

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy Friday! michelle how about cauliflower as a stand in for brains? In your Halloween decorations?

    Beth I like the idea of stepping on the scale every day as a habit or reminder that food choices matter during the day--I don't mark my weight down on MFP when it just changes a little either way. I log the change when it seems stuck, or I guess once a month-it's what I need for maintenance which I haven't ever successfully stayed in for longer than half a year. This time maintenance is for keeps; Cause healthy blood pressure, more energy and feeling better is worth it!!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all...

    Miriam - glad you're feeling better! I'm subject to horrendous urinary tract infections, which can be brought on by too much sweating, sex, and, unfortunately, pretty much any hot tub. I have a prescription for low-dose Keflex, and any time any of those occur, or if I feel that heat or slight burning that signals bacterial growth is beginning, I take one. Before I was able to get that scrip, I used to microwave my undies. Don't laugh--OK, you can laugh if you need to--but microwaving them for about 15 seconds kills off any bacteria, which, if you wash in cold water, can survive the wash and dry cycle, believe it or not. However, with the low-dose antibiotic, haven't had a UTI in three years (knock on wood).The last infection got out of control quickly, and nearly put me in the hospital, so it's well worth the preventative. My DH always asks me "Did you take your 'allergic to your husband' pill? :blush:

    Re: Thanks for the encouragement! Logging means I have to stop lying to myself about what I'm actually putting in my mouth, calorie-wise. It's so funny to me that some part of my mental substructure truly seems to believe that, if I don't record it, I didn't actually eat it. :*

    However, I did build myself a standing desk with cardboard boxes on top of my regular desk at work, which I'm very pleased with--it's not making my knees feel very good, but knowing I'm burning something like 15 percent more calories simply by not parking my widening booty in a chair for eight or nine hours a day makes the rest of me feel better.

    Built my first newspaper by myself, without the boss this week, and going to build the second one next week, as she's finally taking the first week-long vacation she's had in about seven years. It was a great feeling, and the whole team pulled together to triple-check everything to make sure it went out right.

    We put the warehouse up for sale--it's an acknowledgment that the market test showed it's not going to be a money-maker to start a craft/flea market-type process here. We can make a little money with it, but not enough to pay back the effort. However, it signals the beginning of a new dream--more on that later, too long to go into now. The DH and I are very goal-driven people, and dreamers, but we are also realists. If the warehouse doesn't sell, it's not a tragedy. It's still cheaper to live in the camper/trailer behind the warehouse than to rent an RV space.

    Hope all you stateside folks have a great Labor Day weekend.

    Love y'all, you are all an inspiration,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Lisa, I got a laugh out of your post because I used to think I was allergic to sex! Every time I had sex I ended up with either a yeast infection or a UTI. Then in 1990 I discovered I was allergic to latex when the gloves at work made my hands red and itchy and raw. So I stopped using the diaphragm or condoms (both latex). This is my first UTI since 1990. And I know precisely what caused it- wearing my swimming suit! I did not hang it to dry on the clothesline (sunshine kills bacteria). And wore it swimming at my friend's pool. I don't wear it in the hot tub which is in my barn. Swimsuits are made of spandex, which is fabric with latex in it. I cannot wear underwear because of the elastic. When I wear a bra (as infrequently as possible) I get a red mark on my torso that conforms to whatever elastic is in the bra, but don't end up with horrid infections there. So the suit combined with the bacteria got me. Ugh. Untreated Celiac disease makes one prone to many other allergies since it is an autoimmune disorder.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Sandra: Welcome. You joined by posting. My DH is also underweight, although quite strong.

    Heather: I do HIIT in the form of Tabatas. There is an app that my trainer told me about which could be set to automatically ping me when it was time to rest, then pick up again with high intensity. I just got back into doing them 2 months ago. Finally got the scale to budge, and I think this strategy was instrumental.

    Michele: You make me want to go to a senior expo. Can you believe it's been a year since we met at your house?
    Has anyone heard from NCCarol???

    Katla: Thanks for the link to face exercises. New fun stuff to try in the gym.

    Pip: For someone who said she doesn't like fundraising, you are doing an excellent job for MS! What happened???

