August (2016) Running Challenge



  • Marjael
    Marjael Posts: 111 Member
    3.6 miles yesterday; 3.7 today.


  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Today I once again woke up early and went to the gym before work. I felt like the running dead.


    It's been a week since the last time I got up early to work out, so my body isn't used to it yet. I'm hoping, after a few bad days, to make this a daily habit, no more excuses, just get my *kitten* up and go. Maybe then I'll get used to it and running won't feel so much like a slog through wet mud.

    Managed 5k today, nowhere near PR pace, but put myself officially over my goal for the month. I still have just over 3 miles to make my walking goal. Shouldn't be too hard.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    8/1 - 6 miles
    8/2 - 6 miles
    8/3 - rest day
    8/4 - 6 miles
    8/5 - 6 miles
    8/6 - rest day - went to a race with Skip
    8/7 - 10 miles
    8/8 - unscheduled rest day
    8/9 - 6 miles
    8/10 - 6 miles
    8/11 - 6 miles in and out of the misty rain - so nice!
    8/12 - 3 miles
    8/13 - rest day
    8/14 - 10 miles
    8/15 - rest day Skip had an early dentist appt
    8/16 - 6 miles
    8/17 - 6 miles
    8/18 - 5 miles
    8/19 - rest
    8/20 - 10 miles
    8/21 - 3 miles - recovery run
    8/22 - rest day
    8/23 - 7 miles - beautiful temp this morning - yeah!

    102 out of 110 miles

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Your monthly mileage is looking great!
    @RespectTheKitty Good job getting the early workout done! It will get easier.
    @Marjael and @MandaNar Keep up the good work :)
    @karllundy You're killing it as usual!
    @lporter229 39% humidity <3
    @kristinegift Glad your leg is feeling better.
    @elise4270 Good luck with the Dr appt!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Had a decent run for 3 days in a row which I'm still getting used to. ;) Time still sucks but I feel good!

    08/04 – 1 mile
    08/05 – 1 mile
    08/06 – 3 miles
    08/09 – 1.3 miles – HR 135-140 HR running flat surface………154 running hills
    08/10 – 80 min Strength Training + 20 min Xtraining – Stairmaster and Stationary Bike (140 HR)
    08/11 – 3.05 miles – AVG HR 143, lower on flat (lowest 127) higher on hills (highest 153)
    08/12 – 1 mile – AVG HR 144 + 90 min strength training
    08/13 – Rest Day
    08/14 – 3.3 miles, 12 laps at park, HR average 155 & took 35 seconds off my mile time
    08/15 – 1 mile - 85 min Strength Training
    08/16 – 2 miles – Easy Pace AVG HR 132
    08/17 – 1 mile – 85 min Strength Training
    08/18 – Rest Day – 35 min swim
    08/19 – 2.1 miles - AVG HR 144
    08/20 – Rest Day – 35 min swim
    08/21 – 5K Tiki Run – 3.1 miles
    08/22 – 1 mile slow recovery run – 85 min Strength Training
    08/23 – 2 mile run – AVG HR 148 - .4 mile walk


    Looks like everyone is really embracing it this week and some of you have a little bit of cooler weather. It was actually humid here this morning for us but it won't last!
  • zmcgrandles
    zmcgrandles Posts: 78 Member
    Got an unscheduled rest day, hip isn't as bad but not up to running tonight so going to go for a swim hoping it'll help strengthen all the muscles round that area a bit.

    @instantmartian We've made it into a mini heat wave down in the south east for 3 day temps going over 80F (yes I had to google the conversion from celsius).

    Well done on the tickets, persistence really does pay off the play has had such good reviews I'm sure everyone will love it. Sounds like you've got an amazing trip for you and the family planned for when you come over and its all worked out really well. Lets hope the sunshine stays for you :)
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    I skipped my Sunday long run and yesterday's 3 miler. I did 3 miles on Saturday morning (already logged), then spent the rest of the day building fence for my horse. Thank goodness we opted for electric fencing (internal fence only--the whole property perimeter is fenced in barbed wire), as we were able to complete the entire 1100+ linear feet of fencing in one day. That includes driving corner posts, marking off line post locations, putting in line posts, stretching electric tape, installing the solar charger, installing the electric gate, etc. I ended my day with close to 25K steps. My feet were just sore on Sunday morning, so I decided not to run.

    We went to the boarding facility to pick up the horse on Sunday. Spent over 3 hours trying to get her loaded in the trailer, but she steadfastly refused. She was not particularly scared, just being obstinate. We tried everything: offering her food, leading her in gently, putting a rope behind her so she couldn't back up, putting another horse in the trailer to encourage her to go in, lunging her in the round pen to tire her out. No luck. Very frustrating, since I had previously loaded her in the same trailer with no problems. This is what I get for buying a mustang. So stubborn! So, we wasted a whole day and came home empty handed, tired, and sore.

    I ended up taking yesterday off work to go make another attempt to load her up. Spent the morning installing more electric fence (a single line inset 5" from the barbed wire perimeter that's on two sides of her pasture--so another 1100+ linear feet, but at least no post driving was involved), then headed back out to try to get her again. She was in the trailer and we were headed home within 30 minutes of getting there (and that includes the time it took me to go find her and lead her back to the trailer). No problems whatsoever, just walked right in. Grrr... Regardless of not running, I finished my day with about 15K steps, so at least I was plenty active.

