

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    afternoon again ladies~
    I am over 10,000 steps and have fed and walked the dogs ,taken a shower and visited with my friends down at Cobalt... made the bed, now on the computer and listening to Pandora .. will cut some coupons in a bit and file them... working 7:30-5 tomorrow and 7:30-noon on saterday.. going to contact a friend and see if she will be around friday or saterday night for a visit and maybe a glass of wine
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Mary - you are a demon! I am in awe. :o

    Not good news from DH's family. Case delayed again. All terribly, terribly sad. :'(

    I've finished Duolingo Spanish for the 2nd time and I'm powering ahead with my German. :D Neglected my memoir which I commit to doing tomorrow. I've been reading Big Magic and it has helped me. I shall just keep on keeping on with a spirit of curiosity and lightness. I will enjoy myself. I will play. :bigsmile:

    Time for bed.
    Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather- i'm sorry to hear about your DH's case. Hopefully all will go well soon for him. Congratulations on the second round of Spanish! How many languages can you speak? Or at least understand a little bit of the essential?


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Went to see my mom and on a happy note, for the first time in 5 months, the traffic was not so bad coming or going! Yeah! A blessing. :)

    On a bad note, opened the frig and a diet coke had frozen and exploded all over the insides. What a mess! :(

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Went to see my mom and on a happy note, for the first time in 5 months, the traffic was not so bad coming or going! Yeah! A blessing. :)

    On a bad note, opened the frig and a diet coke had frozen and exploded all over the insides. What a mess! :(

    Sorry to hear about the mess from the frozen exploding container of coke. :ohwell: Good news about the traffic. :smiley:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Charleen, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we already knew that. But glad you got the ribbons.

    I don't know if it is the heat+heat index, or just me or weariness or depression or MS or heart. I am so tired. After supper we went for a short trip to Walmart. I used one of their scooters. I know if there were anyone watching us they would have thought we were strange. The one in the scooter is the driver of the car. But I didn't drive the scooter out to the car. I wanted to get it plugged in. Anyway, I was parked in a close handicap spots and I had to stop walking just because I couldn't make it anymore. I am visibly short of breath when I am doing something like walking outside. I do have my stress test scheduled for the 10th and I am glad.''

    To tired to respond to anyone. Love you all Thinking of all of you.

    Joyce, hot and humid Indiana
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Bodacious Belles;

    Not much excitement here… exercise, work, eat, sleep – lather, rinse, repeat.

    Scales are still bouncing around – guess I need to keep drinking those liquids for another few days in hopes I can rinse out a little of that excess fluid before Monday. I am tired of having to post gains in the challenge scores. Everybody keep your fingers crossed that I can AT LEAST post myself back at a zero net gain on Monday.… *sighs*


    Janet – Betcha those people at Dicks were impressed. You go!

    Mary – Oh Honey – I am so sorry…. But please remember, you didn’t hold a gun to her head and she determined it was safe… So many pregnancies end in miscarriage, anyway. Karen is 100% right.… and I am very glad that your Niece doesn’t blame you.

    Heather – Bea always does cheer me up. She is just so adorable and always smiling. I am in the mirror stage on my Kettlebell attempts… and I did know that baking powder goes off… I use it so infrequently that I have to buy new every time I bake – which is about once every three years! I made a cake once – from an old mix… *giggles* flat as a pancake.

    Cheri – Nice thought. Thinking good thoughts for a seamless transfer of your belongings to your new place. ((Hugs!!))

    Karen/VA – “kitty pot plants” lol. Good luck with the review of the CCRC’s. I yearn for the day when I can move into one… but, I will probably just move into a regular condo somewhere. I am so done with exterior maintenance…

    Renee – good luck with the Kettlebell thing. I have gotten so far as to try a couple of weightless swings, but I need to watch in the mirror to be sure I am doing it right. It kinda feels silly – but, hey, if it works, I don’t give a rat’s *kitten.* Like Miss Janet – I just don’t care how I look, anymore… lol. Long John’s? yeah. Grease central, too – but hey, sometimes you gotta have a fish sandwich. And no, I have not set aside the fruit or the nonfat yogurt… Just keeping my calories between the ditches and hoping the Puffy Princess is willing to give up the throne, soon.

    DJ – Exercise… *sigh* I have to do it. I have a shining example of what happens when you don’t. My mom has been pretty much bound to her chair for the last 10 years. I am SO not going there… ever. So, every day, I lose that hour of sleep to shuffle my butt onto the elliptical.

    Kay– Figs are good food. Being a carb junkie, toast and jam is one of my all time favorite foods. With butter, of course... mmmm.... toast.

    Barbie – YAY!!! Jake can drive… you are both FREEEEEEEEE.

    Pip – you deserve any acclaim we give you! You Rock! *giggles* – ex-lax…

    Margaret – nice… just a random officer? Or is there an organization that does that?

    Joan – hello. WTG on running… and I feel your pain on the carbs.

    Becca – Hello!

    Apfei7 – Hello! Pool running? That sounds doable… but, eewe… I would have to put on a swimsuit in public… lol.