    Joyce: I am on computers all day, almost every day, and still struggle with Excel. Sending you energy to help with pain.

    Re: You are lucky to have Friday's at home. I've been working from home since 2001 and cannot imagine going back into the commuter scene. Telecommuting rocks.

    Goals for September will be same as August.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills,

    September Goals:
    Continue abstaining from alcohol.
    Eat mindfully
    Add tabata intervals to exercise routine 2x per week
    Weigh less at the end of the month
    Practice Reiki daily
    My word for 2016: Optimism

    I don't like to, it's hard. People just give, certain people do every year. I just post on fb. It's amazing how many "friends" don't donate, not even 5 bucks or don't share the page
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    I fell off the wagon in August with the changes the psych made to my meds. Been depressed and feeling weird. I think I'm going to stop it and let the doc know. It makes me feel so hungry. I put 3 pounds back on and I,m determined to not do that,

    No goals last August except to lose or maintain.

    September goals: get back on track and lose the 3 pounds I gained plus 3 more through eating in mindfully, conciouslyly, and healthfully continuing 30 min of exercise for 5/7 days a week.

    Rita from CT

    Ps. Beginning to look for a house with a smaller mortgage. Updates to come....
  • want8me9bk
    want8me9bk Posts: 29 Member
    Good morning everyone! Happy Friday! My goal today is to try to move a little more and eventually I can exercise again. Its no fun having a broken ankle, it can really get to a person! I love the pics of members dogs, I wish I knew how to attach one of my little pug. I hope you all have a great holiday weekend and that all positive energies come your way!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    Allie ~ Congrats on the new vehicle.

    DJ ~ Thinking of your friend and all she is going through with the DD and children. So sad!

    Janet ~ My Pom also splashes out all the water in his bowl. Makes quite a mess. LOL

    The pizza is all gone and I am back to honest logging. I think I gained 3 lbs with that pizza and then suffered acid reflux. But, it was sooooo good!

  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Hello friends –

    Happy Friday! Looking forward to the long weekend. Running late this morning. My hubby left yesterday for a business trip to Paris which means I have extra chores that I have to do every day. He usually takes care of the dog and the plants. I’m responsible for daughter’s lunch and cats. Now, I’ve got is all the next 9 days.

    Joyce – I worry about you driving when you are having these dizzy spells. Could Charlie drive you to see your friends? Or could one of them pick you up? I am glad that Christina was able to help you with a spreadsheet. <3

    Sandra – Welcome! I don’t have anyone that is trying to gain weight in my house, but I do have a very picky eater. I really try not to make separate meals for everyone and sometimes it is just a matter of adding something to the meal that I know she will eat but that I will avoid.

    Rori – Tabatas? I had to look that one up. Glad it is working for you.

    Will go to the Iowa State vs. UNI football game on Saturday. Both marching bands will perform at halftime. After the game, I’ll bring daughter #1 home with me. Excited to have a little time with her even if it will be a short visit.

    Love to you all, Linda in IA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lisa wrote "Re: Thanks for the encouragement! Logging means I have to stop lying to myself about what I'm actually putting in my mouth, calorie-wise. It's so funny to me that some part of my mental substructure truly seems to believe that, if I don't record it, I didn't actually eat it."

    This is so so me. I keep saying in my head your body knows , your body know but I struggle, especially with late night snacking. Thanks for helping me to not feel so lonely. Love it when you post. Hugs. <3

    Janetr okc
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • mamatigerj
    mamatigerj Posts: 106 Member
    Good Friday Morning, Ladies!

    I am really enjoying reading all of your posts, and I look forward to getting to know you all better.

    Michele & Re ~ I have found a few belly dance videos on youtube. I have always thought that it would be fun to learn. A community center near me offers a class geared for ages 50+; I am considering signing up for it at some point as a reward for myself. For now, I will stick to a video that I can do when I can manage to be home all alone! :p

