

    Janetr7476 – Have you thought that those ‘earthquakes’ just followed you to OKC? Didn’t want you to feel ‘left out of the shakes’. I think we have a small fault that runs through this area. Haven’t really felt it here (in Dawson); but, quite often when I’d get into bed when we lived in Albany; I felt a small rumbling … DH thought I was ‘crazy’ the first time I mentioned it. Well, I guess he is right about one of those … I ‘am’ crazy! But, like the saying goes … “I don’t suffer from Insanity … I enjoy every minute of it.” Home front is all OK; other than DDnL#1 did not so much as wave to us when we drove into the driveway and they rode past us on the golf cart … she ‘looked’ just did not ‘acknowledge’ us. That’s ok, that is ‘normal’ for her. We’ve gotten past that $#*T!

    I think the one and only time I went to OK was when I went to visit a friend of mine (in Norman, OK) while I was a Junior/Senior (summer between) in HS. Date took me to OKC … and I was amazed they had a ‘working oil rig’ on the lawn of the Capitol building.

    Lisa in West Texas – Sounds like you have found that ‘first you jump, then the net appears’ faith in trying not to worry about yesterday (It is in the past); and, not worrying about tomorrow (we never know if we’ll have one); and neither should mess up today (our present) … literally and figuratively speaking. Sometimes you get to a point that you just throw up your hands; and, then a month or two later, you go ‘whew, I am glad that we did NOT do that …’; because something better comes along. I felt that way when I passed up a job at the Clerk’s office; expecting my boss to be appointed to a judgeship. He really wanted me to, because of the pay and benefits. He was on the ‘short list’ (3 people). The person first chosen, went home that day with the job; but, something must have happened whereby her husband was not willing to relocate … never did find out the story; but, that led to my boss being appointed as the Federal Magistrate … I just ‘knew’ in my heart that it was going to be … I had prayed about it and felt peaceful with my decision. I did not want to take that position; and, glad that I did not … when there were ‘cutbacks’ … that position went away. Was asked by the Clerk when I applied, that ‘if’ my boss got the job, would I apply to be his secretary? I had to be honest and tell him, 'sure I would … I had worked for him for 15 years at that point in time'. I’d much rather be a legal secretary’ than a ‘clerk’ … Much more fun!

    Katla – Our neighbor at the end of the road has Tennessee Walkers … beautiful to watch them prance around. He is often in parades with them around this area of the state. I once took a picture of the 4 of them; backed up to one another’s butts … like they were watching N, S, E, and W. Now I have not been able to find it. I think I lost it once when they had to reset my computer; and, it erased some of the things I had not put into a folder. Have not seen this action out of them since. Neighbor on the opposite corner boards horses along with having a couple of his own. I rode horses when I was ‘in school’. Friend’s father had a stable; and, we’d go out and spend all afternoon on Saturdays riding and grooming them. Was a lot of fun. That would be the ‘only’ way to have a ‘horse’ in my opinion. Expensive hobby and a lot of work.

    GodMomKim – Like "Vidalia onions" … only a ‘true Vidalia’ if they are grown in and around that town in Georgia. Sweet as can be; but, I ‘still’ have to sauté mine to eat them, otherwise it tears up my tummy! Otherwise, they are just 'white' onions. They have a flattened look about them with the tops and bottoms being on the yellowish side. You can 'smell' the difference.

    Michele in NC – My DBnL ‘still’ reads the 'obits' from the Albany Herald, even though they have not lived there for over 25 years. They both still have friends there. We have a small nursing home/A.L.F. in this little hole in the wall we live near that consists of a ‘used car dealership’, Indian run store and gas pumps, Post office and 2 caution lights, with a speed limit that the big trucks NEVER obey. One week, 6 people here died. He called to ask if I knew any of them. Of course, I didn’t; but, he asked ‘if we were having an epidemic’. They say that deaths comes in threes (3’s). Not sure I believe that … but, it seems so.

    I’ll miss my pool, too … still very hot here; but, I am not sure how long DOS is willing to keep it clean after Labor Day. As long as it isn’t growing stuff in it, I will get it in. I will brush down the sides and bottom so that I don’t slip; but, if he keeps up the chemicals … that is not a problem. I use it most of all. Love that kind of exercise. I wear an inner tube that fits tightly under my boobs; so that I don't have to worry about drowning if I have a seizure; it will keep my head above water. I've never worried about it, but, it makes DH happier. Not too thrilled to have to go to another form of exercise; but, I know with the CDs and tapes I bought from you … I will keep busy! Thanks!

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Michele in NC - thank you!

    Heather - what a lovely child! Makes me miss my grands even more.

    Joyce - just have this vision of your cat with its nose in the air, running around you in circles, flipping out. :)

    Lenora - finding peace in my life again is perhaps the biggest benefit of all, along with being able to think in terms of years, rather than months or days. Feel truly blessed.

    Happy Monday holiday for those of us on this side of the pond.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in West Texas
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    Yesterday we did our normal stuff the brisk weather continues. Not sure i am ready for it but it is coming! Went to church enjoyed the time many friends here on vacation so it was nice to see old familiar faces again. Food went good Sunday is my rest day.

    Today going to work it is only a 6 hour day it will be a nice break.

    September Goals.
    Could say ditto same as last month

    Daily log in
    Log in all foods and drinks
    3 X water class
    2 X indoor track
    1x Pickleball
    Sunday rest day.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • cdicostanzo
    cdicostanzo Posts: 4 Member
    Let me just say i love hello kitty and i need to find that work out hello kitty!!!! I am new here been i. A weight kiss journey since last December. Started at 260 down to 193 my goal is 160. Im pretty sure exercise is what i need to do to boost metabolism. Thanks for all your support here its great!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning all,

    Nice day yesterday. DS#2 and family came to make smokies and sausages. So got my grand kid fix in. Little Zoey is really cruising around and so happy that she can keep up with everyone. Car seats are installed in my car so I can take them places on the days they will be at my house.

    Frost again !!! I wonder what will survive this time. Covered as much as I could last night.

    Today, need to do some paper work, a couple of meetings this week with the volunteer organizations that I am involved with. Will need to be prepared for them today because the kids could be here all week. And need to get outside and start the fall cleanup.

    Heading for more coffee

    Lillian in frosty West Central Saskatchewan
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Monday, Labor Day, for those of us in the U.S.A.! I know we have a lot of Texans on this site and last night the Longhorns played my Irish. Exciting game, close game, double over time, but alas, The Irish lost 47-50. :( Anyway, my dd and her hubby live in Texas (he is from El Paso, but they live near Fort Worth) and got tickets to the game. They were little navy and gold specks in a sea of orange. I am going to try to post a short video that dd sent us. Not sure if the link will work. May take a couple of tries. My daughter is very vocal and I am sure cheered her heart out throughout the game (regardless of the danger from surrounding Longhorn fans), in the video her hubby looks like he is waiting to be dragged into whatever drama occurs due to her boisterous nature! Go Irish! lol
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Darn. I don't think it worked. Oh well, it's a great video! B)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Heather- Love your Bea pics! She is cute as a button! Are her older brother and sister in school yet?
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good Morning!

    Sharing some pics of my life experiences recently!

    The hubs and I planted some color in our "rental" garden.
    We made our first visit to the local "farm" store and thoroughly enjoyed the "cultural" experience. The only place we could purchase and get filled a propane tank for our new grill.
    Finally finished my Butterfly Graphgan 2016. Putting it away for now as it is a Hanukkah gift for my 3 Great Nieces who live in Charlotte, NC.

    Otherwise, on the fitness front I've been going to the gym regularly (Planet Fitness). I've also been utilizing the 250+ steps/hour on my Fitbit Flex. This and the addition of the 4 - 500 step phone calls from the daughter has had me well over 10,000 steps daily. Just have to re-introduce the strength training component.

    Our son got his transfer to the Houston Deloitte office and his official start day is October 17th. Hubs and I are scrambling to help get him and apartment and figure out how he and his goods are going to get from Chicago to here in that time frame. So very excited! Our daughter has had a wonderful long weekend hosting her best (male) friend from Chicago in her new home. Her boyfriend and the friend hit it off so she was happy about that. They explored Richmond and they went to Williamsburg.