    Allie – You are so good to take care of Tom’s Dad so well. I hope he realizes how much you do for him, every day. Girl, I get tired just READING about your day. Enjoy that wine.

    Melanie - I think if you are logging accurately – and eating a fairly low calorie count – you are fine to eat at least some of those calories back. I am eating such a high calorie amount – not trying to hurry – that I try to leave my exercise calories on the table. You can experiment with it, to see how it goes… Exercise does require fuel – so if you are on a really strict calorie budget – you might want to eat some of them back, at least.

    Michele – glad you are enjoying the freedom of driving.

    Joyce – Most of us would have just collapsed under the weight of all the things that have happened in your life, by now… take care of yourself, Hon. Get some rest – veg in front of mindless television… something. Take a break from your life for a minute or two. Charlie will survive leftovers, just fine. I hope you will focus on YOUR health for a minute. You have to remember that you can’t take care of your man if you have to be hospitalized, yourself…. ((Hugs!!))

    Katla – enjoy that massage… why would DH be grumpy about you being sore? Hmmm? Should I ask? ;)

    Liz – Glad you had a good day. It’s HOT down here… but, not too bad, so long as the air conditioner holds out.

    Lenora – well, it’s good that she is exercising. That is a major bonus. Eventually, maybe she will make better food choices and then the pounds will come off. She is young, yet… and really, with all that “stuff” in her life, I imagine food is the only constant. Give her some time – just keep on doing what you have been doing and perhaps she will see your success and make some changes. Hopefully, once she get’s school behind her, she will be able to focus on her health. Sorry your Honey is having problems.

    Carey – A Thesaurus is a wonderful thing… lol. Sorry about the headaches. I am a big ol’ wuss… I would just go back to bed. :]

    Maureen – Hello! You can do it… Please note, the following is my opinion and to be taken with a grain of salt… But only one, as I have been advised that sodium intake must remain low... lol. SLOW is gooder… If you learn how to eat – just slightly smaller portions, or slightly different foods – in such a way that you can do it forever and never “go off” your new eating style – I believe you will have better luck at maintaining the next time that Life happens. Good luck and hope to see you back here, soon.

    Kate – there is nothing more frustrating to an organized person that chaos. Good luck with your DD and her spastic spouse.

    Lisa - *waves*

    KJ – at least your stats are going in the right direction, now! Mine are still out of whack. Thinking good thoughts for the Kidney Bean. Keith IS going to live forever, isn’t he? Lol.

    NYKaren – ah.. the newly painted room… a nice, clean slate. Glad DH likes the color. Greek food… LOVE it.

    Carol – Hugs for you and your mom! Sorry about the coke… may be time to edge the chill factor down on the fridge.

    Tracie – Every day is a new chance to get it right. You can do it. Maybe you should start with just one or two goals… once you meet those, you can add others. I find the less stress I add on myself, the better I do. Good luck!

    Leigh – Enjoy the vacation!

    Penny – and how is Norway? I have always wanted to visit there….I hear my family tree is littered with Norwegians.

    Marcelyn – see – you were right… and great that you can help them learn about budgeting and saving… it’s an important skill to have. And take heart, Sister… it’s only another month or so until it starts to cool down round here.

    Charleen – Of course you got a Grand Champion with that gorgeous quilt. It is Fantastic! Gratz!

    Vicki – it’s always great when the chores are done… I love that feeling. Not looking forward to mowing the lawn this weekend... but, I will feel great when it's done for another week or two.

    Betty – Glad you were able to find the stone. I hope you and your ring are reunited, soon.


    Hope you are all having a marvelous (insert correct time reference here)

    Hugs for everybody!

    Re in TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    edited August 2016
    What I know about your weight loss ticker is that first you have to create one, then get the code.....I copy the code onto a word document on my computer so it is available to me whenever I want to post it.....then on the page where you make decisions about your ticker (HOME, APPS, Ticker) there is a check box to say that you want your ticker to be public. Then you have to copy and paste the code onto your post whenever you want it to be shared with us. That's why mine shows up with my lost weight. At least, I can see it....let me know if you can see it, too,

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Charleen- congratulations on your championship quilt! It is extremely beautiful!

    Re- thank you! My niece is doing well today. I have great confidence in you getting to a zero by Monday! Baby steps!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2016
    Charleen. - WHOOT HOOOO!! It's absolutely gorgeous, you have every right to be excited and very proud of yourself. Way to go. <3

    Janetr okc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    156882g82qpu0ale.gif Charleen, we knew your quilt was a grand champion but it's great that the judges agreed with us
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a downloadable spinning DVD. When I do spinning, I always wear my heartrate monitor. I was very glad to see that my heartrate came down as fast as it did. The plan for tomorrow is to do a bosu DVD.

    Joyce - take care of yourself. I write almost everything medical down in my calendar. I didn't realize that I can deduct mileage for medical-related things! Thanks for telling me. I'll check with Vince to see if I can. If so, you can bet that I'll take advantage of that. Hey, when Jess has something to be donated, she gives it to me to donate. She knows that she wouldn't get a deduction but we would. She's so thoughtful that way. Now if she'd just clean out her room here. Honestly, I'm starting to have trouble getting around her bed to make it. And I know that if I ask her to do it, it won't get done unless I take the sheets off every time she's here and wash them.

