

  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Good Evening Ladies,
    And Happy Friday! Today was a good day fun time at work. After work went to the Y spent my time in the water . I love that anyway but thinking I need to start adding some machines to. Grateful for the Y in lots of ways but right now our air quality is so poor lots of fires in the area makes it hard to be outside for a long time.

    After the Y went to Paint nite with friends! So much fun! Enjoyed it fun and relaxing too!

    Now home planning out the rest of the weekend! Trying to balance fun & play with errands & chores that need to be done!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day! Till tomorrow!

    Caldwell, Idaho
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    PM me if you are interested in

    LaLo Fit DVD (weights)
    Powerhouse Workout Pilates with Jillian Hessel
    Gin Miller's Barbell Blast
    Gin Miller's Seriously Strong DVD (this one I would just give to someone)

    Jorge Cruise 8 Minutes in the Morning to Lean Hips and Thin Thighs Book

    who is cleaning out making room for more DVD's (like I need more)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Does anybody know how to get rid of those 8 icon boxes on chrome's homepage? There is one in particular that I never use but can't seem to figure out how to get rid of it.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Well here I am.. yesterday was crazy at work.. my boss was supposed to come and help out ,but his water pump went on his car and he had to get that fixed, and never showed up so, I was running from 7:30-5:15 and had 15 min to run home let the dogs out.. came home and changed and went up to a friends house near my dads.. had a glass of wine, then stopped to see my DD and DGD ,Taliah is going to her aunts house and staying over night with a whole bunch of cousins... so she will have fun..
    Tom leaving florida this morning and will be home tomorrow afternoon... my peace and quiet will be gone..
    I will go up to Whole Foods this afternoon and poke around.. I do this like once a year.. just love that place.. can't afford to shop there much... what happened to Mindy didn't she work at one in Ma.?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    sleeping-beauty-smiley-emoticon.gif After a night's sleep I feel much better. I went to bed extra early and woke up at midnight after a dream in which I kept getting two dances mixed up (the line dance party was racing around in my head) so after lying in bed for awhile with the steps for many dances repeating in my head, I got up. Jake is still sleeping in the other room, so I stripped the sheets off the bed and put on clean ones (something I planned to do in the afternoon) and got back into bed and read for awhile and went back to sleep with Sasha and Bernie sleeping next to me. Now I'm ready to begin the day with renewed energy.

    <3 Barbie
  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good morning ladies....well, just returned from my Saturday morning walk... pushed myself & increased my distance by 1 mile!!!!! Now its time to go to the grocery store :/ I think I will hold off going, and research a little bit on healthy snacks. It seems that I'm not eating any healthy in-between-meals. Especially on the days when I'm on the road. Fast food is NOT an option, so I wind up needing, lets just say.... 900 calories at the end of the day, and just try to hurry and eat whatever to get the calories in. It's almost like (in my mind) eat whatever you want just don't exceed your CI's. Soooo, my goal this week is to pay closer attention to what I'm eating, instead of just meeting that CI goal.
    Kim in NC-thank you for the early birthday wish...Happy Birthday to you as well!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    morning peeps -
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele in NC - We have a Kohl’s; never go there too much; it is way out of the way … built behind other businesses and ‘if’ you did not know it was there and how to get there … well; what can I say. I might get my granddaughter or DnL to take me there, just to check. This is when not being able to drive, drives me crazy. That was the type of mattress pad I really was thinking about … maybe I can check ‘online’ with Kohl’s to see if they have one (for a King-sized bed). I’m waiting on one mattress pad; but, it is like a 2nd sheet; with elastic around it to fit. I really did not want to have to pay that much – DH thinks it might not ever happen again … but, even I have ‘wet’ the bed before. Dreaming that I had gotten up and gone to the bathroom – so real (until I found myself laying in it). He is supposed to be wearing this bag for 3 weeks. Who knows what happens next.

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Welcome to everyone new!

    I'm busy watching the olympics...currently beach volleyball...exciting game! Woo hoo!

    I'm walking on the spot so I still get my steps in but I'm expecting to spend a whole lot more time in front of the tv in the next little while!

    Have a great day all!
    Carey - Northern Alberta
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Horseback riding lesson today, YAY!!! :heart: Unfortunately, I am starting out with sore places before I even hop in the car to drive to the stable. My behind is telling me that it had a work out. Would that be attributable to yesterday's kettlebell swinging? My shoulder sure feels better and that is worth a sore behind. Mama used to say that getting older isn't for sissies. I'm no sissy, but I can whine with the best of them. :devil:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Good afternoon!
    Ploughing on with the German. With DH away at cricket I have spare time. 15% fluent. :laugh:
    Did some kettlebell swings. 3x10x18 Nice addition to my machines. My dodgy knee can feel it, as can my arthritic hip, but it doesn't seem to do any lasting damage. I don't know how Mary does so many! :o

    Duck legs tonight with roasted butternut squash and chard from the garden. Extra potatoes around the duck for DH. :D

    Had a delivery of Genmaicha. It's a Japanese green tea with brown rice flavour. Weird, but strangely delicious. :bigsmile: I order it online.

