

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Welcome roxy this is a great place to come for support and accountability. It is so stressful to hunt for work. My DH has been underemployed for several years now but luckily I have had a steady career, doesn't make it easier on him emotionally though.
    Keep checking in, there are a lot of wise and wonderful women on this forum to lend an ear (a boot when needed) and generous hearts to share our journey!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    stats for the day:
    jog- 46.47min, 9.21ap, 6.2-9.0sp, 162mhr, 140ahr, 5mi = 455c + quick sprint, 5min, 153mhr, 10-12sp = 46c total 501c
    other - 11# ball toss - 5min, 2 sets of 20, 3 different throws = 65c
    total cal 566
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    hey there peeps -

    is there anyone here named kathy haugen???? i just got an MS bike ride donation on my page but i don't know who that is. :0/ i'll take it !!! up to $370!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Mary, yes, it’’s tourist season. That’s just part of life here. We have some year round but of course summer is the worst (or best, depending on your outlook).

    Pat, It’s nice that your DD is closer and all of you can enjoy seeing each other. It often seems the families that want to spend time together are spread far apart and some that would enjoy some distance see each other too often. LOL Just one of those cases of never satisfied.

    Cheri, Our soon to be Texan…I’m sending such good thoughts for a safe and pleasant trip to your new home. Try to savor every mile of it as you will look back on these memories. It is stressful and exhausting to make a long distance move but also exciting to see all the adventures waiting for you. Have fun and try to laugh a lot the next couple of weeks. ((((Hugs))))

    NYKaren, glad you are adjusting to “life in the healthy lane” and don’t plan to make any moves back up the scale. It is an everyday thing to eat right and move. Good for you!!!

    Spikeyhair, I often want to comment on your posts but I don’t know your name??? If you don’t mind, please sign your posts so those of us with weak memories will know how to address you. Thanks.

    Renee, be strong, my friend. It certainly isn’t always easy but the results are so satisfying.

    Lenora, are you saying you thought MFP was only for women or this forum? MFP is definitely for any sex. We have a man peek in here once in a while but they don’t stay long. Lol The internet is pretty much open to anyone so most of us don’t post things that we don’t want out.

    Katla, I never heard of that for dogs. Did you come up with it on your own or hear about it someplace? Glad it worked.

    Debbie, congrats on the weight loss. That is wonderful. Gosh China is a long way to move to get away from one’s parents. *tee hee hee* I guess we’ll get to hear about your trip there in the next year or two. I hope the move goes well for her.

    VickieNE, that weather sounds great. I do hope you can get out and enjoy it.

    Heather, what a fun filled post! Glad you spent some time writing and how exciting to get the perfume and like them all. I hope you have many days just as nice. ((((Hugs))))

    Grace, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. You are right that it can be done so come here often and just take it one day at a time. What part of Texas are you in? I grew up down in the Valley in McAllen and we have a few ladies here from Texas. We’re glad to have you.

    Allie, what in the world are you stressing about? I mean you don’t do a thing and haven’t a care in the world…..oh yes, that was someone else. I like so many of the others here, wish I could help remove some of your burden. Please take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. You deserve it, you know? ((((Hugs))))

    Tracie, I had to smile thinking of you slapping yourself on the side of your head when reading how so many of us take our notes on here. I never close that word document and just minimize it at the bottom of the page each day. I just hope you didn’t hurt yourself with that slap. And yes, get real with your logging. It is for your use and not logging doesn’t keep the calories out of our bodies. It’s a good way to look back to see what worked and what didn’t. Go girl, you can do this. And do get your DH to help you out by not having bad foods out on the counter, calling your name. Tell him it’s for your health and you know he wants you healthy.

    Melanie, early birthday-song.gif. Sorry if I was a little off key. I hope you have a good day even if the kids aren’t there. I think getting yourself a bike is a wonderful idea. Where in Louisiana does your son live? They have had some rough weather this past year.

    KJ, I like your new bathroom poster!!

    Joyce, your post brought tears to my eyes. I know Charlie loves you and I hate that he doesn’t know how to show affection. I sure wish I could give you a hug or ten. And yes, sometimes we just need a hug. smiley-gets-a-big-hug.gif

    Penny, I love hearing about your drive and the beautiful picture. Thanks. How long have you lived in Svalbard?

    Sue, glad you had a good time with your cousins. I know what you mean about finding a mechanic that you can trust. mechanic-smiley-emoticon.gif

    MicheleNC, on the Chrome homepage I can just hover over one of the boxes and the “X” in the upper right appears so I can click on it. When that box is deleted another one will replace it.