    Central Texas
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all! Posting later than usual, as I have today off, slept in until 6:15, and have been lingering over a THIRD cup of coffee as I peruse my email, facebook (answering many congrats on the just made public news of DD's pregnancy).
    Whew! It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks with the kids. I think I posted a bit about our first week. Island Adventure, Spaced Out Day, Glow Time, Wild West Rodeo/Camp out, and Candyland. All of these days and activities went over well and without any glitches (thank God). I find it some what bittersweet that we celebrated Candyland day with a day of candy making (fruit loop cereal necklaces, candy butterflies, and chocolate fudge) and watched the original Willy Wonka movie (kids have never seen it) and the world lost Gene Wilder on Sunday. :'( Monday of week 2 I had the house decorated for Christmas (Merry Chrissummer) and we decorated gingerbread men, made Christmas crafts, listened to Christmas carols and watched the Polar Express with hot cocoa and marshmallows. I love Christmas so this day was my absolute favorite! I put the deco up the weekend before the party so I could have a full day to feel "Christmasy" all my myself. Heaven. Mad science was a lot of fun as was Around the World. Our Olympics day was fun; but the cooler temps in the low 70's with a cooler breeze blowing made us cancel the water play. BUT...We all made it through the two weeks! My DS took me out for dinner last night (DH went to sleep before dinner as he wasn't feeling well). I had a lo-carb gyro plate (a lamb gyro without the bread or fries), basically just lamb, romaine, onion, tomato and two sides of tzatziki (which they make with greek yogurt and no mayo or other fat added). We took our food over to our favorite bar, where he bought us each a half pint of beer. I got a stout, but the 200 calories worked into the lower cal meal, nicely! He then asked if I wanted to walk the beach and pier! Of course I do! I have not walked spent time with him on the beach or pier in many years. Not since he was a young teen. So 10 years approximately! We talked about his classes, his health, his worries (mostly about his dad and I and our health, which I found touching that it is a concern to him), his desires to travel a little. It was a great night with my baby. <3
    Today I will get my end of month paperwork done and turned in, get my calendars and newsletter for September/October finished and out to parents, I have to call and find out the bus schedule for pick up and drop off of kids and I have to call my docs office and find out why they think I need to schedule an appointment when I have had one scheduled for six months (?!)
    grocery list made and I will either do the shopping or mow the lawn today...I am leaning more towards the lawn just to get it done. Not my favorite job, but it does give me some good calorie burn!
    Janet- I love the pics of your "house sitter". He looks like he is very comfortable in your home! It sounds like the house sitting arrangement is ideal for both parties! Yea! You can enjoy your adventures with no worries!
    Allie- I am doing a happy dance for you! Maybe your little chat with him and his moods/treatment of you, that you had a few weeks ago, actually penetrated that thick frontal lobe that men have! Yea! I think he really does love you, he just needed/ and will need the reminder of how we need to treat the ones we love. Very, very happy for you!
    Charlene- Omigoodness! I know how you feel. I, too, will do my weekend warrior stuff, trying to do jobs that my dh did before RA; and I always feel every muscle in my body the next couple of days. Some things I won't even do. Like the back of my house (2 stories), but I got up on that ladder once to paint, a few years ago; I won't do it again. It's not so much the height (well maybe a little) but my backyard is sandy and it makes the ladder a little more on the unstable side. Too scary for me.
    Carol- I love your hair! Not sure if I have commented about it since you posted the pics a couple days ago. And you do have beautiful skin!
    Rita- Sounds like my August was similar to yours! I didn't meet a single goal in August! IN fact...I am not sure what the bump or pot hole was that knocked me out of the proverbial wagon; but I think I fell, landed in the middle of the road and sat there for the entire month! SO...now I am finally picking myself up, dusting myself off, and making my way back down the road again. Time to set my September goals!

    September goals are back to basics because I not only fell OFF the wagon, my butt never left the middle of the road, where I landed. I just sat and let life move around me for a WHOLE month!

    Increase water intake
    log everything
    minimum of 30 minutes of exercise daily (pushing for 60, though)

    AND I am going to leave it at that for this month! If I can get back on board and be true to these three, I will bump it up in October.

