Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - July Challenge!!



  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Mandy - so sorry to hear about your friend!!! :ohwell: I hope that you are able to enjoy as much time with her in her last few days. I am sure she will rest in peace knowing that she had you by her side all along the way. But don't turn to food because at the end of the day, the food can't change the situation. And I know you know that. But its not the cure and you are only making it harder on yourself. Pray that she will go in peace! Pray that you can praise her life rather than dwell on her passing! Pray that you will appreciate each and every person that come in contact with. You are in my thoughts and prayers!! :flowerforyou:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Mandy- I a so sorry, I could not imagine what this is like. All I can say is try your best. You are doing everything you can to be there for her and it is hard to focus on you but if you can, give it a try. I wish you all the best during these trying times.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    GuamGrly- THANK YOU! I appreciate that post. And yes, I do know that it won't solve my problems. I have known that for the few years that I have been trying to lose weight. I don't know why I keep going back to it. :frown:

    I am praising God that Michelle isn't feeling any pain. Her brain tumor causes minor headaches, but she doesn't have the awful pain that people with stomach cancer and other cancers have...Thank God. It's so hard though...she has a 4 year old little girl who know's her mommy is sick, but she doesn't understand death. :brokenheart: And the father is less than helpful (that's a compliment compared to what I would like to say). I deal with death almost daily as I work in a hospital and am also a volunteer EMT/Firefighter...but those are usually quick deaths. She was diagnosed a year ago and they gave up on treating her about 2-3 weeks ago. Last night, I was at her house with her, her sister, and a few of her friends. We all laughed and shared stories. It was great to see her smile. If that's the last time I see her, I can say I won't regret it...and I'll always have her beautiful smile in my mind as my last memory of her. She's not expected to live until the weekend. I'm just praying for strength...for all of us.

    Thank you again for reminding me of the important things. :happy:
  • emilyr9602
    emilyr9602 Posts: 51 Member
    Okay so I'm 6 days late, but this challenge sounds awesome!!! Feel free to add me!...

    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
    luv_lea~Drink more water-aiming for the general 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, Start 6 Week 6 Pack video and do at least 4 days a week! Continue running 1 mile (or more?) 3 times a week, and lastly, lose 2.5 lbs. for the month of July!
    Elmersglue (Ellie): Train for Sept 5k at least once a week, at least 7 hours of sleep 5x a week (!!), no emotional binging (mainly Sunday nights, when life and things tend to catch up), get to know everyone here^^
    cmg2008- Finish c25k and continue running at least 3 times a week, finish 30DS, accumulate 1200mintues of exercise, and get down into the low 140s.
    tjradd73(Tara)-to lose 4lbs, 30/35 days of 30DS, 10,000 steps/day (Sun-Tue), Tues stretch/yoga, <1400 avg cals,< 4 days over cals total, and try to get <180g carbs, and >60g protein.
    tobemotivated - do the 30ds (first day was today!), lose 5lbs, drink more water, eat less sugar!
    glitterballv-1. To stop overeating with sweets and cake! 2. Run three times a week, try and start bridge to 10k. 3. Try to get to at least one spin class a week.
    Anitanz- Get to 64kg’s. Drink less alcohol. Limit chocolate at work to <100 cals per day.
    ComfortFoodAddict: 64 oz water/day, No sodas!, sleep 6 hours 5x/wk, workout at least 4x/wk, drop below 170 *at least* again, log food without omitting anything 6x/wk
    Allislefttogain: Start training for my first full marathon; at least 96 ounces of water a day; make initial appointment with a physical therapist; hit 583.33 miles running by month end; at least 2 strength training sessions a week
    zerozeta0: Run 40 miles a week. Drink 8 cups of water a day. Limit candies/chocolates to once a week. Limit coffee to 3 times a week. Get down to 105.
    emiyr9602 - get through level 3 of the 30DS, lose my last 9 lbs, drink atleast 72oz of water a day, and continue to work through the c25k!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    GuamGrly- THANK YOU! I appreciate that post. And yes, I do know that it won't solve my problems. I have known that for the few years that I have been trying to lose weight. I don't know why I keep going back to it. :frown:

    I am praising God that Michelle isn't feeling any pain. Her brain tumor causes minor headaches, but she doesn't have the awful pain that people with stomach cancer and other cancers have...Thank God. It's so hard though...she has a 4 year old little girl who know's her mommy is sick, but she doesn't understand death. :brokenheart: And the father is less than helpful (that's a compliment compared to what I would like to say). I deal with death almost daily as I work in a hospital and am also a volunteer EMT/Firefighter...but those are usually quick deaths. She was diagnosed a year ago and they gave up on treating her about 2-3 weeks ago. Last night, I was at her house with her, her sister, and a few of her friends. We all laughed and shared stories. It was great to see her smile. If that's the last time I see her, I can say I won't regret it...and I'll always have her beautiful smile in my mind as my last memory of her. She's not expected to live until the weekend. I'm just praying for strength...for all of us.

