Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @danan01 We all struggle sometimes. Last week I was stressed and ate like crazy. I tried to keep it as close to maintenance as possible, and not worry too much. I didn't lose any weight, but didn't gain any either. Having that small break was a relief. This week I feel more relaxed and a little more prepared. Maybe take a few minutes to write down all the reasons you chose to go on this journey, see if it is still aligning with the things you want to accomplish. If it is, pick one small thing you want to work on. Maybe, no snacks before dinner, less pop, a 15 minute walk. I bet once you start with a small change a lot of it will come back to you. Just because you fell off the wagon, doesn't mean you have to jump right back on. Maybe take your time and climb on in steps? Just a thought. Either way, be kind to yourself.

    @ShyCush6 sounds like such a wonderful break. I am envious of all the fun stuff you do. Hope Lexi did well for her first game.

    @hopejaye75 Welcome!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @ngolden3320 Off the vent is wonderful. I am still sending prayers, good thoughts and juju your way. (whatever works for you) Take care of yourself the best you can, and be kind to yourself. You are doing the best you can at that moment and that is all any of us can do.

    @rachel0778 Great Job tonight! That is fantastic you were able to stick to your eating plan!

    I had a great day, the SO decided to cook yummy steak, with cheese and mushrooms, broccoli in cheese sauce and mac and cheese. It was all so yummy. I had an idea he was going to go all out for dinner tonight, so I kept my breakfast and lunch to minimal calories. I was able to enjoy dinner and not worry. I love being able to track calories. Losing weight, a calorie heavy dinner and no guilt.

    Alright, I need some advice. What the heck do I wear/pack for a 7k? I am planning on walking one on Sunday. The weather is supposed to be beautiful and get into the mid 80's F.
  • sandiikat
    sandiikat Posts: 104 Member
    Hey ShyCush6! I am on the same boat as you! I am definitely going to add you but just to give a little info on myself, about a year ago I was training hard. I was strong & steady however about 6 months ago I just little by little stopped :( I officially want to get back into rhythm of things & I know if I stay on MFP & try to be more interactive with everyone, it truly helps! I want to get in shape primarily for my health. I would be a wonderful cheerleader as well! hehe, I'm Sandy btw!
  • sandiikat
    sandiikat Posts: 104 Member
    Hey ShyCush6! I am on the same boat as you! I am definitely going to add you but just to give a little info on myself, about a year ago I was training hard. I was strong & steady however about 6 months ago I just little by little stopped :( I officially want to get back into rhythm of things & I know if I stay on MFP & try to be more interactive with everyone, it truly helps! I want to get in shape primarily for my health. I would be a wonderful cheerleader as well! hehe, I'm Sandy btw!
  • sandiikat
    sandiikat Posts: 104 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me as well! I focus a lot on strength training & power. I'm an exercise science major so I am willing to share my knowledge with anyone who wants to get into strength training (especially women). I'm 23 & I am really sweet. <3:) My boyfriend is a phenomenal physical trainer so I always have access to a lot of workouts & exercises.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome Hope & Sandy! Hope you post often!

    Nicole: Prayers for your sister…. Take care of yourself as well. =(

    Rachel: First day of school was good… first vball game was great! Way to go on your food intake! Cherish the moments with grandma.. what a blessing!

    Jdelaroy: Way to go to plan for a great dinner that you DID NOT have to cook! Awesome!

    First day of school was ok… freshmen just love school you know! =) But her first game went awesome. Very proud of her and her newly acquired Libero position… so fun to watch the girls and see so much improvement over last year!! Truly awesome! Today is pretty hard… getting through a slow day and working late on top of it … ugh! Snacks are looking way too good! Hoping I will be active enough this weekend that the food won’t count too much. Pretty good meals planned and its nice with Lexi having Invisalign, all of us quit snacking as much… She has to brush her teeth every time she eats, so we try not to get food out unless it is meal time! So that helps with camping.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,354 Member
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    It sounds like we all had our struggles this weekend. Food Cravings, emotional stress eating kicked my butt. My babysitter up and quit on me Friday. I have no clue what I am going to do now. Makes working hard to do. Trying to get over the need to eat everything in sight.

