

  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    <3 Rosie
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    OWWWW!!!! :'( I dropped a large heavy metal skillet on my foot! It hurts almost as much as the 35 lb plate I dropped earlier this year!!


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Baby blanket stitch is beautiful. My Mother knitted all 6 of her grandchildren 2 blankets apiece. All I have is one that has a huge hole in it where my son would stick his finger through the hole in the pattern and twirl it around. Maybe I can figure out what I can make out of it.

    Barbie – Glad your DH is out of the hospital and doing most of the things that are his norm.
    That’s what I need … a good pedometer to carry around with me … one that actually works.

    Mary from Minnesota – If I tried to do any type of squat I’d find myself on my back. No balance whatsoever.

    Joyce, Indiana – I think the ‘greatest compliment’ I got from DDnL#2 was that ‘she knew he had been raised right’ because he opened all doors for her, walked next to the street, said yes and no m ’ham or sir and when he asked her for her hand in marriage; he first asked her Daddy. That is something that I had told him that he ‘needed to do’. He said, ‘why? She’s already been married before.’ … BECAUSE it is the ‘proper thing to do’. He told our DYS, ‘as long as you do NOT hurt her’. His FnL is a great help to him when he needs something built or welded, and helps fix all the ‘big road equipment’ his bosses have bought over the years. They love DDnL#2 because they know since she is a ‘local’ girl; they don’t have to worry about him going somewhere else to work. They are great to him. Five of them, and they run it like a ‘business’.

    Michele in NC – I go ‘barefooted’ a lot; except in the early Spring when the stickers weeds are in the grass (more stickers than grass in areas); that is why getting a pedicure makes my feet so tender; they take off that hardened skin until it is soft.

    Re in TX – I know my DDnL#2 said they had to cut off all the sheetrock in her house; up to where the water came in; just to let the studs dry with fans going, so they would not mildew; that is what a lot of people did in Albany several years ago when I ‘think’ it was “Hurricane Inez” that came up through the Gulf and stalled over SWGA/SEAL/N-NWFL for 10 days steady raining. The called it the 500 year flood because the rivers, creeks, streams rose higher than they had in several 100 years (since they had started keeping records). We ended up staying an extra week on vacation (at my sister’s in Miami) because there wasn’t any place to cross the Flint River. We were finally able to cross over Lake Blackshear; and, the water was all the way up to the bottom of the road trestle; a week, exactly, we crossed back over the same bridge and the lake was totally empty. A dirt damn had broken which caused much of downtown Albany, GA to flood. I called my boss twice a day to make sure our house wasn’t flooded. We lived on a short 1 block road; the two intersections were flooded by not our home. Thankfully!

    Michele – It was like ‘Christmas’ to open the DVDs up! Haven’t been home long enough to play any of them yet. Next week maybe.

    Pip and Re – I’ve never wanted a tattoo; but, there have been times when I have wanted to tattoo a set of lips just inside my butt cheeks, so that when I have to go get a pelvic, it would be visible to the GYN … that way I could tell him to ‘look at the tattoo and do it’. In other words, “Kiss my @$$!”

    Charleen – I rarely sell my paintings, most are given as gifts to friends and family. I have done a few ‘on commission’ … but, I tell them ‘up front’ that I cannot work under a ‘deadline’ … did enough of that at ‘art school’ to the point that I put my paints and brushes up for a LONG time. Louis found them while I was pregnant the first time; after losing that pregnancy; I put them back up; and, only took them down about 15 years ago. Painted a turkey for my oldest son for Christmas; then he remarked that ‘only REAL artists drew with pencils’. That pissed me off so much that I took lessons to learn how to do it again; then, the next Christmas he got his favorite subject (turkeys) in pencil. He has NEVER made THAT comment since. Last Christmas I gave him one done partly in graphite pencil and the other in colored pencils. I am very proud of both of them. Oh, by the way … you can put me on the list of receiving a quilt any day.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Thanks, Barbie! Clicking like crazy on that star but it does not want to bookmark yet, will try again later.
    LOVE the quilts!

    My goals for August are to get back on track with bicycling once my company is gone and to not tank emotionally once she leaves, That is about all I think I can handle besides work and weeding and laundry this month. Maybe spend some time on a lounge chair and finish a couple of McCall Smith books. Maybe have a margarita sometime?

    Hugs to all you ladies!


    Betty, you are probably clicking on the big star that lets you find the thread again. The one you click on to turn yellow and bookmark is smaller and on the same line as the thread title. The big one is on a line with other menu icons. Look at the one in my screenshot that is yellow.


