Fit For Future Families - July 2011



  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hey all--internet is back! Hubby is back! Life is good today. Eating has stunk, but I'm just going to let it slide today.

    Welcome newbies--may your stay here be short, but if not, we are fun. (In my humble opinion.)

    Not much going on with me--we missed my "o" while hubs was gone. Fertility meds should arrive next week in time for my cycle to start in the next two weeks.

    Ash--have a great time!!!

    Here's a shout out to Jalara--hey girl--anytime you are feeling useless, just remember that code blue from a few weeks ago. I am pretty darn sure that your patient did not find you useless, nor do we or anyone else important in your life. Fertility is only one tiny part of you (as big as it can feel at the time), and when you are feeling down about that, you gotta focus on the other parts. Not that it makes everything better, but for me, it does help keep the perspective...which sometimes helps me stay away from my two not so best friends. I'm sure you have met them--Ben and Jerry's. Haha.
  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    just wanted to see if anyone else has been ttc for over 4 years like me?
  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    Hey all :) newbie here! I just recently discovered this site and I think I am really going to like it!! We have been TTC for 4 years now with no luck! Doctor recommends to lose weight to help with PCOS!! All advice welcome :smile:

    the thing that helps me the most in controlling pcos is to eat less than 100 grams of carbs a day. i had to change mfp's default settings. hope that helps you too!

    thanks so much!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Hi lovelies :) Just want to remind you all of my existence...I've been a horrible board buddy. To all the newbies: Welcome to the board and I look forward to getting to know you and celebrate your BFPs..... To all the oldbies (??? Is that a word), let me rephrase, to all my board buddies: I miss you guys lots and I've gained probably close to 10lbs in the last few weeks.....gonna need support to push through.....

    I have one more crazy day of work and am planning on obsessively stalking the board again come Saturday!!! Be prepared.....LOL
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Two comments in one day for me, crazy!!

    Just wanted to say that I think I'm becoming addicted to exercise, more specifically yoga (it's amazingly restorative!). I had the worst headache when I got home from work and after I worked out I feel fantastic! This is really a milestone for me, because I used to abhor exercise for exercise sake. In fact, unless it was part of a sport or group activity I just couldn't see the point. Now, after almost a month straight of 6-day per week, minimum 30 min workouts (variety of things: swimming, yoga, aerobic dance videos, wii fit, etc.), I'm hooked. Wonders never cease! :happy:

    Oh & Ashley, have a wonderful long weekend!!
    Karen, congrats on being reconnected (to your virtual and real life! :smile: )
    Cupcake, we're coming up on our 4th year of TTC. I haven't done more aggressive treatments than Clomid/Femara, but I have had just about every test under the sun. My insurance doesn't cover the next steps, so I'm trying to get in the very best shape possible so if we do decide to spend the money on fertility treatments, we have the best chance. I have PCOS too, but it is well under control with Metformin.

    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • phshhnet
    phshhnet Posts: 12
    sorry... didn't realize I posted this in the june thread.... so I am going to post this here now and edit my other one. sorry!!

    Don't know much about the meds or anything but I have a question... I don't get my TOM on my own (need to take Prometrium once every 3 months to bring it on)... if I was to use an ovulation monitor, would the Prometrium affect or skew the results in any way? I know because of the PCOS I don't ovulate on my own... so Am I wrong with the assumption that the Prometrium will allow me to ovulate?


    i would assume that too, but i would call the prescribing doctor's nurse and ask for clarification.

    ty for the advice. i think i will call.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    sorry... didn't realize I posted this in the june thread.... so I am going to post this here now and edit my other one. sorry!!

    Don't know much about the meds or anything but I have a question... I don't get my TOM on my own (need to take Prometrium once every 3 months to bring it on)... if I was to use an ovulation monitor, would the Prometrium affect or skew the results in any way? I know because of the PCOS I don't ovulate on my own... so Am I wrong with the assumption that the Prometrium will allow me to ovulate?


    i would assume that too, but i would call the prescribing doctor's nurse and ask for clarification.

    ty for the advice. i think i will call.

    Prometrium, if I understand it correctly is a synthetic progesterone. If this is the case, it doesn't induce ovulation, it tricks your body into thinking that ovulation occurred. If you are ovulating 2 of the 3 months on your own, and have regular cycles it is possible that you ovulate in those months, but know that ovulation prediction kits are unstable at best for people with PCOS, because we have so many other hormones raging in the body that it throws the kits off.....
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    AFM- So yesterday was the follow up appointment for DH and I to discuss "options" with the MD. Definitiely wasn't what we were hoping to hear... Neddless to say, i binged a little yesterday (+178 calories over my goal calories for the day)... SO, after all the testing, my HSG was "perfect", and the only thing we have found is that my progestorne levels are "really low", which all equals up to "unexplainable infertility" (I HATE that label). So he gave us 5 options-

    1. keep trying and "give it some time"
    2. clomid pills with ultrasounds around ovulation and insemination (which is not covered by our insurance)
    3. clomid injections with ultrasounds around ovulation and insemination (which is not covered by our insurance)
    4. IVF (which is not covered by our insurance)
    5. OR a trial that the hospital (that we go to) is doing (a "paid for" trial for 4 months of treatments) that would be either option 2 or 3 but not our choice= random selection

    So after lots of discussions last night with DH and I, we decided to give it a few days and see if we feel strongly one way or another... Personally, i am ready to start some kind of treatments but i am not to keen on the "insemination" part of the procedure which is basically where DH is at with it all as well. SO..., any advice or opinions would be appreciated...