    Horsey is now happy at home in her new pasture and has made friends with the horses in the neighboring pasture. So glad to finally have her home, where I can see her every day. I haven't decided yet if I'm running today or not. Only 12 miles left to meet my monthly goal, so I have plenty of time to get there...
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @elise4270 good luck tomorrow at the doctor - you'll be out and running soon. No more swiss balls!
    @greenolivetree thank you!
    @shanaber I love the 8K and 10K distances. Congrats to your daughter on her PR, oh your poor niece
    @kristinegift glad the calf is feeling better - I grew up just north of Morristown in Parsippany
    @ddmom0811 LOL rough morning for sure!
    @ohhim had to laugh on the sweating. I came home and then walk the dog for a little bit, gives me a chance to cool down before I try to sit down
    @lporter229 39% humidity OMG I don't think we have that in the winter ha ha
    @instantmartian it's funny when you hear about someone who hasn't read or seen HP. I started to read the books when a friend's middle school aged daughter recommended it. We were at a Christmas party and she was telling me all about this book, then she said do you want to read it. Well I didn't want to hurt her feelings, thinking hello she's 11 and I'm well older. So I said sure. Her Mom brought me the book and I finished it in one night. I was hooked from there. We have them all at home, but like you Skip is forced to read so much in school she has no desire to read outside of school.
    @mandanar 17 to 15 min miles is awesome!!!
    @mom3over40 I really wish people would start in a spot at a race that is realistic to their time. I hate going out at the start and within 1/4 mile people need to start to walk, really?? why are you not in the back. Skip is much faster than me, she starts up front I start mid point most of the time. Worse yet are the people who stop in the middle of the road to walk, hello move to the side and start to walk. Great job on your HM.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Ya. No more Swiss ball. I was actually cleared to do ab work. So go figure. Hope I'm gimpy for tomorrow's appointment. I hate appointments when you suddenly are feeling fine :angry:
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    @skippygirlsmom, I know what you mean! I also think that it has something to do with "crowd management". With this race, there was literally a bottle neck point that everyone needed to walk. We heard a participant said "It's like driving in LA" LOL.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @elise4270 I've been known to sing at the top of my lungs driving to the doctor.....trying to keep my cough going....because it's always magically better at the doctor's office. LOL

    I was just thinking that what I love about this group is that we prove that there is no one "type" that's a runner. We're all so different. Working, retired, school, children at home or not, all over the country and the world, and we're all runners. It's so cool :)

    I may have to get back on the Swiss ball, and go swim with flippers before 3pm tomorrow. Although, I doubt I'd be able to ditch the crutches- that I'm loving today.

    It is great that we are such a unique and diverse group. I just love everyone and the stories, experience, and personality they bring.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    91.13% of goal

    01-Aug: 5.11 miles
    02-Aug: 5.38 miles
    03-Aug: 5.57 miles - Daily Double
    04-Aug: 8.41 miles - Daily Double
    05-Aug: 5.69 miles
    06-Aug: 5.08 miles
    07-Aug: <Life Day>
    08-Aug: 5.60 miles
    09-Aug: 7.35 miles - Daily Double
    10-Aug: 3.40 miles
    11-Aug: 6.87 miles
    12-Aug: 7.29 miles - Daily Double
    13-Aug: 8.68 miles
    14-Aug: <Life Day>
    15-Aug: 8.80 miles
    16-Aug: 8.16 miles - Daily Double
    17-Aug: 5.52 miles
    18-Aug: 7.08 miles - Daily Double
    19-Aug: 5.02 miles
    20-Aug: 4.59 miles
    21-Aug: <Life Day>
    22-Aug: 6.16 miles
    23-Aug: 7.82 miles
    28-Aug: <Life Day>

    (Actually - I'm up to 5 days ahead on my goal mileage!)


    05-Sep: Labor Day Road Race 10K
    10-Sep: Glazin' a Trail Donut Run 5K, Centerville
    17-Sep: Race for Education 5K, Warner Robins
    24-Sep: Georgia Golden Olympics 5K
    01-Oct: Terry's Run 5K, Eastman
    22-Oct: S.C.A.R.E. 5K, Macon
    05-Nov: Ridge Run 5K, Macon
    12-Nov: FUMC 5K, Warner Robins
    25-Mar: Cherry Blossom Road Race 10K, Macon
    08-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K/15K, Macon

    Felt a little cooler these past 2 days, so not hating on the running as much. Actually enjoying the mid-day runs with Alan (at work) who's a triathlete, but wants to improve his running game, and he's helping me slow down well. He's wanting to do :30/:30 (modified Galloway) for a couple of miles, and then he heads to the showers and I tack on a couple strides/fartleks to round out some time/distance.

    Expecting to walk again this afternoon with another guy at work who wants to increase his fitness.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    @5512bf adorable boys. I have twin nephews and they were so much fun at that age! Enjoy these early years they grow up too fast.

    @ceciliaslater beautiful horse..............happy too I bet.
  • k_it_10
    k_it_10 Posts: 2 Member
    5 today
  • DayLi77
    DayLi77 Posts: 655 Member
    @5512bf what cuties! Hope they (and you) have a great school year!
    @ceciliaslater beautiful horse!
    @Elise4270 Good luck at the doctor tomorrow!
    @katharmonic Hugs to you and your sick doggie :(