Survey NOT a Debate - Exercise Calories



  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Yes, if I am hungry.
    No, if I am not hungry
    Yes, I am losing.

    Yeah that. I don't usually eat them ALL back.
  • witchyboots
    witchyboots Posts: 154 Member
    Depends. Sometimes I eat all of them back, sometimes I eat none. If I'm hungry then I have NO QUALMS about "dipping into them" so to speak.

    My scales have been moving down quite slowly recently - I put this down to changing my exercise routine (I was trying to burn 400 - 600 calories per day but I've started doing 30DS 5 times a week which only burns around 270 per session for me. I'm going to stick with that alone though because I want to find out my true results after 30 days and frankly, I am exhausted after it!) but I have lost 44lbs since January.
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    Yes and yes!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    1. Yes - some, but not all of them......most of the time.
    2. Yes - around 1kg a week....
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    1. no rarely
    2. yes
  • Terriberry
    Terriberry Posts: 100
    1. yes
    2. No not all the time:wink:
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    yes, I eat back most if not all of my exercise calories...depends on how hungry I am

    still very new at this and can't really say if I am losing consistently; this is my third week counting calories and my second exercising.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    1. Yes.
    2. Yes.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Yes, if I am hungry I'll dip into them but not all of them
    No, if I am not hungry.
    Yes, I am losing.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    1. I eat back some of them (about 1/3)
    2. Yes have lost consistently 2-3 pounds a week (45.4lbs in just less than 4 months).
  • bethie624
    bethie624 Posts: 16 Member
    Like most have said I eat back my exercise calories if I am hungry. When I am not hungry I do not eat them back....I just think of them as extra calories burned for that week!

    I have been losing 1 pound a week....sometimes more!
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    1. Yes, most of the time.
    2. Yes

  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    I eat back 1/2. I'm losing 1-2 pounds a week.
  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    1. Do you eat back your calories
    -I either do not eat my exercise calories back, or I eat maybe 100 or so of them back.

    2. Are you losing weight consistently.
    -I have been losing weight consistently since I stopped eating them all back :)
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    1) No
    2) Yes
  • LukeEalden
    LukeEalden Posts: 38
    I eat some of them back, depending on the number I burn each day. I have lost weight every week this year apart from my week on holiday.
  • bkweibel
    bkweibel Posts: 77
    Sometimes I eat them, sometimes I don't. I have been at this for about 2.5 weeks now, and I've lost 6 pounds so far!
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I used to eat just some of the exercise calories and lost a consistent 2 pounds each week. Now that I am at my weight goal, I'm trying to earn back some weight by building muscle. Therefore, I try my best to eat all the calories without going over sodium.
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    Some days yes, some days no. I go by weekly counts so it can vary but I am always under for the week. I am also training for a half marathon so on long run days, etc it is just nearly impossible to eat them all back!

    I am at a point where if I lost a couple more pounds I would love it, but for the most part I am right where I need to be. But I was losing even before I started tracking consistently on MFP :-)
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    1. Do you eat back your calories? - Yes, 80-99% of them
    2. Are you losing weight consistently? - Yes