    Baby dust to everyone!
    And that you all for the support!!!
  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    sdavisneill- that is all the treatments we have done also :) My insurance doesn't cover the next steps so we are waiting to get financially stable enough to pay out of pocket.....or hopefully with weight loss it will happen on its own!!
  • Ellastrong
    Ellastrong Posts: 64 Member
    HI there!!! I was wondering if there was extra room for me? I have been married for two years and we will be hopefully starting to try consistently in the next few months. We were trying and in the mindset if it happens, it happens a year ago, with no results. I was also at my heaviest 201lbs, and decided to lose some weight before we really commit to trying. I have lost 25lbs since then, and would like to lose another 25 or so. I also need support with all this (as this is very exciting and scary all at the same time) as all my friends are either pregnant, or have children and got pregnant very easily and don't really understand. I'm thrilled that there is this group and look forward to meeting all of you!!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Ella - welcome! We are absolutely here to support you! And congrats on your losses so far.

    Elizabeth - I think it's good that you are taking some time to really think things over. Personally, I think we'd opt to do the trial, since we don't really care how we become parents and the finances would (or will) be a concern. With that said, insemination is still a scary thought!

    AFM - I was still really upset last night. On top of that, I'm having a hard time finding a dress I like for our vow renewal in Vegas (I don't fit into anything) and I'm going to order online from the US (Done it before, normally works out well). But suddenly DH is all concerned about money, and doesn't even want me to get my hair done because we don't have money to spend..... except that we do. We absolutely do - I know - I pay the bills! I think he's practising for next year when I'll be a full time student and have zero money coming in. And that made me feel out of control and really upset, on top of everythng else. Like seriously - a month ago I was a successful woman and now I can't get pregnant, I can't start a family, I can't get my hair done and I'm still fat on top of everything else.

    Rant over. Needed to get it out. On my way to my WW meeting.
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
  • BronzeLady
    BronzeLady Posts: 13
    ElizabethRN - I heard clomid is not too expensive. Is that rumor true? Some people's doctors put them on it on the lowest dose and let that ride for two cycles. What kind of insemination do they want to do? Regular or IUI?

    Cupcake - I, too, am hoping just weight loss will do the job!

    Ellastrong - I'm a newbie here as well. Congratulations on all that weight loss! We can be newbies together, lol!

    Jalara - What is it when the husband's flip the switch on us out of nowhere like that? And the men always say WE'RE moody, haha!

    AFM - I did P90X Cardio last night. I thought I was only going to last about 10-15 minutes of that 45 min. workout. Well I must be in better shape than I gave myself credit for because I lasted just over 30 minutes! I'm supposed to start 'officially' tonight after my son goes to bed. (Last night was just a 'testingtesting' thing to see if I could handle it in general.) My back has been giving me some trouble and it is raining badly here, so I don't know if it is going to lay be out again like it did last night with Ibuprofen. (Hate taking that stuff!) But my husband might get all concerned and be like 'Don't do it, your back!!!' lol! I'll see what happens.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Okay - to start me back off right, I'm giong to introduce myself. There probably aren't many that were here for the first round:

    My name is Pam. I'm 32 and have been married for 10 years in October. My husband and I have never prevented pregnancy which would mean that we've have been "medically" trying for just over 13 years. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2002 (confirmed at every ultrasound/blood test over the years) and am Insulin Resistant. My husband was also diagnosed in 2002, but with low sperm count. We were told at that time that our only option was IVF with ICSI and a sperm wash and at a price tag of over $15K, it was certainly not an option for us.

    Fast forward to present date and we have attempted public adoptions (failed at 2 almost placements and have been on the waiting list since 2006 - although at this point, our homestudy has lapsed and so I don't think we can consider ourselves adopting any longer). We've monitored my DH's condition (mine is easily treated with medication) and continued to try monthly. Since May last year (2010), we have been focused on getting healthy and combined have lost around 90lbs - 60 of that is me. At around the 40lbs lost mark, my cycles started regulating and I maintained that for 6 months. In May, I sort of lost focus and have hovered between 50lbs lost and 60lbs lost since. Also May was the first cycle that I needed to jump start my cycle with Provera in a long time - I have been eating lots of sugar and attribute it to that.

