easy to tell my hydration level by the color I leave behind in the toilet bowl. Interesting on the pinch test, but it is showing me that I'm hydrated despite knowing better (general lack of drinking liquids, lips and mouth are dry, headache today).

    I hear those who have talked about the lure of fast food. I also grab an occasional fast meal now and again. Even when it fits in calorie-wise, I *always* regret the amount of sodium consumed. I feel so sick and bloated afterwards. =(

    Thanks to those who have posted their "go to" convenience meals. I've been trying to come up with some new, better choices that I can grab and go. I have a couple more weeks before my schedule explodes again (I'm a graduate student pursuing a PhD) and the new semester starts up on the 22nd--the 15th if you count the three-day, pre-semester travel to my department's annual retreat on the main campus. I have a favorite breakfast that is easy enough (berries or stone fruits of any sort, a container of 2% fat, plain Greek yogurt, and granola), but lunches and dinners are/will be a problem. Previously, I would be able to come home and get a healthy dinner together, but that's not going to be possible this next semester as I have classes until 6pm or 8pm each night. Plus my hour-long commute home. I definitely need to get something easy figured out! Especially for the couple nights that I'll be grabbing something in the short period of time between classes.

    Since is it Saturday Success today, I had two best times for my walks (17:47 mins/mile on Thursday then 17:26 mins/mile last night). Also getting close to another success/goal ... I was hoping to walk 50 miles during the month of July. I'm at 45.43 miles right now and I'll surely do 2 or 3 miles tonight which will put me close. I don't know if I'll get the rest in on Sunday or not. We're going to Seattle and will certainly be walking around, but if I'll actually get a work-out walk in will be iffy.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nanknits --I also return to school on the 22nd (as teacher rather than student) and will also need to adjust to bringing breakfast and lunch to school. Usually I just boil a bunch of eggs and cook some chicken breast or fish on Sunday to supplement snacks like greek yogurt, high protein granola bars, and hummus & crackers. Congrats on your walking times and all those miles this month--that's awesome!!

    @JoenDeb1958 --glad the extra protein seems to be working!

    Sunday Share:
    Tomorrow I am going to a fundraiser to benefit The Magnolia Foundation in honor of my friend, Alexa, who passed away from breast cancer earlier this year. I'm giving myself permission to go over calories for the first time in a week, but I'm still going to try to make good choices. It's at a restaurant that has amazing fish tacos, so food won't be the problem but when you add a couple of adult beverages, it gets really hard to stay under goal. Especially since I won't have time to go to the gym beforehand, and I surely won't feel like going afterward.

    Tuesday I'm going back to South Haven to spend the night at the lake house. My younger sister has it this week, so I will get to spend time with my niece. At four and a half, she is a ball of energy, so I will definitely get a lot of activity in with her.

    Fitness Goals for the month of July:
    Visit gym or run outside minimum of 12 times 9/12
    Run at least 17/30 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    228 k done/ 772 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner
    Tues-- walk gunner before heading to MI
    Wed-- in MI
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat-- walk gunner + work out
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Tks for the encouragement. Have a great Monday
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Hi all! Starting again after losing and gaining back! My fitness truth is I gotta stop making up every excuse not to work out. I find it very hard to request friends on this app so waste much time trying to make that work . A 1/2 hour easily goes by then something else comes up then "aww, no time to work out". Ok so it's probably user error in Trying to seek out motivational friends on MFP so any advice I'll take it. For now, getting off the phone and getting on The workout gear and stopping the excuses for this morning. Onward & upward! Ill check in in an hour and let ya know what I got accomplished.

    You can do it. My kid is always saying she'll go work out with me but doesn't. I don't let anyone not even myself stand in the way of exercising. But then I go all hours of day or night too.
    I usually put in a good hour n a half at gym n it makes my day.....
    Now if I can curb my hunger afterwards that's what I have to work on....any suggestions?

    My friend has been doing a very strict dr lead no carb diet. I'm avoiding the details...but her dr told her to stop running/doing intensive exercise because it causes you body to crave carbs! So the hunger might be a carb craving. I would make sure your meal afterwards is high in protein and has a good carb component. Like maybe brown rice.

    AFM I just got back from vacation where I didn't eat wonderfully but I did make better choices than I normally would. And I stayed at or near my calorie goal. Sadly I jumped into the shower before I weighed myself, so I'll be taking my weight with wet hair. I guess it will just make it easier for me to lose weight tomorrow!!! :smiley:
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Omg this is driving me crazy!!!! Does anyone get the fosset ad that pop up and takes over your whole screen?? Today it is on my journal and if I scroll down or up it keeps popping up and I have to close the whole page. I had popped up three times just to write this message!!!!!!!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday Check-in:
    I've been weighing myself almost every day instead of once a week because of a new challenge I am in where you need to report that info on a daily basis and have found that I hate my scale. I've complained about it not giving the same reading two times in a row before, but this mornings check in had me finding a new way to step on it. That's because the weight it gave me when I stepped on it one foot at a time had up to a 2 pound variation in it each time I stepped. Finally, I brought it up close to the bed and sat on the bed, placed both feet on the scale and then stook up. This time it gave me the same reading two times in a row ... and I stayed the same as last Monday.

