

  • walk2Bhealthy
    walk2Bhealthy Posts: 6 Member
    For some reason even though I have been a member for a long while I wasn't able to comment, and it is now letting me. I am Wilma, and I just turned 57 on August 31st. I have been yo-yoing for quite a while and it is time to get serious again. I am going to start Monday with some simple goals and build on them. I need to lose 50-60 pounds, and it is important with my heart condition.

    1. Start riding my exercise bike for 20 minutes 3 x's a week, and get up from my desk and go for a walk outside weather permitting twice a day on breaks, and inside (we have long halls) when it is raining.

    2. Become more accountable for what I am putting in my mouth, and not say well just one won't hurt because with me just one cookie, can lead to 10 and I can't just say keep them out of my sight, as I am a kitchen manager and the bakery part of the kitchen is next to my office door.

    Have a great day everyone,
    Wilma from Friendship, NY
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,296 Member
    edited September 2016
    Katla - One thing you could do is take a good photo of your mother's heirlooms and then write an essay on why it was important to her and what memories you have of those things. Those essays can be fascinating. I have enjoyed some similar professional books. The resulting collection of stories could either be given to your children, or blogged and put online. Or both. Or you could do what I am doing and publish on Amazon. That way they might decide to keep the object, or, if they do sell it or chuck it, the memories are not lost. <3<3
    My children know very little of their great grandparents. I don't suppose they care at the moment, but later in life they might take an interest. My DDIL did ask me the other day where I got my creativity, curiosity and intellectual interests from. :D Long story!!!! :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning :) today I am excited to go to my second TRX class. Also going to get some info on having DH join my gym---this is a very big step and I have to approach carefully. He is finished with PT for his knee but isn't really 100% ready to go back to soccer. I can't push his joining, gotta be his idea you all know the dance with husbands :#
    But it would be lovely to have another activity together that is healthier than sitting on the couch >:)

    Have a peaceful Thursday everyone.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all...

    Back again, Tues/Weds are always hard for me to post, as Wednesday's press day. And, on a three-day holiday week, you're shoving five days work into four, much of which is made harder by the fact that the advertisers often take the day off before or after, making them even harder than usual to get hold of. The boss is back, thank you very much, and I'm glad of it. This was my 18th paper (it's a weekly) and I was ready to have her back dealing with all the advertising crapolini. I am a lot of things, but sales is not EVER one of them. The team really stood up under the burden of having her gone, though, and they get better every day--she's built a really good bunch, and we all rub along well together.

    The real estate agent showed someone through the warehouse yesterday, something she accomplished in two weeks that the last one didn't accomplish in four solid months. It's why we transferred the account to her--she's hungry, and willing to work for the sale. She actually worked for the same company as the first agent until about six months ago, but broke off on her own, not easy in a small town. Amazing lady, and if anyone can sell this beastie, it would be her. Trying not to hope too much--we put a good price on it, so it will have to be the right person or company that really wants it. It's worth the wait--and I'm not ready to move yet, not mentally, anyway. Should it happen, of course I'll gear up to it, but I'm willing to stay here for as long as it takes.

    Just waiting it out through the DH's last week of his notice to the temporary job, and then I'll have a husband back who's not completely exhausted every day... one who works the same hours I do, which will be lovely. We can even eat lunch together when I'm not in a meeting.

    Logged the last two days in a row, which I haven't done in months and months, and working out today, as well. Pleased with myself, and that's a good place to be, as well.

    Off to the races - gym opens at 5:30, and I like to be there early to get my workout done while just the diehards are there. It was money well spent--they have an indoor track, so I can do my walking warmup easily, and not worry about walking on dark streets. I'm not a jumpy person, ordinarily, but at the same time, don't like surprises, so I go on high alert when I can't see what's around me.

    Becca - the anger will get you going, but as Katla or Barbie says, can't remember which, habit is what keeps it going. Anger fades... but habit will sustain the effort.

    Allie - thinking about you, sis, as you say goodbye to friends/family. You're tougher than you know.

    Love y'all,
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Woke up this morning not knowing what day it is. Crabby because it is Thursday and not Saturday. Read posts; but too crabby to post anything of substance. I better try get out and try and walk off the "crabby" before the kids arrive. >:) More later from Kelly (KJ) stuck in the week that never ends.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Alison I am sorry about the loss of your aunt.

    Still battling the rabbits and now we have moles in our boulevard. In reading up on it for some reason castor oil is used as a deterrent. Has anyone ever tried that to get them to move on?

    :heart: Margaret
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning Gals!
    Gosh so much going on!

