

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,547 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    PennyLove, love, love your picture story about your Mom. The delightful look on her face is just precious!
    Thanks for sharing!
    CSB, Texas
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm so thrilled for my oldest daughter. I think I mentioned a while ago that I offered to buy both girls a Fitbit to encourage them to get moving a bit more. The younger said no thanks but oldest accepted the offer. She has lost 15# now, has beat me in steps the last few weeks and doing aerobic type workouts on YouTube. Both girls are 5'8", Im 5'2" so they are no where near as overweight as I was.

    Today is my oldest grandson's 23rd birthday. He will get an overnight pass from rehab and my younger daughter and rest of her family will go to San Antonio and spend this weekend with him.

    Off to do my weight resistance work and kettlebells.

    Janetr okc
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Have missed reading about all you ladies and not sure why sloughed off for months.
    So, 1. checkin daily 2 . log food honestly
    Goal for this next year is Consistency. I need to be consistent in logging, studying and taking care of myself.

    Linda in Calif
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2016
    Heather wrote: Penny - Just love your photo story. What a wonderful memory to have captured! <3 And I can see why you married your DH. :D
    DGS knows exactly where you live as he has a blow up globe. I must say it even surprised me as I was so used to seeing the flat maps. It really is on the top of the world. :flowerforyou:

    Blow up globes are great. My sister, who is an artist and very visual, uses another trick to show how far north I am. She takes a standard sized orange and says that the stem scar represents the North Pole. Then she points a scant inch south of it. She says she can SEE how it clicks in people's minds.

    But one of your comments mystifies me... :flushed: I know perfectly well why I married my husband. But how on earth did you extract that from my story... :grey_question: Or wait, was it my dad's face fungus:grey_question:

    I had another major NSV today. When I woke up it was raining cats and dogs and the wind had torn up waves that were crashing on the shore. So I didn't go out jogging. But toward late afternoon the sun came out. I got my act together and went out, despite the wind. And darned if I didn't run 11 kilometers!

    /Penny, about an inch from the stem of the orange
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Re in TX – You’re so funny! So positive! I enjoy your posts. I tried on my wedding dress not long ago, still tight in the arms and through the boobs. There are just somethings that don’t seem to go away. But, I think if I hit my goal; might get pretty close. Still have it; but, doubt any of my DGDs will ever want to wear it. I designed it for myself and my Mother made it. Very simple shirtwaist dress; with Chantilly Lace long vest with a beaded belt and beads around edges; with a Juliette cap.

    If it doesn’t rain today, getting back in the pool. Otherwise will be doing one of the DVD that I got from Michele of N. Carolina sold me. Might just do that instead … rain chances are pretty high today and I don’t want to get in the pool unless the sun is out.

    Re in TX and Melanie – If I was 25 and knew what I know now; I would be ‘dangerous’. Way too dangerous! LOL!

    Sharon – Weight coming off (safely; and, quite often slowly) is what happens when you lose it properly. You don’t want to lose too quickly. I think all of us would like to ‘close our eyes, snap our fingers, and suddenly be back to a size we were happy with'; unfortunately, no magic tricks. You just to need to find out how many CI you need in order to lose weight. Mine is below what it shows for a woman my age and what it will take for me to lose to get my BMI down to a ‘normal’ weight. Most often the ranges you see for women a certain age … is just that … a range (usually just to maintain). Before you start on a ‘life-style change’ … we don’t call it a ‘diet’ here; because it will take you a ‘life-style change’ to lose. You’ll need to figure out how many CI (calories in) you should be doing. Check with your MD to find out how many less you need to be taking in to lose. Then measure ‘everything’ that goes into your mouth, or crosses over your lips. Measuring your food is extremely important. Looking on MFP under FOOD and it will show you how much comes in a serving. CO (calories out) means ‘exercise’. Water intake is also important. Like a lot of people, you are probably NOT taking in enough water; try increasing your intake up to at least 64 oz. (8 8-ounce glasses per day). You might want to take in one Gatorade; but, then you’d have to take in the CI on that; but, it does help keep your ‘electrolytes’ up there to help you from getting weak. Everybody has something a little different that helps and you will get a lot of support, encouragement, suggestions, etc. We are a huge group of ladies going through some of the same issues. We talk about our families, our struggles, our goals, things that occur with our children/grandchildren. Things we do for hobbies, etc. One thing that makes this a wonderful ‘site’ is that it is ‘all women’, so we can be honest about things with one another. Tell us more about yourself; such as location (general or specific), family, hobbies, etc.

    A lot of us put an opened Word Processing program side-by-side with the MFP to answer others’ postings. Doing so gives you more of an advantage to go back and answer older posts. To bookmark the page click on the outline of the star in the upper right-hand corner and it will turn yellow. That way when you come back and click on the gray star between the bell and gear; and, a drop-down screen will appear, click on it and you’re here. It will take you back to the last page you posted to. Sometimes it is easier to not read all the posts if you don’t check in ‘daily’ because it will get overwhelming if you try. We are from all over the world; so a lot of postings are being posted at the same time. One thing you cannot do is ‘type in your responses’ and then ‘go back a page’; if you do, you will certainly lose your own postings. Some of us will ‘highlight’ our responses to others; this makes it easier to find someone who has responded to you; also helps in ‘trying to figure out’ what is going on. We don’t expect a ‘newbie’ to be able to jump in and understand fully how it works the first day. Just come often and post often. We’re here for you.

    Becca – Not sure exactly what type of procedure your DH had. Mine had one for them to put a tube up his Johnson in order to put in a catheter; and another bigger one that he said looked like something you’d clean out a hunting rifle with. This time … they did NOT put him to sleep. He even went to work the day of the procedure; and, has only taken 2 pain pills, even though he said it 'hurts like a sum of beach'. He had some from the last time; so he did not fill the Rx. Yesterday when he put on his shorts to sit and watch TV – it was very dark and I said something about it … he said, ‘I KNOW, it is blood in my urine’; but, I called the MD and he wasn’t in; hopefully he will return his call today’.

    Today he is actually going to his Internal Medicine MD; to have he look at a lot of moles on his body and to determine if he needs to go to a Dermatologist or if he can do whatever needs to be done; if they need to be removed and sent to pathology. He has a place on the left-hand side of his face that has a spot that is about 1/4th of an inch in diameter. Doesn’t know what it is; and, he has a dark slightly irregular mole on his back and a dark red spot under his left arm on his torso; and, lot of little raised red ones. Found out that there ‘is’ a ‘male Dermatologist’ because for a while there had only been one; and, he says he doesn’t want to have to undress in front of a female MD. It’s good they have a man; I did not particularly like the female the time I went to her. Her personality gave me the impressing that she was ‘too impressed with “Dr.” in front of her name.

    Yep, we need to do whatever we have to do for ourselves in order to be ‘strong’ for our DHs. The only thing I can’t do is ‘drive’ for my DH. He is supposed to have the catheter removed the day before we leave to go to Louisiana. I just hope it doesn’t make him have any more pain. He is already upset about having to wear it for 3 weeks as it is. OMGoodness, I sure hope it isn’t a life-time ordeal like it was for his Dad when he had prostate surgery for cancer. Louis had seeds implanted and so far his PSA has been Zero since. Don’t know what he has tested at since all this started. I'm pretty sure they do a PSA each time he goes in.

    Roxy – Glad DH got a job. My DDnL#1, first took my advice; then after talking further with them and her DH (our DOS); she decided NOT to take it. Has a ‘phone interview’ next week (Tuesday or Wednesday) so ‘if’ she is qualified … it still might be another month before she even hears anything about it. So, they have decided that she will take the job (not get insurance, since it would come out of her pay); and, continue looking. After they took out taxes and insurance she would not even ‘clear’ minimum wage. That is stupid! But, at this point, they really need some money coming it to make up for a little from what she has lost for near 6 weeks. She’s been helping with her Grannie, who is on ‘hospice care’; but, can’t do that when she is needing to go on interviews (or checking on job openings). “A bird in the hand, is worth more than 2 in a bush”; at the time being!

