Major I don't care day



  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    edited August 2016
    One thing to note is addressing the issue. What brought this about? Try to ask yourself, what did over-eating accomplish and what could you do next time you feel stressed, bored, frustrated, etc. It's not a biological imperative to over-eat when you're having a bad day, but rather a comfort/habit that can be changed.

    Also, for whatever it's worth, 3000 calories isn't that much. Maybe you went over by 1200? That's two days of a deficit, and some of it will be burned off as heat. Think about the big picture :)
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    One thing to note is addressing the issue. What brought this about? Try to ask yourself, what did over-eating accomplish and what could you do next time you feel stressed, bored, frustrated, etc. It's not a biological imperative to over-eat when you're having a bad day, but rather a comfort/habit that can be changed.

    Also, for whatever it's worth, 3000 calories isn't that much. Maybe you went over by 1200? That's two days of a deficit, and some of it will be burned off as heat. Think about the big picture :)

    There's no issue to address. I ate 3,000 calories. Just that kinda day and I got back on the next day. No bad day. No boredom. It amazes me that we as imperfect people in other areas expect ourselves to me perfect eating. I just ate. No further analysis required. I'm sure it will happen again. Was just curious if others had those types of days. I'm back to my weight actually a little lower. No big picture thinking required. It's not that serious. Lol :)
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    I meant expect ourselves to be perfect eating.
  • mrmeza123
    mrmeza123 Posts: 34 Member
    When I first started to journal, I noticed that I was grabbing more than I should. Grocery shopping days are the hardest to get through. Just because you can doesn't mean you should grab it, that includes veggies and fruits. Most of the time I was looking to fill my time up for the day. Stay in the fight. Grab small packages and wrapped foods. Just to take the edge off. Once you get back into the circle of your diet, keep yourself busy by taking a walk and let it be known as a reward, getting out and smelling the fresh air and getting out of the house for a little bit. Food is there for our enjoyment and health, not for us just to eat it until it runs out. I like to look at food as a responsibility not a right. Good luck.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    mrmeza123 wrote: »
    When I first started to journal, I noticed that I was grabbing more than I should. Grocery shopping days are the hardest to get through. Just because you can doesn't mean you should grab it, that includes veggies and fruits. Most of the time I was looking to fill my time up for the day. Stay in the fight. Grab small packages and wrapped foods. Just to take the edge off. Once you get back into the circle of your diet, keep yourself busy by taking a walk and let it be known as a reward, getting out and smelling the fresh air and getting out of the house for a little bit. Food is there for our enjoyment and health, not for us just to eat it until it runs out. I like to look at food as a responsibility not a right. Good luck.

    Is this in response to my post. I don't understand where you are going? I think you meant this for someone else.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I've been at my goal weight for a few months, so I give myself a break sometimes. Today's a "don't give a crap" day for me too...major sweet tooth begging to be satisfied, and I'm not going to kill myself worrying about the numbers. To be honest, I only go over maybe once every couple of months, so it evens out over the long term.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    I've been at my goal weight for a few months, so I give myself a break sometimes. Today's a "don't give a crap" day for me too...major sweet tooth begging to be satisfied, and I'm not going to kill myself worrying about the numbers. To be honest, I only go over maybe once every couple of months, so it evens out over the long term.

    Me too. That's why I wasn't sure if that previous post was in the right place. Lol. I've been eating at maintenance or a slight deficit since my original post 2 weeks ago. There's no way I would try to live the rest of my life without a splurge here and there. So I don't get all the unrequested armchair psychology every time someone posts about over eating. I'm laughing shaking my head.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    I've been at my goal weight for a few months, so I give myself a break sometimes. Today's a "don't give a crap" day for me too...major sweet tooth begging to be satisfied, and I'm not going to kill myself worrying about the numbers. To be honest, I only go over maybe once every couple of months, so it evens out over the long term.

    Me too. That's why I wasn't sure if that previous post was in the right place. Lol. I've been eating at maintenance or a slight deficit since my original post 2 weeks ago. There's no way I would try to live the rest of my life without a splurge here and there. So I don't get all the unrequested armchair psychology every time someone posts about over eating. I'm laughing shaking my head.

    My IDGAF days don't come with an emotional attachment either. It's just a day where i feel like eating lots of yummy things without the stress of worrying about calories.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    I've been at my goal weight for a few months, so I give myself a break sometimes. Today's a "don't give a crap" day for me too...major sweet tooth begging to be satisfied, and I'm not going to kill myself worrying about the numbers. To be honest, I only go over maybe once every couple of months, so it evens out over the long term.