    I've been trying the kettlebells and don't feel any more sore from them than I do from when I do a deadlift with either the free weights or the barbell. Mary - why????

    Lenora - Unfortunately, Jess likes her fried foods also. Along with her pasta. Wish she'd develop a taste for the shirataki noodles. I hope your dnl takes your advice. Very wise. How very sad for your dnl#2. Another thing Jess taught me to stop bleeding for pets is to put a piece of bread on it.

    Maureen - welcome! We all stumble. The important thing is to get back up. Good for you not gaining back all your weight!

    Mary - hope you feel better now. Hope your niece helped you stop feeling guilty. My mother always had a miscarriage until she had me. I'm thinking that the reason for them was that she was probably negative and my blood type is negative. The first pregnancy was probably a natural miscarriage but back then they didn't know about RhoGam. So her body probably made antibodies but since I'm negative also that's probably why I wasn't a miscarriage. I'm not saying that your niece is negative. But that it might have been mother nature's way of aborting a baby who would have had problems growing up -- who knows. In any event, you should NOT blame yourself.

    Wow! Just talked to Vince. He's been taking the mileage for medical procedures for years off our taxes. Never knew that

    Exercised then went to Aldi's. Gawd does that feel good. We're supposed to go to lunch with the Newcomers. I already know that I'm going to have a crab cake and vegetable medley in place of the french fries. Water to drink

    Carol - safe travels!

    Charleen - congratulations!!! Your quilt is stunning, so I'm not surprised at all the ribbons.

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Re it was at a grocery store where you make your own salad and then pay. Hew was behind me in line.

    Vicki liked you DH act of kindness.

    Charleen gorgeous quilt.

    Mosquitoes getting bad at dusk now. Even with bug repellent I can only be out there a short while.Yesterday we had our old wall mounted air conditioner replace with a new one. It was cheaper to replace it than get a window or to plaster the hole. We put it to use immediately because of the humidity. We did it for less than $1000. To plaster the hole $2000, a new window at least $1500.

    :heart: Margaret

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited August 2016

    Well, this morning was tennis day, and my legs wouldn't RUN.... A strange feeling when I would go for a ball, and I want to get there, but my legs are so sore, and thighs tight, it was ..."Nope you are not gonna run". I had fun though, just trying to make the best of it, and working on my form from the waist UP. It was frustrating the snot out of the teenager because I was making some great backhand and strong forehand strokes.

    Husband took me out to eat for lunch, and man there is ALOT of tourists here! It's weird to live in an area where tourism is the main thing during the summer. That is when you crave fall and winter, because its just the core of the coasties. The die hards! So we went to "Wet Dog Brewery" but it was too crowded, so then we walked down the way to "Buoy Beer" Brewery. I had an order of Rockfish and chips. Melted in my mouth.... Then I had Buoy Beers NW Red ale....See I can be really crafty! If its craft beer that is.. lol! We then went to the arcade, and I lost some quarters! Came home and made some chocolate chip cookies. I have had 2 and they were AWESOME.... Just made French Dips for the son and husband. Still fuzzy from that one beer. Such a lightweight... Ah well, I am not a cheap date, just economical...

    Not sure about tomorrow if I will be going to my Deep Water aerobic class, might just sit in the hot tub with a container of coffee...

    Be well all, I will do better tomorrow, I promise!

    Mistress of the Red Ale in
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Re, I took my girls swimming today, and it being Iowa (one of the fattest states in the country) there were a lot of really big women there. And they all looked lovely in really nice swimdresses or swim shorts and tankinis or traditional swim suits. I even saw one woman wearing swim leggings and a swim tee. There are so many more options than there used to be. So go find yourself a really pretty swim outfit and get in the swim of things! I have a tankini and regular briefs. Because my "girls" are so huge from getting fat, the top is a 26 (I HATE wearing anything form fitting so I went larger to have some looseness around the midriff). And my bottoms are a size 18 that are loose on me. That wasn't an option years ago! You may need to shop online to find just what you want. That is how I found mine.
  • apfei7
    apfei7 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi BarbieCat,

    Yes, i can see your ticker. The numbers are obscured tho. I tried to add a ticker yesterday and MFP said it was referring the problem to Tech Support. Wha?


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - thanks for the support! I did talk to my niece about going to the doctor and getting checked for some type of genetic issue between the two of them including the blood type like you were referring to. She agreed that after they are married that is one of the first things she will do. She is 35 years old and would like to have a child soon.

    Becca- I understand completely about all the tourists in the area. We have about 1000 people in the winter and over 10,000 in the summer. That's a huge difference! You're making me drool over the chocolate chip cookies!

    Margaret - I totally agree with you about those mosquitoes! We were virtually mosquito free until we had that constant rain a couple weeks ago. Now no matter what time of day I am out I am getting attacked!


    Mary from Minnesota