    It's a quiet life at the moment, but the grandchildren are arriving on Tuesday, so I know there will plenty of excitement to come. I'm still waiting for DGD's duvet set to arrive. We've got to darken the room they are sleeping in somehow. I think we will be sticking up cardboard with Blutack. Don't want them waking up at 5 am. We will have Monday to prepare and buy cereal etc for them. <3

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Lenora~On my dormant Facebook account I made the account "empty" by deleting all the pictures, and friends, so that even it it got hacked there wasn't anything tying it to me. Of course, it was because the person was threatening me. It's a scary cyber world out there!
    Being smart and accountable now..
    in Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Good morning ladies! This morning I had "Simply Balanced organic toasted coconut muesli cereal" with my tub of Tillamook Greek old-fashioned vanilla yogurt and some drizzled honey over it all. My jaw is tired from chewing!! The muesli has almonds, pumpkin seeds and or course coconut.

    Today is a light day, eating-wise. Most of my meals are between 200 and 300 calories, with my snacks about 120 calories each. Husband, son and I shall go to the movies today, to see "Suicide Squad". After the 3:20 showing, I will drink water.... Don't want to worry about missing part of the movie!!

    Woke up to the neighbors below me yelling at each other... At 7:20 AM until about 8 AM. It's sad when a couple can't have a productive argument! There is a way of arguing, coming up with solutions, and then moving on. They just stopped yelling. They have kids too. I know when Lee and I had an argument, we were respectful to the kids, and did any yelling when they were in school. If you are going to yell, or talk loudly in front of kids, at least show them that you can resolve issues. That is how they learn about conflict resolutions. I wanted to yell down to them that they should at least shut their windows so I don't have to be in the middle of it. Or only yell between the hours of 8am and 8pm. I will speak to the manager about them though.

    The other day, when we were at the laundromat, a lady told me I was one brave lady. What happened was that I went to my favorite 4 washers, and 3 of them had 5 minutes to go. So I put clothes in the one free washer, and then separated my clothes for the others that would be free. Well, they stopped, and I waited a couple of minutes then said in a loud voice, "These 3 have stopped". No one said anything, (there were only a handful of people in there). So then I took them out and put in the metal rolling hampers. Then a gentleman came in, went to the washers, and I said while smiling, "Hey you snooze you lose"... I then told him, "If it makes any difference, I smiled while I took out your clothes". He was cool about it, not angry or anything. So then when I said goodbye to husband to walk to my TOPS meeting, I passed the lady and her kids that are always doing laundry when we do, and she shook her head smiling, saying, "You are one brave lady". When has saying what you mean become brave? I call it communicating with the world. Strange situation indeed.

    Everyone, do you realize how accountable you all are? Do you realize that by logging your food intake you are an active participant in your own lives? That you are looking at your lives "awake" and engaged in it? So many women are living their lives "mentally asleep" and not making their marks in the world. Today, each of you, make your shoe imprint on the earth. In a way, we all shall be connected... ((((hugs)))))

  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Kim, it sounds as if you had a lovely time with your friends!! When I was a child I lived in San Francisco for a couple of years, and the Japanese tea garden was my favorite place. They had little boxes of orange gel candies that weren't very sweet, but they had a lovely rice cellophane-like coating that melted in my mouth. What day is your birthday?

    Joyce, good for you for telling tom you needed a hug. And I'm glad you feel better. ((((Hugs))))

    Penny, How did you end up living on top of the world?

    Katla, yep, the kettle bell can make your glutes sore! It gets better really quickly.

    I had to work this morning, but I can actually see that I'll get things finished. I've got deadlines, and last week they just seemed to be looming, a feeling I hate. I don't mind working hard, but it's dreadful if I'm working hard and afraid I'll miss a deadline. And, of course, it's August, and lots of people are on vacation, so there weren't enough people to support me.

    Today's workout:
    Kettle bell swings: 3x12x15; 4x10x20 20 lbs felt fine
    Goblet squats: 3x10x15; 1x10x20 (don't tell my physiotherapist!)
    Sideways walk with band: 2x10 in each direction
    Balancing on weak leg and bending at the hips (needed preparation before I can do one-legged dead lifts or one-legged bent-over row): 2x10
    One-legged bent-over row (strong leg): 1x10
    26 minutes elliptical (boring, but my cardiovascular health seems to be improving. I can get it way up in intervals and it will come back down when I slow down and reduce the resistance)

    I think I'll go swimming later...

