Ug. How do I avoid/lose "boyfriend weight"?

riah0803 Posts: 4 Member
edited July 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Once my ex and I broke up, I lost 15 pounds. Now that I'm in a relationship again, I've pretty much gained it all back within a year. SO FRUSTRATING!

My boyfriend is naturally thin so eating healthy and working out isn't as important to him as it is for me, a very curvy, short, endomorph.

15 pounds lighter was the perfect, healthy, weight for me and I want to get back down to it in a way that's healthy and more importantly, sustainable (which my last method wasn't). I think a large culprit is being around him and his unhealthy eating and drinking habits.

Any tips for not letting myself be affected by his choices? While I'd love for us to be healthy together, I can't blame the guy for eating potato chips and a beer. If I could get away with it (all the time) and be thin....I would too!


  • riah0803
    riah0803 Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome advice thank you! I've been starting to do that as well this time around and it's been sustainable so far.
  • torygilkerson
    torygilkerson Posts: 1 Member
    I find myself in the same situation as you. Everyone metabolizes food differently and there's something about being in a relationship that lets us let our guard down and be like 'yea I can have some potatoe chips and a beer' but really we know what our diet and exercise should look like in order be that 15 pounds lighter, because we've been there before. I've found that it helps when I make my food decisions before I know what he's having or snacking on, that way I've put a little more thought into what I'm consuming other than ' oh that sounds good il just have that too'
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited July 2016
    OP I know what you mean. My husband used to bring in tempting things and eat them in front of me. He is currently working to lose weight so I don't have to deal with that for now, thankfully. But when I am trying to keep off weight and he isn't I have the same problem as you. I tell him not to bring it into the house or if he must to please put it in the pantry in the basement. I don't want it at eye level in the cupboard or on the counter top. Your boyfriend may not understand your predicament unless you bring it up to him.

  • DaisyM01
    DaisyM01 Posts: 6 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm in the same situation - except with about twice as much to lose than you. My boyfriend has a very active job but a low appetite - he is also a fussy eater so tends to eat a lot of snack food. I've had to tell him to stop buying me that kind of food - yesterday he went to get chocolate croissants and it took all my willpower to say "no thank you"!
    My tips:
    Don't eat the same size portions as him.
    Add extra veg to your plate, or even have different meals to each other.
    Make sure you always have tasty healthy food in the house so you are not tempted to get takeaways.
    Make sure he understands what you're doing so he can be considerate with his behaviour - if you can't watch him eating chips then tell him. I'm trying not to do this but we do have an understanding that he won't buy any of my favourite snacky foods as I just can't resist! Instead he'll get things I'm not fussed about.

    Good luck! Boys are such a pain right!?
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    The husband can eat over 3000 calories a day and maintain on that due to his job and I am at around about 1300 now as I'm trying to lose those last few pesky pounds to get to my goal weight.

    All the way through I have got him snacks that I am not that bothered about. Or having his and hers snacks. For some reasons having his and hers snacks full stop helps me as I just won't eat his snack because it isn't mine. Also he has bigger portions for meals than me, maybe added cheese, etc. He makes his own lunch and doesn't eat breakfast very often.

    Fortunately he is one of these unique people that just sees food as fuel so he only eats when he's really hungry and then sometimes he still doesn't bother. In that respect I'm quite lucky because in the 15 years we've been together I can't actually remember him going to the shops for sweets or cake or anything that was always me so in that respect there is no temptation.

    Another big part of it is just willpower if you want it bad enough you will resist that bag of crisps (chips) and that beer.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I put on about 10 kg when I was first married because hubby did the cooking and gave me the same sized portions as he ate.

    Not any more.

    Don't feel guilty for leaving food on the plate. He'll soon learn not to give you as much.
  • druidkat7
    druidkat7 Posts: 691 Member
    This is why I'm eager to find a guy who actually walks his talk, works out, keeps portions reasonable, and understands that as a woman with congenital hypothyroidism, I have a slightly tougher road than many other women, instead of thinking that I'm "just not working hard enough." Seriously, there are days where I wish I could switch metabolisms with my guy friend so he can understand my road better.

  • cinnabondelights
    cinnabondelights Posts: 121 Member
    I had the same problem, only I gained 20 pounds when my husband and I started dating/got married, but managed to lose 45 pounds and kept it off. Just eat smaller, healthier portions and don't worry about what he eats. I used to eat as much as my husband and ate whatever, that's how I gained all that weight. Just do you c:
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I think many of us have partners, children who we live with who will always eat and drink differently than we do. People of different sizes burn different amount of calories so even if you do the same things you still need different calories.
    Remind yourself that they have different calorie needs. Figure out what is best for you and let them do what is right for them.

    Be realistic and have a sustainable diet. If you love chips or beer leave enough calories for them or increase your activity level. Maybe they aren't important enough to you to do that very often and you'll happily eat or drink lower calorie things while he does his thing.

    The biggest help to me has been pre-logging my food for the whole day. It is easier to say no thanks that doesn't fit my plan for the day or to know that I have enough calories for cake without leaving me unsatisfied the rest of the day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Try to find activities that don't revolve around food (that one's tough for me, not gonna lie). Then just be strong... you don't have to eat when he does. Also, offer to cook for both of you... find lower calorie versions of foods you both like, and have a smaller portion (I love skinnytaste for recipes, but just googling works).
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    I had this with my ex, being tall and a man his maintenance calories were much higher than mine, plus he didn't eat much during the day. We'd end up eating the same size meals in the evening, I got bigger, he stayed slim. I think now I have a much better idea of how many calories I need and what that actually translates to in food volume I have a much better chance of not gaining boyfriend weight again, should I ever get another boyfriend!
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    My husband and I are the same height, but he is more active, weighs more, and being male has more LBM than I do, so I still can't eat as much as he does. The simple answer is to 'just say no' but I know it's not always easy to do. Focus on eating food that you find filling (if you are full and satisfied, you are less likely to make poor choices or be so tempted), consider eating less during the day so you can "bank" some calories for the evenings when you are together, and limit yourself to smaller portions of potato chips and beer (you can still have those foods and lose weight, you just have to watch the portions!). My husband also likes his chips and beer, but more often than not, I don't indulge, and when I do I just have a lot less than he does. It's one of life's inherent unfairnesses, but men and women of equal height and weight do have different bmr's, with women getting the short end of that stick. Since your boyfriend is taller than you, his BMR is higher still. It does no good to be upset by this - you have to do what you have to do!
  • the_dani_girl
    the_dani_girl Posts: 9 Member
    My hubs is 120 soaking wet and eats crazy amounts of food trying to gain, I am careful with what I eat and just this morning made it down to 140...... So I completely get the frustration!!
    You make the choices here. You got this! Like someone above said, use a smaller plate than he does, leave off the extra cheese, choose lighter drinks. I had to realize that I just don't use the amount of calories hubby does so I cannot allow myself to mindlessly eat what the amount that he eats. It's all in the choices.