    Janice- Welcome! I know just how you feel about being too fat…somehow it seems to eat away at one’s psyche… I am down about 30 pounds with 20 more to go and have been stuck here forever. Some days I feel good about myself and others not at all. That is why we are all here. We keep each other facing the positive and hand out hugs as needed. Stay with us and learn what these girls taught me. “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” We can get there together.
    Becca- yeah, I gained over the long weekend too. Oh well, we can work harder this week. The past is behind us!
    Carol-Hope your mom is doing well. Kudos for not turning to food for comfort. I need to work on that.
    Juanita- I hadn’t gotten a chance to say hi yet. Sounds like you are off to a good start. Read when you can and post to what inspires you. These girls are supportive and helpful not judgemental. Enjoy camp!
    Katla-Glad you found a coffee pot. We have a Kuerig as we work opposite shifts and DH isn’t a big coffee drinker. Me, I cannot get out of the house with out my travel mug in hand!! This Keurig, my second, has a setting to brew stronger and I am always trying out different cups for it. One of my co-workers just gave me an espresso style one. Haven’t tried it yet. Saving it for an occasion!
    Jane- and others in the rain. We had a thunder boomer last night that woke me up (that’s rare!) Thought the back of the house was falling off. However, I am not sure how much rain it actually brought. Here in So Central Pa is still dry as a bone…. It’s to be 94 today and last nights shower just brought all the humidity back….ugh…..
    KarenE- I have been noticing some depression creeping in as well…. Didn’t really think of it as seasonal as summer seems to just keep rolling along but that could well be it. I truly hate winter…
    Katla- I did not know that about depression and those of us born in the long days. Very interesting. D3 huh? Might have to look into that.
    Barbie- Best of luck today. Enjoy the ferry ride. I would like that part.
    Lenora, Darling please stop with the food descriptions! You’re killing me! ;)
    Allie- what a way to spend weekends. So sorry. Any more word on the freezer front?

    Have a lovely Day!

    Tracey- in PA

    (see that? remembered to sign it ! :p )
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Good morning,

    Miriam, DJ, Lenora, and Katla, thanks so much for your kind words and support. I'll try changing our light bulbs in rooms I spent a lot of time in. I'll also try moving from my office to the ..nt have themfamily room in the afternoons to work. My office has good sun in the morning, the family room gets it in the afternoon. I take Vitamin D3, but I've never noticed that it affects my mood--I take it because I usually test low.

    Husbands and gyms...we belong to a local sports club, and b/c I'm married, DH and I both have to belong. (The pool is worth it.) He's been in about twice in 8 years... :/ I get really irritated b/c the membership is under his name, even though I signed us up, and I pay the bill... :# what year are we living in?

    Hmm, about old things. I have a ton of old stuff from family members--people send it to me because I display a lot of it and store the rest. I'll definitely pass on the family heirlooms. I have a couple of antique Turkish coffee pots that my DH wanted me to throw away. But we were getting some things appraised, so I included them. Turns out they're worth a lot of money, so DH is quiet. But whenever we downsize I should cull a lot of things that are only used as decor.

    What I really wanted from my mother were some old papers (letters, etc.) and photos from my grandfather's life. For some reason, she thought a cousin would keep better care of them than I. Now they're gone--he doesn't have them anymore. I suspect his crazy wife threw them out, but whatever happened, they no longer exist. :'(


  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited September 2016
    mamatigerj wrote: »

    Lillian ~ I love that name; I had an aunt Lillian. How many grandchildren do you have? I only have one so far, a boy, 20mos. I also take care of a little girl the same age; I call her my substitute granddaughter.

    Central TX

    Thank you Juanita, The name Lillian has been in my mothers family for several generations, middle name for my mom, her mom, her grandmother and her great grandmother. I have 4 grandchildren - 2 of each. My oldest granddaughter's middle name is Lily-Anne, using both her grandmothers first names, Lillian and Annette.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have a lot of the family heirlooms, especially the silver since I am the only one that will polish it. I was worried about what to do with it since my three sons did not want it. Now my oldest adoptive daughter wants it all! She is so obsessed with inheriting it that she often says, "When you die, can I have __________?" So now we tease her that she WANTS me to die, so she can inherit. Or even that she is plotting my demise! LOL Remember, she is my sister's granddaughter, so she is "blood". Her younger sister will chime in that she wants stuff too, but she is not passionate about it, just not wanting left out. Emily is the one that wants to hear all the family stories, and will spend hours looking at old photos. She wants my house, too, which is odd for her age since it is an old Victorian fixer- upper. Still LOTS to do on it. There isn't even hot water in the upstairs half bath. I have traced the line from the water heater until where it goes through the (new") drop ceiling in the dining room, and it is clear until it hits that ceiling. So I suspect the nincompoop I bought the house from somehow kinked the water line when he put in that ceiling and the only way I can get to it is to rip out the ceiling! Anyway, she relishes the idea of a "family home" since they were homeless for years when they were with their biological parents. I must say it is a relief, even though I know she may outgrow this urge.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited September 2016
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    Hello Scrumptious Sisters!