    NSV: I've lost a couple of inches in my waist!!! And maybe 1 or 2 in my hips. It's a little hard to tell how much in both because when I weighed more I would pull the measuring tape really tight so I wouldn't have to admit that, yes, my waist was bigger than 35, which I really didn't want to face. :/ So now I don't know how many inches were lost. But now my waist truly, truly is smaller than 35 inches. :D and next time I measure I'll know exactly how much I lost!

    Time to go see what DH is doing. He needs some attention after this past week.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Saturday. It is my weekend to work so working the 6-4:30 shift today and tomorrow. The cooler weather has arrived for now. Today 70's tomorrow 60's. If not to humid will open windows and enjoy.
    A DF husband is in the hospital. He fell in the drive way at home and some men driving by saw him laying there and called 911. DH and I went up yesterday to see him. He is so lucky to be alive. He fell face first and broke his nose, cheek bones and collar bone. He face is so swellen up I would not of know who he was is his wife hadn;t been sitting in the room. They had to put a feeding tube as he can not drink or eat. Also he bit off half his tongue so he will have to learn to eat, talk and everything again.
    Penny--Beautiful drive, but I am not sure how I would handle the tunnel part of the trip. Thanks for sharing.
    Melanie--Happy Birthday! Getting the bike sounds like a good idea.
    Joyce--HUGS!! Wish I was there to do in person.
    Cheri--Glad your trip is going well and you will be at your new home today.
    Keep of a slow day today at work, so planning to get somethings done ahead. Church tonight and DH is making beef stirfry to take. Our church on Saturday nights at a pot luck before the service. Going to have guest speakers tonight from out of the country, can't remember where from right now. Take care ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • roxyspitfire53
    roxyspitfire53 Posts: 15 Member
    I am starting over today with tracking and exercise. We are going thru a difficult time this year...my husband was laid off the first of March (oil & gas) and finding a job in Texas and Oklahoma is near impossible. So we packed and moved in June to ABQ New Mexico. He is still not working, but has some prospects we should hear from any time. So to say I have stress over load is putting it mildly. My weight has not changed much, but physically and emotionally I am tired. So I woke up this morning and decided to start over with this. New day and new start. We will see how it goes. Getting ready for my walk so will check in tomorrow
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Carey – Northern Alberta – I swept the pool yesterday and it took me 105 minutes. That is my job, for using the pool. Can’t exercise on weekends in it; per my son if they are in it; but, I don’t think it because of him. So, when DH and get in it, I put on the inner tube and hold on the DH’s raft and just putter/flipping my legs. They don’t even ‘know’ I am exercising my lets.

    Just washed my stepper; but, to use it I will have to be able to hold on to something so I won’t fall off, that is DH’s ‘rule’.

    Katla – That’s so ‘true’ and I have heard it all my adult life. I did not have any “Big-O” problems, until I hit 60; realizing that my DH would be 70 the same year. He is so active, I think it might kill him to stop. He is always doing something around the house. He still works the business he has done for over 30+ years. The heat has gotten to him; and, the day he had the procedure he went to work. He said he thought the Urologist had used the same tools that are used to cleane out a rifle; that is basically what they did. Only difference is the last time they did it the put him to sleep. I also can do a lot of ‘whining’; but, as long as I don’t ‘nag’ I am “OK” with it, in the eyes of the person who doesn’t mind. Not DH and not BF. I never do it in front of my children, never have.

    Heather – Hope and pray that the ‘incident’ in London had no bearing on your family or friends.

    Becca – Since I ‘deleted' my account (they found out that I had two accounts); they actually ‘deleted’ it for me. But, of course, all that means is I can't get to it; and, still others can see it. I might see if my DDnL#1 can go in and delete the pictures and stuff. Not sure she can; and maybe ‘copy’' better yet, send any pictures to her account. She’s a FB ‘junkie’ so she knows how to circumvent some of their stuff. Then I will have her delete other things, such as anything in my profile.

    I hated living in an apartment because of the noise; but, I figured if the downstairs people argued stomping around on the floor usually did the ‘trick’ to make them shut-up; I did not really like living on the top floor because I worried about just walking might be heard. Most apartments are not very sound-proof. IF I ever had to live in a ‘condo’; I’d live in one of those that are separated by a brick wall on either side; and, I would also (if there is a way) to double-check that we aren’t sharing that space either; but, doubt that would be since the brick is usually visible from the street. I hope I never have to move because I ‘love’ it out here.

    Thankfully, never have had to use a ‘common’ laundromat … or have to go to the basement to do it. We had a washer and dryer in our apartment; but, then again, it was in a 3-bedroom apartment and 4 of us shared it. I think I used the washer/dryer at a friend’s place for a while; but, was going over to visit anyway … so it was not much, if any, trouble. One of my roommate, shared my room (we were HS BF) and when she went home, she took all the clothes that were dirty to her Daddy’s Cleaners/Laundromat and had them done and brought all of them back; nicely folded or put on hangers. That was nice … I took them if I was going and she wasn’t.
