Diet Soda and Weight Loss



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited September 2016
    amber4625 wrote: »
    Or.... you could stop putting anything but WATER into your body. You only get one body right? There are things like aspartame in diet soda. What's that do? It is about 200 times sweeter than sugar, so much less of it can be used to give the same level of sweetness. This, in turn, lowers the calories in the food or beverage.

    Think about what aspartame can do... Emotional Disorders... Cancer in the brain... Diabetes.... Epilepsy/Seizures.

    Think about what water can do..... make you pee.... a lot....


    Nope, nope nope. Simple fearmongering. Everything you mentioned has not been supported by science.

    You're being questioned due to throwing a claim with no proof.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    amber4625 wrote: »
    Or.... you could stop putting anything but WATER into your body. You only get one body right? There are things like aspartame in diet soda. What's that do? It is about 200 times sweeter than sugar, so much less of it can be used to give the same level of sweetness. This, in turn, lowers the calories in the food or beverage.

    Think about what aspartame can do... Emotional Disorders... Cancer in the brain... Diabetes.... Epilepsy/Seizures.

    Think about what water can do..... make you pee.... a lot....


    Well, if you like peeing so much, have at it.
  • sfcrocker
    sfcrocker Posts: 163 Member
    My diet Minute Maid lemonade (5 calories) and diet root beer (0) have helped TREMENDOUSLY with cravings and weight loss. I don't like drinking plain water and never did. Switching from fruit juices to diet drinks has cut about 250 calories a day out of my diet.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited September 2016
    bethannien wrote: »
    Yeah it has nothing to do with the ingredients or biological process, it has to do with the number of calories. And there's this... if you're craving sugar and you eat or drink something that's sugar free, ya know, trying to trick your mind, your brain gets all ramped up for the sugar rush... like thinking "it's coming! it's coming, get ready, here it comes......" and then nothing. So you end up craving it even more which may lead to over doing it.

    I can see how it's that way for some people definitely but I don't think it's that way for everyone.

    Personally, I drink diet soda because it's easier to open a can/bottle than it is to make coffee and then Doctor it to my liking. It's definitely not a stand in for sweets. When I want chocolate or otherwise sugary goodness, soda is the last thing I would reach for to satisfy that.

    I switched to diet soda in high school when I first started thinking about my weight and now I can't stand the taste of regular soda. The syrup feels so...I don't know thick? Diet soda hasn't helped me lose any weight but it certainly hasn't ever hindered me when I start cutting either. When I fail, my diet soda habit is the last thing I would say contributes. Regular soda is nowhere on my list of can't haves on a regular day because it's not even a temptation. So in that respect, I guess diet soda has helped me.

    Your opinion and experience mirror my own.

    Diet soda doesn't not give me a craving for sugar, never has in over 35 years of drinking it. I switched in high school and can't stand to drink soda with sugar now, it's just too sweet and leaves an aftertaste I can't get off my tongue unless I eat or drink something else.
    amber4625 wrote: »
    Or.... you could stop putting anything but WATER into your body. You only get one body right? There are things like aspartame in diet soda. What's that do? It is about 200 times sweeter than sugar, so much less of it can be used to give the same level of sweetness. This, in turn, lowers the calories in the food or beverage.

    Think about what aspartame can do... Emotional Disorders... Cancer in the brain... Diabetes.... Epilepsy/Seizures.

    Think about what water can do..... make you pee.... a lot....


    And I will fourth, fifth or sixth the "No" on this. None of that has been proven in fact, if anything, it's been disproven over and over again.

    I drink plenty of water. That's not going to change the fact that I like my morning, and sometimes afternoon, Diet Coke.
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    There is no evidence that artificial sweeteners cause insulin spikes. There is some evidence to the benefits of long-term use, however. More research is still being done, but general consensus is that when the body thinks it getting calories, but doesn't, it messes with sated/not sated triggers and your body doesn't always recognizing when enough calories have been consumed. This can lead to overeating because you still feel hungry, which leads to weight gain. I personally don't do artificial sweeteners because they are chemicals - it has nothing to do with my insulin resistance.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    NEOHgirl wrote: »
    There is no evidence that artificial sweeteners cause insulin spikes. There is some evidence to the benefits of long-term use, however. More research is still being done, but general consensus is that when the body thinks it getting calories, but doesn't, it messes with sated/not sated triggers and your body doesn't always recognizing when enough calories have been consumed. This can lead to overeating because you still feel hungry, which leads to weight gain. I personally don't do artificial sweeteners because they are chemicals - it has nothing to do with my insulin resistance.

    You do know that everything is made of chemicals, right? Everything. And not all "artificial sweeteners" are actually "artificial", either. Stevia is a plant, for example.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Cheetos are my favorite :p
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    amber4625 wrote: »
    Or.... you could stop putting anything but WATER into your body. You only get one body right? There are things like aspartame in diet soda. What's that do? It is about 200 times sweeter than sugar, so much less of it can be used to give the same level of sweetness. This, in turn, lowers the calories in the food or beverage.

    Think about what aspartame can do... Emotional Disorders... Cancer in the brain... Diabetes.... Epilepsy/Seizures.

    Think about what water can do..... make you pee.... a lot....


    No, no, and no. It's your choice on drinking it or not, but please don't spread misinformation and fear.
    NEOHgirl wrote: »
    There is no evidence that artificial sweeteners cause insulin spikes. There is some evidence to the benefits of long-term use, however. More research is still being done, but general consensus is that when the body thinks it getting calories, but doesn't, it messes with sated/not sated triggers and your body doesn't always recognizing when enough calories have been consumed. This can lead to overeating because you still feel hungry, which leads to weight gain. I personally don't do artificial sweeteners because they are chemicals - it has nothing to do with my insulin resistance.

    Everything you drink is made of chemicals, even water. Chemicals are not scary. Your body is full of them.
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Yes, everyone, I am aware that EVERYTHING is made of chemicals - my apologies for using the word in more colloquial way. Let me clarify - my personal preference is to eat and drink things that occur in nature, not developed in a lab. I gave up artificial sweeteners years ago and I don't miss them. Do your research, mind your sources, and make whatever informed decision you feel is best.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    alexreyn13 wrote: »
    "Artificial sweeteners trigger insulin, which sends your body into fat storage mode and leads to weight gain."

    I've seen this phrase a few times in articles that discuss the effects of diet soda and weight loss. Is there actually any evidence or real science behind this statement?

    aspartame doesn't trigger an insulin response...but it's irrelevant anyway...people need to do some research on insulin...everything you eat triggers an insulin response...if it doesn't then that's the problem. People are generally pretty ignorant about insulin for some reason and act as if an insulin response is a bad's your body doing what your body is supposed to do.
  • red99ryder
    red99ryder Posts: 399 Member
    I always liked the joke .. Have you ever seen a skinny person drinking a diet coke lol.

    I drink regular when I do have them

    Good luck