    Thank you again for reminding me of the important things. :happy:

    This made me tear up, I am so sorry :( Try to be strong.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Comfort-I like havin my goals down there, not only for a constant reminder to myself....but also to remind all of you lovely ladies what my goals are each and every day!!

    Jennelle-congrats on the teaching position...sounds awesome!! And I am glad to hear that you are kickin *kitten* still...I know I wouldn't expect any less from the ProFIT!! :happy:

    ima-sorry to hear about yor friend :frown: Just need to be strong, not only for you...but for her right now too!! You need to be there for her...not laying in bed feeling sorry for yourself!! you are in this process to feel better about yourself and to be a stronger person...and although this situation sucks royally, take it by the reigns and show you (and your friend) what kind of person you are and what kind of person you want to be...STRONG! :heart:

    Megan-thanks girl...I try to take my own advice, and to just keep on, keeping on!! Sounds like you have some great PRE-cruise plans, and I can't wait to hear how you do with them...I'm sure you will kick it as always! :smile:

    Aly-thanks girly!!! I can't wait to hear how your tri goes...and the new and exciting workouts that will be coming in your near future...hang in there, almost done!

    tobemotivated-it's early enough to still salvage the day...glad that you realized it early enough to try ot even it out still!! go get that shred and yoga tonight...and even if you end up a little over for the day, you still should be happy that you did what you could do to try to "fix" it!

    Anita-I'm glad that the articles helped explain a little bit...definately a thing to keep in mind!! that is why measurements every month are so important....even if the scale sucks for one weigh-in does NOT mean that you aren't still rockin it!! Happy early b-day if we don't see ya before then...and rock it out in that dress girl! :bigsmile:

    Bethany-have fun at the NKOTB concert....I would totally go to that!! I grew up with them :love:

    Emily-welcome to the are gonna love it! good luck with the goals (9lbs is kinda steep...especially when it's your last 9!!) and glad to have a fellow shredder in the group :flowerforyou:

    AFM-L1D8 of the shred done!! I am getting stronger and stronger every day...and believe it or not...I think that my arms are actually starting to "tighten" up a bit!!! who would have thunk it, after losing 100lbs!! WOOT!!! I did have a slight (1.4lb) gain on today's WI...but like I said, I was expecting it and am not discouraged....this just means that my muscles are holding onto water so they can regenerate and get more toned! super excited to start level 2 in 2 days!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I leave for 4 days and you guys had a discussion about oatmeal without me!?!?!?! :noway: Oh man. What gives! I feel so cheated :laugh:

    Oatmeal is my most favourite food EVER Anita and I have about 30 different recipes for it... Right now I'm hooked on cinnamon-apple oats with oat bran, oatmeal, chia seeds, and topped with greek yogurt and peanut butter for protein and fat. It's my "go-to" breakfast and a great start to my day! I use a tart apple, chopped, and tossed with cinnamon and heat it for a min in the microwave. Then I top that with 1Tbsp chia seeds, 2 Tbsp oat bran cereal, 1/4 cup large flake oats, more cinnamon and 1 scant cup of water. Nuke for 1 min, stir, and then 45 more seconds. Stir thoroughly and top with PB and yogurt. And then enjoy! It's HUGE and so filling. And works out to just under 400 cals for an awesome healthy balanced breakfast.

    Other mixes I've enjoyed in the past....

    Oatmeal/chia + cinnamon + fresh blueberries + 1/2 banana + greek yogurt
    Oatmeal/chia + pumpkin pure + walnuts + pumpkin pie spice + yogurt
    Oatmeal/chia + cocoa powder + fresh strawberries + PB
    Oatmeal/chia + cocoa powder + coconut + almond milk (almond joy - such a delicious late night snack!)