    Don't where you are located, but some communities maintain lists of sitters who have CPR credentials & First Aid and other parent recommendations...might look around and see?
  • 1AmandaBeaulne1
    I have around 100lbs to lose. But my goal for now is to just lose 40, and once i reach that i csn make a new goal. So far ive been on here for about two months and im only down roughly 10lbs. I have loys of encouragment, like "thats more than a pound a week"! And whatnot, but its still so discouraging to lose the weight so slowly, when i have so much to lose. Im staying under my calorie goal, and i dont have much time to exercise really since i work full time between two jobs and travel constantly for work. Anyone else in the same boat? Or have ant words of advice or wisdom to share? I had a bad night last night thinking about it, its been gettig me down lately, ugh.

    But ill keep at it nonetheless. (:
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @1AmandaBeaulne1 - welcome! Keep at it - I know it's hard to hear but 10lbs in two months really is good - remember, it takes us a long time to put this weight on, it can't just come off overnight, much as we want it to!

    @ShyCush6 - glad day 1 of school went ok. I hate those slow work days where the snacks just seem so much more available and tempting - hope you made it through.

    @jdelaroy - that meal sounds lovely, good for your other half.

    @Rachel0778 - good for you for managing the calories at the event that you went to. Hope you enjoyed your weekend and spending time with your grandma. It's so lovely to still have them around - my husband still has his grandmother alive which means that Alistair currently has a great grandmother to fuss and dote on him - so sweet :)

    @ngolden3320 - hope your sister is continuing to improve, thoughts are with you all.

    wow, you guys have been busy over the last week! Sorry that I went awol - we had our week off last week and we truly never stopped. Got so much done around the house and in the garden - really productive but I'm just not sure where the time went! All currently healthy in the house (fingers tightly crossed that it stays that way) and I'm feeling somewhat more re-energised for the run up to Christmas (yep, can't quite believe I'm thinking like that but with birthdays for husband and Alistair, wedding anniversary and Christmas all in December, I have to start planning and budgeting in advance :smile: ).

    Anyway, back to work and hundreds of e-mails - sigh. Hope Monday treats you all well.

  • want8me9bk
    want8me9bk Posts: 29 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Labor day! I hope this day starts out great for everyone and each and every one of you has at least one thing positive to motivate you toward your goal! Mine today is the touch of fall in the air, that gets me every time!! One day at a time!!! Have a fantastic day!!! Please feel free to add me too if you want!!
  • ybakhtiar95
    ybakhtiar95 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi guys.... I never thought I could loose weight cause of these craving...I was always on a diet but had cheat meals...I never even assumed that I could loose weight ... but now things have changed I have started heavy cardio with strict diet and u knw what I have lost 11lbs in 3 weeks.... IT FEELS AWESOME.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @want8me9bk - yep, we've got a touch of autumn in the air and I love it - it's been too hot round here recently and I don't react well to excessive heat!

    Well, I survived my first day back at work and cleared down a load of the e-mails. Now to do some of the work that has come out of all those e-mails! Working from home today so dropped husband off at work and Alistair off at nursery - only after 3 or 4 epic tantrums (Alistair that is, not the husband :)). Honestly, I don't know the best way to handle the tantrums - we were watching Postman Pat on tv and he asked me to turn it off - so I did. Cue floods of tears. We went in the kitchen and he took an individually wrapped Babybel cheese out of the fridge - I asked if he needed help to open it and he said yes - so I helped. Cue throwing himself on the floor, sobbing and beating the floor whilst shouting 'mummy not help, mummy not help'! So I give him the cheese - he looks at it, hands it back to me and says 'open'!!!!!!!! I know they go through this at around his age but jeez - does anyone have an instruction book???

    Anyway, have a good Tuesday all - I'm off to make a cup of tea!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Janet. I feel ur pain with the tantrums. However I think I would welcome a tantrum. I have listened to 2 mouthy, hateful, fighting teenage girls for the last week. I don't know what to do with them. I am glad u enjoyed ur week off, that you got a lot done, and everyone is healthy.

    Shy. Glad Lexi made it though 1st wk of school. And made the Libero jenna played that position also.

    Welcome all newbies. Please feel free to add me.

    Today is my first day back since last Wednesday. My sister is doing much better and got out of the hospital late last night. This has been my worst weekend in I can't remember how long. I feel like I am sabotaging myself in purpose or something. Also been on the verge of tears. Hard time seeing my sister on a vent.

    Jenna and Cassidy fighting for the last wk. TOM shows up and the cramps are bad this month. Ugh.

    Sorry to vent. I hope everyone has a great short week.
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 372 Member
    First Day of school here! Can you tell I'm ready for the kids to go back?! lol I mean I'm not looking forward to the crazy mornings but love that we'll all be on somewhat of a schedule now. Bedtimes/mealtimes will be so much easier now! Have a great day everyone!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Great job on budgeting in the delicious dinner! For the 7K are you doing it solo or through an organization? What's your ETA for being on the trail?