    Katla, don’t think you are whining alone when it comes to getting old. My mamma just never told me about all the “things” that happen to your body. So scoot over, Sister and let me join that party. All I can say is, I feel so much better after losing some serious weight. And I just love you all to pieces!

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I went to the gym yesterday after missing a few days and had a great workout. I upped my weight on most of the machines. I also met a nice lady and we might end up becoming work out buddies. It’s a beautiful day here so DH and I may go out and enjoy it this afternoon.(later) When I finished this and got ready to post it we had lost our WiFi connection. I've been messing with it ever since. grrrr I think I may be shopping for a new modem.

    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    DJ – Just this forum. I’ve never had a friend request from a man on this thread and I don’t have any others that I go to. That’s the reason I was asking. I don’t refer to any family member by name except in a PM. I would ‘think’ that my profile wasn’t visible except to ‘friends' only. And if I sent a PM, then that person who have to need to ‘friend’ me. Not sure if it works that way. I have forgotten ALL of what FB would and could do; I’ve only been on another ‘community’ associated with an online art class I was taking. I got off it, after reporting that someone had drawn my DYS’s ‘deer’ without asking for permission. That’s a definite “No-No!” and they still did not remove it. That is an infringement on my copyright for that picture. It looked exactly like mine right down to the points on the rack and location. You just don’t do that.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    i think i figured it out! is it you drkatiebug???
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Feeling well enough today I will be leaving in a few minutes to go to a church supper. It is our church's 60th anniversary. Then tomorrow is a special church service. I hope me going tonight won't jeapordize me going tomorrow morning.

    JOyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    sitting here watching 9 to 5 what a funny movie it was !!! just laying low tonight and getting some cleaning done..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    hey there peeps -

    is there anyone here named kathy haugen???? i just got an MS bike ride donation on my page but i don't know who that is. :0/ i'll take it !!! up to $370!

    That's me, Pip! But it should say, Kay, not Kathy.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    i think i figured it out! is it you drkatiebug???

    Yay! You figured it out. I should have read all the posts before replying.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    After midnight here in UK just catching up with your posts, all of which I enjoy. Still at DD's, not much decluttering done today as DGS had a friend over. DGD was wiped out as she wanted to go Pokemon hunting last evening so we went to the park with the dog. It's great to get her out exercising but she suffers the next day (sigh)
    I have been doing my cardio workout and using DSiL kettlebell and with walk in the park managed over 14,000 steps yesterday Not so good on calories though, will get back on track next week when I get home

    Kate in UK
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello ,

    What a nice Saturday it is! Been full day so far! Got up early went to the grocery store took care of that! Went to the Y with DH to learn how to play Pickle ball! It was fun but Let's say we were not graceful but hey not bad for first time! Went with DH so he can pick out much needed shoes he so needs them he doesn't like spending money on himself! So I went with him to be encouraging that way he wouldn't cheap out and not do it!
    @grandmallie I haven't seen that movie in a long time! It is cute
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited August 2016
    Had a fun evening with DD. There was nothing worth watching on most of the TV channels so I flipped around and discovered an oldie but a goodie - The Bird Cage with Robin Williams and Gene Hackman. Seems DD had not seen it, made in 1997, so we settled in and watched it. She found it too funny. That movie could have been made this year as it was so current in its story line. I would watch it again just for the laughs! :D