    Here are some other ideas for you:

    I will post way more later when I have time! I honestly could go on for DAYYYYYS about oatmeal :blushing:

    I am finally back from camping and it was such a fantastic getaway... I know it doesn't sound overly relaxing to everyone, but camping for me is the paramount in relaxation. I bring the bare essentials and just sleep, train and lounge on the beach. I barely cook anything (eat lots of raw and stuff I prepare in advance) and just absolutely ADORE the sun and outdoors. It was even better than I could have imagined and so relaxing. I just hate that I had to come back...! I managed to run 3/4 days that I was there and cycled 3/4 days as well, which is a lot for this novice cycler. The runs were all trail runs, including my LSD and my tempo run, but I made up for it all with lots of food, a beer every night, and tons of awesome relaxation.

    Have I mentioned that I got to do my trail runs at dawn in an absolutely gorgeous provincial park? Oh lord it was heaven :happy: Cannot wait to go back! Wish every day could start like that...

    Anyway life goes on, I am wayyyyy behind with all your posts, and have loads to do before work tomorrow morning. Oh and training continues. 3.0 miles + strength tomorrow! I will catch up with you all when I can. Keep working hard and pushing yourselves to reach your goals. You are all sooo worth it! :drinker:

    Much love :heart:
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Woah, that Kath Eats Real Food blog is awesome!!! Love it!! Can't wait to try some new porridge toppings. Just can't get my head around the peanut butter and jam one though, I think thats an American thing :smile:
    Thanks for all the ideas ladies xx
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Woah, that Kath Eats Real Food blog is awesome!!! Love it!! Can't wait to try some new porridge toppings. Just can't get my head around the peanut butter and jam one though, I think thats an American thing :smile:
    Thanks for all the ideas ladies xx
    Three words - Carrot Cake Oatmeal :bigsmile:

    TRY IT!

  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member

    I am praising God that Michelle isn't feeling any pain. Her brain tumor causes minor headaches, but she doesn't have the awful pain that people with stomach cancer and other cancers have...Thank God. It's so hard though...she has a 4 year old little girl who know's her mommy is sick, but she doesn't understand death. :brokenheart: And the father is less than helpful (that's a compliment compared to what I would like to say). I deal with death almost daily as I work in a hospital and am also a volunteer EMT/Firefighter...but those are usually quick deaths. She was diagnosed a year ago and they gave up on treating her about 2-3 weeks ago. Last night, I was at her house with her, her sister, and a few of her friends. We all laughed and shared stories. It was great to see her smile. If that's the last time I see her, I can say I won't regret it...and I'll always have her beautiful smile in my mind as my last memory of her. She's not expected to live until the weekend. I'm just praying for strength...for all of us.

    Thank you again for reminding me of the important things. :happy:

    be strong for your friend, she needs you. i used to work in the icu and dealt with death on a daily basis, when its someone close to you- all common sense and rationale goes out of the window. sounds like you have some wonderful memories to remember her by.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Woah, that Kath Eats Real Food blog is awesome!!! Love it!! Can't wait to try some new porridge toppings. Just can't get my head around the peanut butter and jam one though, I think thats an American thing :smile:
    Thanks for all the ideas ladies xx

    i know! i like my peanut butter but with porridge? sounds weird! lol!
  • emilyr9602
    emilyr9602 Posts: 51 Member
    Comfort-I like havin my goals down there, not only for a constant reminder to myself....but also to remind all of you lovely ladies what my goals are each and every day!!

    Jennelle-congrats on the teaching position...sounds awesome!! And I am glad to hear that you are kickin *kitten* still...I know I wouldn't expect any less from the ProFIT!! :happy:

    ima-sorry to hear about yor friend :frown: Just need to be strong, not only for you...but for her right now too!! You need to be there for her...not laying in bed feeling sorry for yourself!! you are in this process to feel better about yourself and to be a stronger person...and although this situation sucks royally, take it by the reigns and show you (and your friend) what kind of person you are and what kind of person you want to be...STRONG! :heart:

    Megan-thanks girl...I try to take my own advice, and to just keep on, keeping on!! Sounds like you have some great PRE-cruise plans, and I can't wait to hear how you do with them...I'm sure you will kick it as always! :smile:

    Aly-thanks girly!!! I can't wait to hear how your tri goes...and the new and exciting workouts that will be coming in your near future...hang in there, almost done!

    tobemotivated-it's early enough to still salvage the day...glad that you realized it early enough to try ot even it out still!! go get that shred and yoga tonight...and even if you end up a little over for the day, you still should be happy that you did what you could do to try to "fix" it!

