

  • darvit207
    darvit207 Posts: 46 Member
    Good day ladies Happy Friday It's been a busy week for me & today is going to be another busy day. Work doctors appointment early this morning & PT for my knee this afternoon. I was thinking boy I picked a bad week to start my get healthy journey but then realized no time is the perfect time you just gotta do it.

    Chris in MA sorry to hear about your break up. I totally understand about going above & beyond the number of hours you get paid for. It's not an easy situation. I hope your meeting with the pres will help. Hang in there.

    Have a wonderful day all!

    Dar in PA
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
    Good morning ladies sorry to hear about all your troubles, husbands, floods and losses, hope you all have better times around the corner. Makes me count my blessings even though at DDs trying to help them move. As I've said before they are totally disorganised and I'm trying not to get stressed. Eating sensibly not too good but have just managed to exercise to Jessica Smith 1 mile video and a little bit of kettlebell
    Swings 1x20x10
    Squats 1x10 x10
    Shoulder press 1x10x10
    Not much I know but better than nothing
    Oh well back to sorting and packing
    Have a good day, be good to yourselves
    Kate x
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,612 Member
    Just throwing this out there. Why are men so difficult? In ground fence has been down for almost 7 years. Wires have been broken and patched, now not working. I said to put all new wire in, husband says just replace parts??? Somehow that is less work in his book, so we can redo it again next year...... just saying....if all the wire is new then wouldn't that mean that we would be able to go another 7 years before we have to repeat? RRRRR :s
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member

    Driving down I-75 South to see my mom today. Praying that she is having a good day when I get there. Also, that I don't get caught in a rain storm.

    Glo ~ So sorry for your loss but so glad to hear that your dad was mentally "with it" and must have enjoyed the last years of his life. My mom is 90 (almost 91) and definitely Not "with it".

    Re ~ What kind of Greek yogurt do you buy? Congrats on trying out the kettle bells.

    The ozone generator is working on the cigarette smell in the house! Yeah!

    Joyce ~ Hope you get your symptons under control and feel better soon.

    Mikesmom ~ So sorry to hear that things are not going will with your beau! There's always the possibility that things will change for you for the best. Sorry you are having to work so many hours and hope the boss takes action to help.

    DJ ~ Congrats on getting the grill taken away and for such a good price.

    Carol in Hot and Humid GA

  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Glo- so sorry for your loss. This is always so hard :(

    Marcelyn- Enchilada sauce...Oh yum... but what is a Hatch pepper? I have never heard of that one.

    Beth- My nephew is Jonathan. We made it all the way 'J'....Lol. Maybe they will cross paths. I have not seen the campus although I hear it is nice. We were down last year when J's sister got married (at the Carnton Plantation) but it was pretty hectic especially since my DB and DSiL (their parents) live in Ohio. I would like to get back down before he graduates in a couple of years. My niece has made that area her permanent home.

    Di- Yea on the weightloss! The others are right. One plan does not fit all. You have to work through what works best for you-- effective weightloss vs. feeling deprived which can lead to sabotage. Like some others here I do better on a limited carb diet. It's weird. I find that when I stay away from them for a week or two, I stop craving them. We are going to get there together! My DH told me yesterday that there was a tornado down in Donora the other day. It was on the news. We were shocked! He is from there originally and we still have have quite a bit of family there around the whole Mon Valley region. Thankfully nobody was injured and the reports indicate the damage victims all seem to have said they are insured.

    Mary- Men can be rotten. Even the DH. Mine has said some mean things to me. And as a step Mom, I know the extra layer of complications that can weave into a relationship. Wish I had some pearls of wisdom but I don't and I won't say I have always been an Angel either, because that would be a lie. I've got a temper, and can be a real *kitten* when provoked. In general we all need to think before we open our yaps and hopefully your DH can reflect on this episode and try to make some changes.

    Sugardarlin- I worked in restaurants a good chunk of my life and I always found that after seeing it and smelling it so much, I really didn't want it. One place I worked used to laugh because I always packed my own food. Even salads because they didn't have the really nice spring mixes and spinaches I am so fond of. Maybe you will find this too. In the mean time, just stick to your guns, and congratulations on a great start with a new job!

    Dar- Nice to hear from you. To my PA sisters, looks like we are to get a break from the heat next week. Yeah! just in time for my Birthday!

    Happy Friday one and all!. I look forward to reading all the news each day.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Lenora: I woke up in the middle of the night remembering that I had not answered your question about Reiki. Here's a good definition: medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Reiki+controversies

    Since taking a course in January (a birthday present to myself), I have been trying to practice Reiki everyday. Can report that my fibromyalgia pain is now minimal. Distance Reiki is more difficult, but two friends in Hawaii have honored me with permission to practice on them. One has seen a lump in her breast shrink. The other has gotten off blood pressure medication. I don't know exactly what role Reiki played in this, but at least it did no harm.

    Stay well friends. Make it an awesome day.

    Colorado Foothills
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2016
    GLo I'm so sorry you lost your dad, and so unexpectedly...I know you thought he would make it to 100. We will be thinking of you, it is so hard to lose a parent...and a dear friend. (((Hug)))

    Mary I hope things are a little better and that you get a chance to have some "dull routine" so you can recoup...Like NYKaren & some others here, I am such an introvert that lots of company and lots of events, not to mention a kerfuffle with a spouse, would just make me want to hibernate for a little while. (((Hug))) for you, too.

    NYKaren Oh my gosh, that 18th birthday for your daughter with les Mis and Book of Mormon sounds like a dream. What a wonderful day that must have been!

    KJ I want to be a fly on the wall for the next couple of weeks at your house. Sounds so fun! What an imagination you have.

    Penny You are a brilliant woman.

    Heather Hi, there! Don't worry, the memoir will come along because we will remind you of it. :#
    Reminds me of my friend Barbara who owns the Jazzercise franchise and gave me "free Jazzercise" sessions year after year for Christmas presents until I was shamed into going...that was over 5 years ago...still go 4 days a week.

    Lillian I had a wry smile on my face as I remembered showing my Mom's lovely house to a pair of young newlyweds who didn't like her lovely high quality wool carpet (too old fashioned) or the size of the master bath (no huge jacuzzi tub)...I just said "no" to their low ball offer and waited it out. Still had to sell under market price because it was a small town, but at least it went to someone who like the house. Have a good weekend with your sister-in-law.

    Beth near Buffalo I understand how easy it is to put the pounds on and get derailed...and I am for sure not the only one here who gets that. What I am beginning to realize is that even when I fail to log, or skip exercise, or eat too much, or stay off the scale, I still come here to this thread...and these women help me get back on track whether they know it or not. I never had anything like that before. I would get derailed and had no safety net. These women are my safety net. I can keep coming here even when I am screwing up and pretty soon Mary or Michele or KarenE posts a workout or Pip posts her bike stats or someone like you posts a weight loss or a non-scale victory, and I am inspired. <3

    Carol Hope that ozone generator works for you, I was very impressed with how well they do on cigarette smoke odors in a home we looked at years ago. We knew the people were smokers and we went to their open house and could not tell.

    Melanie Where are you staying? Are you alright?

    Diane from PA Being anemic is not being lazy. I am sorry both you and Joyce have anemia because it just makes you POOPED and that's not fun. Hope the cause can be found and fixed for both of you. As far as the best way to eat...I think it varies. Re and I and some others do a lower carb diet because of insulin resistance...but low carb can vary from 20 to 150 g carbs per day...the most important things are to eat nutritious foods that you like and eat in a deficit (calories). Logging can be very illuminating. Yesterday was a celebration day (a family birthday at Bone Fish Grill), and even though I went over by 600 calories, in my pre-logging days I would have gone over by maybe 2600 instead. Having said that, I have been slacking on logging recently and must do better.

    Becca Sing, little lark, sing!

    Re Makin' me smile as usual. You are a fine lady, so glad you are on this thread.

    Cheri Are you sweltering down there?

    Kim N. California That is rather a delightful little story about being carded. Preen, preen!

    DJ I am chuckling because when I saw your toes, I thought to myself, oh, that's a pretty nail color, I wonder if it is "An Affair in Red Square"?...which just happens to be my favorite OPI nail polish color. :p Very pretty shoes.

    Chris MA Darn it! Breaking up with your beau AND too many hours at work make for a sad and cranky Chris. Hugging you and wishing I could have you & Mary & Allie over to fix you all a cup of tea and lend a sympathetic ear about men trouble.

    Everyone else, sending affection and gratitude.

    Barbie, thank you for keeping this thread going every month. Hugs to your pups!

    Shout out to Lisa -thinking of you, know you are very busy.

    Newbies, welcome!

    Off to Jazzercise.

    Karen in Virginia
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Anemia is when your body does not have enough red blood cells. The red blood cells are what transport oxygen around your body. So when you are anemic, your muscles are starved for oxygen. So of course you feel tired and weak. There is nothing lazy about having anemia.
  • MissDi321
    MissDi321 Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you Karen and Miriam. I guess I should try to find out what is causing the anemia. I will see my Dr again in 6 mos--February. I may e-mail him before then and ask him. I don't take iron supplements. Maybe I should.

    Anyway--today I went to Silver Sneakers class. Judy, our instructor, really got us moving--considering most of the folks in the class are over 65--one man is 90!! Judy did "boot camp" class last night and I think she was giving us a taste of the class LOL

    I found out our gym offers another class called POUNDS--I may try to at least observe and participate where I can. Don't know anything about it--but I have to MOVE!!!!

    I've been doing lower carbs, but the dietitian at the class said I need more grains and beans. Need roughage too. She goes over our food log and makes comments...

    Well, have to change, go outside and pull some of the grass near the walk before it gets too hot. Husband mowing. His day off--lots to do with remodeling starting next week.
    Have a wonderful day ladies!
    Blessings to everyone
    Di in PA
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning and happy Friday! DH is off on a road trip with our nephew who is struggling with school and life in general. He is drifting and in need of a male role model---enter my DH. Eventhough we are realistic about how much can be accomplished on a 4 day trip, I hope it cheers him up and gets him out of his head for a bit. We want to see him succeed at school and graduate high school.
    So I am without DH for the last weekend with DD before college era begins, hope to keep things light and positive. Gotta get this kid to pack and cleanup!!! She had a lovely b-say surrounded by her high school friends-all nice kids, what more could you ask for??
  • slimcharm20
    slimcharm20 Posts: 65 Member
    Good Morning All This seems like a supportive lively group! I am going to jump right in!

    I'm back on .. attemping to make my health a priority once again. I have high blood pressure and know if I don't start eating healthier and exercising regularly its gonna cause problems in the future, that I don't want. I am a few years from 60, married , with two adult childen. We just bought a Breville juicer, if anyone has a favorite recipie to share, that would be great. I see many of you use kettle bells , I am looking into those, as I only have dumbells. I have around 18 stubborn pounds to lose that has yo-yo back and forth for years. Also I am trying IF, my eating window 8 hrs.

    My screen picture is not me , I just loved the jean and lace combo!!

    Happy Friday! :)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,076 Member
    edited August 2016
    DJ love the shoes and pediicure.

    Janetr at least I know I am not dead! LOL

    (((Mary))) I love dogs but my DH so opposed he said he would leave me if I got one. Given his attitude I would not bring a dog into our home. Not good for the dog.

    RE waves!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Di, Iron is hard to absorb from pills. Often it will just pass right through. It is better to try to get it from food sources- clams, liver, sunflower seeds, nuts, beef, lamb, beans, whole grains, dark leafy greens (spinach), dark chocolate, and tofu. Another way to get iron is to use your cast iron cookware, especially if you make something with tomatoes (the acidity releases the iron from the pot in to the sauce). Weight watchers in the 70s required eating liver once a week so people following their plan would not become anemic.
  • MissDi321
    MissDi321 Posts: 87 Member
    @Miriamwithcats thank you for the hints. I try to eat the meat and some days I do well. I do like liver but it is hard to find GOOD liver. You seem knowledgeable about this. Thanks again.

    Did about 45 minutes of pulling weeds. That's my day's work--45 min of Silver Sneakers and 45 min of pulling weeds. Time for a break. Doc, our black lab, wants his "snack".
    Mary, and Margaretturk--love my dog and all the dogs before. Retired dog trainer/dog behavior specialist. also worked with Service Dogs. Now I am down to just Doc. Great companion.

