August (2016) Running Challenge



  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    8/1- 4.01
    8/1- 9.02<---Daily Double. If it isn't thunderstorming in the morning, I will not be happy.
    8/2- REST <- Recovering from the INSANE daily double
    8/4- 7.82
    8/5- 4
    8/6- 13.11
    8/7- REST
    8/8- REST <- beginning of cutback week
    8/9: 5.01
    8/11- 7.02
    8/12- REST
    8/13- 9.08
    8/14- REST
    8/15- 4.08
    8/16- 9.0
    8/17- Forced rest day<- 25 minutes of Kayaking for XT
    8/18- 9.01
    8/19- 4.05
    8/20- 10.83
    8/20- 2.4

    Total: 107.74/125

    Run 2 notes: I almost didn't count this one, but darn it, it was a heck of a slog, so I'm gonna. I ran the Rampage at the Ridge The course actually was 5k, but with my GPS pausing when I slowed to wait for people, and taking time to start again, I don't think everything got recorded. However, I'm only counting the recorded mileage. over the run, there was about 760 feet (~232m) of elevation, basically going to the top of a ski resort, and then back down, with some major up and down in the middle. It was an awesome run with 9 of my coworkers, and I think I'd do it again next year, despite nailing my but hard on a rock going down the slide at the end.

    That looks like so much fun!!!!! When did you land on your butt? Ouch!!!! Did you have to throw your shoes away?
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    8/1 - 2.23 - HS XC Practice
    8/2 - 6.0 - Easy
    8/2 - 4.15 - Easy
    8/3 - 15.03 - Easy
    8/4 - 6.0 - Recovery
    8/5 - 11.06 Easy + 3.47 @ MP XC Practice
    8/6 - 7.0 Easy W/ 10 x 160M Strides
    8/7 - 10.22 MP
    8/8 - 4.38 Recovery
    9/9 - 9.53 Easy
    9/10 - 11.05 VO2Max workout with 6x600 w/ 400 recovery @ 5k pace.
    9/11 - 6.02 Recovery
    8/12 - 12.49 - Easy w/ 6.3 @ MP
    8/13 - 8.5 Easy
    8/14 - 22.01 - Long Run
    8/15 - 3.0 - Recovery
    8/16 -10.06 - Easy
    8/17 - 16.21 - Easy
    8/18 - 5.4 - Recovery
    8/19 - 8.7 Tempo
    8/20 - 7.0 Easy
    8/21 - 16.4 Long Run

    Total 205.92 of 285 miles

    Wanted to get to 20 today, but my legs were a little heavy still from the threshold run Friday and doing 5 MP miles yesterday. The weather was outstanding at 61 degrees at 5 am when I got started. I thought about trying to do some goal pace work and was trying to get my rear in gear but the legs were just not going to cooperate. I did manage to go 11 miles after the first mile warmup at 9:22. The HR was still well below what I plan on running the race at so I know the fitness it there, just gotta get the legs rested during taper and stay healthy. I met a friend who was out this morning at about 12.5 miles who is a bit slower so I finished up another 4 with her and called it day since i really wanted to get showered and watch the Olympic Marathon, which was awesome. Having an American on the podium again was pretty special to watch. Finished up the week with 66.77 miles. Next week is scheduled for 65-68 so I should easily get to my goal, and have an outside chance to get to 300 miles again.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    edited August 2016
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @skippygirlsmom LOL! I missed the interview and the pizza call. US rocks! (Except for our embarrising swim team). US runners rock!

    @elise4270 Rupp was on the phone after he finished, from his face it didn't look like he was talking to family.
    When they interviewed Kipchoge he was so hard to understand that the guy interviewing him asked him to repeat something but when he said it again he still didn't catch it and moved on.

    I was impressed with how easily Kipchoge won....not cramping at the end or needing oxygen....I think that he could have run faster if he had been pushed (scary thought). His pace was insane.His accent was thick, no doubt.... I wonder if it was his native tongue....I googled Kenya and the native languages are Swahili and English.