    Anita-I'm glad that the articles helped explain a little bit...definately a thing to keep in mind!! that is why measurements every month are so important....even if the scale sucks for one weigh-in does NOT mean that you aren't still rockin it!! Happy early b-day if we don't see ya before then...and rock it out in that dress girl! :bigsmile:

    Bethany-have fun at the NKOTB concert....I would totally go to that!! I grew up with them :love:

    Emily-welcome to the are gonna love it! good luck with the goals (9lbs is kinda steep...especially when it's your last 9!!) and glad to have a fellow shredder in the group :flowerforyou:

    AFM-L1D8 of the shred done!! I am getting stronger and stronger every day...and believe it or not...I think that my arms are actually starting to "tighten" up a bit!!! who would have thunk it, after losing 100lbs!! WOOT!!! I did have a slight (1.4lb) gain on today's WI...but like I said, I was expecting it and am not discouraged....this just means that my muscles are holding onto water so they can regenerate and get more toned! super excited to start level 2 in 2 days!!

    whoops...that 9 was supposed to be a 6! (And I know that 6 is still steep too, but I'm using that # so that I will stick to pushing myself daily to do my Shred & c25k workouts! (I tend to "give up" sometimes) I'd starve if I tried to lose 9 in a month! =)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    tara: well done on the shredding! gets easier and the weigh loss as you know is such water weight! level 2 kicks things up a notch and really kicks your butt i find! much better than level 3, i start that in 3 days and i think i will run on top or do a double session as i dont find its challenging enough! oh and i agree with the toning, my arms feel stronger and i only use 3lb weights!

    meag: your trip sounds like it was just what you needed!

    bethany: i briefly know the nkotb as my sister was into them big time! im more of a backstreet boys girl myself! used to have posters up in my room and listen to their cds until they were ruined! lol! take that was also another obssession! they are back together now and performing at the wembley arena! would love to go but at £60 a pop a bit pricy for me!

    emily: welcome to the group! and yay a fellow shredder too! good luck on the last 6lbs. i lost my last 22lbs on mfp!

    AFM; went for my first run in 2 weeks yesterday after i did the shred and boy did i enjoy it! did my personal best which is 30mins running with no stopping! woohoo! will try and get a run in tomorrow! will only do the shred tonight as my body needs a rest! even though im on hols this week, its quite an active one with lots of walks to the park and not to mention running around after a 2.5yr old! lol. feel much better in my shape, my little pouch is getting smaller! thankfully! i have this little bit of loose skin post baby which i havent managed to shift! but ive noticed that since i started the shred dvd its tighter. def means that my bikini days are over with despite the fact that i'm slimmer than ive ever been. too many stretch marks in the belly region!!! which is soooo annoying as my belly has always been flat !

    hope everyone is getting on ok! :)
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Thank you everyone. I truly appreciate all of your comments and encouragement. Really, I do.

    Michelle had 3 major seizures last night last 7 to 13 minutes each. They have her on seizure and pain medications, but she's requested to stop the other medications. She's told us she is ready to die. That's about the hardest thing to hear, but I think if she's ready, the rest of us can accept it a little easier. It is likely to be just a matter of hours now.

    Thank you all again for the prayers and encouragement. God Bless.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Aly- I love a homemade burger and it is so much better for you then ordering a burger out and especially better than Chinese food! So excellent decision making! And like you said only 3 more weeks until your race, hang in there soon enough you will have your life back!

    Tobemotivated- I think the hardest part when I start a day off crappy is getting it back on track. But it sounds like you are totally kicking butt in terms of your workouts so keep on and you will totally kill it!

    Bethany- Is it the New Kids and Backstreet Boys combo concert? Hehe takes me back to middle school! If only Hanson was signing with them as well and N’Sync that would be AMAZING! I hope you had fun!

    Mandy- I'm so sorry your friend has come to the end, but it sounds like you had an amazing time with her last night and I know you will hold that close to your heart forever. You and her family will be in my thoughts and prayers. <<hugs>>

    Emily- Welcome to our challenge! I hope you find it as inspiring and helpful as most of vets do! Feel free to jump in the thread any time!

    Tara- you are totally kicking your shred challenge! Of course I knew you would because once you make a serious plan you stick to it! I am planning on doing a little shred tonight but then I have my obstacle course race on Saturday so I will be taking Friday as a rest day.

    Meag- Welcome back! Glad you had a nice and relaxing vacation. I can already tell that you are feeling better because 1) your pic is amazing! 2) your overall attitude is amazing and 3) you are back to talking about how much you love oatmeal :) Loving having you back!!