    Di from PA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
    3 more was til the ride!!!! The weather was just too nice not to ride on to work, I had to!
    Welcome new peeps
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Glo so sorry to hear of your loss. Prayers for you and your family. My paternal grandmother lived to 100 years old and I guess I fully expect my father to live that long. Be kind to yourself during your time of mourning.

    steamy Central TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Chris in MA: I'm so sorry for your broken relationship. I hope that it can miraculously be healed. You did a good thing by letting the President fo your company know what is going on with your work hours. I hope good things happen because of it. :flowerforyou:

    KarenE: I sympathize and have a similar situation. I have a sports bra that I wear for yoga. If I try to put it on right after a shower when my skin is still damp, there is h*ll to pay. It sticks to my damp skin and I often need DH's help to get it on. If I'm dry I don't have any problems at all. :huh:

    Kylia in OH: I knew a woman long ago who spent Sundays cooking. She packaged meals for herself that would last through her workweek. She was fit and seemed happy. At the time I was in my twenties and she was much older--somewhere in her fifties I'd guess. :wink:

    Rori: Thanks for the Reiki link. :smiley:

    Yoga today. Yay! I'll do a kettlebell workout while I'm at the gym. Wednesday I did 2 sets, 10 reps, at 20 lbs. I find that my frozen shoulder is improving. I realize I'm doing lighter weight and fewer reps than many of you, but this seems right for my body.

    Have a great day!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,300 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hello all!

    Di - Could you train yourself like you train a dog? :D Sounds like you should have some good insights into motivation, habits etc! :flowerforyou:

    Our first day of rain for quite a while. It has been steady all day. The garden REALLY needed it. :D

    Karen in V - and DJ - YEAH, I did some memoir today! Yippee! I was writing about how I was scared once by the full moon appearing in the kitchen window when I came down by myself for a drink of water. That stayed with me for years.
    Then I printed out various bookings etc that have been queuing up to be done. Even in these email days I prefer to have a bit of paper with me. :laugh:

    Last night I corresponded with my DDIL about possible birthday presents for DGD. Decided on a beautiful flowery fluffy lined anorak and a new saucepan set for her toy stove. It's got a saucepan, a wok, a griddle and some tongs, plus some heat mitts. <3 I don't see that as sexist because her dad is the cook in the family and the stove was her brother's to start with. I decided to opt out of a fancy dress outfit, because my politically correct conscience was having trouble with the options available. I'll let her mum make those decisions. :ohwell: ;):*

    We're giving ourselves a rare treat tonight of fillet steak. :D I'm going to make a bit of garlic butter as steak just doesn't taste the same without it. That's my excuse, anyway. Having it with cavalry Nero and broccoli. Should be full of iron after that lot. :laugh: Of course, it needs red wine to drink with it. B)

    Re - The apple and blackcurrant was a dessert. DH makes stewed fruit for us to have every day. Different kinds. He is the fruit monitor in the house. Every day he also makes a gorgeous fruit salad for me to have on my muesli for breakfast. He buys it as well and keeps track of what fruit there is in the fridge. He's a keeper. <3

    Used my heavier weights for my strength training today. 9kgs each dumbell. So I am doing bicep curls with 40 lbs. Nice.

    Chris - Sorry to hear about the demise of your relationship. That is always so hard. Sending you hugs. I ended up going for grief conselling when one important relationship came to an end after 10 months. That particular therapist was the best one I ever had and I have had quite a few.

    My BFF is off to Paris on Sunday to see her granddaughter, over from Hong Kong. I am feeling pangs of nostalgia for Paris. Ooooooow it hurts! Looking forward to London and DH's daughter on Monday and we are also meeting up with an old friend of DH''s and his wife, who is developing Alzheimers. Haven't seen them since DH's 70th last year.
    I have tentatively arranged to see my cancer friend in London on the 30th, but she is inclined to cancel at the last moment.

    I am pining for the DGC. In fact, I'm generally having one of my "restless" periods, as DH puts it. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,149 Member
    Glo- so sorry to hear about your dad!(((hugs)))

    Chris- I sympathize with you about your long working hours and how it affects your relationship. My DH is living to work not working to live. I keep telling him he has to make our life a priority. Talking to your boss was the right thing to do. I hope everything turns out for you. Sorry to hear about your relationship. Possibly things could turn around if you want.

    KarenVA- thanks! It would be nice to get together and have a cup of tea! It is so nice that we could talk here and get motivation and support from so many great people.

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota