Why didn't Keto work for me?



  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited September 2016
    Unless I missed it, nobody mentioned that with your powerlifting programme you would have gained water weight that may have masked some loss. I say this because water weight stalls can go on longer than you'd expect. I'm just coming out of a five week stall - I've had a deficit all that time but there's been no visible loss. The water is now dropping off fairly fast. Granted my deficit was not that big during that time, 250cal a day, but water weight combined with a slightly miscalculated deficit (partly due to the untracked reefed days) could explain the stall you saw.

    Persistence is key.

    True. People can hold onto water in the empty fat cells for a period of time after fat loss. The body composition changes but the weight seems high because of water weight.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Unless I missed it, nobody mentioned that with your powerlifting programme you would have gained water weight that may have masked some loss. I say this because water weight stalls can go on longer than you'd expect. I'm just coming out of a five week stall - I've had a deficit all that time but there's been no visible loss. The water is now dropping off fairly fast. Granted my deficit was not that big during that time, 250cal a day, but water weight combined with a slightly miscalculated deficit (partly due to the untracked reefed days) could explain the stall you saw.

    Persistence is key.

    I went through that too with lifting. It lasted for four weeks and then a whoosh drop. I had to keep reminding myself that I had a good handle on my intake, so needed to just trust the process.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited September 2016

    Testing Testing


    @ItsyBitsy246 Can you see the play button on this one? It's showing for me, I'm on a pc

    Appears as a pic on an iPhone, but if you click on it, there is a play button (although you wouldn't know that).

    Thanks Queenmunchy! My iPhone didn't show the play button, but it worked like you said when I touched the photo.

    Edited double quote
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    It's impossible to help you without knowing every detail. Height, weight, daily activity level, weekly exercises, and every single thing you ate or drank.

    Lots of people think they are doing it correctly but are really eating a lot more carbs than they believe or they are eating way too many calories for their exercise level and not letting themselves get into fat burning state.

    5'2", 266, 80 lbs to lose, exercised daily with a 300-500 calorie burn, lifted weights, and I counted, measured, and weighed everything I ate. 1370 calories and 70/15/5 fat to carbs.

    I dont know if I'm misreading this, but where did the other 10% come from? Your numbers add up to 90.

    70/25/5, typo.
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    I am doing Keto and I was wondering how many carbs did you eat everyday and protein in grams?

    I had 5% carbs and 25% protein.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited September 2016

    Did you watch the video and have specific questions about it or just a generic "???"?

    Oh it didn't show me it was a video. I'm sorry.

    It's a good video but if you measure accurately you already were aware of these issues. Basic idea is that you can't trust your eyes when trying to maintain a particular level of caloric intake.

    One reason why keto and low carb diets work for many is that they don't feel like eating and self-regulate to a deficit, which is rather handy.

    It is great not to feel hunger or cravings. The blunting of hunger was a big (pleasant) surprise to me when I first tried it.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    rainbowblu wrote: »
    OP,see your Dr!!! Don't be like me and try to figure this out alone, I wasted too much time with the same concerns KNOWING that I was weighing and measuring in GRAMS!!

    Turns out I had PCOS,and Insulin resistance,My hormone levels were all screwed up and my Zinc and B vitamins were extremely low. Once I corrected those issues I started losing 3lbs a week eating the EXACT same things I was eating before...this is why weight loss books/programs tell you to see your Dr.First

    Good luck,don't wait years like I did to get everything checked out.

    I'm not OP, but I've waited years also and suspect I am undiagnosed insulin resistant and should go get it checked out for sure to confirm. I hate going to doctors, but your post is very encouraging. Thanks!
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Unless I missed it, nobody mentioned that with your powerlifting programme you would have gained water weight that may have masked some loss. I say this because water weight stalls can go on longer than you'd expect. I'm just coming out of a five week stall - I've had a deficit all that time but there's been no visible loss. The water is now dropping off fairly fast. Granted my deficit was not that big during that time, 250cal a day, but water weight combined with a slightly miscalculated deficit (partly due to the untracked reefed days) could explain the stall you saw.

    Persistence is key.

    True. People can hold onto water in the empty fat cells for a period of time after fat loss. The body composition changes but the weight seems high because of water weight.


    That seems to just be hearsay mostly.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I'm not going to touch on the deficit aspect, as it's been discussed, but I want to note something about refeeds. I'm on the borderline of underweight and fairly lean, so I do have refeeds and yes I log it all. My normal carb intake is around 200 max gross, not net. When I refeed it can go as high as 400. The last refeed I did, I "gained" 7 pounds and it took five days to come off. I'm a daily weigher and know my trends, so if you weren't weighing daily and weighed after a refeed it could have easily masked a loss. I'm not saying this in a mean way, but with your stats you don't really need a refeed. Refeeds are for very specific reasons and I think your trainer was just trying to appeal to the thought of a cheat day, because that's essentially what you were doing.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited September 2016
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Unless I missed it, nobody mentioned that with your powerlifting programme you would have gained water weight that may have masked some loss. I say this because water weight stalls can go on longer than you'd expect. I'm just coming out of a five week stall - I've had a deficit all that time but there's been no visible loss. The water is now dropping off fairly fast. Granted my deficit was not that big during that time, 250cal a day, but water weight combined with a slightly miscalculated deficit (partly due to the untracked reefed days) could explain the stall you saw.

    Persistence is key.

    True. People can hold onto water in the empty fat cells for a period of time after fat loss. The body composition changes but the weight seems high because of water weight.


    That seems to just be hearsay mostly.

    My theory is that the whoosh and gain or drop in water weight has to do with glycogen binding to water in the body.

    But the empty fat cells filling with water after a fat loss seems plausible. I don't know if it is heresay or not.
  • nefudaboss
    nefudaboss Posts: 69 Member
    I wasnt losing weight cause i forgot to add the 4tbsp of olive oil i was pouring into the pot to pan sear my fish, that adds up also the sauces were throwing me off, salt consumption kept my water up , switch up your cardio if you jogging alot try swimming or jump rope it might change things up a bit
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    nefudaboss wrote: »
    I wasnt losing weight cause i forgot to add the 4tbsp of olive oil i was pouring into the pot to pan sear my fish, that adds up also the sauces were throwing me off, salt consumption kept my water up , switch up your cardio if you jogging alot try swimming or jump rope it might change things up a bit

    Thanks. I just started back and I'm trying to watch my salt intake. I do measure everything out. I currently don't have a scale so measurements will have to do but I will do the best I can and see what happens.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    nefudaboss wrote: »
    I wasnt losing weight cause i forgot to add the 4tbsp of olive oil i was pouring into the pot to pan sear my fish, that adds up also the sauces were throwing me off, salt consumption kept my water up , switch up your cardio if you jogging alot try swimming or jump rope it might change things up a bit

    Thanks. I just started back and I'm trying to watch my salt intake. I do measure everything out. I currently don't have a scale so measurements will have to do but I will do the best I can and see what happens.

    If you are going back to low carb, lowering your salt intake may be a bad idea. With water weight lost from low carbs comes electrolytes lost and low sodium. Keto users often need to take 3000-5000mg of sodium per day - the equivalent of two teaspoons of salt.
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    nefudaboss wrote: »
    I wasnt losing weight cause i forgot to add the 4tbsp of olive oil i was pouring into the pot to pan sear my fish, that adds up also the sauces were throwing me off, salt consumption kept my water up , switch up your cardio if you jogging alot try swimming or jump rope it might change things up a bit

    Thanks. I just started back and I'm trying to watch my salt intake. I do measure everything out. I currently don't have a scale so measurements will have to do but I will do the best I can and see what happens.

    If you are going back to low carb, lowering your salt intake may be a bad idea. With water weight lost from low carbs comes electrolytes lost and low sodium. Keto users often need to take 3000-5000mg of sodium per day - the equivalent of two teaspoons of salt.

    Good to know. That's one thing I don't have to count :)
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member

    No I didn't log them, my trainer told me I didn't need to...it was high carb day...no brainer

    That makes no sense to me. But please be aware most trainers have no formal education or certification in nutrition, so they can give really bad advice. If you wouldn't go to a Registered Dietician for a lifting plan, then why ask a personal trainer about diet and nutrition?
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Maxematics wrote: »
    I'm not going to touch on the deficit aspect, as it's been discussed, but I want to note something about refeeds. I'm on the borderline of underweight and fairly lean, so I do have refeeds and yes I log it all. My normal carb intake is around 200 max gross, not net. When I refeed it can go as high as 400. The last refeed I did, I "gained" 7 pounds and it took five days to come off. I'm a daily weigher and know my trends, so if you weren't weighing daily and weighed after a refeed it could have easily masked a loss. I'm not saying this in a mean way, but with your stats you don't really need a refeed. Refeeds are for very specific reasons and I think your trainer was just trying to appeal to the thought of a cheat day, because that's essentially what you were doing.

    Really good point! I use a weight trending app now (Happy Scale--iPhone, Libra--Android) and weigh daily. I used to loathe the scale and hate my weekly weigh-in day but now the pressure's off as I can see how my weight naturally fluctuates. When I look at it with my food diary and exercise log, it makes even more sense.

    It could be a good tool for you!
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    i'm sorry for your frustration. i've been in those shoes and had a hell of a time figuring it out.

    i am insulin resistant. i had a fasting glucose test and was normal. i had a 2-hour glucose tolerance test and was high-normal, but still normal. i was labelled "not diabetic". then i went to my doctor and asked for a 2-hour gtt PLUS an HbA1C which indicates how high your blood sugar has been, on average, for the past couple months. well, i was shocked. i was 0.1 short of full-blown diabetes, but the other test didn't catch it. i highly recommend going to your doctor and getting your fasting INSULIN, fasting blood sugar, glucose tolerance test, and glycosylated hemoglobin (the HbA1C test i already mentioned). this will tell you what your blood sugar has been up to when you weren't looking ;)

    also, test for thyroid (full panel, NOT just the TSH many doctors test for). this will give you an idea if your thyroid is making your metabolism sluggish (which would explain part of the "calories out" in your equation).

    finally, check sex hormones. you're looking for PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome. this can cause an imbalance in hormones that interrupts your menstrual cycles and slows your calorie burn, and other unpleasant things.

    finally, if you have a DIGITAL kitchen scale, measure in grams rather than ounces. it is more accurate. weigh and measure everything, every day, and for the time being do not eat back your earned calories. MFP for me GREATLY overestimated the calories i was burning for any of my activities.

    bonus: if you can get a fitbit or something else that tracks calories burned, you can measure THAT number against what MFP says you've eaten. i have a charge HR and love it. it's pretty accurate on my heart rate and step count, and certainly seems accurate on the calorie burn, in terms of identifying whether i'm in a deficit.

    good luck :)
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    VegetaSKJ wrote: »
    mykaylis wrote: »
    i'm sorry for your frustration. i've been in those shoes and had a hell of a time figuring it out.

    i am insulin resistant. i had a fasting glucose test and was normal. i had a 2-hour glucose tolerance test and was high-normal, but still normal. i was labelled "not diabetic". then i went to my doctor and asked for a 2-hour gtt PLUS an HbA1C which indicates how high your blood sugar has been, on average, for the past couple months. well, i was shocked. i was 0.1 short of full-blown diabetes, but the other test didn't catch it. i highly recommend going to your doctor and getting your fasting INSULIN, fasting blood sugar, glucose tolerance test, and glycosylated hemoglobin (the HbA1C test i already mentioned). this will tell you what your blood sugar has been up to when you weren't looking ;)

    also, test for thyroid (full panel, NOT just the TSH many doctors test for). this will give you an idea if your thyroid is making your metabolism sluggish (which would explain part of the "calories out" in your equation).

    finally, check sex hormones. you're looking for PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome. this can cause an imbalance in hormones that interrupts your menstrual cycles and slows your calorie burn, and other unpleasant things.
    How would any of this have prevented weight loss?

    Untreated hypothyroidism and untreated PCOS reduce the "calories out" part of the CICO equation, making it so that you don't necessarily lose weight when you'd expect to (or lose less than you'd expect based on data for a "normal" person).
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    How much weight did you have to lose? What are your stats? What answers are you looking for then if you don't want to hear a thing about calorie deficit?

    I have about 80 to lose atleast. I'm 5'2" 266 lbs. The reason I don't want to hear about a calorie deficit is bc I know that part and did eat at a calorie deficit, lost four pounds the first week and didn't lose anything else over two months.

    If you didn't lose anything in two months, you weren't eating at a deficit. Sorry.

    So 1370 isn't a deficit!?!?!? If not then I give up and will remain at my weight. I will not starve myself.

    Sweetbug, I encourage you to take a step back and really analyze this. That you did were not losing weight is clear evidence that you were not eating at a calorie deficit. Had you been doing so you would have lost weight.

    1. Did you weigh all solids and measure all liquids and log every single thing you ate every single day?
    2. Did you have any cheat days, or days where you went over, that you did not log your food?
    3. Did you ensure you were using accurate food entries?
    4. Where did you get those exercise burns from? I can assure you you are not burning 300-500 calories for weight lifting. In fact, weight lifting is part of your activity level and should be counted as zero. Only steady state cardio calories are counted for exercise.

    Those are just some things to think about.

    I was told by my trainer to have two carb refeed days a month. Did that really mess me up that badly?

    Did you log them?

    No I didn't log them, my trainer told me I didn't need to...it was high carb day...no brainer

    Do you still have this trainer? If so, tell him or her you just want to focus on weight lifting during your time together.