

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Barbie I am with you, I love my routines. One thing I am exploring is how I react and respond to crisis and new experiences, I notice that for me the anticipation of a stressful situation is usually worse than the actual experience and also once the crisis or new experience is behind me, I appreciate my normal life so much more.
    I am approaching the new school year (and empty nest) with cautious optimism as well as calming routines that I hope will help. And yes, the support of this group is a part of my coping!! Hooray all you wonderful people!!

    Hurray for routines! I'm finding that I sourly miss my routines. It's been weeks since having my routine removed due to this move. And now as I sit amongst the many boxes in need of unpacking it is heightened. Yesterday I just had to unpack my yarn and sit and crochet for a bit. Taking the time to check in hear and read for a bit is a must. Trying to fit into this much smaller home is challenging. The time zone change also has me a bit befuddled. I am talking to myself throughout the day telling myself all will settle in time and you will re-establish your routine. I used to be able to power through and set up a new home in no time. Much slower this time around due to aches and pains and the heat! All will be well in the end I am sure.

    typing before her first cup of coffee in I think Central TX
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Re in TX Cheri – Hi Sugar – how’s the new digs? All moved in and tidied up? (lol – it would take me a month, so I am just messing with you.)

    Ha, ha...see previous post!

    now drinking her morning coffee
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Larisa in Seattle – I’d never try to keep up if I had that many posting; my limit is 100; if I am not busy.

    MrsGLT – Like Kim from N. Carolina, I have to rearrange my CI sometimes to eat something (for a meal) … like ice cream for breakfast; rarely any other meals, or I will have some ice cream at my snack time. I pre-track my daily CI; and, I also try to work on my CO. Days like Sunday; when we will go on a 'date night', we will go to Olive Garden because they have a "Tour of Italy" on special. We'll order 3 of each; and, generally not eat all of it, so I can have the next day's meal (either lunch or supper). But, DH usually eats his middle of the day during lunch. He doesn't seem to have any problems with weight only his tummy looks big; because he had a hernia near his stomach that makes he look pregnant; and occasionally it looks like the baby had stuck his foot out. The MDs say that as long as it is not giving him any problems, he'd rather not 'put him under the knife because of his age (almost 75).

    I’ve been given a RX for ‘dizziness’ so I have not gotten in the pool this week (not since Saturday). I really miss it, so I will have to check how long we’ll have cloudy weather. It is supposed to rain at some point today … usually late afternoon thunder bumpers; and I get out of the pool as soon as I hear it, because lightning can strike 10 miles away (even if it is still sunny where you are. My DDnL#1 has put a radio on their back porch so that I can listen to something when I do my exercise … it makes it seem to go quickly. I’m up to 30 of everything I do; walking around pool, walking across, and leg lifts (all 3 sides … front, side, and back). I drink about 14 cups of water/coffee. I know I need to stop drinking as much coffee that I do … but it isn’t something with calories, except for the little bit of sugar I put in it. It does not keep me from going to sleep when I get ready to go to bed.

    Do you have a name instead of your user name that we can call you? A location (general of specific), family, hobbies, and things like that, so we can get to know you better?

    SugarDarlin1 – I’ve never felt like hitting something; although I think a ‘boxing’ bag (one of the long ones) to get some frustration out of my system might be nice. Actually, I am a ‘door’ slammer. But, it is hard to slam any of our doors, so I have to slam kitchen cabinet doors. I think my DH decided to make it so that I couldn’t slam any doors by the carpet he chose that I agree with and just so the swing of them was only about 2/3rd of an inch above it. He also designed the house so that I cannot do any ‘musical furniture’ like I did in our last house. I only have one uninterrupted wall to put our bed on; and, it is really too difficult to move. I did re-arrange our den; but, he said it made the chairs too far away from the TV which is in a ‘corner’ cabinet. Very heavy king-sized bed; with no handles on the side of the top mattress. I sit in a chair as he does to watch TV and I could move one of our rockers and move the chairs down a little; but, I would have to figure out where to put “Cracker’s” bed. At this point, it’d have to be by DH’s chair. where the rocker is at the moment. I might do it anyway, so that a small side of the TV is not cut out of my view. FP covers about 2” of the TV and I can’t see all of it; but, it isn’t bad enough to move the chairs. Old ‘20/’30 that were in my Mimi’s house. Den furniture and Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet are the ‘big’ things I inherited from her. We got the den furniture covered. I’d like to replace the sofa and chairs. I’d like to have a fold-out sofa so that when the DGDs come they’d have a place because we only had 2 bedrooms. We down-sized when we moved. I’ve got so many projects that I would like to do. One is getting a ‘real’ outside door for my glassed-in porch; so I can actually ‘use’ it. A carpenter friend of his has one and he will install it; but, for 6 months he hasn’t had time. Cute baby … I hope, someday, to have another grandchild; but, ‘in vitro fertilization’ is the only way I will get another one. They’re in the process of ‘trying it’; so I don’t ask any questions. I’ll just wait until they are ready to tell us.

    I remember those wonderful yeast rolls from my time in school. They do have something like them at the grocery store I sometimes shop at; but, not all the time. Did you have ‘mystery meat’? I would not get it. Sometimes they would allow us to get double of a vegetable or fruit … but not the rolls and not the cake which had shiny chocolate frosting. We had ‘milk’ as I choice, or you had nothing. I loved it when it was ‘ice cold’ but if it wasn’t I would get water out of the water fountain before going back to a split class.

    Kymarai – Our DOS lives next door; but, she’d have to be ‘crated’, therefore we don’t want to live her at home. The only thing we’ll have to do that we haven’t done in 8 months is to put her on a leash to take her outside because the might venture too far if we stay with DYS at their house; and, it is only 1 block over from a busy street; and, at their ‘lake house’ I would have to worry about the gators, mainly because it is ‘mating season’. We’ve boarded her at the vets; but, that can get expensive. I just am not sure that DOS would come over twice daily. And the few times I have crated her for the day; she just about knocks me over to go out the door!

  • lrivera54
    lrivera54 Posts: 20 Member
    Add me , you inspire me. I joined MFP on Monday. I think I like this program. Everyone is awesome
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Becca - What an ordeal to have gone through. Every 3 months!? I'd be having a discussion with that doctor as I'm sure you will be doing. Holding you and your DH in my heart.

    Marcelyn and Roxy - Now I'm laughing. I enjoyed reading the comparison of TexMex to New Mexican food. Trust me, you two ladies have it good with Mexican food whether TexMex or NewMex. Try living in MI where they don't understand Mexican food at all. I'm desparate for some "real" Mexican food. Even restaurants owned and run by Mexicans have modified their menus for Midwest tastes. Boo Hoo.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Cheri Are you an hour earlier now? An observation: after moving and settling everyone else in your family this summer, it's no wonder you needed crochet therapy.
    Karen in Virginia

    Yes an hour earlier. Which puts me in the opposite situation we were in when Ros lived in Chicago. AND she is currently in LA at a conference which really puts our time zoneness into overdrive. LOL Ben is now in the same time zone as us! I've been missing some of my TV shows as I am tuning in an hour late! Not a big deal I know.

    Love the crochet image! Thanks!

    currently watching The Young and Restless at 11am instead of 1230pm as I have all my life!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 396 Member
    Hi ladies! Feeling a bit better today. Just have to make this abnormally off the charts empty nester thing work a lot better. It is so hard for me to try to think about myself for a change.

    Ring saga update is that it is in the jewelers' and getting a whole new set of prongs and shaft sturdiness. Unfortunately I have been looking down at work and nobody seems to have lost any sapphires or rubies since the last time they swept in here several months ago...LOL.

    New Mexican food is fantastic!!! Visited there almost 2 years ago and ate New Mexican food every single day and now I am in love with those Hatch chiles! Really want to try making those sopapillas but have a feeling they won't fit in the 1200 calories a day plan.

    Has anybody else read the book called This is Where You Belong by Melody Warnick? It is all about ways to feel you belong where you live at the moment. I am making my way through it and some of you gals who are moving to a new location might like some of the suggestions in it.

    Totally agree about the trash talkers -- doesn't it seem like that is everywhere these days? Cannot imagine our parents putting up with us talking that way, but it seems like even some older people are quite happy to get into that mindset too.

    NY Karen, where did you gaze out at the Hudson? That is one lovely river valley all the way from top to bottom.

    Michele, Vince sounds like my husband. You do not want to hear about the unfinished projects at our house....


  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    Sue in WA: I am in Bellevue, but closer to Kirkland. Just east of Bridle Trails State park. We have a barn, but no horses! Love seeing the horses when I’m on the trails in the park.

    Penny: LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics of your mom picking berries. I want to be her when I grow up. 

    Becca: Sending healing thoughts to your dh. What an ordeal!

    I got side tracked the last few days. Back on it today with a bike ride scheduled with my friend who I rode with in Holland.....she spent 2 more weeks in Europe and has had no issues with jet lag. Perhaps I should have stayed 2 more weeks too!

    I need to check out these kettlebells I keep reading about!