    That was discouraging, because I have had a 500 calorie cut each day and also did 120 minutes more of activity than is my usual ... I would have expected at least .7 pound drop, right? ... then, while reading the newspaper over my morning coffee I ran across a disturbing article about a study done with the Biggest Loser participants from 2009. The winner of that year's competition lost over 200 pounds and has now regained over 100 pounds since then. He struggles to keep his weight from climbing higher. The article went on to say that of the 14 out of 16 contestants they tracked, 90% have gained back some or all of the weight they had lost. A recited study said it was foud that their metabolism had slowed down 500 calories a day than what would be expected for people their size and that it seemed like a permanent situation for them ... a slower metabolism that would not pick back up.

    The article did go on to say that it was unclear if the metabolic slowdown would have been as severe or appear permanent if the weight had been lost slower. The winning contestant had lost over 200 pounds in 7 months, afterall.

    However, I have found, for myself, after years of 'yo-yo' dieting .... meaning losing some weight only to eventually gain all or more of it back, then losing some more and repeating the process ad-nauseum. ... that my metabolsm appears slower than what the averages for my age, sex, weight, height say it is. And I must rely on ever less caloric intake to even just stay status-quo. Highly Discouraging.

    So, then I looked at a video from April from a doctor interview ... this doctor runs a weigh-loss clinic in Ottawa Canada since 2004. He had this to say ... The goal with losing weight is to find the Best Weight and not the right weight. The Best Weight is one where you feel healthiest and can maintain it. He also had this to say about exercise ... it's a health measure, not a weight loss measure. That unless you are a marathon sports participant you do not need to eat back your calories. His final statement was 'You lose weight in the kitchen, and you gain health at the gym'.

    So, where does that leave a geriatric senior like myself who has struggled for years to break into a new lower weight number than the before? Who has been classified as overweight, then obese, then morbidly obese for at least 30 years? Disgusted, discouraged, slightly depressed over it ... but NOT ready OR willing to give up the fight. I will Go ON!
  • mickey2942
    mickey2942 Posts: 71 Member

    I believe that doctor is correct, weight loss is all about diet. I found that when I exercise, I may feel more energy, but I am also hungry, and my weight loss is slower.

    Years ago, I went on a strict Atkins program, and lost a ton of weight. Yes, I gained it back, slowly, by leaving the Atkins plan. I like to eat.

    I have been pretty ambivalent the last few years, on a week or two, blow it, not really too committed. I need to change that lackadaisical attitude.

    I think I will go Atkins for a month, to get jump started. I need that structure. The whole attitude of you can eat anything, does not work for me. All in...
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Omg this is driving me crazy!!!! Does anyone get the fosset ad that pop up and takes over your whole screen?? Today it is on my journal and if I scroll down or up it keeps popping up and I have to close the whole page. I had popped up three times just to write this message!!!!!!!

    That's one reason why I buy the Premium membership. I use MFP every day, so it is worth it.
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    I haven't checked in for awhile because I have been on vacation. I am enjoying my stay with my cousin at her lake house cabin. I am trying to stay on my diet but of course that us near impossible while eating out all the time and let us not forget the alcoholic beverages I am consuming.
    The really hard part is the lack of a scale I am so used to weighing myself every morning I am afraid that when I get home after 2 weeks I will have gained 15 lbs. I am trying not to focus on it and continue to enjoy my vacation.
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    cjbrummet wrote: »
    I haven't checked in for awhile because I have been on vacation. I am enjoying my stay with my cousin at her lake house cabin. I am trying to stay on my diet but of course that us near impossible while eating out all the time and let us not forget the alcoholic beverages I am consuming.
    The really hard part is the lack of a scale I am so used to weighing myself every morning I am afraid that when I get home after 2 weeks I will have gained 15 lbs. I am trying not to focus on it and continue to enjoy my vacation.

    Try not to worry about no scale, eating out and a drink now n then.
    It's a vacation remember that. When eating out be mindful of what you are eating. Leave simple carbs out, protein, veggies and fruit.
    Your at lake cabin either swim or go exploring. Both r great excersizes
    Most of all enjoy yourself
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Monday check-in: It's hard to believe that July is over already but I'm going to try harder than ever for August. I'm planning to sign up at the nearby gym on Wednesday and begin to slowly incorporate weightlifting into my fitness routine. Glad the weather has been slightly cooler for the past few days, because I've been able to walk about 80 mins every morning. The plan is to continue walking every morning since I enjoy it so much, then maybe for 3 days per week do 15 mins of cardio at the gym to warm up, do some weightlifting, then another 15 mins to cool down. Here's hoping August is the best yet!
  • swafbjs79
    swafbjs79 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am a newbie here and hope to get to know people here.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @pinkstarberry me either! It went so quickly. Really the whole summer did.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @pinkstarberry me either! It went so quickly. Really the whole summer did.
    Hey "Toots' .... I can tell summer is in it's senior moments. .... very hot days, but cool nights about my part ... and more evidence of seasonal allergies picking up with rhinitis symptoms. I've had to start using my inhaler again.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hah @Nikion901 - here in central TX summer is still in it's infancy, we have at least 3 more months of sweltering hot days and sticky warm nights. We'll be lucky to be having cooler days and nights by Halloween - but comfortable days and nights from late October until mid-December, when it actually starts getting "cold" by Texas standards, in the mid 30-40's for lows. Might get some 30's or lower in late Dec and Jan, but then usually back to 50-60's by Feb. It has it's trade-offs, but long hot summers are not pleasant. I dream of Seattle or somewhere in Oregon from late July through end of September!