    @Orphia Thanks! No poison ivy in Australia? It sounds like heaven!
    @ddmom0811 Thank you! Such a stupid injury...I am trying to do what the doctor told me...elevating leg, wrapping it, icing it....I am hoping to be back at it on Friday...very frustrated...want to be running today...beautiful day with a cool breeze.
    @KatieJane83....great run. I think that the under 2:30 is achievable and a great goal! Is this your first half? For mine, I wanted to finish under 3 hours (really it was to not be picked up by the truck because I was too slow), and I finished just under 3 hours and had a lot of fun. My new goal is to finish under 2:20.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    No run or swim today. Lane swim Pool time was taken over by the local Tri-Athlon.
    With my Torn Calf muscle keeping me from putting in the Training ( Running and Biking ) I Volunteered as Traffic Control for our local Tri-Athlon. A little frustrating as pre-injury I would have been in a competition with my friend Paul for the 1st/2nd AG placing :( .
    Since I can still feel a little tenderness after swimming (especially if I do any Whip kick breast stroke) and mid run/post run tenderness so definitely the right decision. Keep working on my slow recovery plan.
    All ready paid for one of our Fall Classic races called the Roots and Ruts, a Bush Trail run on a Friday night starting at 1800 ( sunset at 1900 ) so if it takes you longer than the hour you are running in the dark and better have a headlamp with you. So that is my big goal to arrive at it injury free so I can have a good event. 4th place AG finish last year, going for 2nd/3rd this year. I know 1st is out of reach as a friend is doing 4:10-4:20/km right now and I can't touch that.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @ereck44 I was going down a slide at the finish. The slide was just a tarp over the ski slope. I hit Rock under neath it going down. Shoes are in fine shape, I just need to clean them out a bit.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited August 2016
    8/1: 3.6 miles w/ the Coffee Crew
    8/2: 5 miles
    8/3: Rest day
    8/4: 7 miles (am)
    ...... 6.4 miles (pm) - Pacers run!
    8/5: Rest day
    8/6: 10 miles w/ the Saturday Crew
    8/7: 18 miles
    8/8: 6.9 miles
    8/9: Rest day
    8/10: 8.9 miles (am)
    ........: 4.2 miles (pm)
    8/11: 5.3 miles (am)
    ........: 6.4 miles (pm) - Pacers run!
    8/12: Rest day
    8/13: 10 miles
    8/14: 10 miles out of 16 planned
    8/15: Rest day
    8/16: Rest day
    8/17: 4.6 miles of 9 planned
    8/18: 6.4 miles - Pacers run!
    8/19: Rest day
    8/20: 10 miles
    8/21: 3.3 miles out of 12-15 planned

    I woke up this morning (after sleeping through my alarm -- not snoozing! -- for 10 minutes) and just was not feeling a long run. But typically, I put on my shoes and get going and it's fine. Not today! From the get go, everything just felt off like I wasn't lined up right. I took a walk break after the first mile and hardly ran any more after that. I cut my route short at 3 miles and called it a day. My calf was tight from running double digits yesterday and my mind was just not in it. I'd jog about .15 of a mile and then walk for a quarter, even though my calf wasn't even THAT tight. I just didn't want to run.

    I am in the last few days of finalizing my MA thesis, so I'm a bit more stressed than I have been in the last few weeks when I was having really great runs. With that looming and the calf still being a little iffy, I think I'm just going to take a day or two off. Wait to run again until the thesis stress is done; I'm emailing it to the printer and to my reader committee on Tuesday night so after that it's out of my hands until my defense (over Skype, no big deal) on Sept 6. I think a couple days of dedicated thesis work + more rest for my calf will serve me better going into the Taper Zone than trying to squeeze in "meh" runs.

    That said, 200 miles is out the window for August. But that's okay. I'd rather have a healthy calf and a good taper than be able to brag about another 200 mile month (but the brag is a very close second ;)).


    Upcoming Races:
    9/11: Lehigh Valley Via Marathon (Several Towns, PA)
    (10/16: Halloween Half (Morristown, NJ) >> maybe)
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Philadelphia, PA)

  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @skippygirlsmom LOL! I missed the interview and the pizza call. US rocks! (Except for our embarrising swim team). US runners rock!

    @elise4270 Rupp was on the phone after he finished, from his face it didn't look like he was talking to family.
    When they interviewed Kipchoge he was so hard to understand that the guy interviewing him asked him to repeat something but when he said it again he still didn't catch it and moved on.

    I was impressed with how easily Kipchoge won....not cramping at the end or needing oxygen....I think that he could have run faster if he had been pushed (scary thought). His pace was insane.His accent was thick, no doubt.... I wonder if it was his native tongue....I googled Kenya and the native languages are Swahili and English.