    I have a question...is there anyone out there that buys new insoles for your running/exercise shoes rather than buying a brand new pair? The shoe itself, structurally, is still in good shape. I know the really good insoles run about $30-$40; but that is far less than what I would spend on a new pair of runners.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
    KJLamore- congratulations on your DD's baby news! Congratulations to You too!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Sandra - I have a skinny, tall husband who drops weight at the drop of a hat. I have to keep an eye on him. He has shortbread with his morning coffee, extra bread and butter for his lunch sandwiches, cake for an afternoon snack and carbs (potatoes, rice etc) with his evening meal. Plus extra sweets in the evening. Even then it is touch and go. But I can fit it in with my food choices because all those are extras. I find I do best when I limit the carbs, so, for example, tonight he will have oven fries with his oven baked fish . Valuable extra calories for him, none for me. :flowerforyou:

    My friend came for lunch and it was lovely. I did picky bits and salad and she brought cherries. :D We shared a bottle of rose wine, which wasn't ideal, but I have done all my exercises, so calorie wise I am safe. Poor DH is at cricket and it is cold, dark and intermittently drizzly. :'(:( Doesn't look much better for my nephew's bbq tomorrow. :ohwell:

    Lisa - Glad things seem to be settling into place. You are a marvel! <3

    My favourite comedy programme is back on tonight. Hooray!

    Heather UK
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Sandra- Ugh! That is SO hard! My DH and DYS are by no means under weight; but they do LOVE their treats and fattening foods. One thing I have done is I have moved their snacks and beverages, etc. to a cupboard and fridge in the basement. THat is their domain and I am never down there unless I am putting things into storage or getting things out of storage. They eat whatever I make for dinner, but now I make only enough for one meal of the higher calorie foods for them and I prep many of my own meals in advance. Maybe some of these tips will help?! Welcome, by the way!
    Michelle- I saw a cool Halloween party platter! It was a rectangular platter with a skull attached at the top, it had two slabs of cooked ribs (for the rib cage) and then a mass of cocktail weenies for the intestines. Cutest thing EVER! I will see if I can find the pic.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    KJ - In your situation my main temptation would be finishing up the kids'leftovers! :'( Sooooooo tempting just to nab that last sausage or bit of ham. How do you manage?

    Heather UK <3
  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    Good morning friends, happy September! Summer went so fast. I don’t remember by August goal, but am sure I fell short. I will be writing them down! This month’s goal is to complete a Back to School Health Challenge that a neighbor is running. She does a weekly free bootcamp in the neighborhood park and is training to become a fitness instructor and offers free classes at a small gym. I went to one on Wednesday- there were only two of us in the class and she had us split between the treadmill and floorwork, abs and legs. I am at least 15 years older than either of them, but did it. Not gracefully, but I did it. Am sore today, but good sore. It was fun. The teacher has a 3rd grader at the same school where my daughter is student teaching 3rd grade (different class) and the other gal has a third grader at my school- and since my office is smack dab in the middle of our 3rd grade pod I will be sure to see her again. She was nice, so I doubt she’ll laugh at me.

    It is pouring down rain today. Good day to can tomato sauce with the 40 pounds of tomatoes I picked up from the co-op yesterday. But first, I am determined to catch up here. And determined to put our family room back in order- it became a dumping ground during our remodel but that has been finished for 6 months so it is high time to get it back in shape.

    Re- leftovers are the best. One good thing about fall is the soups and stews…well, there are lots of good things about fall.  We don’t have as many leftovers these days as our daughter’s boyfriend is a vacuum cleaner and if there are leftovers he takes them for work. His mom never cooked so everything I make is a marvel to him. If I want something saved I just mark it. He is looking for an apartment but I'm sure he'll be a frequent visitor. ;) Now I am hungry for stew.

    Michele- what kind of ceramics do you do? I just signed up for a wheel-throwing/slip class am so excited. I’m a total beginner, having only taken a 2 hr introductory groupon class, but it said “all levels welcome”.

    Juanita- WAY TO GO!! That is awesome! Thanks for posting the link to the body weight work out, always looking for things to do at home when I only have a bit of time and don’t necessarily want to deal with going to the gym.

    DJ- praying for your friend and her family.

    Sandra- welcome! This is a great group, so happy I found it last month.

    Linda- I just learned about tabatas at the practice class I went to on Wednesday. Actually, at the time I didn’t catch what she was saying, it just clicked when I read it in your post- but that’s what she had me doing on the treadmill.

    KJLamore- Your theme weeks sound so fun! And congrats on the grandbaby!

    Have a great day everyone!
    Purl/western WA