Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12 glasses of water :)
    2. stick to meal plan :)
    3. under 100G carbs :)
    4. walking and gardening :)
    5. Latin dancing x 2 hours :)
    6. plan out exercise for the week :)

    Was not feeling well yesterday, so did not set goals.


    1. 12 glasses of water
    2. under 100G carbs
    3. walk
    4. do an hour of Zumba and perhaps one weight circuit
    5. do meal planning/prep through Friday
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    llbrixon wrote: »
    Pre-logging rocks! I do it every day. At times, I end up changing what I want to eat with snacks and other times I am not hungry for the snacks and.....it gets deleted

    Because I do not know what I will be eating for lunch or supper, I allow 500 Calories for lunch and supper. See my food log.

    I will stay busy doing housework for at least an hour (timed).
    Drink my jug of water. My water intake is very poor.

    I did my housework for sure!
    I failed big time at drinking the water from my mug. I did have (1) hot tea, (1) Diet Soda, (1) Coors Lite for fluids today.
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    Walk for an hour.
    Timed housework for one hour.
    Drink that water in the mug!
    Go out to lunch with husband.
    15 minutes (Work on clutter in bedroom)
    Clear off Dining get room table & clutter by door.

    That's enough!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @llbrixon LOL!!! Well, the tea & the soda count. When I am having a hard time getting in my water, I make peppermint tea and ice it and just drink that all day. Or I make limeade or lemonade with the juice of a lime or lemon, a couple of Truvia packets, ice & water. It does make it easier to get in the water that way. Better luck tomorrow!
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Just for today, stay for my whole work day. Feeling really really sick but I only have a 4 day week this week and I need to stick it out.

    LOL this didn't work out. But when youre sick youre sick, what can you do. Back at work today and here are my goals:

    1. Only eat what I packed and logged. No extra snacks from the break room, because the only thing breaking Is my wallet.
    2. Go for my run today!

    I didn't go for my run. And I also got snacks. TOM is so hard.

    ANYWAYS today I will set an easy goal for myself. Go for a walk after work :)

    Now were getting somewhere! Walked to the store last night for food of course lol.

    JFT: Take one of the puppies for a long walk today.

    I didnt take the doggy but I went for a long walk myself today :) todays goal is to go buy stuff for a healthy dinner tomorrow.

    Bought my food! Yummy tomato soup :)
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,799 Member
    edited August 2016
    :star: Challenges are the spice that makes life zing! :star:
    :heart: Dare to be YOU! :heart:

    :smiley: Welcome Newbies! :smiley:

    "The accountability of posting here keeps me on the straight and narrow.
    I can always find excuses in my head, but somehow,
    They just don't cut it when I see them in black and white on the page."
    (Terri Richardson)

    Life has been just so hectic. Then I was cruising with no internet (Celebration cruise for our 50th Wedding Anniversary on 25 July) .
    Jumping right back in again with my daily goals.

    JFT Wed 3 Aug 2016
    • Pre-log/follow through; 150+ minutes exercise, ; 12000+ steps, (damage limitation needed after the cruise!
    • 8 cups liquids/Monitor sodium intake.
    • Week, Day 1: 4 week Yoga Challenge, (Bad Yogi on YouTube)
    • Live! Love! Learn!
    • Enjoy the rest of the summer :sunglasses:

  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    Today my run will be a celebration that my body CAN...and not that I HAVE TO.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    JFT Wed 3 Aug 2016
    1. Do what I say I am going to do on the JFT thread
    2. Log my food
    3. Kettlebell routine
    4. Covenant Woods trip
    5. Take a page from Joan's book - Live! Love! Learn!

    Karen in Virginia
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    JFT, 8/03/2016

    1. Walk the dogs
    2. Workout: 100 push-ups program day 3 + cardio
    3. Log all food
    4. End the day with at least a 250-calorie deficit
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    ooh I just found this thread! I used to do this in another thread I am no longer part of but I thought it wonderfully helpful. I am going to join in! I am so excited!

    Do we introduce ourselves or just jump in? I didn't read back. So I'll just jump in and can provide personal info if you guys have been sharing it later:

    - Start Sufferfest Videos (downloaded app today), so 1 hour of cycling.
    - Stay green on calories
    - Walk before bed
    - Submit hiatus form for school
    - Don't kill anyone at work

    So, didn't do too well. I did manage not to kill anyone at work.


    - Start Sufferfest Videos, so 1 hour of cycling.
    - Stay green on calories
    - Walk on one conference call
    - Walk before bed
    - Call accountant
    - Submit hiatus form for school
    - Ride Jaques
  • jtsweats
    jtsweats Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All. I'm pretty chronically awful about sticking to dietary goals for more than 30 minutes so I am going to join in to see if I can just take it one day at a time!

    Today: 1) hit gym at lunch for longer than 30 minutes (done)
    2) no late night snack!
    3) one helping at dinner and, if i'm still hungry, i can have more salad.

    Good luck everyone!
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Just for today, stay for my whole work day. Feeling really really sick but I only have a 4 day week this week and I need to stick it out.

    LOL this didn't work out. But when youre sick youre sick, what can you do. Back at work today and here are my goals:

    1. Only eat what I packed and logged. No extra snacks from the break room, because the only thing breaking Is my wallet.
    2. Go for my run today!

    I didn't go for my run. And I also got snacks. TOM is so hard.

    ANYWAYS today I will set an easy goal for myself. Go for a walk after work :)

    Now were getting somewhere! Walked to the store last night for food of course lol.

    JFT: Take one of the puppies for a long walk today.

    I didnt take the doggy but I went for a long walk myself today :) todays goal is to go buy stuff for a healthy dinner tomorrow.

    Bought my food! Yummy tomato soup :)

    JFT Make my yummy soup lol. Also NO BINGING. Days off are so hard.
  • Rini_s
    Rini_s Posts: 68 Member
    Just for today...
    Log everything
    10,000 steps (since it's 3:25pm and I've only logged 2500 steps, I'm a little concerned about hitting this, lol)
  • GoMom2016
    GoMom2016 Posts: 41 Member
    To go for a walk....and I did :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I love some of the things I just read on here....especially not killing someone at work! Good job at sticking to THAT goal! LOL I've been absent for a few days so here goes...

    Just for Today/Thursday:
    1. Stick to my pre-logged foods
    2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
    3. Finish first few chapters of "The 17 Day Diet Breakthrough Edition" and hopefully be ready to start this next Monday.
    4. Find an activity I like that doesn't stress out my ankle and get in 30 minutes of activity today
    5. Turn negatives into positives at work today and not let myself feel overwhelmed.
    6. Take time to smell the roses and just be grateful for another beautiful day...

    Hope everyone has a really great day today!
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    JFT 8/4/16

    1) After work, go to the gym. Go directly to the gym. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, lol.
    2) Make a healthy choice for lunch
    3) Drink enough water today (got dehydrated yesterday because I didn't drink enough).
  • Rini_s
    Rini_s Posts: 68 Member
    Rini_s wrote: »
    Just for today...
    Log everything
    10,000 steps (since it's 3:25pm and I've only logged 2500 steps, I'm a little concerned about hitting this, lol)

    Yesterday - logged, kettlebelled and stepped over 10,000. I was busy last night.

    Just for today -
    Same as yesterday. Walking at lunch which will help me get time to clean my bathroom tonight.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    stayed within my calories today after messing up and eating 4 donuts yesterday! One day wont break me!