    @Orphia Thanks! No poison ivy in Australia? It sounds like heaven!
    @ddmom0811 Thank you! Such a stupid injury...I am trying to do what the doctor told me...elevating leg, wrapping it, icing it....I am hoping to be back at it on Friday...very frustrated...want to be running today...beautiful day with a cool breeze.
    @KatieJane83....great run. I think that the under 2:30 is achievable and a great goal! Is this your first half? For mine, I wanted to finish under 3 hours (really it was to not be picked up by the truck because I was too slow), and I finished just under 3 hours and had a lot of fun. My new goal is to finish under 2:20.

    Technically, it's my second. But the first one I went into with a nagging overuse injury that blew up 6 miles in, and I walked the second half. So I don't really count it, lol. And yeah, I'm feeling really good about the under 2:30. I did 11 miles in 2:02 this morning, and that was with 80% humidity still, so I'm kinda thinking I can do even better than 2:30 but I'm keeping my official expectations conservative, haha.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Great marathon for the US men!!! Gold time was almost 3 mins faster than my HM PR. ha ha love it!!
    Lol, maybe I should pick 2:08:43 as goal time for my next half, just so that I can say the gold winner wasn't quite twice as fast as me :D
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    Is your watch a Garmin? If so, you might want to contact customer support. They replaced my Garmin 640 when the battery started failing on 13-15 mile runs, even though it was out of warranty. I paid the cost of shipping the old watch to them, and got free shipping (in the US) back because I wasn't in a hurry. I *was* in a hurry to have a working watch, so I bought a 630 locally at full retail price (ouch!) to have it when I needed a watch; but now I have the replacement 620 as a backup if something happens to my 630.
    Thanks for the suggestion, @MobyCarp ! It's a TomTom, not a Garmin, but maybe their customer support will be helpful as well. It's probably a good idea to send them a mail, maybe I'll get lucky and they'll exchange the battery or at least give me a discount on the newer model.


    Apart from my long run yesterday, most of the week my runs didn't work out as planned. Same today...
    I'd agreed to help a colleage unload his moving truck, which was supposed to arrive this afternoon. So I thought I would have plenty of time to spend the morning tinkering with my bike, have a quick snack and then run my planned 14.5km afterwards. At the first and only traffic light of my run today, I checked my phone and saw the message that they arrived two ours early! So I turned back home, changed my clothes (figured there was no point in wasting time on a shower, if I was going to get sweaty right afterwards anyway), hopped on my bike and rode over there. Well, it turned out they only needed half an hour to carry everything inside, so between running home, changing and the bike ride, I arrived just in time for the beer & burgers after the work. Guess I could have turned right back around, cycled home and finished the run, but I figured if I didn't help carry stuff, the least I could do was help drinking the beer :p
    That means only ~42km of running this week, when the past weeks were all around 65km. Oh well, I did some hiking and biking, and apart from that, I'll just call it a cutback week.

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Awesome job @luluinca! Congrats on your first 5k!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Awesome job @luluinca! Congrats on your first 5k!

    Thanks, it was a lot of fun and a learning experience. Hoping to do another 5 in October while I train for a 10K. I'll still be slow but I'm going for distance.....LOL
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Seriously considering going to the store to get a bag of ice and filling the tub with ice water to see if that helps with all the aches and pains from yesterday. What you all think?
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    Seriously considering going to the store to get a bag of ice and filling the tub with ice water to see if that helps with all the aches and pains from yesterday. What you all think?

    Ice baths are normally best immediately following a hard long workoutout. Not sure how effective that would be 24-30 hours later. I've tried them in the past after 20 mile runs and I'm not sure they were any better than taking ice packs and wrapping my lower legs with ace bandages. They were however much more uncomfortable on the man parts.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Seriously considering going to the store to get a bag of ice and filling the tub with ice water to see if that helps with all the aches and pains from yesterday. What you all think?

    Well . . . 10 minutes in ice water was recommended for some of my foot and ankle injuries in the past, but Coach recommended a hot bath for the general beat up feeling after a marathon. That seemed to help some. A hot tub might be better, but a bathtub is what I've got. Then stretch after the hot bath, while the muscles are still warm and relaxed.