    A little $$$ coming in will help alleviate the stress. DOGD is also ‘stressing out’ over their financial problems (which affects hers). She got a job on campus so that along with her HOPE will pay her bills once she gets her ‘refund’. They're not going to be able to 'help her as much as they could before DDnL#1 walked off her job'. She says she is still going to check with the "Unemployment Office" about what needs to be done in order to go to 'college'. I think she'd do better going to the Technical School and learning a trade. Either in a 'medical' class or like DDnL#2 did ... go back for her cosmetology school. She had been through a medical trade; but, she said she got 'tired' of being 'cussed out by the MDs ... and most of them treated their assistants like $#*T'. Now she makes her 'own hours', can take off whenever she wants to; and, make a lot doing a bridal party. DDnL#1 made a 'snide' comment that DDnL#2 did NOT have any 'more' education than she did. Whoops! Talk about stepping in a big pile of "Doo-doo", she did it with that one.

    Heather – One of my former bosses played ‘Rugby’ … messy, well fought game. They almost seemed to prefer to play in the rain it seemed. Guess it makes it more difficult to keep the ball and easier to slide off the other player they are bumping into in order to try to get the ball. They’d get together and play every Sunday evening in a field that was actually owned by the Mall; but, now they are building small strip smalls in that area. Because it tears up the lawn so much none of the HS would allow them to play on their fields. Can definitely be a ‘rough’ sport with no protective gear. I never knew the rules ... or if they even had any.

    I don’t think I could go that long without a ‘pet’ … cat and/or dog. We’ve had both since we were first married. Well, more dogs than cats. We did not have a ‘cat’ until my DYS wanted one (or about 12 years after we married). Then we got them from then on out. But, my ‘dogs’ have been my babies. Shorty was an inside dog until we moved out here and she was only about a year; then she enjoyed being outside much more. Cracker is an inside dog; but, she really likes going outside, too; but, I got her for my entertainment … so mostly she is wherever I am. She is ‘nuts’ about DH, who really did not want to get another dog. We’ll be finding out what it is like to travel with a pet later this month. She does well in the crate, even riding in it as well on her trips to the Vet. I’m sure we’ll be stopping a little more often; but, that will probably make me a bit happier. There is one stretch of the trip that I usually need to go; so I make sure I ‘go’ before we get on it. Flat and nothing in sight. From right around Monroe down to Sicily Island; and then it is still 30 minutes to their 'lake home'; even further to get to their home in Vidalia.

    Kylia – Both sons and DH hunt. Not so much DH, as he used to; but, he likes getting up and going out and sitting in the stand … just to sit and watch mostly. Both sons feed their families with the venison and turkeys and other birds (ducks, quail, etc.) they hunt. Our home looks a lot like a ‘hunting cabin’. My donation was a timber rattler; who was stretched out all across the dirt road in front of our property. I think he had 17 or 18 rattles on the end, not counting the ‘button’ on the end. My DDnL#1 and DMGD do not like sitting at the table or counter with it at their backs; but, they have one, too, so I don’t understand why she thinks ours looks more menacing.

    I think when you get to our age, whether you are one #1, #2, #3, or higher #s … we’ve learned a lot about our spouses/significant others to be far more ‘understanding’ of them. They aren’t a whole lot different, just older. There are some changes that they go through that sometimes we just need to know that ‘we aren’t in the water’ … a lot of the time, ‘we’re in the same boat’. I know that my DH has 'not' been his normally jovial self since he had to have the catheter and urine bag put in the 2nd time this year.