    Right now I'm taking FertilityBlend prenatals, Metformin, and Synthroid to help stabilize my hormone levels. One thing I've learned is that weight loss is all related to sugar......sugar causes an insulin spike. Insulin is a hormone which means that when one is out of balance, so are the rest......

    That's me....I'm going to start reading through the posts and getting to know you ladies and I'll start responding to y'all ;) This is me, checking out for the night, from steamy Toronto. Seriously?? Who said Monday could hit 100F (38C)???
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey everyone - I'm feeling SO much better now. On top of my issues I've been battling a Clomid headache for 4 days. Tonight it's starting to feel better. Finally.
    Tomorrow we are getting up early to go for a bike ride. We have to take a super busy road to get to the trail so we want to get through before the traffic gets too bad. Then in the afternoon we have a 2nd birthday to go to. I expect it to be hard because the mother is expecting and I'm not sure I can handle hearing about it too much. :grumble:
    Although, I made an appointment to get my hair done on Sunday and DH and I had a chat and he said he didn't mean to make spending $ a big deal - he knows I haven't been spending much at all for months and that I've been waiting to do some things for me, and he apologized.

    Does anyone watch Say Yes To The Dress? Well, there's a Bridesmaid Edition!!!

    Pam - welcome back! I missed you!
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome Ella! We seem to have similar stories and I myself am dealing with having all of our friends either pregnant or with children... This group is great for motivation and support! Baby dust to you!

    @jalara- Yeah i think we are mostly leaning toward the trial. Finances for one, and secondly I like the idea of being able to help other people with the information they will get out of the trial... (the nurse heart in me i guess ;)

    @bronzelady- Clomid is the cheaper of the options we were given (except for the trial option)- about $1500 with the ultrasounds and insemination (i believe it's IUI)

    Welcome back Pam!! =)

    AFM- DH and i chatted some more last night about what we would like to do as far as treatments are concerned... Seems like we are leaning toward doing the trial at this point (see above comment LOL). But some of the things he told me just made my evening. When he got home from work, he just gave me the biggest hug and just said "It will be okay honey, i know we will be parents and i know it will be when God is ready for us to be parents". He told me that it was all he was thinking about all day at work. So it was a nice evening and some relief for me to hear that my husband has the same feelings and thoughts as me...

    Good luck ladies!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Thanks guys :)

    Jalara - I know DH and I argue about finances anytime something out of the norm is expected. I didn't realize you guys were renewing your vows in Vegas. That's super exciting and I can see a little stressful. Enjoy your bike ride this morning, I'm sure it will help a little bit.

    Elizabeth - I love that you're doing the trial for some unselfish reasons.....that's gotta count for something. Your DH is right and that's how I've gotten through these will happen when we are supposed to have children. I don't want just any child, I want the child that I was meant to have. If you go with the trial, when would you start?

    AFM - I realized today that part of my reason for stopping coming here was because I hate being in a holding pattern. We were supposed to start treatments in May. It's now July and I still don't even have an appt with the doctor. I don't know if she's even back. All our tests are now down and there is nothing more to "do". I can't even say I focused on healthy living (unless half a medium pizza last night and a moolatte for dinner count) while I was incognito. I think I'm going to take advantage of my next door neighbours pool today and then hang out with my friend and her boyfriend tonight.
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    @ pam- hopefully to start the trial (if for sure thats what we decide) in August cycle... too late for this cycle in July... We are hoping to have come to a solid decision by monday so we can start the process...
  • cbelli
    cbelli Posts: 24
    Hey Ya'll! I stumbled on your thread and have been reading through, so I figure it's only polite to introduce myself.

    I'm Courtney and have been married to Joe for 2 years (July 25). I will turn 26 in August and he is already 26. We aren't ready for kids yet as he is in school and doesn't want kids during that time. Also, we couldn't really afford them right now while he doesn't have a job. However, one of my biggest goals for losing weight is to be healthy enough for pregnancy...and I don't want the post pregnancy weight to be too difficult to get off, which would mean being healthy prior to and during the actual pregnancy.

    I have "baby fever" so stinking bad! I love babies and they are all around me. I often get emotional being around them for the sole reason that I want one so bad. DH wants kids too, but he doesn't have the emotional side of it. He supports me and always says something to the effect of "Some Day" when we see small babies and he sees me getting teary eyed. He was active duty military when we got married and our original plan was to wait a year before TTC. When we decided military life wasn't our future, that put baby plans on hold. He had practically no college education, so he is literally starting from scratch. We want him to be about a year from graduation before we start TTC...which is still at least 2 years away if things go well in school.

    All that to say that I appreciate this group being here. I may not be commenting often because we aren't actively TTC yet and have a while before we can. However, my main goal is to be in a "healthy" weight range for a while prior to TTC. I figure now is the best time to start that process. Never too early.
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey all-

    I was traveling for 9 days straight for work . . . I'm back now and will try to catch up on the boards some this weekend. Wanted to stop by and say HI!!

    I'm doing my second round of 30 Day Shred starting on Monday . . . so yay!!

This discussion has been closed.