    I spent the long weekend doing regular life stuff…. I went out and got myself a couple of Kettlebells on Saturday – a ten and a fifteen pound. I wanted to start slow – and I thought – THOUGHT – that ten pounds would be too light – but, I started with that, anyway.

    Well, by the 4th set of swings – I was extremely glad I had started with the ten lbs – and let me tell you a little secret – my thighs are crying and whining after that workout…. two days later. My glutes whined a little – but after 1 day, they fully recovered. My thighs, not so much. This tells me that I definitely need to keep doing the swings!

    I did 8 x 10 x 10 – that’s 8 sets of 10 swings at 10 lbs – hope I got the numbers right.
    Also did some halos – since someday I want a waist like Mary’s… :] 4x5x10

    Did the whole shop, mow the lawn, gym thing all weekend long and was rewarded yesterday with a new low on the scale – Whoot! So, I am only two pounds “behind” on the 24 week challenge! YAY. 15 weeks to go…

    GOAL WEIGHT: 220

    But, I will probably be largely absent this week. One of my co-workers is on vacation, so I am pulling double duty all week long, and I really shouldn’t even be here, now – except that I had started taking notes over the weekend… and I didn’t want y’all to worry. Please note – I only made it to page 9 – so a lot of this will be old news… Sorry, Girls.


    Lily – Did you meet your guests in your jammies? Or did you find the time to change before they arrived?

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX

    Re you are doing awesome, I am looking at getting kettle balls too!!

    And yes - I was dressed when my guests arrived

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    mamatigerj wrote: »
    I am finding it difficult to be an active participant here. I don't know how you all keep up! It's not the reading that is a problem for me, but the posting. I seem to either be able to read and post replies or read and post my own "stuff." I feel like just posting my stuff would be rather selfish! I am quite introverted by nature, so I tend to feel like an outsider no matter what. This isn't a complaint by the way; I have felt very welcomed here. I am sure that I will eventually figure out a rhythm for posting regularly.

    Anyway, I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon for a homeschool family camp with my DH and youngest DD and won't be back until Sunday. There is no cell or internet service there, so when I don't post during that time that is the reason. Until then I will definitely be reading, and possibly trying to post again.

    Central TX

    You post when you can, you comment what you feel comfortable with. I can't keep up either... some days I have time and some days don't.

    Have a great time at camp!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Back again...

    I'm heading into my worst time of year with depression creeping around the edges. It's always a little frightening. Exercise helps, but not enough. Please send good thoughts, I could use the support.

    On the weight front I'm doing well. I've lost about 20 pounds from my "typical" (but not desirable) weight over the past 5 years or 6 years. I'm stronger, and I look fitter. All good. My aches and pains are manageable. I'm now 217 pounds. My first goal is 200 and then we'll see. I'd love to be 180 or so (I'm tall and strong).

    In a week and a half I'm going to visit DD and DGS (he's 1 next week). DSL will be out of town. It will only be for a couple of days, but at least it's something.


    Sending good thoughts, have a good visit.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Goodness ...have I caught up.... Yup.

    Welcome to all the newbies, hugs and prayers to all.

    I am procrastinating again today...so I better get a move on and get dressed and get at the paperwork

    later everyone

    Lillian in west Central Saskatchewan
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,296 Member
    edited September 2016
    Oooooohhhh Janetr - I'm getting excited for you! I know you enjoyed yourselves last year and I hope this time goes even better! <3

    The plumber came today and fixed the leaks for now, but will be back next week with a new ball**** for the cistern. I had to get up early and put my yoga gear on so I was respectable. I normally do my gymming in my knickers and tiny vest in the hot weather. :laugh: I'm still in my yoga gear. :ohwell:

    Made a big veg curry for tonight. :D<3 Butternut squash, sweet potato, chick peas and spinach. I will add snow peas and cut up tomato at the last minute. First I made a puree of onion, fresh ginger, garlic and chilli from the windowsill. It is still flowering like crazy and growing new fruits. Those things are HOT!!! I used a korma paste with extra cardamom, cloves and black onion seeds. I've got to add everything up for the calories and see how many days it will do. I also made a yogurt raita to go with it. DH has mango chutney and I have HOT mixed pickle. :D:D:D

    Just ordered my 2017 diary. I like a specific sort, with a pencil and a ribbon, that's small enough to fit into a pouch in my bag. So many things already to put into it. :noway:

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
    Morning peeps-
    Last work day then you the adventure begins. Took it easy at the gym this morning, want to save my body. My stomach has been feeling quizzy lately, I hope I get over it by Saturday morning. Numia (person who is taking the kids while we are gone and who is doing our team shirts) texted me a preview of what the shirts will look like. Kirby hasn't seen them, she will drop them off when she picks up the kids. They are cute!