    WOW! Penny – that is great to still have your mother at the age of 92. Mimi, my grandmother, decided to move from the city she lived in (above Atlanta), down to the small town where my parents lived. One of her best friends had been mugged in her driveway and there was nothing that Mimi could do other than call the Police and watch from her window. He broke this woman’s arm in 2 places getting her purse; not counting the multiple bruises she got when he pushed her down. She told Mimi, that she would have given it to him if he had only 'asked'. She had it wrapped around her arm in such a manner that he had to push her and stomp her to get it away from her ... she was trying her best to get it off her arm so he could just have it. She did not move because my parents wanted her to. She was just no longer able to walk great distances from her house to the grocery store and church with her house being the last one on that road that had a neighbor she knew. She never learned how to drive. Even in her early 90’s she’d walk to town, buy groceries, and walk home. She refused rides all the time. Everybody in town loved her. She made new friends, got involved in the church, picked vegetables out of my Daddy’s big garden between her house and ours, had a patch of asparagus to tend to. Had the best tomatoes, shucked corn, and shelled peas and beans and took sewing lessons from the first year through tailor in Macon, just because she had always wanted to do so. She already knew how to sew; but, she wanted to learn the correct steps. She made her own clothes from Vogue patterns … which she said, you had to follow the directions exactly as written or else you would ruin what you had done. Never took a short-cut! I know how to sew myself and I have made a few things to wear; most of it is just sewing up splits, etc. Not sure how to get measured to make sure I buy the right size pattern. The sister-in-law of a couple of my friends, came here from Germany, did not speak English, and made her ‘own’ patterns and all her clothes, including her wedding gown.

    Hopefully, I will live a nice, long life and be equally as resilient as my Mimi and Mother were. My Mother would have been about the same age, if she had lived. She was 87 when she passed away. So that gives me another 22 years to look forward to (I think).

    Pipcd34 – Be careful out there or you’ll be in Kirby’s position and that would not be good. People in cars do not realize that bicyclist have to follow the same road rules/laws they do. Even stopping at a stop sign or a red light. Watching signals and/or making them … doesn’t mean that they are always reliable. I have never pulled out in front of someone just because they have their turn signal on. Too many close calls; but, I don’t have a ‘dirt’ bike, so I gave up riding when we moved out here. But, I have seen some crazy ‘near misses’. I always hated it when someone would blow past us and not give us 'any' room. There were a few times that I just ran off the road because I knew they were not going to slow down. Some really get angry if you are riding in a bunch ... they'll honk their horns and never pass even when they have the opportunity to do so.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Aw you all are amazing.... Yep there is a lot of positive attentive ladies on this site, and not too many that are "husband bashers" (they deserve it most of the time). We do what we can, try not to hover, and keep like the world in balance. It's a lot on our plate, even when we eat properly. I gained my weight that I had lost last week at the TOPS meeting today. Just went and weighed in, but didn't stay. No exercising, but sitting in cars or in hospitals does not count as exercise... Husband thanked me for being so attentive, and getting him thru this. Still not really eating much, just toast, and cream of wheat or cereal...simple stuff. He will get his appetite back soon.

    Today I have to drive to Longview Washington with my son, so he can attend his DEP (delayed entry program) meeting. It shall be interesting, but its a pretty straight shot from here in Hammond up 30 to the Lewis & Clark bridge then to the recruiting center. To those that don't know me, I learned to drive at 51 yrs old, so this driving thing will never become second nature to me. I will always have to think about every driving task. So driving places that I have never driven before is a scary thing to me. It is definitely out of my comfort zone. But son has to get there, and husband can't presently. Everyone think good safe thoughts from 1-3pm today OK? lol I used to tell my friends around here, the times I would be practicing around town with my husband, so they could all steer clear of my cute green car! Kind of a "Becca's Driving" alert!

    This morning after I weighed in, I went to the laundromat. So today is dryer free day, and so thats cool. It was pretty empty, so I kind of went Uber organized mode when I was putting clothes in the dryers. I had dryers each for shirts, one for pants, one for towels, and one for socks and undies. Silly huh? But it did make folding stuff easier! Didn't have to worry about socks getting lost in shirts or pants! I still fold everyone's shirts in thirds, undies in thirds. DH taught me the Navy way of doing, and now heaven forbid if I resort to halving a shirt and folding them that way..... I do it sometimes to just keep things....unpredictable! When we had a rental house, and had a washer and dryer, my husband would pull into the garage from work, and check the dryers. He would check to see if I did my daily laundry. So.... of COURSE I would leave laundry in there, just because! And sometimes just for *kitten* and giggles, I leave a single sock in the middle of the living room floor, just because...

    So as all of you have guessed I have a Virgo of a husband, and I am an emotional Gemini of a lady. The Yin-Yang couple. He is organized, I wait until the kids would write with their fingers on the coffee table, "Dust Me". (naa not that bad, but still...) He has gotten better with time (or age). He now will venture into an antique store, and not just wait outside. Actually looking at stuff! Early in our marriage he stated that he hated antiques, because they were old and smelled funny. Now he appreciates the stories. Plus he is turning into an antique, I tell him.