    Me too. That's why I wasn't sure if that previous post was in the right place. Lol. I've been eating at maintenance or a slight deficit since my original post 2 weeks ago. There's no way I would try to live the rest of my life without a splurge here and there. So I don't get all the unrequested armchair psychology every time someone posts about over eating. I'm laughing shaking my head.

    My IDGAF days don't come with an emotional attachment either. It's just a day where i feel like eating lots of yummy things without the stress of worrying about calories.

    Totally. Not sure why people always think there has to be a "REASON" for it. It's just like anything else. Sometimes, we just want to indulge. Food just happens to be the thing that I like to indulge every now and again. I will say though that I watch the times when this happens, and I "want" those yummy things usually when I begin a new birth control pill pack after menses or sometimes the second week of that pack. So mine may be a little hormonal. But I don't care. It's still yummy and I go back to my normal eating the next day.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    So often that my weight has increased 10 lbs over the last 3 months. So... don't do it that often. It will catch up.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I usually don't have a whole day of "I don't care" but I have at least a couple meals a week where I eat what I want and make up for it by behaving the next few meals.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    So often that my weight has increased 10 lbs over the last 3 months. So... don't do it that often. It will catch up.

    I'll be just fine. Thanks. I monitor myself very carefully. If you gained over the last 3 months, that means you weren't doing it occasionally nor were you eating normal the next day, right?

  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    nvpixie wrote: »
    I usually don't have a whole day of "I don't care" but I have at least a couple meals a week where I eat what I want and make up for it by behaving the next few meals.

    Yeah, it seems that's how a lot of people handle it. With me, when I indulge, I go all the way all day. Good thing I don't get the urge to do it very often. Or at least not often enough to make a difference over the past 4 months. ;)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited August 2016
    Pretty much every weekend...but all of those other days in the week are actually what matters.
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    I don't seem to have IDGAF days. I seem to have those as moments. I "snack out" with something I have been craving, but I always seem to not finish it totally as in bag of chips, salted nuts, etc., and then throw it out. I log it, adjust calories if needed, and then continue with the rest of my day as usual as far as my eating goes. The next day I am either right back on track or, if I have set up cravings, I try to give myself 3 days to get rid of those cravings. Sometimes I have to white knuckle it for a day or so. Other times, I give in to the cravings and haul myself up tight when t wo days have gone by.
  • cat_phillips
    cat_phillips Posts: 31 Member
    @leejoyce31 "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" . . . I just devoured a sleeve of Planter's peanuts from the vending machine. :-)
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    i have i dont care days at least once a month (lets be honest though some months its way more than just once)

    i need those days where i dont worry about food or logging . I just eat what i feel like and have fun. I have started eating at a slight deficit the rest of the time to help with the i dont give a sht days and that does seem to work

    Same here. Moderating is fine usually, but I need those 'I don't feel like exercising and I want to eat mexican and a blizzard' kind of days..makes me feel more like a "normal" person.
  • mrmeza123
    mrmeza123 Posts: 34 Member
    edited August 2016
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    mrmeza123 wrote: »
    When I first started to journal, I noticed that I was grabbing more than I should. Grocery shopping days are the hardest to get through. Just because you can doesn't mean you should grab it, that includes veggies and fruits. Most of the time I was looking to fill my time up for the day. Stay in the fight. Grab small packages and wrapped foods. Just to take the edge off. Once you get back into the circle of your diet, keep yourself busy by taking a walk and let it be known as a reward, getting out and smelling the fresh air and getting out of the house for a little bit. Food is there for our enjoyment and health, not for us just to eat it until it runs out. I like to look at food as a responsibility not a right. Good luck.

    Is this in response to my post. I don't understand where you are going? I think you meant this for someone else.

    I was adding support to your "off day" (I suppose it could help sometime down our journey). I definitely have those days where I over eat and I continue on with my goals. It is a drag and you can feel down about yourself and things that surround you. I hope that it doesn't stay too long and your doing well since then!
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I heard something once that put it all in perspective for me: It's not what you do some of the time, but what you do MOST of the time that matters. (This has so far proven to be true for me regarding fitness and weight loss).

    So have a good, old IDGAF day every now and then, just not every day!