    Also, gentle recovery movement. That might be easy walking, it might be a slow recovery run that isn't very long, depends on how you feel.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Opted for the good old plastic wrap holding on ice. Good news is my rear feels better. Just need the pain in my calf to go away. Tomorrow's easy run might end up being at recovery pace instead.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    Weekends are weird for me. I spend the majority of it with my son, so I don't get any time to do anything on Saturday, and have to wait until after I drop him off at his dad's house to go for my run on Sunday. Needless to say I spend a lot of time over the weekends feeling antsy to go run.

    Anyway, today I couldn't decide if I wanted to do a long walk or a run. I wound up doing a bit of both. :smile: I went out to my usual long walk point, but I ran as much of it as I could, taking half-mile walk breaks here and there.

    The weather today is glorious... low 70s and low humidity. There was a sliver of a hint of fall in the air. I was amazed at the pace I was able to run. In the heat, the best I could manage was a 13-minute mile, but today I was keeping pace at 12 minutes or below. Also able to walk faster, too.

    I saw two not-so-skinny ladies out running on the Prairie Path. I too am a not-so-skinny lady, so I made sure to give them a thumbs up as I went past. It made them smile. I also saw a man out Nordic walking. That's something I've always wanted to try, but never really had the money to buy the poles.

    Totals for me today: 5.3 miles running, 3 miles walking, 8.3 miles total. Not too shabby for a Sunday.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @RespectTheKitty nice going! You are really improving well!
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    August Running Totals (miles)
    8/1 – 5.90 easy plus 4 strides
    8/2 – 6.24 hill run
    8/3 – rest day
    8/4 – 13.56 hot and humid
    8/5 – rest day
    8/6 – 14.13 paced run
    8/7 – 7.75 almost easy
    8/8 – 6.30 easy + 4 strides
    8/9 – 7.34 warmup, easy with a few fartleks
    8/10 – 6.66 group run
    8/11 – 4.18 lunch run
    8/11 – 0.88+2.04+1.15 warmup, time trial, cool down - daily double
    8/12 – rest day
    8/13 – 7.45 warmup, Bergen 5K 19:07 PR, cool down
    8/14 – 8.05 easy plus one stride
    8/15 – 5.40 easy plus 4 strides
    8/16 – 10.76 warmup + long intervals
    8/17 – rest day
    8/18 – 7.74 warmup + speed work
    8/19 – rest day
    8/20 – 22.01 partly paced run
    8/21 – 3.78 easy

    August total to date – 141.32

    Nominal Challenge Goal – 200 miles
    Real Goals: Survive last month before retirement. Train as well as possible toward Rochester Marathon. Avoid putting myself back on the couch.

    Today's notes – The training plan that called for 22 miles yesterday called for an easy 30 minute run or off today. I was just creaky enough from yesterday's 22 miles that honoring the light assignment seemed like a very good idea. I went for the easy 30 minute run. 75º F (23º C) felt pretty good with low humidity, and 30 minutes is so short that I just ran around some residential streets with 3 small hills in my neighborhood. By the time I got done, I felt like I should keep going; but I trusted the program and only ran about a half minute over to get back to my driveway.

    2016 races:
    January 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY) finished in 53:58
    January 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) finished in 1:30:59
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 32:32
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY) finished in 1:05:24
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA) finished in 3:23:01
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY) finished in 1:36:50, targeting MP
    May 15, 2016 Highland Hospital Lilac Run 10K (Rochester, NY) DNS - injury
    June 19, 2016 Medved 5K to Cure ALS (Rochester, NY) DNS - recovering from face plant
    July 16, 2016 Shoreline Half Marathon (Hamlin, NY) finished in 1:31:11
    August 13, 2016 Bergen Road Race 5K (Bergen, NY) finished in 19:07 (5K PR)
    September 4, 2016 Oak Tree Half Marathon (Geneseo, NY)
    September 18, 2016 Rochester Marathon (Rochester, NY)
    November 24, 2016 Race with Grace 10K (Hilton, NY)

  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    @RespectTheKitty nice going! You are really improving well!

    Thank you, dear. I do feel like I'm progressing quite nicely. Pretty soon I'll be able to do 10k and won't that be grand. :smile:
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @RespectTheKitty nice going! You are really improving well!

    Thank you, dear. I do feel like I'm progressing quite nicely. Pretty soon I'll be able to do 10k and won't that be grand. :smile:

    That will be great! I liked the half marathon I did, but I'm starting to realize that I might like the "shorter" faster races better. 10k is a great distance. You'll love it when you get to it.