    Loved the pictures of the Mom picking berries! My fondest memories of my childhood revolved around our large garden and our two rows of berries. After pulling some carrots, eating some cherry tomatoes, maybe a radish or two, I would plant myself by the berries for dessert. I didn't stay long though, just enough for a handful, or shirt-full, and carry on about my childish days.. Great memories!

    long-winded in
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,788 Member
    Happy hump day. I am working the 7-3:30 shift and it's going to be another hot muggy day. Slept better last night and so hoping for a better day.

    Becca--I am so sorry for all you and DH have been having to deal with. Sending hugs and prayers and wish I could do more.

    Heather--Sounds like lots of fun at the garden hunt. Making such great memories.

    Roxy--Congrates on DH and the job. God does good work in his own time.

    Kylia--Thanks for sharing the pictures, good looking family.

    Penny--What a great time your mom had, she looks so happy.

    Linda--Welcome back, you were missed.

    Well I am caught up and not a lot to say. I did lose .2 yesterday at weigh in. Not a lot but better then a gain. Take care dear friends.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Penny I will look at that picture book story many times. And get all sniffly and drippy-eyed all over again. My granddaughter is here watching the Olympics and playing with the dogs. I showed her the pictures and explained the story and she was fascinated...it tickled her that your mom slid down the hill on her butt. Thank you for that lovely post. What a delightful mother and daughter the two of you are!

    Sending energy and love to every one of you, especially those who are needing a little extra oomph to take care of family members.

    Cheri - B)

    Newbies! So many! Welcome one & all!

    yes, another Karen in Virginia
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,210 Member
    edited August 2016
    Penny - ;):D<3

    Heather UK

    PS - I have New Hampshire house envy!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,210 Member
    We went to the playground, then the pub playground (!) and the kuds burnt off some more energy. DGS is amazing on the climbing frame, but DGD has to be guarded every second as she is fearless!
    Came back and and one entire adult pizza topped with extra salami disappeared! We finished with lots of berries, so made up for it. :o
    We are at last settling down to our salmon, a bit later than usual.

    Heather UK
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    Dear all,
    Apologies to all. I will have to carve out a day to catch up. I am so far behind that I posted on the July page.
  • MrsGLT
    MrsGLT Posts: 44 Member
    Hello everyone. It's a hot day here. I had to take my DGS to finish registering for school today. School starts back on the 22nd and my three oldest grands go back. My oldest DGD will be in 6th and the two DGS in 3rd. I'll be at home with the youngest DGD who turns 3 this Saturday.
    I'm really looking forward to the routine & schedule of the school year. I function much better when I have to watch the clock.
    So far my husband and I are both in good health. We each have some issues but nothing major although I realize that can change in the blink of an eye.
    My parents are in their late 70s & my dad fell last week. Thankfully he wasn't hurt bad. Mother fell recently too and she wasn't hurt bad either but it worries me that one of them will fall and break something major or get a head injury. It happens so often to an elderly person and starts a downward spiral they don't recover from. All I can do is pray and ask God to keep them safe. Worry won't change or prevent anything.
    I have all of my food tracked for today including dinner and a before bed snack (almond milk hot cocoa). It helps me to know what I'm having and saved me from bad last minute choices.
    Have a good afternoon and for those of us dealing with the heat, stay cool. I've lived in Texas 51 of my 56 years and I've never gotten used to the heat.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    :'( - Cloudy, no exercise today or yesterday; but, stay within my CI.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,829 Member
    Whoot! Good afternoon everyone! Had that long road trip yesterday, didn't get home until 9pm. I love my dh, but I was sorely tempted to leave him on a curb some where. He was cranky with a capital C yesterday and is not a good travel companion. He is not a traveler and he married a girl, who, if she could grow wings and fly, would do so. Oh well, we both made it home alive, so I'll call that a successful trip! I fell asleep as soon as we got home and got the jeep unpacked, slept in until 6 this am and my 6:30 girl arrived a little early.
    kimwitt2009- Welcome and you are not too young to join this group! I will be turning 50 in November also! Whoot! Nifty fifty!
    Penny- Your mom is loving life and it shows! Nothing beats berry picking and fresh berries for a treat! The pictures are a testament to the strength of a woman in her nineties and the "strength" of the lure of the berries!
    Re- You both are/were adorable! I consider myself like wine (or probably more like cheese), I get better with age. I was a crazy out of control girl in my youth. I like me better now!
    Heather- Yea on the Animal hunt and the gingerbread men and having a local castle to visit! Sounds like your grands are having a great time! I bet you are ALL sleeping well at night!
    Sugardarling- I am pretty sure at one time you posted your name, but I can't remember it. I am turning 50 this year and have been listening to friends talk about the prep for the colonoscopy. Can't say it is any thing I am looking forward to :/
    Good luck and "better out than in"?!
    Pip- You are a rock star cyclist and donation collector! Wish I could donate, but no funds for it right now. Know that my thoughts and good vibes/prayers for safe ride are headed your way! <3
    Becca- safe travels with your son. Learning new things is what keeps us young!
    New girl who is living out of an RV with her husband who travels for work- I don't know if your traveling lifestyle is your cup of tea; but it sounds absolutely FANTASTIC to me! I would not have a problem if you wanted to share your entire life with us! B)

    I am back on the straight and narrow today with my meals. I did so-so yesterday. I didn't take time to eat breakfast before we left, so when it was time for the awards luncheon, I was worried I was going to splurge. But I actually chose pretty wisely with a bowl of chicken noodle (only a couple noodles, bc it's all about the broth) a green salad with o&v dressing, broccoli, and salmon. I had a sliver of a chocolate mousse pie. Where I lost it was stopping at BK on the way home. Professor Crankypants put me in a mood and I ate my way through it. I mean, if I am eating, I don't have to talk to him, right? I can just focus on the food??
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,829 Member
    kimwitt2009- YOU are the RV living girl! Life on the road! Sounds like heaven to me. <3
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Penny, I love the picture of your Mom, especially the look on her face as she is getting ready to go down the hill. Lovely woman.

    Just back home a little bit ago from my stress test. A Dobutamine stress test is not for the weak of heart. They calculated what my goal heart rate was, 133. My starting heart rate was 46. So the had a long way to go. So they start this medicine, Dobutamine to get it up. Oh my, your heart is just jumping out of your chest it is pumping so heard. They also gave me Atropine to speed up my heart. I eventually got there but I was doing bicycle moves with both legs, squeezing a stress ball, all the time the lady was pressing down hard on my chest with the ultrasound wand to see my heart, my blood pressure being taken every 3 minutes and had the oxygen monitor on my other hand. I feel my heart strained so much if I get to 70. It was really I chore to tolerate it at 133. So no chest pain during the test but while the doctor was looking at the ultrasound, I had my chest pain. It started out me just feeling real weak, then turned into pain going down into my hand. So they gave me the Nitro spray and had me chew 4 Baby aspirin. The medicine made my mouth so dry, what did I grab as soon as I got home?A peanut butter jjelly sandwich. I didn't think I would ever get that thing down. I'm glad I didn't choke on it. I would have never got it up I was so dry. I drank my whole jug of water trying to get it down. They called my doctor's office while I had the pain. So I will probably need a cardiac cath.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,547 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    No worries, luv u anyway!
  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    Had my first colonoscopy this morning. KJLaMore it wasn't bad at all. There is a new colon cleanse that tastes like Tang orange drink, drink 6oz followed by clear fluids of choice, no read or purple, then 5 hours later drink another 'Tang' followed by liquids. I drank flavored sparkling water, blue Zero gatorade, warm chicken broth, and white grape juice. As for the procedure I talked the dr into giving me xanax this morning while I waited, appt was scheduled for 11:30am, got in though at 10. I also got anesthesia and also the IV which is standard. I only had 2 small polyps, he burned them. I don't have to got back for 5 years.
    I did drop 3lbs in the cleansing process which I am sure I will gain at least 2 back to due I am going to eat a really good supper tonight.