    Have a great day everyone! It is a beautiful day here in WA, perfect for a ride around Lake Washington- beats the spin class that I intended to get up for this morning!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    Hi all :)
    Now relaxing after our three days of DGC. Karen, how do you do it?
    However, it is still a miracle to me that I am even trying to be a good grandma.
    My mother was completely rubbish as a grandma and my Ex"s was great, so I always wanted to do my best. <3
    I never really liked children much,except my own, and even those I found really hard going as. I was severely depressed for a lot of their childhood.
    How lovely to find I am half way good at this and really enjoy it. I have learned such a lot from DH and DDIL in how to talk/relate to them and I find I am more and more comfortable with it. The rewards are amazing. <3 We miss their little voices so much. It's just like being in first love. o:):D<3

    Love Heather xxxxx

    Barbie and Joyce - Sending supportive thoughts as you go through your diagnoses. <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good Thursday dear ladies. I am working the 6-5:30 shift today. Have a interview at 3:30 for my last opening. Then I have the next 3 days off. Have a wedding on Saturday evening, but nothing else planned. So looking forward to just relaxing with DH.

    Heather--Sounds like you are having a great time with the DGC. What memories you are making.

    Joyce---Sending hugs and prayers!!

    Pip--Please do not stop sharing about your riding. I enjoy hearing about it and gives me a push to do more. I do think the worry is the mom in us coming out.

    Barbie--Glad Jake is getting better everyday.

    Allison--good luck with all the tests today.

    Well another day just trying to do my best. Really tired and looking forward to Saturday when I can sleep in. Take care dear friend.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,784 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well its been a long day and now my sciatic nerve is bothering me...well of course it should I got on the scale and was just totally disgusted with myself.. I have gained 42 lbs back and feel like a whale..
    I have been under a tad bit of stress over the past yr or so and have eaten my way through it.. disgustingly..
    I really liked the new Dr alot, and found alot of her information interesting.. and she wants to get an ultrasound .
    and with our insurance... Ohhh no we wont cover that you have to pay your 5,500 deductible first, then we might consider paying 80% of other covered expenses...
    I called the office back and told her I will get blood work done, and will take medications asked to take but just cant find out where to come up with 5.500 dollars.. what the heck is this insurance companies up to?
    Oh well off I go.. will catch up later..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Barbie I am with you, I love my routines. One thing I am exploring is how I react and respond to crisis and new experiences, I notice that for me the anticipation of a stressful situation is usually worse than the actual experience and also once the crisis or new experience is behind me, I appreciate my normal life so much more.

    I am approaching the new school year (and empty nest) with cautious optimism as well as calming routines that I hope will help. And yes, the support of this group is a part of my coping!! Hooray all you wonderful people!!

    :) When I found out that I was going to have to be the driver to get my husband home from the hospital in Seattle and then be his driver for at least five weeks, I was in a huge panic and then I remembered what I'd read in Shonda Rhimes book "The Year of Yes", and my decision to have my 2016 word be "alacrity" I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness---and I used those to help me get peaceful with what was coming up. I also have "it is what it is" as one of my happiness commandments. I'm not super good at dealing with new and surprising stuff but having the right principles to live by has made a big difference. I think meditation has helped me, too. As background about me, my mother had a personalized license plate that said "I WORRY'

    <3 Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Barbie I am with you, I love my routines. One thing I am exploring is how I react and respond to crisis and new experiences, I notice that for me the anticipation of a stressful situation is usually worse than the actual experience and also once the crisis or new experience is behind me, I appreciate my normal life so much more.
    I am approaching the new school year (and empty nest) with cautious optimism as well as calming routines that I hope will help. And yes, the support of this group is a part of my coping!! Hooray all you wonderful people!!

    Hurray for routines! I'm finding that I sourly miss my routines. It's been weeks since having my routine removed due to this move. And now as I sit amongst the many boxes in need of unpacking it is heightened. Yesterday I just had to unpack my yarn and sit and crochet for a bit. Taking the time to check in hear and read for a bit is a must. Trying to fit into this much smaller home is challenging. The time zone change also has me a bit befuddled. I am talking to myself throughout the day telling myself all will settle in time and you will re-establish your routine. I used to be able to power through and set up a new home in no time. Much slower this time around due to aches and pains and the heat! All will be well in the end I am sure.

    typing before her first cup of coffee in I think Central TX

    :) In "Better Than Before", Gretchen Rubin says that moving into a new house is a great opportunity to put some new habits in place....setting a place in the house for exercise, or placing your exercise clothes in a special place to be able to get to them in the morning to exercise, or placing inspirational books or signs in a place where you'll see them often. Moving is very stressful so be extra kind to yourself....one object at a time, you'll get things arranged and begin to feel at home.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member