    Charleen in Colorado (Love watching good flicks)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good evening all! It's been a busy day!
    I got my grocery shopping done this morning at 6am, headed to a friend's house at 8am and helped her and her dh pack up their moving "pod". This friend is my #1 work out partner and former race partner. We both trained and ran a couple 5ks and 10ks; but were sidelined this past year with ankle (me) and hip/knee (her) injuries. She isn't moving too far away. About 30 minute drive; so still easy to stay in touch. Hit the downtown area for the Grand Parade and craft fair, I rode my bike after my dh "fixed" it. Yeah. His brake job failed on the way home. It was the fastest ride down the big hill I have ever taken. I think he secretly has it in for me >:) . Got home and had to mow the lawn, that took a good two and a half hours. But I got a bonus and stumbled across another bunny nest! These little guys that came hopping out were about four weeks old. Bigger than the last batch I found, but still little enough to head for the closest cover (the big pine tree) and then just sit and "freeze". Of course I had to hang onto one. So sweet. Took him inside to show dh and dys. He was still tiny enough to fit in my palm. For those of you who are worried that I shouldn't have picked him up, I did find out from my last foray with baby bunnies that it isn't true that the mama will reject them if she smells humans on them. Apparently, the "human" smell is everywhere and when they are nesting in your yard, the mamas are used to the smells and as long as her babies are back in the nest or area when she returns in the evening, they are family and every body is happy. Also at four weeks the babies can eat/forage for themselves. ANYWAY...after a minute of cuddling from me, I put him and his siblings back into their little burrow and covered it with the clippings and fur that was on it. They were still there an hour ago, so all is good. Showered and ate dinner and am now wasting time until fireworks (which I am so tired, I am not sure I will make it).
    SO...I feel good. I am back on my high protein/lo carb plan. I actually followed it to the T today! (Yea me) I recorded everything (yea me, again)
    My neighbors to the north got a new (new to them) puppy. He is seven months old and is a Pit/Catahoula mix. He is just adorable and lively and friendly and so quiet. I was talking to my neighbor about him and she said he was taken to a shelter by the original owners because he was born deaf. He was adopted once, but the folks who adopted him couldn't figure out how to train him due to the deafness and took him back to the shelter. My neighbor got him for free on a "adopt for free" day and she got him a vibrating collar and is using that to train him. He is just a hoot to watch. They recently removed their above ground pool so have a sand pit in their yard where it used to be and Loki (the dog) gets in there and just digs and digs. Then all of a sudden he will see a butterfly or bird and start jumping around after it. I heard him bark; well his version of a bark, and it sounds like a cross between a soft howl and a baby crying, poor little guy, can't even hear what he should sound like. Anyway, he is adorable.
    A good day all around filled with warm fuzzy/furry things and newly mowed grass and another adventure on my torture device I call a tank/bike.
    Love and hugs to all who need or want them!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! drkatiebugm i was asking kirby cuz he works at a hospital so he's with doctors and stuff, so i thought one of his friends accidentally donated to me instead of him.... lololol.... you are my hero! thanks!!!!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,892 Member
    Hi ladies: DH's train was late and DD had to go to work so I plugged in the GPS and "yeah" it got me to the train station in Everett. DH did not eat breakfast on the train so we went out and he ate breakfast and I ate lunch. Well I have joined the kettlebell club. I went to the YM yesterday and the wellness coach helped me select a weight and watched to make sure I had the proper form. After trying a 5# weight I ended up with a 10# one and was able to do 3 sets of 10. I am sore today but not terribly. I will see her again in four weeks to make sure I am still doing it with good form and make adjustments.

    Re - I am way behind posting my stats for the 24-week challenge.
    7/25 SW = 213
    CW = 212
    total lost this week = 0
    total lost all weeks = 1
    GW = 190
    total pounds from goal = 22

    8/1 SW = 213
    CW = 212
    total lost this week = 0
    total lost all weeks = 1
    GW = 190
    total pounds from goal = 22

    Margaret - One of the interesting things we found out at Chihuly is that each piece is dusted and cleaned by a special team that he trains in his shop. Now wouldn't that be a job. My DD works at Archie McFee's in Seattle and has met him a couple of times when he brought his kids into the store. She says he is kind of a strange duck but he sure makes beautiful things.

    Katla - Sitting on a warm horse should make your bum feel better. LOL

    " Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward" - Victor Kiam

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    edited August 2016
    Vicki & DJthanks for the birthday wishes....I think I will go ahead & get me a bike. The Dr. seems to think I have plantar faciitis :o but my feet only hurt AFTER I've been sitting for a while, or when I first get up in the morning. They NEVER bother me when I'm walking. I agree with Katla I'm not liking this aging process AT ALL :s I will say this though, if I miss a day walking, I ache all over, but particularly the joints in my hands hurt (how crazy it that)!
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hello again,

    Not sure what happened but the last part of my post not there! But not all of my post is being shown! I am not very computer savvy! My 2 left thumbs get in the way.
    @Barbiecat I am glad you got a good night sleep! I always feel better when I do! I have problems with insomnia! So sleep is precious.

    I use to be on MFP awhile ago but I was having problems with my old email can't retrieve things and my old MFP either . So I am starting fresh ! This time trying to be consistent and patience with myself! It only has been a week but it feels good to be doing something about it not just giving into depression! Take charge of my health no one else can do it for me!

    So does anyone else use the MFP app? I am thinking of downloading it! Do you like it?
    Thank you,

    Liz (Elizabeth )
    Caldwell, Idaho
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member