August Challenge



  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    Reading all of the success stories, keeps me motivated. Thank you. To date I have released <2.6#. This is calculated though yesterday the scale showed an increase of >1.0#. Those types of fluctuations I consider an "Oh well" day. I am participating in this challenge because a >5.0# release over a month is a healthy goal. It is about the health benefits.
  • mcl1962
    mcl1962 Posts: 11 Member
    CW: 277.6
    GW: 272.6
    UGW: 180

    8/1 Start - 277.6
    8/7 Week 2 - 276.0
    8/14 Week 3 -
    8/21 Week 4 -
    8/28 Week 5 -
    8/21 Final -

    Slow start - I knew it was going to be a stressful week.

    This next week I can concentrate on ME!

  • schlerin
    schlerin Posts: 801 Member
    CW - 191
    GW - 185

    8/1 - 191
    8/7 - 191
    8/15 -
    8/22 -
    8/29 -
  • LittleCulturedPearl
    LittleCulturedPearl Posts: 71 Member
    Hello everyone! Checking in after one week.
    Starting weight: 127.7lbs
    Current 123.5
    Goal: 119

    Keep up the great work everyone! Here's to reaching our goals!
  • LittleCulturedPearl
    LittleCulturedPearl Posts: 71 Member
    Hello! I tried posting but it doesn't seem to be working, so I'll try once more.

    Opened MFP account at 142lbs.
    Joined the August challenge one week ago, started challenge at: 127.7lbs
    Today's weigh-in: 123.5lbs.
    August challenge weight loss: 4.2lbs
    Goal: 119lbs
  • lauhil
    lauhil Posts: 101 Member
    SW on August 1:288.6 lbs
    CW on August 8: 286.6 lbs.
    GW on August 31: 273.6 lbs.
  • nomorecakemate
    nomorecakemate Posts: 16 Member
    edited August 2016
    CW: 329
    GW: 324
    UGW: 140

    Feeling motivated! :D

    1/8 - 329
    8/8 - 324

    Reached -5 yay! Will keep going, see how much I can lose this month! Stay strong everyone! Xx
  • nomorecakemate
    nomorecakemate Posts: 16 Member
    CW: 329
    GW: 324
    UGW: 140

    Feeling motivated! :D

    1/8 - 329
    8/8 - 324

    Reached -5 yay! Will keep going, see how much I can lose this month! Stay strong everyone! Xx
  • sadchick2003
    sadchick2003 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in! How do I join?
  • fatgiraffe2
    fatgiraffe2 Posts: 73 Member
    I'd like to join, my first challenge!

    CW - 175
    GW - 170

    8/1 - 175
    8/8 - 173
    8/15 -
    8/22 -
    8/29 -

    2 lbs down :)
  • Kshanee1
    Kshanee1 Posts: 50 Member
    SW 179.6
    CW 177.8
    GW 174
  • mamez360
    mamez360 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    SW: 244.4
    GW: 239.4

    Week 1 - 244.4 (August 1st)
    Week 2 - 242.2 (August 8th)
    Week 3 -
    Week 4 -
    Week 5 -

    Final -

  • blumenstockbj
    blumenstockbj Posts: 94 Member
    SW 238
    GW 233

    8/1 - 238
    8/8 - 237.4

    I have to do better and try harder
  • emmadelavega
    emmadelavega Posts: 13 Member
    But your trying so that's awesome!!
  • blumenstockbj
    blumenstockbj Posts: 94 Member
    But your trying so that's awesome!!

    Thank you for the encouragement - I had a stroke in April so trying to be healthier & move more and get frustrated with myself.
  • shortchange1
    shortchange1 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm only 5'1" so every pound shows up. So, here goes:
    CW: 133
    GW: 120

    8/1: 133
    8/8: 131.6

    I'm on medication that really makes weight loss a challenge, but I'm ready to do this!!!
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,020 Member
    CW - 204.8
    GW - 199.8

    8/1 - 204.8
    8/8 - 204.6 (-.2)
    8/15 -
    8/22 -
    8/29 -

    Something is better than nothing. I traveled this weekend and visited family so I'm very happy it is at least a loss.
  • sunkisd1105
    sunkisd1105 Posts: 11 Member
    SW: 189
    GW: 184
    UGW: 155

    8/1: 189
    8/8: 187.5

    Good going everyone! Keep up the good work.