  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Re in TX~ YEP, I made that!! Oh and the other two on the left from him.... lol!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Lisa – that meal sounds great! It would be good scooped on a bed of lettuce as a enchilada salad too..

    Melanie – logging everything especially all fats (oils, butters etc) is critical as just a little adds so many calories, that it can change the day’s total so easy. It is one thing to not log a cherry tomato, another to not log a cherry tomato size piece of butter…

    Mary – OH! Ouch! Hope you are ok.

    Pip – great job, great causes!

    For all sending kids off to college, it is so much easier for you to stay in touch and provide help than when we went away; take a breath, you can do this.

    Love seeing all the august goals…. Like some of you mine are pretty much the same as July, I am still in “adjust” mode adding the new job.

    I need to figure out lunches that can go in a cooler and be served cold, as 3 days a week I have no access to refrigeration or a microwave… And on Mondays I walk the dog 2 miles, hike 5 miles then do 2-3 hours of gardening… all before lunch! I did not bring enough today and ended up making some bad choices, I’ll stay within my calorie count, eating back just a few exercise calories but it would be nice to have a better plan… Fitbit says so far I have walked 22,000 steps today.

    This month will be a bit more challenging to stay on target with my goals and eating… it is my birthday month, and there will be meals out – I have company 2 different times, and am going on vacation for 3 days. This is my first vacation in a long time, one that is truly vacation, not going to graduation or other command performance. A girl friend I have known since college and I are going camping and to ride the skunk train. The camping helps as I will be making ½ of the meals.

    Kettle/dumb bell swing: 4 x 10 x 1 – this week I added one more rep of 10 swings, and while I know I am doing them with just one pound weights, there is something about this movement that is really tough for me, and oh my arm is talking to me….slow and sure…

    August Goals:
    2 fun things a week
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -

    July Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lunch with Ben, visiting with mom, Cajun food with a friend, got the job!, watched the sunrise every morning, planning a camping trip with a friend.Done
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be. Done
    11,000 + steps everyday – like to hit 160 miles for the month. **** fitbit says 178.48 miles****


    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 10.18in, 15mph, 124mhr, 2.5mi = 70c
    SPIN- 47min, 81r, 61w, 9-12g, 129mhr, 10.5mi = 249c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.31min, 11.4amph, 126mhr, 1mi = 39c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.41min, 8.7amph, 158mhr, 2.5mi = 200c
    total cal 558
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    OWWWW!!!! :'( I dropped a large heavy metal skillet on my foot! It hurts almost as much as the 35 lb plate I dropped earlier this year!!


    Mary from Minnesota

  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    Charleen Do you know much about the history of quilting? I read somewhere that during the civil war when slaves were using the underground railroad to escape to the North, that sometimes, the points in the patterns on the quilts were used as guides, and the quilt themselves signified a home where they could seek food, and shelter on their journeys North. Just can't remember where I saw/read that at. Beautiful quilt. Reminds me of my grandmother's house. :)
    Iremia-thanks for the advice and instructions on how to use the recipe thingamajiggy ;)
    Oh, and can someone PLEASE clue the rest of us in on the acronyms. Someone posted the answer to the DH a few weeks ago, but you all use sooooo many more, it sometimes difficult to decipher :#
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Melanie -

    99.9% of the time - the acronyms are relations... DYS - could be Dear Younger Son, or Younger Sister- context is key. DGD - grand daughter... I am sure you will figure it out if you realize that it is nearly always a relative. The D is for Dear, Darling, or less complimentary words... again, context is key. It gets complicated when it's Daughters in Law or nieces or nephews - but I am sure it will make more sense if you just know it's almost always a relative.


    Re in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Can anyone tell me some foods that are good to eat that will help with inflammation such as bursitis, etc.

    Melanie, LOL is laugh out loud or laugh a lot. LMAO is Laughing my a** off. Daughter in law is DIL so DDIL is Dear daughter in law, OGS would be oldest grand son. With using that you will be able to figure out others. Oh, CICO is calories in calories out.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Melanie - What you heard was real, certain blocks within a quilt also told a message - like trouble ahead, hide. Or this house will feed and shelter you after nightfall. Sometimes the blocks provided directions. There is a block I like that looks like a flock of geese flying, the direction the geese pointing/flying towards was the path to freedom.

    Many of the settlers who sheltered slaves on the underground railroad were Quakers, Amish or Mennionites. Their religions preach tolerance and providing a helping hand to those in need. As you probably already know, Amish quilters are masters of quilting. The 'message quilts' were done even before the civil war and it makes sense that a way to communicate with others hidden from sight would be to hang out your wash to flap in the breeze. :D

    Charleen in Colorado (Quilting is my therapy)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    OWWWW!!!! :'( I dropped a large heavy metal skillet on my foot! It hurts almost as much as the 35 lb plate I dropped earlier this year!!