    Maria- Come on you will totally be able to rock a bikini again! As you keep kicking butt on your shred and do it for probably more than 30 days you will get tighter and tighter and I bet your body will be back to bikini shape in no time! Congrats on a nice 30 min run after 2 weeks off! That is awesome! Keep up the amazing workouts!

    AFM- I am running the Metro Dash on Saturday which is a ½ mile obstacle course race. It has about 30 obstacles that test all parts of your body. I have really crappy upper body strength so I have a feeling that the obstacles which rely most heavily on your upper body strength aren’t going to be stellar. If you make two attempts at an obstacle and can’t complete it you have to do 5 burpees and then go around. They say the average completion time is 15 minutes. We shall see! I am nervous but I can tell that my strength in other areas and my overall fitness has greatly improved. Needless to say, my bootcamp instructor is also participating so we took it pretty light in bootcamp today and did a weight routine and those of us doing the race used much lighter weights than normal. Still got a good workout in and man could I feel my triceps burning! Made the most delicious side dish with dinner last night, take a medium/large tomato and cut decently thick slices, sprinkle with a little bit of salt and pepper, put a pile of baby arugula on top of each tomato, crumble goat cheese over each tomato, drizzle with a very small amount of olive oil- delicious! And so refreshing. I used a whole tomato and 1 oz of goat cheese and made 2 servings. I also said that I used 1 tbsp of olive oil, but I k now I used less, and the total cals came out right around 120. Not to shabby! I think I will start using it as a side dish and a snack because I loved it. Any ways I should probably get back to work. Have a great day!!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Meagalayne: What is the purspose of the chia and where do you get it from? And FYI, I think I am about to become a website stalker lol! is AMAZING:love: . I only had a few minutes to look, but I am definitely going back.

    anita & maria: Try it! You don't know what you are missing. Add some nuts if you have them. I personally :heart: walnuts with my peanut butter!

    I was eating oatmeal religiously for a while and then got tired of it. I always put flax seed and bee pollen in mine. Then I would change it up a bit with differently flavors. I think I need to go get some oats from the store and get back at it!
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    I'marunner- I am so sorry to hear about your friend. -hugs-

    I feel a bit silly posting about my life after that ... ran 6 miles yesterday and was incredibly proud of myself... but that puts a lot of stuf into perspective.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag- Sounds like an amazing camping trip! I can't wait to go camping again. So glad you had a great time, it feels good to hear you so positive.

    Happy Thursday Peeps! I am glad that the weekend is coming up and I have a fun weekend planned. I am having a hard time getting fully back into healthy stuff. I have events planned every weekend where food things are thrown in my face. I also enjoy to have a few drinks which does not help the situation. But all I can do is try my best and really fight the urge when it comes.

    Last night when I was craving something sweet, I cut half a banana in half and put a little peanut butter on it then I chopped up a hershey kiss. It really satisfied me and made me a little full with the Banana. I need to get better chocolate for melting so I can make my own frozen banana treats.

    I went to the gym last night after work and fought the urge to have a snack before running, It worked well and I just made smart choices when I came home. I know that I might not see a loss on friday since I splurged a-lot over the weekend but I know that working hard this week will help and that is why I have to not give up. I can't wait to try more classes at my gym. I think I am going to try a yoga class on sunday since I am doing a practice triathlon on saturday. We have a fancy dinner planned on saturday with some friends so I just have to be good the rest of the day and stick to my portions.

    Wedding stuff- Someone asked about wedding planning, it is kind of on hold right now because I am so busy. They have open house every tuesday night to meet caterers so after the race is over we are going to meet with some more caters. I don't plan on trying on dresses until September or October, hopefully after I lose 10 pounds or so. Other than that it is good I have my colors picked and some general ideas.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Emily-glad to hear that you are going for 6 vs 9lbs...much more realistic!!

    Mariam-great job on your 30 min run!! you are rockin it...and I will be joining you in the NO-BIKINI CLUB!!!! BOO!!

    Megan-thanks girl!!! You are gonna kill that race on Saturday...I have faith in you:)

    Glitter-great job on running oyur 6 miles!! have you competed in a 10k yet??

    AFM-L1D9 done today! WOOT!! it is my cheat meal tonight, and not sure what I am having...but I know it is gonna be good!! I will post what it turns out to be after...can't wait!!!
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Hello everyone... today I was supposed to do a 6.4km run, but in the end I ran 7.4km! I had two walking breaks... it was amazing! I am so happy, yay!