    I have several social engagements this week. Little anxious about that but will push through and attend in an effort to establish human contact beyond sales clerks and the hubs.

    Wishing all the very best. Y'all are my rock and are always in my mind and standing on my shoulder which I so appreciate and love.

    feeling blessed in hot, humid, sticky (well you get the picture), TX

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Cheri- I am def going to have to visit a tractor supply store! I will need boots and I love baby chicks. Your quilt is lovely! Is that a purple pepper on your pepper plant? The flowers are gorgeous! Sounds like good news on all fronts! So glad to hear from you! Sending love and stay cool and dry!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Cheri- Ooops! Your quilt is an afghan. Still lovely! But I am sure all of the talented quilters, knitters, and crocheters would be after me and notice the "faux pas" immediately. My lack of skill shows in the language I use. I am sure your grand nieces will LOVE it!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Cheri thanks for the share!

    Heather Bea :smiley:

    Taking it easy today. Busy weekend and busy week ahead.

    :heart: Margaret
  • mamatigerj
    mamatigerj Posts: 106 Member
    Good Monday Morning, Ladies!

    I do my weight checks on the 5&0 days, so today was the day: I am down 3.4 pounds since 30 August, 13.4 pounds in 4 weeks! My goal is just 1 pound per week, and I am using mfp's calorie guidelines, just logging and mindful eating; it shows how very much I was overeating before.

    For supper last night I baked a salmon fillet. While it baked I fried up some bacon, then sauteed some kale in the drippings and splashed on a bit of balsamic. I plated up the kale, laid the fillet on top, crumbled the bacon over that, and sprinkled on some Italian blend cheese. It was delicious, kind of a warm salmon salad.

    I had hoped to walk this morning, but I didn't get up before the sun (I am usually a pretty early riser: 5:30 or so) and by then it was too hot and muggy for me. I do plan to do the Beginner Body Weight Workout when the little one I watch goes down for her nap.

    Time for me to quit babbling and get on to reading what you all have been up to.

    Central TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    edited September 2016
    Cheri - Looks like you are really working at embracing your new life. :flowerforyou: It's lovely to see things through your eyes - Thank you. <3 Fabulous afghan.

    KJ - DGS is still waiting on a place at their preferred school. Knife edge. School starts on Thursday. :sad: We hope to hear today. He has already completed the reception class when they were in London. Schools with good reputations are very oversubscribed around here. It's one out, one in. It looks as if he won't be going to the Spanish speaking one, but may have to. DGD will be starting nursery for half days after Christmas. At the moment they are employing a live out nanny/cleaner while DDIL goes back to work (today! ) in London two days a week. One day working from home. She has had six months off, but I know she will miss Bea terribly. We are going there for the weekend this Friday. DDIL & DS hope to get a game of tennis in Friday evening. The courts back onto their garden. :D

    All chores done for the day. We went out food shopping. Prawns tonight in garlic and chilli with roasted butternut squash and dribbled pesto. Few left over fresh peas. Apple and plum stew for dessert, from our garden.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    PS - Did some of my memoir today. o:) And my kettlebell swings. And my machines. o:)o:)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lillian: According to the online frost calendar I found, our first predicted frost is between November 1 & November 16. That is about right. We live 27 feet above sea level in a tidewater area. People in the nearby foothills have an earlier first frost date. :wink:

    Cheri: It sounds as though your move to Texas is going very well. I am happy for you. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congrats on writing and working out. You're doing things that matter. You are lucky to have your grandchildren close enough to visit easily. I am envious. Ours are a plane trip or several days by car away. :cry:

    DH has a complicated health situation. He's had diabetes since his late teens, and also has arthritis and MS. He took himself off of one of his MS medications, baclofen. It is amazing how much better he is doing. He feels better in general and the foot drop that is common to many people with MS is better than it was. I am thrilled with this and will likely mention it again and again if things keep going as well as they are right now.

    I am going to the gym today for yoga. I like to get there early enough to do some work on the recumbent bike, weight machines and kettle bells. I don't always get all of those things done. Fifteen minutes difference in arrival time makes a huge difference in what I get done.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison