Do you really only have one "soulmate"?



  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited August 2016
    My belief is that soulmates're able to apply, to various types of relationships & therefore we're able to have, more than 1. Such as: when 1 twin needs emergency surgery & the other feels a crippling pain, in the same area; of their own body or when someone's about to inform a mother, that their child's dead but the the mother already knew because they began feeling labor pains. Also some couples have lost their soulmate but were young enough, to still have needs; that their soulmate wasn't there to provide & thus found another soulmate and/or other couples for unselfish reasons, drifted apart but once again came together. I believe that it's possible, to have an instantaneous connection with someone; that otherwise'd have to be built, for instance: couples whom just happened to meet while grocery shopping, a week later; marry each other & have a marriage, that lasts.

    I also believe that some people just get caught up, in a fairy tale wish. When I was on Eharmony (their suppose to find, you a compatible match), at 1st they sent me matches; that seemed plausible but it became obvious that they ran out of matches, for me but of course they didn't desire, to lose my business; so they sent me matches that weren't compatible. Therefore I suspect that some of their couples, might not be compatible but're suffering in a relationship because they desire to believe, in the process. The science itself, might be possible but not when it's mixed, with greed.
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    Historically marriage was not about love. It was about financial security, dynastic alliances and (mainly) to reassure men they were the father of their children and because women couldn't work and needed financial support.
    Even now, people get married for a lot of reasons. Security, money (I'm sure Trump's wife didn't marry him for his looks) and because society expects us to couple up. Women especially are supposed to get married and have children within a certain window and if they don't are subject to a lot of societal judgement (recently I heard an unmarried 30-something woman referred to as an 'old maid'). Personally I would only marry someone I loved completely and who loved me back but it's naive to assume that everyone does it for that reason.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    i don't think you have to be religious to believe there is a soul in a person. but that's neither here nor there.

    i don't think there is one person out there for each person. with the amount of people in the world, that notion seems ridiculous. i do think that there are people who you will click with more than others. I mean, before I met my wife, I would have sworn that I loved a couple of women I dated, but the connection I have with her is so much deeper and being with her feels so much more right, that I'm not really sure about anyone prior to her.

    But I also think that I could probably find that with someone else, somewhere in the world. But now I don't have to go searching for it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Villae81 wrote: »
    If people have soulmates what does gingers have?

    Freedom from eternal bliss with a soulmate :wink:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2016
    I see a lot of debate in the soul existence and how that may or may not guide us in to relationships.

    No matter what your spiritual maturity or beliefs are, we are here to learn from one another, and to support each other. That's not always easy, look at the forums here. In fact, it's never easy to step outsiide ourselves and help others grow, particularly our significant others that we know too much about. "Soulmate" should not imply bliss without effort.

    I have no doubt, that no matter your spiritual alliance, or lack there of, we are here for each other. It's that simple.

    Carry on.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I love my husband as much as I love my children. But, only because he is worthy of that love. Plus our children are a part of both of us. I don't see how I would love them more than him. I love and care for my children. I want the best for them. They are growing into their own selves. And eventually will move on and form their own relationships (love and friendships). And I look forward to knowing them at every stage of their lives and being close at every stage. My husband is the person I want to do the funnest things with, talk about the deepest things, have the most intimate intimacy with, grow old with. But, of course, if circumstances were different... If anyone ever harmed my children, I would choose my children and not that person. The same would be said of anyone that harmed any child, though. I would never stay with someone that harmed a child. That's why it took so long for my husband to gain my full trust. I didn't go into it lightly. But, that was just what I needed. I met my husband when I was 18. My first thought was that I was going to marry him someday. But, I chose to be friends for two years until he had my full trust and I saw his respect and I learned what love is.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited August 2016
    Probably we are partially shaped by all of our life experiences. Including relationships. Whether a partner. Or children. People in our lives bring out and cultivate aspects of ourselves and give freedom to choices we might make. I am happy with my husband and my life. But, I am sure people could have more than one potential partner/relationship. And if I had met someone else, and fell in love with that person before or instead of with my husband... they would be different and require something different in a partner. I would still be myself. But, I might have made different choices and cultivated different aspects of myself for our mutual harmony, happiness, compatibility, success. It's interesting to think about. In general I meet people and they seem attracted to me and we have a connection. I can imagine if I was single going on some dates. But, when I imagine us trying to make a marriage work I see many fights due to incompatibility at that level. Most of the strong connections I form now are with female friendships. And relating and talking and sharing and laughing and dancing together. Best friendships don't carry the same amount of intertwined lives as a relationship. And you can have these light hearted, but meaningful and fulfilling connections and relationships. I like having both in my life. Relationship and friendships.
  • mrsfritch_26
    mrsfritch_26 Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2016
    I think that there are many people on this earth that one can be happy with...but I also believe that there is one person who can make us the absolute happiest, best version of ourselves. So I do believe in soulmates, but I also think that term that means a lot of things to a lot of people.

    That being said I don't think it's only possible to be happy with your soulmate. I know I have found mine in my husband, but that doesn't diminish the other loves I have had in my life...because at that time in my life that person was the "love of my life". When I was 18, I loved my high school sweetheart as much as humanly possible, with all of my heart. Then when I was 21 I loved my college sweetheart as much as humanly possible, with all of my heart. And in all reality I would have had a perfectly lovely life, and have lived happily with either of them...but meeting my husband, and knowing what kind of love I can feel and have returned really showed me what a soulmate means.

    Soulmate to me doesn't mean you are in lala land, huggy kissy (although that never hurts), everything is butterflies and unicorns all the me it means that I value myself and my being more because of how my partner sees me. It means that I have constant love and support...that is never outweighed by the desire to be right or my own selfishness. To me it means a lot of things...and not all of them are romantic. The way I am with my husband is the most authentic form of myself...and that is what I think soulmate means.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I definitely liked the article. I don't believe in past lives. But, I do still have that feeling. I used to believe in it. So, life is certainly an interesting and unexplainable experience. I just don't try to explain the things which are unknown. And I enjoy this life with my husband. And I never want to be separated from him.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I believe in the concept of soulmate – two people completely in alignment with goals, dreams, etc., but this is a very short lived window on both parties. As people change in reaction to their environment and experiences their goals and dreams change. If you are with someone you need constant and continuous communication to ensure the needs and wants of both are met. If you don’t do this you dramatically increase chances of separation and divorce. Just as in all things – anything worth having is worth working for.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Villae81 wrote: »
    Out of topic but where do people get the idea of aliens? Where did the idea of them having a big round head with bulbous eyes and where did we get the idea/imagination of God, people with wings, spaceship etc it has to stem up from somewhere past lives maybe or maybe from the annunakis?

    The idea for God makes sense that people attributed things they didn't understand to something magical and powerful that was both destructive and protective. Clouds, rain, lightening, etc. Bad things seen as punishment. Good as being saved. It's normal for children to think that way about parents. God is like an imaginary parent to punish bad things and provide comfort when a person is afraid and suffering. People can hallucinate when they are under extreme distress (like war or torture). Parents tell stories to encourage children to behave. It's comfort for dealing with the fear of death and punishment to try and control behavior or even to label something as bad when it isn't actually bad (like sex).
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    It's ok. I like when people talk about their thoughts and ideas. I wouldn't call it silly.
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited August 2016
    Villae81 wrote: »
    Villae81 wrote: »
    Out of topic but where do people get the idea of aliens? Where did the idea of them having a big round head with bulbous eyes and where did we get the idea/imagination of God, people with wings, spaceship etc it has to stem up from somewhere past lives maybe or maybe from the annunakis?

    The idea for God makes sense that people attributed things they didn't understand to something magical and powerful that was both destructive and protective. Clouds, rain, lightening, etc. Bad things seen as punishment. Good as being saved. It's normal for children to think that way about parents. God is like an imaginary parent to punish bad things and provide comfort when a person is afraid and suffering. People can hallucinate when they are under extreme distress (like war or torture). Parents tell stories to encourage children to behave. It's comfort for dealing with the fear of death and punishment to try and control behavior or even to label something as bad when it isn't actually bad (like sex).

    My point of it was maybe we all have a soulmate maybe we were made in pairs when we die our souls/subconscious gets reincarnated/recycled to a different body with no recollection of the past maybe that's where all these ideas comes from and every now and then we get to cross paths with our other half idk it's just a thought I know it's sounds like a fairytale or silly figured I'll throw it out there

    I don't think its silly. Thats why I put the link to this movie "Cloud Atlas" in my earlier post. And quite a few people believe this to be true.

    So the part you were asking about aliens.... Don't laugh but. When I was a really little kid about 5 years old. I had a dream one night. It wasn't a scarey dream.
    The dream was.... the light bulb people (heads that looked like big light bulbs with funny looking eyes)
    They took my brother and I to the beach. Then into the ocean. Then into a underwater cave. Even though we were under water, we had no problem with breathing. We were just fine without air to breathe. Laying on a table under the water in the cave. We weren't really in any fear either. I can't remember the rest. Thats all I can remember of the dream. Why did I have this dream? Why do I still remember it 45 years later? I never heard of aliens at that age. But when I hear of some peoples alien encounters I kinda laugh. And then I see their pictures of what their alien looked like. Then I think, that looks alot like the lightbulb people from my dream when I was a kid.

    Some people mistake near death experiences, as being dreams; which is why you might be able to still remember it. People of all ages, do die; in their sleep. I believe that you were able, to breathe underwater because you ceased breathing, while sleeping & thus that would've caused your death, if you didn't exit; the dream.

    My Mother has a dream frequently, in which she's climbing the stairs; to heaven but turns around & begins walking down them, then awakens.

    I've had dreams, in which I am falling but then awaken before, I crash land.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    I don't believe in "soulmates", in fact I despise that term. I also hate the "you complete me" phrase. corny.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    I don't believe in "soulmates", in fact I despise that term. I also hate the "you complete me" phrase. corny.

    but @J_Surita3 I think we are wine soulmates and could compete each others' sentences when we've had a few...bottles
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    I don't believe in "soulmates", in fact I despise that term. I also hate the "you complete me" phrase. corny.

    but @J_Surita3 I think we are wine soulmates and could compete each others' sentences when we've had a few...bottles

    Well there is that. Good point chica. ;)
  • Hunter_Killer
    Hunter_Killer Posts: 177 Member
    I believe so. I have thought i have found mine a few times but it just wasn't to be though. Still searching...
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I think soul mates are a real thing, and don't have to be your husband or wife. I've had a few in my life. My first was my best friend...we knew within moments that our friendship would last forever, and it did, until she died two years ago, and took a huge piece of me with her. I've never met another friend like her in my 47 years on this planet. <3

    My second one is my honey. We never got married, but we have been living in sin for 23 crazy years. We feel each other's feelings, read each others minds, without even realizing we're doing it. He's got my back, and I've got his, always. In 23 years, it hasn't always been perfect, there have been a few rough patches. But I wouldn't change a thing, and wouldn't have ever wished it to have been with anyone else. <3

    The last one is my 7 year old granddaughter. Without knowing it was going to happen, her heart and mine bonded in such a way that will stay with us forever. I wake up thinking about her, and go to sleep thinking about her. She's my "little love". <3

    Maybe I'll meet another person who becomes another soul mate, but if I don't, these three people are in my head and heart forever, their souls melded to my soul.