    Mary from Minnesota

    Oh no! I hope you heal quick!!! on-crutches.gif

    Kim N Cal I can't help but think that there is something about your kettlebell routine that just isn't adding up. With the amount of bending, squatting, hiking, etc that you do with all your gardening and other activities...kettlebell swings with 1lb weights should be a breeze for you, I would think...maybe Mary could help? Because your hips and core are probably stronger than 90% of us on this thread, I would imagine, so I am befuddled as to why the 1 lb kettlebell swings are tough for you.

    Melanie I am not overly fond of the acronyms, personally, but they are apparently the accepted shorthand in these forums. The ones I understand are DH Dear Husband, DS Dear Son, DD Dear Daughter, DSIL Dear Son-in-Law, DDIL Dear Daughter-in-Law, OS Oldest Son or Other Son, DFIL Dear Father-in-Law, DDnL#2 Dear Daughter-in-Law #2, DGD Dear Granddaughter or Dear Goddaughter, etc...you get the drift...

    Karen in Virginia
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Barbie: Thank you for another fun start to a new month.

    Ladies: Were it not for all of you here, my journey to radiant health and fitness would be so dull and lonely.
    In the spirit of mutual support and belief in the power of written goals, here’s July’s recap and my objectives for August.

    July Goals and Outcomes
    Be a positive influence at work. TRYING~
    Eat mindfully. done
    Strength train 2x/week. done I do a routine with resistance bands and then a circuit of weight machines.
    Weigh less at the end of the month. Not accomplished. Gained .4 :s
    Maintain Gratitude Journal daily (on free app by the same name) done

    August Goals
    Continue abstaining from alcohol.
    Eat mindfully
    Add tabata intervals to exercise routine 2x per week
    Weigh less at the end of the month
    Practice Reiki daily
    My word for 2016: Optimism
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Karen - it is my right arm, which has had a muscle injury - bicep most likely - while I do have insurance it has a co-pay and high deductible ( big improvement of 4 years without health insurance) so instead of going in I have been working with a friend who is a physical therapist, and she says no tear, probably just a strain... and to go s l o w...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks RE in Texas i'll try to remember that!
    Kimso every ingredient I use, when cooking, I need to enter it as the complete recipe and let MFP calculate the calories for a specific portions. I"ll try that right away...thanks
  • MamaSooz89129
    MamaSooz89129 Posts: 40 Member
    I hope it's ok to jump in on this thread. I'm relatively new to MFP. I would love to offer support to anyone who needs it, and hope to get encouragement to keep going as well. Please feel free to friend me. I am a 56-year old married mom (33 years) to 4 + 3, and a grammie to 1.5 :smile: I work full time as an office manager, take online university courses, quilt and live 8000 miles away from my husband which is kind of weird, not the ideal but we do the best we can under the circumstances. I spent last year in Abu Dhabi with him, but decided I needed to be back here in Las Vegas, closer to the family. My goals for August are pretty simple:

    1. Log my food every single day, every single morsel.
    2. Exercise at least 5 days per week and continue upping the duration every other day or so.
    3. Force myself to strike up a conversation with a stranger at least once per day (trying to be better about putting myself out there instead of hiding behind my fat)
    4. Finish my road trip quilt that I started last fall - this is a quilt for ME... I am usually making them for someone else.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    OWWWW!!!! :'( I dropped a large heavy metal skillet on my foot! It hurts almost as much as the 35 lb plate I dropped earlier this year!!


    Mary from Minnesota

    :'( I am so sorry to hear this....hugs to you <3
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2016
    Lenora - you could do the butt to chair squats to work on balance. Feet shoulder width apart you sit back onto a chair and your arms go straight out in front of you. Use the momentum of your arms and pushing down through your heels stand back up and squeeze your glutes. Not a fast movement. Slow and tighten your abs as well. You can start with a higher chair or put a pillow on one. Then weekly get a shorter chair. It is also okay to do this next to a counter to stabilize yourself when you begin.

    Kim - where do your arms hurt? Generally you don't use your arms you use your lats. Rewatch the instruction video. And practice it in front of a mirror and let me know how you feel. It could be a combination of Kettlebell and your gardening that is causing the problem. It might be temporary.


    My toe is going to put a damper on my walking for awhile. It shouldn't bother my weight training or Kettlebell swing.


    Mary from Minnesota