    Welcome @sandiikat, @ybakhtiar95, @want8me9bk, @1AmandaBeaulne1! Keep posting!

    @ShyCush6 How'd the weekend go?

    @JenHul Happy first day of school~

    @ngolden3320 You've had a really emotional time. Food is something that many people use as self care. It's something to be aware of but please don't beat yourself up over it! So glad your sister is in the clear

    @janetay01 I don't envy you on that front, as a non-parent I can just say good luck!

    I visited my Grandma over the weekend and ate really well, and then proceeded to come back and eat ALL THE SUGAR! Seriously my diary is a disaster. It's just a reminder to me to not skip my daily treat or the cravings add up and I way overdo it. You'd think I'd learn by now. Oh well, today I'm back at it
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @ShyCush6 Glad your daughter is doing great in volleyball. Have a good camping trip.

    @melaniedscott Thanks for the advice, we have a state registery here. That isn't the problem. It is a money issue. Ugh. So expensive.

    @health_guard I have a temporary solution. Just need to work on long term.

    @1AmandaBeaulne1 You are doing a great job. You sure work a lot. Try to make sure you are taking some you breaks. I have a sitting job, so I force myself to take lots of quick breaks, and do a little walking around. I mostly pace in the bathroom stall. It helps get a little exercise in. But it isn't necessary to lose weight.

    @janetay01 Time always flies when it is vacation time. I have a 5 year old who is the queen of temper tantrums.
    For her, the biggest thing that sets her off, is her being tired. When they are as young as your guy there are a few things that can help. Plenty of sleep, trying to stick to routines, distraction when you feel one coming on. Also, check to see if he is getting new teeth in. With my older two, I just ignored the temper tantrums. They learned it didn't do them any good. My youngest just doesn't care... she will go for an hour to two hours. I think she is finally getting over them.

    @ngolden3320 Hang in there, sounds like a rough week. You can make it through it. Have you tried talking to your girls (When they aren't fighting) let them know that you are having a hard time, and you need them to help you by getting along with each other. Do it separately so it doesn't turn into a blame game.

    @Rachel0778 It was a sponsered 7k. It was so much fun. My goal was under an hour and a half. I made it in an hour and 23 minutes. I was so proud of myself, I didn't take any breaks and the BF didn't have to push me much. My left foot started hurting on the top about 2 blocks from the finish. It hurt so bad, but I was determined to finish. I am still sore today, but was so worth it.

    Had such a busy, physical weekend. I ate a lot, but I think the calories were balanced out with the activities I did. Scale shows I gained 2 pounds. I am hoping it is just water weight from all the activities.
  • ybakhtiar95
    ybakhtiar95 Posts: 28 Member
    @Rachel0778 ... thanks
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited September 2016
    So much to catch up on it would take me a week to reply to everyone individually, but I do have to say i'm so sorry you're going through another hard time right now with your sister Nichole (@ngolden3320), the Universe has a funny sense of humour at times, just when you think everything is beginning to calm down, something else comes along to kick your *kitten*....
    Which leads me onto why i've not been around - my company have made me redundant! Just like that! One day we get told our jobs were at risk, the next day it was "your jobs gone, cya!". To say I was shocked is an understatement, so my time had been spent trying to find a new job. It's hit me pretty hard, I enjoyed my job, and I liked most of the people I worked with (there were a couple of idiots, but there always is), so the whole thing was pretty upsetting. After everything else that's gone on this year my job was one thing that had remained constant, gave me a purpose, was something that took my mind off everything else.
    Anyway, it's gone now, and i've been trying hard to find something else, in the mean time my eating has been pretty bad again due to the stress, and i've not been tracking my meals. However, my weight seems to be hovering around the same level. I also did my 5k mud run at the weekend and I really enjoyed it (pic below) and i've decided that seeing as I have all this free time right now I have no excuse not to exercise, so I went out for a run today and will continue to do so each day until I find work again. It will give me something to concentrate on and a bit of time to think. mbmepub0aiuv.jpg

  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Cari. You look like u had a blast at ur mud run. And looking good. Look at that flat belly.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Where did the rest of my reply go. WTH.

    Cari. Thanks for the encouraging words. You have had a rough year also I don't know about you but I'm ready for 2016 to be done with.

    @jdelaroy yes I have tried talking to them separately. At the moment both of them hear the same things I get blamed for everything. The other one did it. And ya da ya da yada.